
Hello again

Hi, all.
I was a member several years ago, and have just recently joined the group again. I learned so much last time, and it was time to get re-connected! :)

I am in almost a complete starting over place...I was on a PC with Photoshop but now have a Mac and need to figure out the best software to be using for photo manipulation, etc.

For those of you who are Mac users, what do you recommend? I have to watch the budget of course...so I want to know your secrets! Of course I have iPhoto, but find it very limiting. Any advice would be appreciated!

Glad to be back!


I use both Mac and PC. I'm a Photoshop user on both for both my personal and professional design work but also teach Photoshop Elements.
I don't currently use a particular software for organizing my photos but am considering some of the options provided in Kayla Lamoreaux's Find your Photo Flow class.
Welcome back :)


always chatty at the O!!
Welcome back to the O!!! I hope you find it as much fun as you did before. As far as what program to use...I use Photoshop Elements on both my PC and my Mac. I have 2 different versions...but since they are still similar it works for me. You can get it at Costco, Amazon, Adobe.com or Best Buy for less than $100. I hope that helps.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
WelcOme back to the O!

I, too, am a Photoshop Elements for Mac fan - very cheap yet wonderfully full program. Try the 30 day free trial version from Adobe's website.


Welcome hOme to the "O"
I'm not a Mac user but use photoshop elements on my PC
I know it's available for Mac and recommend it! The learning curve isn't as bad as photoshop and there are lots of free tutorials available on the web.
Looking forward to seeing your pages and if you need any help shout. All our "O" family are great at answering questions.


Well-Known Member

I'm always glad to see another Mac user! I love my Apple babies. I use PSE9 and 10, the latter is only installed on one Mac and I haven't played much with it. If you're a Costco member you may be able to find it on sale for under $100. You'll get the free video then from Linda Sattgast, a very good teacher.

About 6 years ago I tried to start with Adobe Photoshop, and went out of my mind. There's a lot more free instructional info now but still I 'd say PSE is the way to go. It actually does more than I know how to do, so you really won't get bored in techniques. Have fun!

eta: the current version of PSE10 as well as the older 9 came with both PC and Mac software in the same box. Nice for households with both platforms.


Well-Known Member
Welcome back!! I am a Mac user as well and I use PSE. I do have CS3 on my laptop, but the majority of the time I use PSE. We have lots of Mac users here! Hope it all works for you!! Give us a holler if you need help!


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard!

I've both platforms at home although I much prefer using my Macbook. I've got Photoshop on my Mac. Not tried PSE but I understand they are so much cheaper to buy these days and still do the job. I use iPhoto to organise my digi supplies.


Welcome back! I have been lurking around for a year or so, but never posted until today!!! LOL! I have no idea what took me so long!