
Daily O's - Tuesday October 6


Well-Known Member
Haven't started the Daily O's for awhile. I woke up at 2:15 when Sydney wanted me to take her to the bathroom. And I couldn't fall asleep again. So I've been up cruising the gallery! Some virtual coffee for everyone!

Thanks to all for the good wishes for Mom. The appt. with the radiologist went well. She needs to be at the hospital at 6:30. And, then you all know the drill...wait, wait, wait! That's ok, I bought a couple of paperbacks for vacation and so I can do some reading.

Dawn, sounds like you had a great date. Anything new on the job front?

Lori, glad to hear that things are getting back to normal for you.

Linda W, so you postponed the date...anticipation builds! :)

Clara, hope you remember your meds today. ;-)

Chris, I'm hoping there were no calls from school yesterday!

Merkee, didn't realize that your husband's job was in danger. Wishing him good luck on getting through those certifications.

Ok...off to get me some REAL coffee. Too late to go back to bed now. So I need something to keep me awake. I'll check in with everyone later today.
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The Loopy-O
Good morning Linda! Oh that it the pits when you wake up like that and can't get back to sleep. Not like you don't have much on your mind, eh? Thinking of your mom and you today. I hope that everything goes super smoothly for her. What books are you reading?

Thanks so much for the coffee-- I need to mainline it today. So tired.
Gary had an episode on Sunday where he got very faint, dizzy, nausea and vomiting. I was concerned that it could be a heart attack. Yesterday I told him that he needed to get in to see he GP- first thing. And what does a man do? Totally blew me off and minimized it.

8:00 last night, he says that he has been getting the same feelings, but now with chest/shoulder pain (left side) and was having shortness of breath.

My goodness!! Didn't I tell you to go to the dr during the *day* so we wouldn't have to sit in the ER at night? ahhh!!! Off to the ER with me and the kids- they were really good, being that we had to all sit in that little ER room and there was only one chair. Gary was happy- he had a bed and Monday Night Football :lol:
They ran some tests which all came back ok so far. Since he is diabetic, the dr didn't want to release him until he has some more tests today. He wanted to go home, ag. medical advice, but I was like-- no way dude!!! Not doing this again!! You'll be walking to the hospital next time.

Kids and I got home at 1 pm, and my alarm went off at 5, ugh. I didn't sleep so good either. Go figure ;) Harley (our old dog) was all wound up from us not being home and she whines and moans when she tries to get herself settled. Then it was a potty-break (probably the same time at Syd!!), then it was just waiting for the alarm to go off.....

So that is my saga for the day.
*cue theme song* Three cheers for coffee!!!

Here's another pot, I drank the last one :)


The Loopy-O

lori- sooooo happy to hear that your dh is doing better and that things are getting back to normal. Whatever normal is- I sure as heck don't know :lol:

Merkee- yummy soup and bread bowls!! What kind of soup did you make? I love soup!
I didn't get to my toenails. I was going to have Cait do them yesterday- little mom and DD time- but then she bailed on me. I told her good thing she did or I would have had to put my socks on and mess them up to go to the ER ;)
No phone call from school but 2 detention slips from incidents last week. :(

Dawn- I heard that Zombieland did well this weekend- looks like the kind of movie Scott and Gary would like.

Linda W- i think you have me beat. Last movie that Gary and I went to on a "date" was a Knight's Tale. I have been to the movies since then but always with/for the kids.
Hope that Ayden gets into the swing of things on Mondays.

Clara- ugh, that feeling is the worst when you forget your meds and feel all loopy and spinny! Hope you are feeling better today and got some sleep.

Oh! I thought of you yesterday- I heard on a news program about the Seattle bikini baristas and how some of them got arrested for prostitution (they were basically flashing customers for extra $$) but I remembered how aggravated you were that they were right by Ethan;s karate school. You are obviously not alone. And I don't blame you either- just yuck!

EHStudios (sorry I don't know your name!) Welcome to the Oooooo! We're a bit wacky but its all good!

Andrea and Clara and everyone-- Thank you so much for your support- I swear- I could not do all this w/o you guys!
Yay for ATHA!!!! wooot!!!

No prob- I kinda wanted to try the cake one too! :lol: I'll order the stuff in the next day or so. Unless you are in a rush...

Hang in there- April will be here before you know it!
Have you talked to Vince recently? Hope he is good and safe.

Better get going...



Well-Known Member
Stopping in really quickly - I need to go get ready for work, yet here I sit on the computer. LOL. We've got our priorities, right?

Hope you all have a fab Tuesday! Love to you all.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies....popping in for a minute...going with my Mom to the Dr...Sharon is coming over to keep Ayden. Which she goes back to work a week from today...she is not too excited.

I woke up with a KILLER headache at 4 am....I took some advil, but it took two hours for it to settle down....it still hurts pretty bad...but I will survive...I never get headaches!!! I feel for you ladies who get them so often!!!

I NEED PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE...I think that's the problem LOL!!!

Have you girls been checking out the gallery on these challenges!! EVERYONE IS SO ROCKING THEM!!! I love it!!

I will pop back after while!! you girls have a great day!!!


Well-Known Member
Haven't started the Daily O's for awhile. I woke up at 2:15 when Sydney wanted me to take her to the bathroom. And I couldn't fall asleep again. So I've been up cruising the gallery! Some virtual coffee for everyone!

Thanks to all for the good wishes for Mom. The appt. with the radiologist went well. She needs to be at the hospital at 6:30. And, then you all know the drill...wait, wait, wait! That's ok, I bought a couple of paperbacks for vacation and so I can do some reading.

Merkee, didn't realize that your husband's job was in danger. Wishing him good luck on getting through those certifications.

Ok...off to get me some REAL coffee. Too late to go back to bed now. So I need something to keep me awake. I'll check in with everyone later today.
Linda, glad the apt. went well. Hope the results are only wait wait and get back quicker. I hate that waiting.

Thanks on the well wishes. It's the economy and I think there aren't many jobs that aren't at least a little bit in jeopardy. :( It's sad. I'm just riding the roller coaster waiting to see what is in store for us.


Well-Known Member
Merkee- yummy soup and bread bowls!! What kind of soup did you make? I love soup!
I didn't get to my toenails. I was going to have Cait do them yesterday- little mom and DD time- but then she bailed on me. I told her good thing she did or I would have had to put my socks on and mess them up to go to the ER ;)
No phone call from school but 2 detention slips from incidents last week. :(
Home made vegetable soup with seashells. My two kids are both vegetarian at the moment. It came out pretty good. It was one of those toss this in and toss that in and add this and clean out the fridge soups. :)

I'm so sorry you all had to deal with the ER. What fun NOT! Hope Gary is okay on that front. Some men can be so stubborn when it comes to their health. ((hugs)) Maybe you can get a nap in today.


Well-Known Member
Personals from yesterday:
Clara, good advice on the paycheck. Thanks.

Lori, I'm a milk half full kinda gal. :) My Faith helps too.

Andrea, that's wonderful that your daughter is so bright. Me being unflappable, sort of. LOL I have my good days and my bad days but it all evens out in the end. Worry doesn't get you anywhere so I try not to and pray a lot.

Linda W., thanks for the prayers. I sent some soup your way. :)


Well-Known Member
HellooooO sweet ladies! I popped in this morning and typed out a long post before realizing I wasn't connected.. it's raining here and with the rain goes my internet connection. So it's been off and on all day, very irritating LOL. So just a quick howdy and hope everyone's doing ok.


always chatty at the O!!
Hello ladies. So, it is a weird week for me. I felt kinda icky yesterday. I forgot my meds, like I said, but went home adn got them, then I felt sick after eating lunch so I laid down on the x-ray table for about 45 minutes and that helped. I am usually an lay down for 2-3 hours and sleep really hard but it still helped. My tummy was funky the rest of the day. This morning poor Ethan had a yucky belly so I got everything together and took him to work with me. Then dh got off of work at lunch so I took Ethan home at lunch. My aunt told the family recently that she and her husband have decided to adopt a baby. I decided to send her a "baby's first week" box of stuff and made my mom and sis give me money for it too. Then this week they got a call and might end up with a baby really quick. We'll see though. This stuff is always real hit and miss so I've been hopeful for her.

It is also an emotional week for me. Tomorrow marks the two year anniversary of the death of a friend of mine who died in a plane crash along with 9 other people on a return trip from a big sky dive weekend in Idaho. My husband did some of the body recovery of it and didn't tell me that's what he did until much much later. He had meant to never tell me things like that come out after a little bit of drinking. The family and some of the friends are doing a hike up to the crash site tomorrow. I have no desire to ever go up there. The crash was so horrific that they will continue to find things for years to come that nobody related to those people should ever see but they all think they need to go up there...I just know I don't need to go up there ever. Last year I took the day off of work and went and surprised my mom, dad and brother at work to just say hi and let them know I care about them...but this year I am not doing that. This year I'm really not doing anything except praying a lot and thinking a lot I'm guessing. I know I have mentioned it before but this event was a huge turning point in my faith and my decision to actually grow and not just be a Sunday morning Christian. If that makes sense without getting all spiritual and stuff. So, today my mind is a bit heavy.

So to deal with it...I have been organizing my scrap stuff. LOL!! I started it a few weeks ago and have been doing it a little here and a little here but then when I joined Merkee's team I got totally OCD about it and now I can't even scrap. Aaaaah!! I'm getting much closer to done now though. And although I won't be completely done for awhile I'll be ready to scrap again in the next day or two. I don't get OCD very often but when I do it is very annoying. Blah!! At least I am only organizing my O stash. If I was trying to organize everything I would never finish. Eeek!! So, I am just sticking to O and CT stuff. Much easier that way. One day it will be all set up and pretty. :) One day.

Well, I am gonna get back to it. No personals for now...I love you guys though. Maybe I'll come back in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oh.....I am so behind with the O's! Lots have been going on. First of all, Sally, did you watch the Vikings/Packers game????? Oh my gosh! It was awesome and I was cheering for both sides. I am glad that the Vikings won, because I think Brett needed to show them who's boss.....even though I am a huge Packers fan.

Things have been busy here. I'm not sure where the weekend went, except that my DH worked most of it, so I was on Gracie duty. I did get some scrapping done, so that was nice! Today was okay and then got icky. We had a court-ordered, in-home observation this morning that lasted several hours. We had to answer about 10 pages worth of detailed questions and my daughter was also asked many questions by the counselor. After that, she had to go to their main office for the first part of psychiatric testing. My daughter called me and had a full-blown meltdown as she was hiding in the bathroom while my husband was talking to the doctor. She claims that we are making things look worse than they are, why are we telling them all of the things that she's done, that we're making her look like a bad person, that every kids does these things and it's normal, why are we doing this to her, etc.....it was pretty bad. The great thing is that she has to go back tomorrow for 2 more appointments.

So, things will only get worse, I'm sure. In the meantime, I've gotten way behind with hanging out here and totally behind on Sally's Gratitude Challenge! I know that I need to focus on keeping things from imploding here, but my scrapping/chatting time really helps me relax!

My biggest worry right now is the fact that I can't find any Pumpkin Spice coffee creamer anywhere in Omaha yet! Oh my gosh! I live for this time of year and that darn creamer and it's nowhere to be found. I can't buy a Pumpkin Spice Latte every day or I'd go totally broke and that creamer helps satisfy my PSL craving enough in between splurges at my local coffee house. lol I know, my priorities are a little messed up. lol But hey....it's Pumpkin Spice creamer! I think that my hubby and I are going on a quest tonight to see if we can find some. lol

I hope to get back in the loop again. I sure missed reading about everyone's day!


Well-Known Member
Quick update. It was a very long day. I picked Mom and Dad up at 6 this morning and I delivered Mom home at 5 tonight. But the bottom line was no cancer in the lymph nodes, very small malignant tumor removed. She will do radiation and then just frequent check-ups.

I drove in our driveway and Sydney ran out to jump in the car for her first night of 90 minute gymnastics. I just got back home! I'm totally wiped out! But good day!

Chris, I sure hope that Gary got to come home today with an all clear!


...loves her some "O"
good evening everyone!!!

i'm here trying to relax, get some stuff done, post a little bit, watch dwts and sytycd, and tell you guys HI!!!! :)

Got my hair done today!! and my awesome friend who does my hair (fabulously, might i add!!) hopefully is hopping on here at the O. I got her hooked into digiscrapping while we were stamping together!! So...HI, KELLY...if you see us here!! *waving frantically at kelly*

chris, i'm sooooo glad gary is okay!!! he posted on scott's status this afternoon that he was fine and at home! we are here for ya, babe!!! :) I hope you took a nap today, darling!!! I needed one, too, but I just took a 30 minute magazine break this afternoon that really helped me gobs!! Sending virtual chocolate to you, hun!! :)

lindaS, soooooooooo happy that your mom's prognosis is sooo great!!

dawn, i think that God is totally giving you this time to just hang, relax, and just have a restorative time!!! You enjoy, babe!! (I'm secretly praying that your mr gorgeous lets you stay at home!!!! it's da bomb...but that's me!!heehee!! :) )

lindaW, hope you got your pumpkin spice latte!!!!!! You deserve one once a day, babe!!!! healing prayers for your head, too!! :)

merk, you are sooo wonderful!! glad your glass is half full...we like to joke that it's not if it's half full or half empty, it's just gonna spill anyway!! (okay, you know me...i'm a glass is completely full gal!! heehee!!)

DI!!!! OMGosh, girlfriend!!! we moved our church music group and our band rehearsal to monday nights from 7:30-10:30pm so I MISSED BRETT!!!!!! I was hoping he would do well, but I'm still a green and yellow gal (probably cause that's my baby boy's team!! and yours, of course!!) Sooooooo, girlie, i want you to know that we are here to walk with you through all of this with your dd!!! But I want you know that you don't have to claim that it's gonna get worse!! It can only get better, right??? (I'm in a state of believing everything is gonna get better and better and better!!! I have faith for your house, too!!)

Hi Mary Ellen, hope your day was FABULOUS!!!! :)

Clara, ohhhh you have had a couple of days, huh??? I am praying your tummy is better and better, hun!!! Hugs to Ethan, too!!!

waving hi to everyone I have missed...sandra, lori, andrea!! hugs to everyone and i love you all!!! :) hope your Wednesday is even better than your tues and mon!! :)