
Did you see???- the Designer Spotlight Challenge is back


Well-Known Member
Did you see that the DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT CHALLENGE has started again and Andrea from Lifescape Designs is the first of our fabulous designers to get us re-aquainted with this very popular challenge.
You can read all about it here


Well-Known Member
I'm so excited to be a part of this! This used to be my FAVORITE FAVORITE thing back when I was a fan and customer here! There are freebies and prizes. Everybody wins!


ONA - Administrator
I had fun playing! come and join us and get to know a little bit more about Andrea!! and her lovely designs!!!! :)

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Squealing with Joy!!!!

The Designer Spotlights were what drew me into the Oscraps in the first place. I lurked for ages then saw a Spotlight I thought I might actually be able to do and WAHHHHHHHHH everyone was so nice to me, gave me lovely comments on my first posted LO and I fell hook, line and sinker into life at the O!

Come and play!!


Well-Known Member
Same here, Selena! This actually was one of the first galleries I ever found. Then for a long time I didn't even venture into the forums, because I was scurrrred. But, you know, I had no reason to be, because everybody here is so darn nice!