
Feeling Accomplished


Well-Known Member
So, I think maybe, just maybe, I figured out how to participate in a challenge. I've let it intimidate me for years- and that isn't an exaggeration. I know the forum underwent a change recently, but it intimidated me even before that. Very worried that this old dawg can't learn new tricks. But I decided tonight is the night. And not only am I feeling accomplished, I'm just wiped out. LOL. What little thing do you let intimidate you and hold you back from doing something you want to do?


ONA - Administrator
So, I think maybe, just maybe, I figured out how to participate in a challenge. I've let it intimidate me for years- and that isn't an exaggeration. I know the forum underwent a change recently, but it intimidated me even before that. Very worried that this old dawg can't learn new tricks. But I decided tonight is the night. And not only am I feeling accomplished, I'm just wiped out. LOL. What little thing do you let intimidate you and hold you back from doing something you want to do?
Well good on you for giving it a try! We were ALL in the same boat as you are when we first started too, can't tell you how 'foreign' it all looked to me when I first did a challenge here many years ago. The adage about continuing to practice applies here, the more challenges you do, the more proficient and quicker it becomes, it has nothing to do with age dear lady, but more about what we perceive our abilities to be......... and in most cases those perceptions are false. :)

So congrats on getting one challenge down, now onto another one! :) You know, when I first started, I had an old exercise book that I wrote down the steps I had to do, in my own words, and that sat by my computer so I had something to refer to.......... something like a checklist of steps that I could mentally cross off as I did it. Before I knew it I was able to stop referring to it. :)

And PLEASE, if ever you need help with anything please reach out and message one of the Cheery O's or ask in the Need Help forum, there are never any silly questions and we are all here to help you and all our O community. xxx


I remember that feeling, like stepping into a room full of strangers!
Good for you and welcome to the challenges. Perfect time to join!


The Loopy-O
High fives to you!! That is an accomplishment. Not only in the technical sense of creating a LO and uploading, but one in the sense of art. It isn't always easy to put your heart into your work and then expose it to the world.

I am not good with talking to new people, I am actually very shy. Anytime I attempt to have a conversation and it is successful, I have to pat myself on the back. But I understand the feeling of being wiped out by it *nods* :)


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
All the magic happens when you dare step out of the box! Well done!

Vicki Robinson

Designer + Brush Queen + Mac Guru
Good for you! Believe it or not we all go through that on some level! I’m very proud if you!


Well-Known Member
Yay! So excited. Because once you get across the first hurdle, the rest of them are quicker!


Well-Known Member
Glad you decided to give it a try and now you have, so you can do it again, try more new things, enjoying scrapping!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
So, I think maybe, just maybe, I figured out how to participate in a challenge. I've let it intimidate me for years- and that isn't an exaggeration. I know the forum underwent a change recently, but it intimidated me even before that. Very worried that this old dawg can't learn new tricks. But I decided tonight is the night. And not only am I feeling accomplished, I'm just wiped out. LOL. What little thing do you let intimidate you and hold you back from doing something you want to do?
Welcome and congratulations on getting one challenge done!! Hey, we can ALL relate to what you're going through - I remember how blown away I was when I first came here. This new board is SO much better and easier, though, so you'll have it all figured out in no time. We're so happy to have you and help is always at hand!

Buddy the O' Elf

Well-Known Member
Loving this so much!!! It's fun to escape my shelf for a bit. Thanks for being here and spreading the cheer!! Watch out! a coupon might be landing in your inbox in a few minutes....


Good for you!!!!!! I think we are always our own worst critics. I've recently started reframing all of those negative thoughts to "yes, you can! You can totally do this. Now do it!"