
Daily O's November 4th


Well-Known Member
Man you are all sleepin in this week!

Just a quick fly by for me. I don't want to get off here. I heard about all these awesome sales and I want to check them all out and go broke!!! But I have to go do the second half of my scan. I will be back though I promise!!!

If you know of anyone looking for new CT members please let me know. I'd love to give it a whirl.


Well-Known Member
Good morning! it's a wet and dreary Thursday here, but one day closer to the weekend. I am feeling better this morning. I never ever used to use saline sprays - something about putting it my nose just freaked me out, but my DH convinced me the other night. wow, they really work - no longer congested. I am a convert!! heehee.

Thanks, Katrina for getting us started. I am assembling my shopping list. Trying to stick to a budget so i will have to pick carefully.

Congrats to my girl Clara on joining Nina's Team! You go, girl!

Have a fab day everyone.


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!!

Yes Katrina....thanks for getting us started!! With Chris out of town....and I have had my grandchildren this week...taking Cameran to school and such....and then Savannah to the Dr this morning...she is sick :sick: she has a virus that is causing a fever up to 102 and then an infection and had to get abx!! YUCK!!! Poor baby!! POOR NANA...NO SLEEP...Her Mommy comes home today though.....one of the best things about being the Nana...you get to give them back!! I talked Geoff today...he says that three weeks of being out with his back has gotten really old!! I BET IT HAS!! UUUGGHHH....he goes on the 14th to the specialist....forgot to ask which one.

I really am ready for this week to be over....it's been draining on me....really don't know how women my age have children!! I feel like as a grandmother, I am extremely active with my babies....but the 24 hours a day stuff......well...been there, done that :mrgreen: But...it sure feels good when your LITTLE MAN tells you that you are the best Nana in the world....which he did last night!! :first:

ME.....very wet and dreary here too!! YUCK!! glad you are feeling better too....I HATE NOSE SPRAYS....even if they do help...and YES YES


Katrina.....Oh you will definately go broke!!!! ONe of these sales is what brought me to the O in the first place!!!!!!! As for CT's...just watch the forum for designers posting....and if you want to look outside the O..GASP....you can look at DST (digitalshoptalk) in their forum under CALLS.

Krista....How fun what you are doing on your blog!!! I peeked yesterday!!!

Hi Laurie!!! I will be looking the weekend for your pages!!!

Trudy....Okay....I will pass the cheese for you!!! But no worries...you too Meg....just keep at it!! We have all been there!!!! You are all fabulous scrappers and I know it's hard for the designers to choose!!!

Okay...I am off to take a nap while my little princess is sleeping!

((HUGS)) to you all!!


...loves her some "O"
Hey girlies!! Flyin' by...

but I just had to mention that my Twin Girlie Nieces are going to be born today!!! yay!!! My brother and sil are having their miracle babies via c-section!!! Chris and I are both blessed this year, huh?

I have to get the bindings on Krista's advent calendars so I have something to handsew while I'm waiting for the big reveal!! LOL!!

LOVE you girlies lots!! :)


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies. I just sent my kids off to their corners so I have a couple of moments of silence so I thought I should check in real quick. Katrina...the dailies are totally lost without Chris starting them before the crack of dawn. LOL!!! I hope she is enjoying her vacation and maybe even sleeping in until at least 7.

So, today my house is making me crazy so I am going to be cleaning and organizing, then we have piano lessons later. Derek was not thrilled this morning because it is wet and rainy and he had to ride the motorcycle. But, what do you do?? I need the car. That was the deal. He could sell the motorcycle if he wanted but it is the wrong season for that. He'll figure out something. I think it is funny because when it is not raining he talks about how it is no big deal to ride the bike in the rain and the rain would go over top of him and he'd hardly get wet...blah blah blah. But now that it is raining it is a new story. It is funny.

So, I never finished personals so I will do that now...starting with today.

Katrina - thanks for starting the dailies again. :) Good luck with your scan. Too bad you're not here or you'd get to hang out with Derek today. Give the CT stuff some time. Just keep your eyes open. Here is where a lot of the digi-community calls get posted: http://www.digishoptalk.com/boards/calls-15/ if you want to check that out

ME - I am all about saline sprays too...between that and a neti pot. I use the neti pot to wash all the yuck out and then use the spray. It works pretty well. The sprays are so much nicer now too. They used to just have these drip things that SUCKED!!!! I'm glad you are feeling better. If you have never used a neti pot you should. Ethan uses it all the time and swears by it. It cracks me up. Anytime his nose is a little stuffy..."Mommy...can I use the teapot on my nose PLEEEEEEEEEESE!!!"
Thanks for the congrats on Nina's team. I am pretty stoked. I applied at the last minute. I really wanted on her team but wasn't sure if I should apply and then forgot I was almost out of time. Bad Clara. But I got my app in and Yay!! I made it. Whoohoo!! Totally stoked about it. I just love her stuff and have a ton of it so it will be fun to get some of the new stuff. Her new stuff has been absolutely amazing.

Okay...on to yesterday...I did start a post but it got deleted by my webkins obsessed 8 year old.

Laurie, Trudy & Meg - I don't know how you ladies didn't make Nina's team. I think you guys are amazing. :( I would have loved to play on a team with you guys too.

Krista - Happy to see you posting in the dailies. Been missing you here. :) I'll have to check out your blogging.

Linda - Savanna, oh Savanna!! Maybe some benedryl is the answer for that silly little girl. I hope she gave you some sleep last night and got some sleep herself or both of you will be a mess. I'll bet you sleep your butt off when she leaves though. You are such a good nana. I promise when I come over for a sleepover I won't cry all night or expect to be held all the time. I'll even make my own bottle (and even give you your own).

Katrina - I hope all your hypothyroid issues get resolved. As far as your question about extra challenge LOs...it depends on your purpose of the extra LOs. For the challenges that you get points for it won't get you extra points but could be fun. Read the rules for the designer spotlights and stuff because usually if you do extra LOs you get extra entries for prizes. I know with the last DS that Amanda did there was a prize for whoever did the most LOs. So just read the directions real close and if the answer isn't there just put your question in the forum and the forum moderator will answer you. Everyone is super awesome about question so just ask away. All the contests have different rules and they expect some questions and some clarification questions sometimes and hop right in there and answer them quickly.

Trudy - How did you score some sun over there? So not fair. We have lots of yuck rain. Blah!! I hope you had a good day at work yesterday.

Meg - I say yay that you get to share your bed with hubby. It will be an adjustment sure but a bed is meant to be shared, right? So yay for you guys. I hope things settle out for you guys with work and stuff. Sorry his work stresses him out. It shouldn't be like that. DH has gone through a lot of that stuff too. It sure does suck. Big hugs!!

Sally - I hope you got everything done yesterday. Can't wait to see stuff in my mailbox when it gets here. Yay!!!

Okay...I think I caught everyone. Big hugs to everyone.


always chatty at the O!!
I missed Linda and Sally while I was posting away.

Linda - Poor Savanna! No wonder she was so fussy for you. Big hugs for you and lots of smooches for her. Thanks for the congrats. I can't wait to play.

Sally - How exciting for you!!! What's the miracle story behind the babies? I just love miracle baby stories. I'll be praying for safe and healthy delivery and beautiful pink babies and 20 fingers and 20 toes for you to be kissing and loving on before you know it.


Well-Known Member
Katrina -- At Digital Shop Talk, they have a section in their forum for Calls. That's the best source... I don't think any of the O designers are having a call right now. Good luck!

Mary Ellen -- I Absolutely LOVE the Neti Sinus Rinse... that thing is amazing when it comes to colds! You just have to read the directions like a hawk.

Nana Linda -- WOOO! Go #1 NANA!!!!! Wow, I don't know how you do it. I used to want to have kids ASAP... but now... I'm terrified. I guess now I've been exposed to too many uncontrollable ones, opps!

Sally -- WOW! Big Day!!!!!! I can't wait to see what you scrap for them... that's definitely a miracle birth!!!!

Clara -- Lol, that sounds like my hubby when I tell him to put on a jacket... then I have to chase him two miles up the trail because he's freezing! I hope the cleaning and organizing go well!!!!!

OK -- We got Jeff's site up -- now it's just the wait to get people to list things, that's going to be the hardest. It's hard to get people to list something when there aren't any listings already!
I worked non-stop yesterday, except for going out to lunch and checking out BevMo's wine sale. Again, none of my fruit wines were on sale :( The hubby says once he gets some action on his site, we'll celebrate and buy me a bottle! After finishing his site, my bff came over to watch Survivor... but the whole time I was having to list my newest kit & post on my blog and the FS forums about it... TOOK FOREVER! I hate zen cart. It's the developer in me, and the wordpress lover, you could easily run a whole shop just through wordpress. Ok, take away the soapbox...
This morning I need to work my butt of to finish my BIL's birthday gift, and a test site for a client. Ugh, not looking forward to it. I haven't scrapped for fun in SO LONG!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning everyone.... The fog is lifting around the lake and it looks like we are in for another sunny day, the forecast is calling for :rain: tonight so I better enjoy this last day of sun ! No work today, but work tomorrow so I will really enjoy this day!!

Clara - I so enjoy your novels!! Too funny about your hubby and the motorcycle, hope he didn't get too wet today!! You have a busy day in store for you! Perhaps you would like to come over and clean and organize my closet?? We are clearing it out so we can put in a new closet organizer system. Can't wait, it is always so messed up in there!

Meg - Yahoo on getting your hubby's site up and running, hope you get lots of action on it soon!! You have been a busy girl haven't you?? Hope you get to have some fun scrapping time for yourself soon!

Sally - Whoo Hoo!!! you must be so excited to meet your new babies!! Hope all goes well with the birth and everyone is healthy and happy!!

Nana Linda - Poor Savannah, Poor Nana!!! It is awful when you don't get the sleep that you need, especially when you have to do all the fun things that Nana's get to do, and then all the mother things too, yikes!! I don't know how you do it?? :hug: Hope that your sweet little girl feels better soon!

Me - Glad you are feeling better! It will be hard to choose from all the goodies to buy, but good luck with your choices, so hard to watch the pocketbook sometimes isn't it??

Katrina - thanks for getting us started this morning, I am always so late getting on here, but love to read everyones comments!! Hope you find a CT to apply for, I know you would be awesome on one!

Hope you all have a great day and Hi :wave: to all those that I have missed.


Well-Known Member
Sally....Oh I hope all went well with the birth of the twins!!!! How exciting!!! You know I looooooooooooove babies!!!

Clara...thanks for all the good reading today :clap2: and YAY for cleaning and organizing....I got a good start a few weeks ago...I just need to finish up....I want to paint before Christmas...but I am thinking this may not happen!!! Congrats again sweetie!! You will love her team I am so sure!!!

Trudy...we must be sending you that rain...it's rained all day and been cold here today!!! YAY for a nice day OFF from work!! :clap2:

Krista...hope you enjoyed your nap!!!!

I hope you are all enjoying your eveings!!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"