
Daily O's Tuesday September 6


Well-Known Member
I know that Chris has first day of school at her house today so I'm going to open the Daily O's for her. If it is like my house when we started 2 weeks ago, it is hard to get into the swing of things.

I'm going to pour some coffee:tea: and then I'll be back with personals.


Well-Known Member
Trudy---sounds like you had a marvelous evening planned---a glass of wine and steaks is truly the way to end a 3 day weekend.

Phylis, Amber and Adryane so glad to have all of you joining us in the Daily O's. It gets addicting. Kind of having a neighborhood of best friends where you all get together each day for coffee to talk about your days, your families, your work. When one of us is gone too long, the others start worrying.

Clara, praying for your friend today. Can't imagine what she is going through right now.

Krista, glad that you are back. Love having you here.

Nana Linda, hope you got the grocery shopping done and still had a little bit of "ME" time. That GSO layout...it's a stunner.

Laurie W, with all of those soups, sounds like you are getting ready for fall. I am too. I've pulled out the crockpot and there will be beef stroganoff ready when I get home tonight.

Ok...need to check the gallery and then get ready for work. Have a good day all!


lOve the O!
Morning Linda & Chris hope the send off goes smoothly. Today is back to work day- kind of nice because I have two days of work and then a day off. I am happy that it will be cooler out today.


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Thanks, Linda! I only wish it were here when I first got up, so I could start out the day with this thread, I'm afraid I might miss it! My kids both went back to Kindergarten today, after the (for them) three day weekend. Brilliant. I edited photos all morning. Other than that, I have nothing else going on. Need to get back on PS and get the photo edited for WEB so I can blog and then scrap them.

I didn't keep up with yesterday's dailies. I apologize. I got overwhelmed! Thanks for welcoming me!


Well-Known Member
:cheer2:hoooorayy! husband's back to work this morning and i can stay in my jammies 'til noon and scrap!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies!! I am trying to get back in the habit of posting daily again. I sure missed it. It takes a little bit to get back into the habit. I'll tell you...I sure miss my job I had where I got to play online all day. When I go back to work...that will definitely not be the case anymore. I'm pretty sure I will have to actually work. Whah!! I do miss working though. I need to get to the hospital to volunteer. I'll call the daycare to see about getting addie in soon. Her pre-K stuff will change things up a bit. Half day school is such a pain. LOL!! Only for a year though.

So, Addie is still sickly. When we saw the doctor he said it lasts 7-10 days. That seems like forever. Her eyes are still muddy. I do like that my kids eyes get muddy when they are sick. It makes it easy for me to tell when it is coming and when they are faking it. :)

Today I need to return our Blu-Ray. I ordered another one...but the Samsung one I bought didn't work. Not as in I didn't like how it worked but it just didn't work. No picture or anything. Hopefully the Panasonic works better. It had good reviews. I hate not buying things at Best Buy. They have an amazing return policy. I also need to get the protection plan on Ethan's iTouch. It is expensive though. More than the Blu-Ray. For the Blu-Ray I got 4 years for $24.95 or something.

Well, I want to get some scrapping in so I'm gonna get after a few personals.

Chris - Miss you this morning. I saw you have a had a rough no-power morning to start the school year. Good luck with the rest of your day.

LindaS - I am so glad to be seeing you back in here. You've been missed.

Laurie - 2 days of work and then a day off? Awesome. I know Derek did not want to go to work today. 4-day weekends ruin him. I hope your days are low-key.

Amber - It is so great to see you in here. You look so familiar to me for some reason. Well, you look like a girl I went to school with and I think her name was Amber. I lived in Washington State not Germany though. No worries if you don't get here everyday. Whenever you show your face in here we will happy as can be.

Oh my goodness...Illness does not work for Addie. She has gotten so bratty. She's crying over every single little thing and is being extra demanding. Not working out for me to say the least. Okay...I really want to get some scrapping done so I'd better get. Hugs to everyone!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Ladies... I am up way too early!! It's my own fault really, I set my alarm for 6:30 but it was really only 5:30 :shocked:. I didn't even notice the proper time until I had already fed the cat and made my coffee :frusty: Oh well it means I have more time to be here this morning. A nap may be in order this afternoon when I get home from work!!

Phylis- I love that you get to stay in your jammies until noon!! That's what I do when hubby is at work on my day off, its great isn't it? So nice that you are joining our little chatter forum! Welcome!! Phyllis was my mother's name, I miss her very much!

Amber - Welcome to the "O" we are so glad that you can join in with us, we don't always make it in here everyday so don't worry if you miss it, life just gets in the way sometimes, but like Clara says we are happy when you can join us!

Chris - hope your day is not too hectic with getting everyone out the door to school, its hard to believe that the kids are back to school already, where did summer go :hurt:

LindaS - Hope your work day goes smoothly, nice that you started the thread today and gave Chris the morning off!!

Laurie - Lucky you!! A very short work week I am jealous! My hubby is still on one more day off, his regular day off is Monday so he gets an extra day because of the holiday weekend, not fair :pout:

Clara - I sure hope that Addie feels better soon! It sounds like she has not been well for quite awhile now. I always get scared when I hear kids have a fever or flu like symptoms for a long time, because that is how it started for my Heather. She ended up with viral encephalitis and it changed her life forever. Please keep a close eye on your sweet little girl!! I know you will, you are a great mommy!! Have fun scrapping today, I would much rather be doing that then heading to work this morning! Saying a prayer for your friend today also, can't imagine the heartache she is experiencing! :hug: for her and you.

Well now that I have gotten myself up so early, perhaps I can get a challenge done this morning, have a great day everyone :wave:


...loves her some "O"
What a fun thread already!!!

Morning, girlies!! I'm here and ready to go (thanks to a cuppa Java!!!)! Today on the agenda is this:
*mail stuff out (yes, to you, Laurie!)
*start a fall BIG quilt
*cut out a custom order quilt
*put stuff on ebay (rubber stamps)
*stamp little pockets for two advent calendars
*ohhh, put up the list for our music rehearsal tonight (almost forgot that one!! yikes!!)
*and the usual stuff: teach history and science to two little girlies whom I adore!!!

So, not too much!! LOL!!! BTW, can you tell I'm back???? LOL!!!!

Linda, I NEED THAT RECIPE!!! Today is crockpot day for me, too!!! I'm gonna FB you and see if you can tell it to me while you are at work!! :)

Laurie, enjoy these two days so you can really enjoy your day off!! Hugs, babe!!

Welcome to the Os, Amber and Phyllis! No stress about the Os...You pop in when you can and say what you can! We all can't be as prolific as Clara! LOL!! (I ADORE you, Clara!!) Yay for scrapping!!!!

Clara, hugs to sweet Addie. When I get it together, I have to show you this really really phenom pic I took of her while we were waiting for the shuttle at the space needle. She is sooo gorgeous!!! ♥

Trudy!! You go for that nap, girl!! I took a very long one on Sunday and it was just the medicine the doctor ordered!! for sure!!! hugs!!

Chris, ohhhh you are soooo wonderful!! (I just had to say that....when i thot of your name, the word Wonderful popped into my head...just sayin') Hope your first day was/is wonderful!!!

love you all!! have a great day everyone!!
Ohhh and I forgot, sometime today, my friend BariJ (a fabric designer) is going to feature some of my mini quilts on her new blog about embroidery, http://www.welovefrenchknots.com/. The post isn't up yet, but it should be someday today!! yipeeee!! I love it!! and you will love these whimsical quilties!! :O


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies!

Yesterday was productive for me.... I got to spend some much needed time with my grandmother which is always nice! And I got some housework done that I had been neglecting... It's amazing how you (meaning me) forget how easy something is to get done once you start.

Iain should be leaving the hospital sometime this week to go to a skilled nursing facility until she can really adjust to her new "bones".

Clara - Poor Addie! Hope she feels better soon!

Trudy - Nothing like a good nap!

Sally - I can't wait to read about your mini quilts!


Well-Known Member
Terra, I have an Iain, but he's a he and is my 2nd born. While born in England I had a Dr. from Scotland and went with that spelling.

Hello to everyone else...and time for more hot tea as we get the bits and pieces of some storm's rain. Chilly rain!


Well-Known Member
That's really neat Maureen! Yes, my Iain can trace her lineage back to the Hunters of Hunterston. She's full of Scottish pride! LOL


Well-Known Member

Well.....it's official now....I am going to have the kids for the next 10 weeks for sure.....It's not going to be easy, and I hope Traci will get things in order for herself in that length of time....she has a lot of work to do on herself. Continued prayers please and we will all be okay...I just know it!!! Things have settled quite a bit....I think we are starting to get into a bit of a routine....which helps the kids be a little more settled.

Just wanted to stop in!!! LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!!


The Loopy-O
So much for first days of school. :faint:
Around 3 am, we were up with the dog and next thing we notice is that everything went pitch dark. No power, no stove, no water, no nothing! The first thing that Cait says is "How am I going to straighten my hair??" Priorities Cait, priorities....
Scott was concerned about having to start school at 7am with no caffeine, now *that* is more like it! :tea:

Cait went over to her friend's house who had power and lives across the way, and Scott and I went to the local gas station to get cups of coffee. We dumped a 20 oz cup of coffee all over the counter, the floor and almost on another customer. So not a good start.


The kids just got home a bit ago- and neither is too happy with school/teachers/classes. its got to get better right? LOL

I have to run, I think I was supposed to post something on Facebook for the Cheery-o's. But I'll be back for quickie personals!



The Loopy-O
Whew! I had something posted to my Google Calendar on the wrong date (go figure!!) so i didn't miss posting anything.

Disclaimer: I should let all of our new O-Fam members that i am officially "date challenged" and please never go by any dates that i posts. I assume no repsonibility if I say it the wrong day/date and confuse the %@$* out of everybody. :love:

Linda S- all considering, we got out of the house early this morning,. I am guessing that having no internet and/or TV was a factor however!
And ITA- please post your CP Stroganoff recipe- I am getting ready to switch over from grilling to CP and am in need of new recipes :hungry:

Waves hi to Laurie!

Amber- this is a "no-pressure thread." If you have time to caht or catch up with personals, that is great. If not, that is also great. Sometimes we op in for a quick drive by wave and hug. ever apologize!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis, its the little thing that rock-- like jammie-days!

Clara- huggles to Addie Paddie! Hope she feels better. How is everything going with your friend. I didn't get a chance to comment on it yet, but I saw your LO that you did. So touching and true.

Trudy- oh man, that alarm snafu sticks. But at least you got extra time to be here with your O-fam. Did you get your nap yet? :sleep:

Sally you are wonderful too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is like a double monday for you after a three day weekend, right? I had some seriously caffeinated coffee this morning and I thought of you- Enerjava or something like that. tee-hee!!! ....zoom.....


The Loopy-O
sorry I have to keep posting, but krazy kitty missed me and my tablet and is now crawling all over us.

terra- good for being productive! *fingers crossed for good bone growing* I'd send Skel-e-grow if it existed outside of Happy Potter ;)

hi Maureen!
DH traced his ancestors back to Scotland too- Clan Campbell and all that :)
I am Italian- lots of ancestors in Monte Fiore Italy.

Nana- I am so relieved that you get the kids. Its a good thing. You'll give those babies the stability that they need and Traci the time to get herself better.
Hang in there and don't let them tie you up.



A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Thanks to all for the warm welcome! I didn't get back yesterday because I forgot to subscribe to the thread...oops. no notifications of new posts.

Clara - I sent you a PM because I DID go to school in Washington State and I am VERY curious now!
