
Daily O's November 5th! TGIF!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I had to get this thread started... I couldn't wait until morning... I'm going to be a zombie tomorrow...

So the DH's new business is a classifieds site, and the email-listing-owner function wasn't happening, zero emails. I went to the support forum for the script, it's a script I've never used so I had no idea where to troubleshoot... and they were super slow to reply, if at all. So I kept searching way way way way back... and I figured out the problem. We use Google Apps -- basically gmail but for your own domain name -- and the emails still wanted to go through the site's servers instead of Google's!! So I fixed it. No more emails in limbo.

My head is killing me. I sat at my desk & computer ALL DAY with no reprieve but a quick trip to Sonic w the DH and Riley-buns, hydration! I finished up the client stuff, but I didn't finish my BIL's gift... and almost killed my MIL over it -- she basically wanted me to redo the whole thing. I won.

He'll be over Sunday for pancakes before he drives down south for good, so I'll give him the rest of his gift then. Tonight he got the bulk of gifts -- kitchen stuff galore. I'm making him a custom cookbook -- full of the family's recipes, my recipes, and other basic & "typical" recipes from online.

Oh, and when I went to save my largest file -- breads and pastries -- Word froze mid-save... corrupting my file. That's when I won the battle to give him the cookbook Sunday. So, I started over. Yay. I've only been stopping to work on the DH's stuff. It's time to go to bed since I won the Email Server Victory!!!!

Sorry for the massive post on my computer and other woes. I better go enjoy my last night's sleep without the DH crowding the bed! He's on his last night on graveyard!!!!!!! Lol, I'm actually looking forward to being able to make the bed again.

Trudy -- I hope you got to enjoy your sun!!! I'd love to see fog and rain -- it's still summer weather for us :(

Sally -- WOOOO!!! Wow Auntie, you've got two new little ones to make nice things for!!!!! They're BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!


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Well-Known Member
Meg you should definitely use one of Paula Deen's recipes for chocolate as they are A) full of chocolate and B) full of butter and there is no better recipe than that! LOL

Good morning everyone!
I hope everyone is doing okay and having a good morning; I can't sleep and have been doing challenges on Polka Dot Plum all night and now I am going to start on O-Scraps challenges.
AND I won a coupon for last month challenges for Danielle Young's shop; I am so excited about that!! :clap2:

Other than that not much news yet as it is early, chilly and wet in Orlando ugh.
Be back later!! ::grouphug


Well-Known Member
Ohhh girlies!! My nieces are the cutest things ever! Here's a pic from this afternoon (about an hour after they were born!!) that my bro took and emailed tonight!! :) My mom is holding Alice and I have Olivia! They are so fantastic!! ♥


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! Congrats Sally and to the proud Mama and Papa!!! BEAUTIFUL!! I am happy everything went well!! You look fab too Sally!!! There's nothing better than a baby to put a huge smile on your face....except for maybe TWO babies!!! :amen:

Well...............Yes...ladies...it's Friday...FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OH I just needed to get that out!! What a week!! My poor little Savannah was soooooooooo sick yesterday!! She never left my lap all day except to take one nap...and the poor girl whined in her sleep the whole time. Sharon got about around 6...I was ready for the relief after 3 days!!! I have not heard anything since she left...so I don't know if she will be here today or not!! I am sort of doubting she will....

OH I almost forgot, well until this morning I actually did forget....but tonight, I am going to see Carrie Underwood!! WOOOOOT!! Me and my SIL are going!! I am so excited.....I originally bought the tickets for me and Mike, but he so kindly reminded me that it was the night before the first day of rifle season (hunting), and he could not miss that...so his Sister jumped on the band wagon and said she wanted to go with me!! SO YAY!!! Girls night out!!!


Meg....YAY for you for fixin the google issue!! YOU ROCK!!! I had to chuckle that you "won" the little issue with the MIL!! :hurt: actually I laughed out loud!!! I don't have any ONLINE recipes for chocolate....I have all mine passed down from my Mom on paper....if I have time in a little bit, I will see if I can pull one out for you....

Hahaha maybe I can get that brisquette recipe I have been promising Kat too!! OH I am so bad!!!

PETRA!!! :wave: so good to see you!! YAY for all that scrapping....I can't wait to see what you do for the O challenges!!! and CONGRATS on the coupon for DY's store....WOOOT!!!

Okay ladies...I am off...coffee is ready, and Connor will be here in about 10 minutes...

Have a great day girlies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Girls, you are up early! TGIF is right!

Meg- thanks for getting the thread started this morning. Sorry to hear about your computer woes. Chocolate sounds wonderful - let us know what you end up making. I agree on the Paula Deen recipes - I am getting hungry just thinking about it.

Hi Petra, enjoy working on the challenges.

Linda - oooh, Carrie Underwood. How fun! Hope you have a great time at the show. I thought of you last night - I went to the Salon and get highlights and a haircut. It felt so good to be pampered, and I decided I am getting a pedi tomorrow morning. LOL.

Have a great day. Tonight we will do a family movie night - Toy Story 3. Little guy doesn't know his dad got it for him yet so it's a suprise. He's already seen it, but like every other 4 year old boy, he loves all things Buzz and Woody. So fun.

Will be back later!


Well-Known Member
Well....this just goes to show how BAD my week has been!!! The concert is NEXT FRIDAY!!! UUUGGGHHH!!! I am losing it!!!! Mike just informed me!!!!

ME....Oh...don't you just love IT!! the fresh hair doo, the pampering!! AWESOME!!!! oh and What a fab surprise!!! TOY STORY 3....I love it!! I cried when I saw it!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Ladies: TGIF is right!!!!! Nana I'm with you it has been a heck of a week!! I got into the dentist yesterday and she took an x-ray of my jaw and sure enough I dis-located it. So now I am on muscle relaxers and pain killers and cannot eat anything that I have to chew for a while to see if my jaw re-aligns itself after the swelling goes down. ( I wanted to lose some weight, but geeeezzz!!!) So not sure what will be happening with work, I go in for a few hours today, but will see how the day goes as I am still in some pain and can't take muscle relaxers while at work or I will be asleep at the till. If my jaw does not go back into place, then they will have to put splints on it, not sure how that works but oh boy!!!

Nana Linda - You sound just like me with forgetting what night you are going out... too funny :pound: oh what menopause does to the mind :loco: , but don't you worry, you are not alone it happens to me at least once a week!!

Meg - good on you girl for getting your computer issues worked out, it can be so darn frustrating :frusty: and you know what you are doing so imagine what it would be like for the rest of us!!

Me - Movie night sounds great!! I think that is what we will be doing also! Put on the popcorn!

Petra - Sounds like the weather is not cooperating for you in Orlando, wonder how Chris and family are making out at Mickey's house?? Congrats on the coupon win!

Sally - I commented earlier on your new babies, but oh how wonderful for your family!!

Krista, Laurie and Chris :wave: hope to see you in here soon! Happy Friday everyone!


Well-Known Member
OH NO...Trudy.....I am sorry about all this with your jaw....and SPLINTS on your jaw??? I am TRYING really hard to picture this....and let me tell you....IT'S NOT A PRETTY PICTURE :tape: oops...sorry!!
and YES YES...I blame everything on the BIG M lately...even Mike says he thinks it is too....he tells me that I am just losing it sometimes....LOL...he just doesn't know I was faking it all those years before the M symptoms came on!!! :hurt:

Well...Miss S did not come today...she was still running high fever this morning....but she called a few minutes ago....Sharon said she picked up the phone and was saying NA NA NA NA....I always say hi to her when I talk to Sharon....she was baby jabbering in the phone to me...and we did our little "conversation"....and then waved bye bye to me....so I think she is finally feeling better...Sharon said as of 11 the fever has been gone...YAY!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I am a baaaad mommy. I am letting my kids play hookie. Instead we are playing games and spending much needed time together. We are usually going going going. Plus it doesn't help that Clara had me up till 1 am chattin! I haven't been up that late in a long time. (I love ya!)

My oldest (10 yr old) made his first scrap page this morning. I thought it would be more meaningful if the kids designed the book for the Christmas gifts. They love the idea.

Meg: I'm so glad you figured out the issue with Dh's site. Technology can be so frustrating sometimes. Oh and Mmmmmmm chocolate. I do not have any awesome recipes. I do not bake that often. I tend to eat it all and leave little slivers for everyone else!

Sally: Congratulations on the new babies! Twins! How wonderful! They are gorgeous

Trudy: Ouch! How are you even walking around? You must be in so much pain. I hope it heals itself for you. And going to work? You are very brave.

Linda: Yay for Savannah! Glad to hear the fever has dropped. Al life just stops when my little ones get sick.

Me: glad you brought that up. I forgot I was going to buy that movie this week. We'll have to do movie night tomorrow though. Tonight we actually have movie night with cub scouts.

Petra: Rain rain go away come again next spring time.........

Well off to go finish our very long board game of Life. Then it's off to try to deliver girl scout cookies.


always chatty at the O!!
Hello guys!!

I hope everyone is having a great Friday. I am hoping that tonight I get to take Addie to see the Veggie Tales but I don't have tix yet so we'll see. She'll love it if we can make it. Today is a pretty low key day. DH took the car in since it was a yucky morning.

Can you believe the kids are already trying to come up with Christmas lists? It freaks me out...but I'm already trying to come up with some Christmas ideas for them too. I'm trying to come up with homemade stuff for everyone and we found some duct tape plans that should be pretty cool. We'll see.

This weekend we have to get our camper cleaned out because we have plans to go to Dave Matthews in a few weeks. I can't wait. Unfortunately the people we were going with can't come. Our friend's wife has to have surgery to remove a spot on her uterus and since her mom is currently dying of ovarian cancer they don't want to mess around. So, now we have an extra ticket...anyone near Charlottesville, WV interested??? Elisa?? Linda?? The ticket is $75 and it should be an awesome concert. I can't wait.

Anyway...I think I'll do some personals and then head out of here.

Meg - I hope you ended up getting a little bit of sleep and I'm glad you decided to give you bil a gift you were comfortable and not something rushed that you didn't like as much. My mom likes to give half assed gifts when they are from other people. It makes me crazy. Yummy chocolate. I would be all about some chocolate cream pie. If I'm feeling motivate I'll shoot you a recipe. It is my fave if I have some chocolate on hand. Yum!!! Good job on the website. I'd have no idea where to start.

Petra - So glad to see you here. DY's shop is awesome!! And right in time for DSD!! Can't beat that!!

Nana!!! Poor you and poor Savanna. I'm glad she gets some mama love now and glad that you get a break. I hope you get some sleep. What a bummer that you got all pumped up for Carrie only to be put off until next week. Uncool!!

ME - Yay for the hair styling!! Enjoy your pedi. Especially as you get nice and round and it gets harder and harder to reach those toes. Those pedis get nicer and nicer. Maybe they'll give you the extra special treatment just because.

Oh Trudy!!! You poor thing. My mama has a lot of probs with her jaw and I just have an annoying jaw. I am also trying to imagine a jaw splint and it is nothing great. Poor you. Hopefully those muscle relaxers help at night. It could be interesting if you took them and painkillers at work and were all crazy and loopy. It would make for some majorly entertained people.

Okay, I am having some major allergy issues. They are kicking my buttowski...we are watching kick buttowski right now. stupid show but the name cracks me up. i'll chit chat later. can't wait for some chatting later. whoohoo!!


Well-Known Member
Hellooo ladies! I know I have been a bad O-fam member this wk...I agree it's been a heck of a week LOL. I'm looking forward to having some DSD fun and retail therapy...but for now I'm heading to bed. I'll try to get in here tomorrow and do some catching up :).
((((hugs)))) to all!