


Well-Known Member
Usually I post these with my creative team but they're all busy being awesome and stuff, my forums have crickets. Just a stream of consciousness starting with "DYK" (Did you know) followed by things that we probably DID NOT KNOW about you (and, arguably, maybe shouldn't....)

For instance:

DYK that about ten minutes ago I was standing in the middle of my kitchen drinking cheap Moscato straight from the (screw top) bottle?

DYK I'm classy like that?

DYK after a few minutes I mixed it half and half (maybe three-quarters and one-quarter?) with a glass of diet 7-up and dropped a strawberry into it?

DYK now I'm calling it a "white wine spritzer" and feel like I'm no longer in danger of becoming a cautionary tale?

DYK I had grocery store sushi for dinner tonight?

DYK almost 100% of the time grocery store sushi is a giant let-down?

DYK one of our grocery store chains just built an unreasonably large and fancy store, in my opinion it's almost obscenely pretentious, so thought I'd try their unreasonably fancy grocery store sushi?

DYK it was not that bad?

DYK they may have the best grocery store sushi in the city?

DYK that's not saying a LOT, but it's still not a bad accolade to have under your belt around here?

DYK I had a Hawaiian roll with yellowfin tuna?

DYK that I live on the edge like that because there was recently a big salmonella outbreak in several states linked directly to yellowfin tuna used in spicy tuna rolls?

DYK if I disappear for a few days, you can send FTD bouquets to me in the hospital?

DYK I like those brightly colored daisies, so don't waste your money on any of those fancy floral bouquets?

DYK I'm counting on my "white wine spritzers" to kill any bacteria in the tuna?

DYK this is a foolproof plan, it can't possibly fail?


always chatty at the O!!
Oh wow!! that is awesome Peppermint!! When I get tired I think I actually talk like that until my husband looks at me and says "Will you ever shut up??" follwed eventually by him telling me it is time to go to bed.


Ok, P, I did one. but, I'll try.


DYK that I'm not as clever as Peppermint?

DYK that I wish I was?

DYK that I *think* I am that clever after a margarita?

DYK that I have my very healthy salad container from dinner sitting here on a tray next me?

DYK that I'm too lazy to get off the couch to take it to the kitchen?

DYK that I'm not really that lazy, I've just been sitting here banging my head, working on some code?

DYK that I also have a bag of not very healthy Ruffles sitting under the tray with my salad container on it?

DYK that I also have a container of dark chocolate covered almonds sitting here OPEN beside me?

DYK that I ate both of these things AFTER I finished my very healthy salad?

DYK that I would really prefer to have peanut M&Ms instead of the dark choc almonds?

DYK that dark chocolate almonds are supposedly better for you than peanut M&Ms?


Well-Known Member
DYK that I love these DYK threads?

DYK I adore sushi.

DYK That I make it myself the most of the time.

DYK I'm dieting and can't have sushi?

DYK I'm craving sushi right now!

DYK I lost 8.5kg allready!

DYK I'm walking around my town with a big smile and smaller pants.

DYK it's queensday today in the Netherlands.

DYK I really don't give a damn about those days?

DYK it's 6.13am right now?

DYK I wake up every day around this time?

DYK it's because of a little bird which I think is evil!!

DYK that evil bird is whistling so hard probably it wants the whole world to hear it!

DYK I get annoyed by that!

DYK I would like to strangle that little bird myself :twisted:

DYK if the airgun (this one
) from my inlaws was here I would shoot the little sucker.

DYK I can shoot pretty good with those things?

DYK I ones shot a 'racing pigeon' off the roof from my inlaw neighbour? OOPS

DYK I'm going to read my book now :der:

DYK I love that P brought this up, and I hope on lots of replies!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
DYK that I am stiff and sore all over tonight?
DYK that its because I spent all day staining my new fence?
DYK that I am struggling to keep awake while I am typing this?
DYK that I have actually fallen asleep many times while I was on the computer!
DYK that when that happens you usually wake up with a sore neck LOL
DYK that I hate sushi!! and I don't know how anyone could like it Yuck!!
DYK that I think Peppermint is so cool for starting this thread!
DYK that I can't type anymore and I am off to bed :sleep: gnite!!


Well-Known Member
DYK I love this thread?
DYK I just spent the last hour cuddling with my 4 year old who will not go to sleep?
DYK he's still awake and it's almost 11 pm here?
DYK cuddling usually means I fall asleep?
DYK I must be getting old because falling asleep means that I will be wide awake at bedtime?
DYK that means I will probably scrap...or play solitaire?
DYK that solitaire is such a waste of time but oh, so addicting?
DYK that I can't type tonight?
DYK that I'm finally caving and getting DH an iPhone for our anniversary?
DYK I should go do that :)?


Well-Known Member
DYK i love the O?
DYK the O is my home?
DYK i cann't go without the O?
DYK a day without the O is a waste day?
DYK i'm supposed to work right NOW, but i'm still here at the O?
DYK i really really really LOVE the O?




DYK I have never had Sushi
DYK I may have found your kilo's Yvon
DYK it is our queens birthday today


Well-Known Member
DYK i just LOVE people who drink cheap wine out of screwtop bottles!
DYK that i can't wait to put some distance between me and The Nosebleeds so that I can drink some more cheap wine out of screwtop bottles?
DYK Yvonna that That Little Bird's BROTHER lives in the tree outside my bedroom window??? is it by chance a "Chipping Sparrow??" they make me want to commit mayhem.... LOUD, and every 10 seconds, ALL DAY LONG!
DYK that i have a degree in piano and haven't played in about 20 years?
DYTK that i recently SOLD my piano?
DYK that i don't miss a minute of it?
DYK that i like doing laundry and ironing?
DYK that the mere THOUGHT of sushi makes me gag?

hahaaa!! thanks P for this funny thread!


lOve the O!
DYK that when on vacation you can live on drinks in plastic cups

DYK that eventually that will catch up with you

DYK that then you need a boxed frozen pizza -heated of course

DYK that South Carolina is the home of firefly sweet tea vodka

DYK that said vodka goes well with lemonade

DYK that the next time you have to make coffee from a pot having used a keurig for months is tough?

DYK that I can see the ocean from my balcony?

DYK that of all the places I see fit to visit online the O is number 1

Did you??


Well-Known Member
DYK that 'keurig' is dutch for Neat?

DYK that it is a great tit in our backyard Phyliss?

DYK I use google translate, and I have to laugh about 'great tit' LOL

DYK that hubby started building the playmobil castle from wood YAY

DYK that I actually should be working on a photobook?

DYK that I visit the O at least 10x a day :oops:

DYK the sun is shining a LOT now!

DYK I ate Soto Ayam Soup!

DYK I ♥ that soup!?


Well-Known Member
DYK that we just got new furnture last week?

DYK that we spent two days moving it all around to get just like I wanted?

DYK that we are moving it all back out today to get the carpets cleaned?

DYK after we painted two weeks ago, I still don't have anything hung on my walls except for one frame?

DYK that that one frame still doesn't have a photo in it?

DYK it really could be 6 months before I get it all finished??

DYK I think Phylis is NUTS for liking ironing?

DYK I want to be with Laurie and her plastic cups?


always chatty at the O!!
DYK that I'm just lying in bed?

DYK I'll probably stay here until Addie wakes up?

DYK I hate mornings but think opening a coffee stand at 5am is a good idea.

DYK that really freaks me out?

DYK I'm excited anyway?

DYK I prefer coffee stand coffee over Starbucks any day?

DYK Starbucks started in Seattle at Pike Place Market?

DYK that's where I met Sally and her kids?

DYK I then proceeded to give her a tour of Seattle on the city bus accidentally?

DYK it was still fun and we did finally make it to the Space Needle?

DYK I miss Seattle?

DYK I'm worried about going back to the rain?

DYK I won't really admit it but I kinda like the spring and fall weather here in Fayetteville?

DYK that the pollen here kicks my butt?

DYK I'm truly concerned I will either scratch off my nose or sneeze it off?

DYK I hear Addie awake and stretching?

DYK I should go and check on her but I'm going to keep laying here until she actually gets out of bed and comes in here?

DYK I was unsure what to write here and now I may never shut up?

DYK Addie just walked in here wearing scrubs saying she's a little doctor and smiling?

DYK she is reading every word she she sees?

DYK I'm neglecting her and writing?

DYK I'm about to grab her and tickle her and force her to cuddle with me?



Well-Known Member
this is awesome!! i dunno about any DYK...hmm let me think

DYK that i am watching news clips online right now
DYK that i have a love hate relationship with mondays
DYK that we have a pizza place inside our gas station
DYK our little town is cool like that
DYK we also have a subway and a chinese place...yep so cool


Well-Known Member
DYK that my final projects from the college class I teach are still sitting ungraded from a week ago?

DYK I'm a procrastinator like that?

DYK that instead of grading said projects, I went to Pinterest for an unseemly amount of time?

DYK that I have an odd fascination with looking at wedding gowns?

DYK that I have no plans to wear a wedding gown again at any point, including my original gown?

DYK that I don't think I would fit in my original gown?

DYK that I don't fit in said gown because, like Vicki, I have a strong attachment to chips and chocolate?

DYK that I bought Goldfish crackers and chocolate last night at Tarjay? (the French store)

DYK that I can't estimate at all and my $60 travel kit mother's day present for my MIL came out to be $90?

DYK that I don't teach math?....that's why I'm a librarian!

And just for good measure,

DYK that I also think that I'm clever after a margarita??? LOL


Well-Known Member
DYK I'm happy to see some damn replies in here today?

DYK I'd just talk to myself anyway?

DYK I'm eating a big healthy salad tonight in Vicki's honor?

DYK I'll probably follow it up with some fudge covered Oreos, also in Vicki's honor?

DYK they cancel each other out?! THEY CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT!!

DYK I'm drinking a Diet Pepsi, so scientifically speaking I'm probably BURNING calories at this point?

DYK no wonder I feel so weak?


Well-Known Member
DYK I'm also drinking coca cola zero.

DYK that I just figured because of P's message, I'm also practically burning calories?

DYK I still have to go to the supermarket to find something to eat.

DYK that I have to have at least soup ready within 40 minutes *eek*

DYK I'm closing my iPad and jump on my bike to go..

DYK I don't want to? Pff


lOve the O!
DYK that I am drinking sweet tea vodka with lemonaide

DYK that I am going to eat Tapas at Robert Irvine's Eat restaurant

DYK that they are half price on Tuesdays

DYK that since our reservations are late at night I ate a free brat

DYK that I did not share this fact with my husband or BIL who just got back from golfing

DYK that I hope they have dessert!


Well-Known Member
DYK I thought I broke my pinkie toe last night?

DYK this morning I figured out it was only sprained/bruised really bad?

DYK the pinkie toe can get really really black and blue?

DYK I have been limping around to not put pressure on it, but still tending to my poor husband who threw his back out this morning?

DYK I am thinking I have really pissed the big guy upstairs off lately?

DYK I found humor in the whole situation by looking for photos on google of and old couple nagging one another but still holding each other up?

DYK that I found some very interesting (to say the least) photos?

DYK that I NEVER want to see myself naked now when I get over ...uuuhhmmm maybe 70ish?


Well-Known Member

DYK that I went to the grocery store and got the most mouth watering choclate supreme truffle/cake thingy ever to take away all the pain??



lOve the O!
DYK that the sun will rise here at 6:35am and I will be on the beach with camera's, coffee and my sister and a chair

DYK that dinner was fine, but for the men's behavior.

DYK that they did have cake and it was yummy

DYK that I would love to go on vacation or dinner or meet any of my O fam - especially the amazing Mamma O?

Did you??


Well-Known Member
DYK that I missed seeing this yesterday?

DYK that was because I had a serious session with an intuitive?

DYK that I had a lot of insights?

DYK that a big bar of Trader Jo's milk chocolate bar helped too?

DYK that thinking of that bar made (!) me go and get a piece for a breakfast starter?

DYK that I too love laundry and ironing?

DYK that I think Phylis and I are related somehow?

DYK that I KNOW Peppermint talks this way cause I've heard her?

DYK that I'm going to the beach Friday for the weekend?

DYK that I always 'play' til 9am with stuff I want to do then get serious about what has to be done?

DYK that is reverse behavior for a Virgo? LOL


always chatty at the O!!
DYK that this is one of my favorite threads ever?
DYK that my son should be sleeping?
DYK he's up talking to his dad about a stupid FB game?
DYK that I hate the stupid FB game?
DYK that as much as I hate the game I love hearing how excited they get about doing it together?
DYK I would never tell them that?


Well-Known Member
DYK that my mind feels kind of blank this morning?
DYK that I'm fine with that?
DYK that I dreamt I was a classroom teacher again?
DYK I felt really glad that was just a dream?
DYK that we had major lightening last night w/o thunder?
DYK I wonder what that's about?
DYK that I have to get serious about packing for a big trip?
DYK I freak out when there's no Target or Walmart in a country to save me when I need something -fast and cheap- on a trip?
DYK this is normal for me and my dh just shakes his head?