
Daily O's


lOve the O!
morning again- can you tell I am a morning person!! Yesterday I managed to break the snow blower- yikes- couldn't get it started with the electric start and then tried with the pull cord- pulled once and the cord did not go back in- told dh he had a weekend project. I looked at shoveling as bonus treadmill workout- I got cardio, legs and arms- I need to go shovel some more this morning to ensure the mailman can get to my box.

so- from yesterday:
Linda S- hope work goes well for you

AndreaB- Good luck for you and Genny tomorrow, hope it goes well and you get answers from the test

Soco- hope you are feeling better

LindaW- hope you and grandbaby have a great day

Sally- hope you keep on the mend

AndreaNYX- hurray for discovering that you need to eat to feel better and hope that new dr will help you get to the bottom of your issues

Elisa- hurray for your wireless getting installed at home

Clara- keep up the good work with movement and cutting out the sugar

Natesia- what a gorgeous ring- can't wait to see your scrap pages

well I better go shovel- another day another workout!


The Loopy-O
Good morning my O-Fam!
Did you ever have one of those days where you wish there was a rewind button and you could just start over from the beginning? Or maybe a Fast fwd, so you could go to bed and get it over with?
That was my day yesterday. I somehow managed to make everyone in my family mad at me without even trying.
But I woke up today, and determined to make today a better day.
(If anyone needs me I am going to hiding under my desk, reading and re-reading all of Ashalee's advice in her Fulfilled Soul forum.....)

Actually I will be cleaning at my clients today for at 3 hours, so I am going to put on some good music, and try to fog out a bit. When I get back home, then I'm gonna go hide LOL
Laurie W, where do you live? I know you said, but I cannot remember. That really bites about the snow blower. Even worse that you have so much snow! Yesterday we got up to about 25 and with the no wind chill, it actually felt warm! Ok, I am exaggerating, but that bitter cold is just so painful for me.


Well-Known Member
Good morning Laurie and Chris. Well, I didn't get back here yesterday after all. I'm worn clear out...and the year just started. ;-)

We are expecting that awful snow again...we have had bitter cold for days...the snow is still piled up from our two snowstorms in December and it's supposed to begin again today and have another one.

I really do need to take a trip to the beach with Helen or go visit Cyn in Coz. If I win the PowerBall, I'm going to make that trip and invite a bunch of you to come with me!

Now, back to reality. Need to get ready for work. Been working from home for 2 hours. Now it's time to get myself ready.

Hugs to you all!


The Loopy-O
Some quick personals from yesterday:

Linda W- hehe, are your SDD's shoes nice?? What size? LOL :) I think you have a good idea, send the essentials, next time she might be more careful. And also see if she even thanks you or offers to pay for the shoes etc when she realizes that you aren't just going to do it for free. Does she think that YMG can ship things for free maybe?

Yay Sally is back! so happy to hear that you are feeling better!

Andrea/Nyx- hope that you are feeling better too. :)
I am from north NJ.

Elisa- Oh yuck- no internet? We were down last month almost all day and it was rough LO You don't even realize how much you rely on it. Like with Scott's school work, if he has a question, I just google it.
I had a 2 year engagement- we need that time so I could graduate from college and save to pay for it, so 2011 isn't all that bad LOL


The Loopy-O
grr, sorry to keep posting, but my tablet is acting wonky. I have lost several posts already since I got it (bamboo touch- its cool but sensitive!)

Linda S- so sorry that you are worn out already. I hear ya on the cold weather. I hate this! I told Gary I was ready to seel the house and build a hut in Jamaica. Just have to practice my "no problem mon"

Clara- *fingers crossed and toes too for good blood results* Maybe it is something very simple little some mild anemia. Love the idea of a mini-trampoline- sounds like fun!

Andrea/Nyx- I don't think I replied to your post about the dr, but I totally know what you mean. Finding a dr that-listens to you is huge! Good luck with it all!!

Natesia- oooh your ring is beautiful! I got a ring similar to that from my parents way back when. I loved it, I wish it still fit;)
And a rat!!! We had a pair of the sweetest white rats. Have fun!

Better get going, I am running late as usual!



Well-Known Member
Good Morning!!!

Yes girls...seems to be very mutual........ITs STINKING COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I usually don't complain too much about it...not the last couple of years anyway...with all the hotflashes...LOL!! But this deep freeze is too much!! I am not anxious to get my heating bill!!

I guess today I am going to try and get my "sale" pile of stuff listed on craigs list....so far so good on my "taking back my house" resolution!!

My oldest DD is a craigs list freak...but I guess it is a good thing...we have been looking for Traci a refridgerator for her new place (she has a deep freezer and mini fridge..and just making do)...so Saturday, Sharon was on CL and found one for $45....we went to look...you would not believe it was pretty much BRAND NEW...worked perfect...no bells or whistles...but she doesn't need that...she doesn't have the money to get one after moving. I had figured we have to spend around $300 or so for a good used one. This lady has had this fridge in her basement for about a year..just plugged up...never had anything in it. WOW!!! I was pretty forward..."WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT THAT YOU WANT TO SELL IT FOR $45?" She said nothing..she just wanted it gone fast!!!...so I paid her and we pick it up this weekend!!

With her moving...Jesse had to start a new school on Monday...we were really worried, because he LOVED LOVED his teacher. But he did just fine!! But they are requiring him to go all day 4 days a week...not sure how that will go over...guess we will see after a couple of weeks....he was only going 3 half days before. But I do like that there are only 5 children in his new class...he will get a lot of one on one. Not sure about the speech therapy yet....he got that two days a week at the other school. Since his birthday falls in November, he has two more years after this one for preschool..he will definately be ready for kindergarten!! I love these regular shcool preschool programs...so much better than daycare!!! Around here, none of the daycare centers have certified teachers...they play most of the time and have bad attitudes!!!

Okay...I am a rambler this morning!!

Laurie...sorry the snowblower broke..the shoveling is hard work...I would say you got more than the treadmill workout!!

Chris...(((HUGS))) you don't need to hide....just come see me!!! getting your fam mad at you is definately a common thing!! especially the MOM...they EXPECT so much from us, when we don't come through, they just get PO'd with us...we are NOT the miracle workers that they believe us to be!!! YEAH...the shoes FIT ME !!! HAHAHAHA!! and she knows we don't get free shipping...not even a discount!!! we have told her over and over that she needs to get all of her stuff...and how much it costs us to ship the stuff!! So she KNOWS!!!

LindaS...I hate that you are expecting more snow!!!! That stinks!!! Only good thing...maybe you get a couple more days off and home with the kids!! Just trying to find the bright side for ya!! So is my name is on that list if you win the lottery!!?? I tell ya...I wish I could win...I would have the biggest party for us all!!! Wouldn't that be awesome???

Okay...I need coffee!!!

I hope everyone has a fabulous day!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi girls! Thank you everybody for your good wishes! I'm not feeling better today, but at least my little one is. She's completely recovered and full of energy!!! :D I'm feeling really tired, but I'll get some rest tomorrow afternoon, when she'll go back to the daycare center, promised!!! :) Anyway, I'm so happy to see she's OK that I forget everything else!!! :D

We were expecting snow today and we only had some tiny flakes. The problem is that we have now a thin ice layer and everything is frozen. I don't like it because the roads become dangerous and DH has to drive over 35 km to come home (I believe that's about 22 miles). I know some of you are living worse things with the weather, but I'm not used to that and I'm always worried about that.

Laurie, sorry about the snow blower! I hope you're not too tired of shoveling!

LindaS, speaking of worse things about the weather... Good luck my friend!!! Can I come with you visiting Helen or Cyn? :D

Andrea, I'll be thinking of you and Genny!

Elisa, I hope Internet is working better for you!

Clara, that's wonderful for the cruise! I'm so happy for you! And I admire the work you're doing for exercising and cutting out sugar! ;)

Natesia, that ring is gorgeous!!! Congratulations!!!

Andrea/Nyx, I hope you'll keep finding answers! Good luck!!!

Sally, I hope you keep feeling better today! :)

Chris, I'm sorry for yesterday! But I agree with LindaW... sometimes they do expect too much from us! ;) Hope everything will be OK today and you'll be able to come out of your hiding place! Hugs!!!

LindaW, that's wonderful for the fridge! What a bargain!!! And I'm happy to know it's going OK at school for Jesse! :D

I hope I didn't forget anybody! Have a good day girls! Hugs!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies....Sorry I have been MIA - I have a bad case of bronchitis. So praying taht I don't have Nick's pneumonia. I feel utterly lousy :( Just couldn't stay away and wanted to come check in :) ((HUGS)) Have a fab week ladies!


I lOve Me Some O!
Still no internet at home...And I may not have it until Saturday!! Gah!!! At least tonight it won't be that much of a problem since I'm staying in town longer to meet with a client so I won't be home till late. But still.. Huge pain! (I think I have a problem if being away from my internet bothers me so much)

Anyway, tonight we have a big snowfall predicted and into tomorrow. So probably won't be driving my car too much since it sucks in bad weather. Maybe I'll take some winter pictures though for me, so I'm looking forward to the pretty fresh snow.


Well-Known Member
Laurie, man that sucks about the snow blower. We get a snow service... they come (unfortunately) in the middle of the night usually on days where it has snowed more than 4cms.

I'm feeling somewhat better today :) Although AF is here now, sheesh. And tonight is Tae Kwon Do... I hate TKD when AF is here. I do lots of kicking, etc & I hate having my 'legs apart', KWIM?! eeks! but last class I was able to do some headshots, that was a BLAST!


Well-Known Member
Kat, I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I hope you'll get better very soon!!! Big hugs!!!


Well-Known Member
Happy Wednesday! We're in the middle of a new snow storm. We had an early dismissal from school today. We've already got a good four inches of new snow and it's still snowing. The wind is supposed to really come up tonight so I'm really not thinking that we'll have school tomorrow.
Hope you all have a fabulous day! I'm off to haul some more firewood into the house. It's going to get super cold tonight and tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
ooh snow storm. I think we have one coming soon. I love snow storms. time to get all cozy with a blanket, popcorn, hot chocolate & a good movie :)


Well-Known Member
It is snowing nearly all the time in Poland... it isn't so great, when somebody has to go somewhere, like e.g. me today... brr...


lOve the O!
evening everyone- tomorrow is supposed to be my day off, but I left some unfinished paperwork and had planned on a trip to town. We are expecting that snow- I live in central Ohio, north of Columbus- however I moved here from Central NY 7 years ago and I still chuckle that we get a winter weather advisory for 3-5 inches of snow- that would not even be a snow day in CNY. So my plan is to get into town early, get home before lunch with groceries and work on that drift in the driveway before the rest of the snow comes. I hope it doesn't get too bad because we have dance lessons tomorrow night for the first time in over 2 weeks- dh and I take ballroom dance and have been in competitions- as beginners.

Chris hope your family time goes better than you expected

Linda/thelma- I hear you on being tired already with back to work- hopefully you won't get too much snow

LindaW- WTG on craigs list refrigerator- my ds uses it in DC all the time

Soco- feel better - glad to hear your little one is

kat- take care of yourself- I had pneumonia last year- no fun

Elisa- your snow is headed my way!

AndreaNYX- hope TKD was fun tonight- I've never tried that

LindaPete- hope it travels here and work decides to close on Friday- I will have to use my own time for the day off, but hey a 3 day weekend- I can deal with it!

Natesia- I don't like getting cold with the snow- I'm thinking hot cocoa!


Well-Known Member
TKD was ok. I got my butt kicked lol. One of the guys was kicking really hard tonight. Then the kids were being rude at the babysitters... I'm not sure what to do with them. They just don't seem to listen to me anymore :(


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!! I have internet at home. Whoohoo! But 10:00 is coming quick when my computer turns off so I have to be quick. I got my blood test back. No EBV!! Whoohoo!! It did show that I have definately had it though. Like I didn't already know that. LOL!! I am so thankful to know that I am just really run down and not down for the count. So, I need to take better care of myself and not wear myself so thin. That's my plan anyway. So, off I get to finish my stuff. I'll chat later. I hope all of you guys stay warm!!