
Ghost Stories


The Loopy-O
Have you ever seen a ghost?

I have and it was rather unremarkable. We were driving down a road at night and I told hubby who was driving to watch out for the woman who was crossing the road. He braked a bit but then she was gone. I asked him, "You did see her, right??" He did. She was crossing the road from the right but disappeared. We both looked at each other and kind of shrugged- yup it was a ghost.

My son saw a ghost the other day. He is an intern at an Ecology Center and was in the main building alone. He was upstairs and saw a man walking down the hallway which surprised him because the building wasn't open to the public and no one else was on the schedule. He called out to him and got no response. He looked again and he was alone.
Being a chatty kind of guy, my son was talking to the ghost because, why not? He had some music playing and he asked the ghost if he liked what was on since he was playing Grateful Dead. Asks if you do, give me a sign or I can change it.

A small bottle rolls across the floor.
He picks it up, wondering where it came from.
There is writing on it- the word "ripple."
Guess what Grateful Dead song was on?


He pinky-promised me that the entire story was true. The building has been known to have ghosts and he had another very strange occurrence there over the summer that was witnessed by several other people. There is a box of the little bottles somewhere else in the building but not the room he was in.
Very, very strange.

I know that someone else has to have a ghost story. Share them, please!!


I love the "O"
I have never seen a ghost before, but I think that if I saw one, I would think I was going crazy.


I have and I even have a photo! We were in Britain and staying at Chillingham Castle. It was the "off season" so the castle proper was closed but you could still stay in one of the 3 apartments there. As we walk up to check in, I stand there and take pictures one after the other from one side to the next - panorama before there was technology for that lol. So, anyway, I see someone move a curtain and look out a window at me as I move the camera. I thought, that's strange because it was supposed to be closed. When we got inside I asked how many people were in the castle and the guy looked at me funny and said, "None." I said, "oh, I thought I saw someone look out the window." And, he said, "must of been one of the ghosts" just all matter of fact and we all laughed and thought, "yeah, right" He's the caretaker and asks if we want a private tour of the castle. Of course we jump all over that. As we go through the castle, turning on lights and things as we go, it is not heated and it's very clear that noone is there. We get to the room that I'm sure is the right one and I can see the drapes on the window are the same but there is a huge piece of furniture in the way of anyone being able to get to the window to look out. Had to be a ghost! So, later we are looking at those photos and in the series of 3 photos, there is "no orb", "orb", "face in window" that wasn't actually there! I'll have to see if I can find the photos on a backup or pull out the old scrapbook and take pictures of them to show you all!

https://chillingham-castle.com/ "The most haunted castle in Britain" Their site doesn't talk about as many ghosts as it did 16 years ago when we stayed there, but that's why we stayed there! lol


The Loopy-O
Vera, I was surprised that we were both so nonchalant about seeing the ghost. I think we were both more freaked out a bit when we saw a UFO (true story!)

Vicki- OMG, what a fab story! I really hope that you can find the photos, I would love to see them! The castle is creepy.

My brother saw a ghost when we were kids and visiting Gettysburg. I know that I felt very "heavy" - the atmosphere was oppressive, but I don't think I actually saw anything. But I know he did.


Well-Known Member
I have two of these delusion. First is young man I start saw on a funeral of my dog and he is crossed my road few times after that.
The second was cow, sounds ridiculous, but she was so realistic and I live in farm area so there is lots of cows around, so first I decided she is just escape from some of my neighbors and I really get scared when go to her and she just disappear.

The psychotherapist explain me that this is result of stress, depressive disorder and trick of the lights. Better don't insist that this is real or you can finished on test for schizophrenia! :der:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
LOL Felis, yup be careful who you tell that you saw a ghost cow! We don't want anyone locking you up in the Psych ward!! :pound:

Chris - I know you have mentioned seeing ghosts before, but that one you saw with Gary must have been so amazing!

Vicki - What a great story!! I would love to stay in that castle too!! I hope you find the photos, I would love to see them!

I have seen a ghost too, staring out the window of an old estate home that was turned into a restaurant, the staff there often saw the ghost of the woman that died there. She was the original owner of the building. Sadly the whole place burned to the ground a couple of years ago, so now I wonder what ever happened to the ghost??


Yes. In 2010, three of my cousins, from across the country that we had not seen each other for 25 years, went on a road trip. One night we stayed at The Eliza Thompson House, in Savannah, Georgia. Room 132 is known to be the room that ghosts appear in most so that is the room my cousin, Natalie, and I requested. In the middle of the night we heard a noise and watched as a ghost went down into the bathroom. We followed and found it empty. We had a great giggle in the middle of the night and of course, the guys didn't believe us when we rattled their door, in the wee hours, to tell them. haha