
Does anyone here use essential oils?

Andrea C.

Well-Known Member
So after a TON of research on the best oils out there and what they can do for the body I finally caved and bought some. Does anyone else use them? They've worked incredible for the purposes I've tried so far and I really look forward to my next shipment that has a blend called Energee in it because I've just been so tired and not motivated lately and I definitely plan on changing that. I hope these are the answer for that problem. If they are, they are worth every penny! I've already been using them for Jacob's allergies/asthma and not one cough at all since I started! It was like insta fix and that just thrills me because I can't stand when his asthma is flaring up.

So do any of you use them?
I just bought some a month ago: lemon, rosemary and lemon grass. I use a nebulizer to diffuse them in the air or simply put a cup with a few drops on the heater. These are good for breath and relaxation :)
I do use E.Oil
I sure the pure one, and do my own mix.
My very Fav. are
eucalyptus Radiata ( be really carefull with Eucalyptus (especially with kids and people with pb, ie epilepsy, sleep trouble and asthma) E. Globulus - the most used- is some time really bad)
Lavendula Angustifolia( same as above, not all lavender are good)
madarine and sweet orange (relaxing ++)

and peppermint for nausea (work like charm) but not under 6 Yo

beside that I use some in facial cream, but there again, dont mis stuff just for the smell... it can be quite damageable.

I am really found of E. Oil, but like I use to say a lot. It is not because it is plant, that there is no danger...
plant do have really good - really bad effect ... look at Opium, for ex.

and where you get used to E. Oil, I would advice you to make your own mix... the pre made one are pretty weak, compare to original, and have a bunch of not essential product, which make them ... well not so good.

the place I use for infos ( beside my book) is

mainly because they are careful in "no suitable use condition" and because you can trace the chemotype of the Oil they sell you (not That I use the chemotype, but it is a proof, that their oil are traceable... which, too me, mean that they know what they are doing...
I use very little of them
There are just these two that I put in the kids' shampoo to keep lice at bay : lavender and tea tree.
I don't use more, but it's more out of laziness on my part than anything else. I'm pretty convinced they can be quite efficient
I am a Certified Aromatherapist :)
i love using eo's, making my own blends and products. I (used to) do a lot of selling online and at craft fairs. Not so much any more since lack of time and energy.

But if you have any questions, I have a lot of resources, lots of books and websites that I trust. Not all of the websites out there are good.
Yeah I did some research on all the ways that companies make oils, which ways are good and which are bad, which companies make the best medical grade oils. It took forever to do research and I'm still learning but loving what I've done so far :) I just put on my stress free blend and will be snoozing here shortly ;)
I've used some in the past - mixed lavendar, tea tree and something else, don't remember now for curing Alyx's cradle cap - worked AMAZING. And, a few others for various things but I"m super interested. One of these days when I have extra time (I crack myself up!), I'll check out these links!
tea tree is amazing for cradle cap- I used that on Caitlyn and within days it was all cleared up. She had those really icky clumps of it and lots of curly hair, so I was thankful it worked so well!
Rest well Andrea :)
Cradle cap is one of the ickiest looking things, LOL! Especially when it's loosened and you're combing it out....gag.....haha! And this coming from the nurse!
Cradle cap is one of the ickiest looking things, LOL! Especially when it's loosened and you're combing it out....gag.....haha! And this coming from the nurse!

yes it was nasty. that tea tree, etc concoction cleared it right up. it was crazy how good and FAST it worked.
I use some EO too !
A mix of oils that I vaporize on my pillow during winter.
Ravintsara for sore throat
Tea tree too..;