
Do You Have Any Art Background


Well-Known Member
Some of you are so incredibly talented that I can't help but wonder...do you have an art background? Did you take art as an elective in high school? Did you work in a field where your art was useful...graphic arts perhaps? I'm just curious!
I used to draw a lot in my late teens and took some art classes in college. I kept it up until my son was born and then I just didn't have the time to spend hours sketching so I gave it up then I took up digital scrapbooking :D
I had a business major but also took art classes including sketching, charcoal and conte crayon drawing, life drawing, and color theory. Later I took classes in color pencil drawing, oil painting, acrylic painting, and other art classes. I had the pleasure of taking a watercolor class with MonsourA (sculpture master and artist) while in living in Cairo, Egypt. I taught classes in using art rubber stamps for paper scrapbooking and card making.
I had a business major but also took art classes including sketching, charcoal and conte crayon drawing, life drawing, and color theory. Later I took classes in color pencil drawing, oil painting, acrylic painting, and other art classes. I had the pleasure of taking a watercolor class with MonsourA (sculpture master and artist) while in living in Cairo, Egypt. I taught classes in using art rubber stamps for paper scrapbooking and card making.
That explains why I always love your pages! ♥️
I took a few Acrylic Painting classes after my kids were grown and I had some spare time on my hands. Never any real College or University classes in Art though. I always did well in High School Art Classes and always got A's its the only time I ever got A's in High School LOL. Most of my painting skills came from lessons taught to me by a very good friend, we used to paint together for hours over lots of coffee and conversation. I miss those days!!
None at all. In fact, I didn't even discover I had any creativity at all until after I turned 50.

In 2007, while “surfing” (remember when we called it that?) the internet, I stumbled upon a reference to “digital scrapbooking” in the PET forum (a Photoshop Elements community — does anyone remember that?) and instantly fell in love with it. It let me combine my geeky-techie software-loving side with a creative way to preserve my thousands of photos. Finally, I’d found a hobby that let me use the right side of my brain! Plus, it gave me the perfect excuse to buy lots of stuff! Digital scrapbooking led me to designing and selling digital scrapbooking kits and that, in turn, opened the door to digital art/life journaling. And that led me to explore the world of hands-on mixed media art journaling projects – which I use as a basis for many of my digital products.

If you had told me 30 years ago that I would have a room in my house filled with paints and canvasses; and stamps; and stencils and gel matte medium; and gesso I would have thought you’d lost your mind – and then I would have asked you what “gesso” was! Lol!

So if I can do it anyone can!
I took a few Acrylic Painting classes after my kids were grown and I had some spare time on my hands. Never any real College or University classes in Art though. I always did well in High School Art Classes and always got A's its the only time I ever got A's in High School LOL. Most of my painting skills came from lessons taught to me by a very good friend, we used to paint together for hours over lots of coffee and conversation. I miss those days!!
A friend and I art together over Facebook Messenger video - what a lifesaver that has been during the pandemic!

PS - just noticed your siggie! It's so fab! Thanks for using my products!!! :)
I don't think I'll surprise you with my opinion, but I believe that arts education can shape and polish the talent at way that will ruined it, making it predictable and boring. It's good to know some basis as choose of materials and technical resources, but that's it. The great talent is self made.
I didn't take art classes ... I did take a photography course ... different modules spread over 4 years ... a very interesting module was 'photo analysis' ... from the history of photography to the different types of photography ...
I spent my teen years in the art room watching what was being done even though I was supposed to be in English class. lol
Other than that I am totally self taught both in watercolour and sketching. I have always had a bit of talent but nothing I would make a living at. lol
I have had no art experience. I did marry a graphic designer who is a graduate of Art Center College of Design, so he has taught me Photoshop and design principals.

we are having differences of opinion now that I am getting Into Art journaling. It’s much to messy for him.
I haven't done any formal art training since school apart from a watercolour class many many years ago! I was a writer/communications specialist and that morphed into photography. There is a big cross over with having worked as a designer for many years I think. I am definitely not the best photographer from a technical standpoint but I think (hope!) the composition of my pics sometimes makes up for that. ;) I have dabbled with sketching and painting all my life, and I was making storybooks for my girls using my own photos years before digital scrapbooking was even a thing!
It is very interesting reading about people's backgrounds! There are lots of art journaling/mixed media online classes these days (I suppose other mediums too haha!). I've taken some of those as they help newbies understand different paints (acrylic vs water color), use of gesso, layering, design principles etc. They are not that expensive and most are self-paced. Win-win.

For the designers, how did you get started in design? Was it difficult to get into what I will call a main-stream online store? Did you dabble first, or jump right in?
Another one here with no art education, totally self taught. My older brother was a brilliant artist and I remember watching him sketch when I was little, I was always in awe of him! I did a little bit of sketching in my teens, but it took me forever to do and the eraser was my friend! Then kids came along. Both of my older kids could draw quite well when they were younger as well. Like Vicki R. I worked in IT (as a trainer) and was amazed to discover I actually had an 'artistic side' until later in life ......... started paper scrapbooking/stamping around 2005 but must admit I found the purchasing of new stuff to add to my stash was far more exciting than actually sitting down to do it! LOL! Then I 'found' digi scrapping in 2008 and have been here every since. Again, like Vicki, I became interested in hands-on art journaling and art and now I spend my time between the two, and loving every minute of it! :)
And another one without art education but I started my professional life as a technical draftswoman. In 2002 I was given Photo Impact and it made me curious. Of course it didn't stop there and I gave Paint Shop Pro a try. With the move to the Mac came Photoshop. I have learned a lot from various forums and am still learning...