
Hello from Belgium... and help call! ;)


D's Design
Hello, all of you!
I'm Gene, aka Doudou's Design, and i have just joined the Oscraps Team, i'm very happy. I'm creating kits and some different products since .... awwwwww... a very long time, and i love that!

My english is not very good and i'm totally lost in this forum
One of you could help me? I'd like to know the more important posts for designers (where post my new products, where can i be know the news from the shop, the events, and so on...)

Thank you very much in advance!

i send you a lot of sun from Belgium (yes, sometimes we have also sun! ;) )
welcome to Oscraps and to the team, Gene!

you should be able to see and access the Private O-zone subforum, if not, you need to contact Vicki, she might need to check your forum privileges.
Thank you very much. Vicki hasn't answered to my mail, it's because i ask question here :ohwell:
but i'm sure it will be ok very soon, now
Hi and welcome! I have been loving the pages of your designs in the Gallery.
New releases can be put here: ==> What's new at the O

We also have several Cheery-O's and members from Belgium, so if you need some help translating, i am sure that you can reach out to them. Vera (veer) is a sweetheart and I am sure that she would help you around the forums.
Hello Gene and welcome here !

I am also from Belgium but i speak Dutch, no French.

But i try to help where i can !
Thank you all of you, it's so great to join an also kindly team!

Timounette.............. ouiiiiiii, du bon français bien facile! ;)

Veer........... thank you very much, we 'll be the proof that north and south of Belgium can be united! ;) My husband speak also dutch but me, i'm not able to... i'm shameful ^_^
welcome to the o- it's such an international company here that you'll soon find your way with a little help from a friend.
Je te ferai un topo demain pour les choses les plus importantes ;) Si tu as un peu de temps va faire un tour dans le forum caché pour voir un peu ce qu'il y a mais c'est tentaculaire donc ne t'inquiète pas si tu ne t'y retrouves pas lol. Je ferai une liste des priorités demain en rentrant du boulot. Bonne nuit ! Il est minuit passée ici.
:doh: merci Nini! J'en viens, du forum caché, et justement je me disais que j'allais te demander quelques trucs car j'ai vu qu'énormément de posts dataient de très longtemps. Tout ce que tu me pourras me donner comme infos sera bienvenu, mais tant que j'y pense, j'aimerais d'abord savoir où poster pour que mes nouveaux produits apparaissent dans la newsletter, et puis j'ai vu que tu avais publié une palette pour un collab mais on ne m'a rien dit jusque là à ce sujet donc je ne sais pas si je dois participer, et si oui à raison de combien de papiers, d'éléments, etc..... Enfin rien de tout ça n'est urgent de toutes façons donc avant tout : bonne nuit à toi! ;)
Bienvenue encore une fois, Gene ! Comme déjà dit sur FB, je serai aussi contente de t'aider quand tu en auras besoin ! J'attends que Nini te fasse le topo dont elle t'a parlé et après nous compléterons au fur et au mesure ! :)
Welcome to Oscraps Gene!

As Veer, I am of the Dutch-speaking part of our small country ... and google translate is my best friend ... :)
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Thank you all of you, it's so great to join an also kindly team!

Timounette.............. ouiiiiiii, du bon français bien facile! ;)

Veer........... thank you very much, we 'll be the proof that north and south of Belgium can be united! ;) My husband speak also dutch but me, i'm not able to... i'm shameful ^_^

Where are you from exactly ? And don't be a shamed i can't speak French...
hello and welcome here Gene,

we had the pleasure that we worked together years ago, great to see you here now:clap2:
welcome, just love your fifties box, but sure not much there for that price
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