
Daily Os...Monday, March 9th....


...loves her some "O"
Hey girlies!!

I'm about to pop into the shower and get ready for another great week, but saw there were no dailys, so here we are!!!

Hope everyone has the BEST WEEK ever!!! Remember, sometimes it can only get better!! And I love all of y'all, no matter what those other guys say!! heehee!!



back hOme and loving it
Hi all,

was on holiday last week with DH.
We worked in our "basement"
it's not really a basement since it has large windows and nice white walls and all but it's one level under the one we usually enter the house because the ground goes a little downhill (is that clear ???? :lol: )
anyways we worked there for the whole week to change everything and make it more like a "suite" (wow this sounds posh :lol: ) we can have our firends in when they visit, along with being the place where we have our desktop PCs ( yeah we're geeks :eek: ) our WII and large screen to play with.
So now if any of you comes to the french riviera from mid-april (the large bed sofa comes in around mid aprils) you know where you can stay :D
We worked really hard and now my body aches everywhere :lol: but it's really satisfying to have the place like we wanted it to be :)

I'm back to work today and it's as terrible as in my nightmares .... the crisis is starting to have a high impact on our activity and generates a lot of pressure and worries among people ...
Plus I have one person in my teams who is "cracking" (dunno if you say that in english) under stress and pressure and this really gets to me.
I think I managed with my boss to find a solution to help her out without compromising her career ... but I feel responsible not to have seen how unwell she was until it was so late :(

sorry to annoy you with all this, but I had to spill it out :)
*hugs* to you all
have a nice day and week and everything :)


Well-Known Member
just a quick hi so you all don't worry... I'm struggling, and just can't seem to get into the swing of things... thanks to all of you for your love and support... love you all!


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon O's. Has everyone adjusted to the time change? My schedule doesn't change much so the only thing we have to do is get the girls back on our 7:30 bedtime. It shouldn't be too hard this time, out hot date from Sat came to a halt when they both woke up form nap time with a stomach bug. Let me tell you my house STUNK with fluids coming out both ends of my poor little bugs! It was the first time since being potty trained that I wished Kalin was still in diapers. Maybe next week we can have our date! As long as we get one before little man is born I'll be happy.

Today I need to wash a few walls in the living room so that Gunar can paint and we can get the office moved. Then I work tonight. It will be nice to feel like I am getting off at 11 instread of 12!

Sally~ We love ya too!!!

Dumpty~ hmmmm...French Riviera...do you mind having to listen to a newborn baby at night ;)? Maybe next year :).

Sandra~ Sending you some love. Just take some time to take care of YOU. Don't try to do too much. Stress can make you more tired than running a marathon!!!!

Hugs to the rest of you O's.


The Loopy-O
Hello my O-Fam! Long time no see, been a long and crazy past few days. But I am back! Back with a vengeance! I missed so many posting opportunities that I have to work harder than ever to catch up to meet my post count goal before the deadline!

Look out gallery, look out O-games, look out forum! muhahahahahhah!

Sally- it is going to be a great week! I just know it! We had a really nice weather weekend, and it gets me so revved up that spring is finally getting closer! Hope you have a great one too!

Dumpty, if I start swimming across the Atlantic Ocean today, I might be near you in time for that sofa bed ;)
I am sorry to hear about your co-worker Sadly, that kind of stress can be contagious, so I hope that she can get herself de-stressed, so it doesn't make the rest of the office crazy/

Sandra, of course you are struggling...... you have been through so much. And we love you back so much. TY so much for checking in- Please just leave a little note for us so we know how you are doing or I am gonna worry! xoxoxoxoxo And please try to take some time for you- maybe Gabe can watch the kids later and you can take a bubble bath with a nice glass of wine a nd a good book. You deserve that and so much more.

Joslyn- oh yuck- so sorry to hear about the girls. One time, Scott was about 4 or so and we were at my mom's house in PA when he got sick like that. I ended up having tpput him in one of Caitlyn's diapers just in case for the ride home b/c he was so sick and there are no rest areas. Poor kid was so upset, but I didn't know what else to do.
Hope you get your date night in soon!

Love you all!


Well-Known Member
Hey Girls!

Had a ton of errands to run today and just got in a bit ago, put the baby in for a nap and here I am. Ive got laundry to do, and some things to cleanup but I had to sit down for a minute! whew! Hope everyone is having a decent start to the week. Not much else going on here.....

Sally - youre so funny! Love ya!
Sandra - Glad you are back and hoping you get some time for yourself.
Jos - Yikes!!! sorry about the date nite, hopefully the girls are better and you guys can reschedule...better hurry you only have a couple weeks left right???
Dumpty...Hmmmm French Riviera...don't twist my arm!!! would it be okay to bring my 1 year old?? lol
Chris - I hear ya on the post count, I am trying to reach mine but it seems so far away ;-(

thats it from me girls....... hope everyone has a FAB day and hi to all who check in later! ((( Hugs girls! )))


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies!!

I thought about starting this thread this morning and then I looked at the clock and saw what time it was and had to rush to get Ethan out of bed.

So, why the rush this morning? I woke up this morning to snow. Now for most of you snow is a way of life but here in western WA, not so much. Everyone panics and freaks out. I thought school would definately be at least 2 hours late but it wasn't. I kept checking and checking but no delay. So at the very last minute I had to get Ethan up and ready for school and he was not moving nearly as fast as I would have liked. he almost didn't make the bus but I got him there just in time. yay!!

I had a pretty good weekend. My hubby had to go to the REI garage sale again and spent his surround sound money on a split board, which is a snowboard that splits into cross country skis so that you can climb up a mountain and then snowboard down. It doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me but he is beyond excited about it. I think he is actually going to let his brother buy it from him so he'll have his surround sound money back. he may end up with surround sound money anyway depending how much it costs to put in floors but I'm guessing the floors will take most of their allotment. We'll see. I still have to pick some out. I am so happy to have a connection for flooring. It sucks that I have to find an installer though. I had two connections, one of them is my mom and her company doesn't do installation and the other is a friend of mine whose company does do installation but she got laid off. Too bad...for her and for me. So I also had to hear all about some silly boots my dh got for $30. they were worn once for a trailwalk photoshoot. I hate that stupid garage sale but it is kinda cute watch Derek get all excited like a kid about his purchases.

We also had some birthday parties this weekend. One was at a place called Charlie's safari which is a big indoor playplex. Great for parties but very loud. My friend who threw it is not very organized so I seemed to do all the "at the party" organizing and had to tell her what to do a few times. It was amusing but we work well together so it wasn't a bad thing. She was trying to figure out what to pay for and things like that so I had to help her figure it out and stuff. It was fun though and all the kids had a blast. The next day I went to a Korean 1st birthday party. It was interesting. They got little Adam all dressed up in this cute little Korean outfit and sat him at the table with a pencil (knowlwdge), $20 bill (wealth) and some string (long life) and he was to pick one. It was kinda cool. Koreans go all out for their parties too and this house was bursting at the seams. I ended up sitting on the stairs with Addie just to have a little bit of space (I forgot to take my crazy pills that morning and was feeling a bit clausterphobic). It was fun though.

So, today is a good day. I get to eat lunch with one of my favorite people and I took some banana bread to my church to feed the workers a snack (Our church is undergoing a huge remodel right now and we provide snacks 2-3 times a week to the construction crew).

Sally - We love you too. I hope you have a great week too.

Dumpty - It sounds like you created yourself a nice little party room. Sounds awesome. A pull out couch??? Definately sounds like and invitaion to France. Be careful what you offer because before you know it you will be booked out with a waiting list of visitors.

Sandra - Just do your thing and work on just getting through the day for awhile. Things don't have to be normal until you are ready for them to be. Big hugs.

Joslyn - Poor you and poor babies. Stomach bugs are the worst.Sending big hugs fram a very far away distance.

Chris - This is a new week and I am so glad to hear that you are ready to head into it head on. I think you will have a great week. Are you still blogging? I guess I could just check, but I'm feeling lazy. If so, I hope it is helping. Good luck on your post count goal.


always chatty at the O!!
Kelly - I hope you have a great day and get that laundry. I think I got almost all of mine done this weekend but then when I woke up this morning realized that there is already at least one more load to go. It never ends. Aaaaaaaaah!!


back hOme and loving it
Dumpty - It sounds like you created yourself a nice little party room. Sounds awesome. A pull out couch??? Definately sounds like and invitaion to France. Be careful what you offer because before you know it you will be booked out with a waiting list of visitors.
no problem :)
and having 3 kids ourselves, we don't mind having more kids around. Just note : I will not get up at night to feed newborns :lol: :lol: :lol:


back hOme and loving it
Chris - should you need help in the games section for the post count, tell me ;)
I've already far outrun my postcount goal (I was aiming at 5500 :lol: :lol: ) but I'd be glad to try and reach a higher goal with you ;)

Digi Designz

Well-Known Member
hello lovely O-fam!

I've been super busy in the last couple weeks leaving me little time to get on the boards to say watzup!

I've been working to tie up all the loose ends at my job, my contract is ending at the end of this month so I have to set everything up for the project to be taken over by someone else....LOTS of work but so glad this contract is done...super stressful!

Another stress is waiting to hear back about the internship that I applied for...nothing yet but interviews go till the 27th. I did make it through the first round but argh I REALLY hope to make it onto the interview portion. I sooo need this contract.

Other than that I have been competing at ScrapMatters.com in their Design Star Competition for an apprentice position on their team. Unfortunately I didnt even make it past round one but oh well! I guess I'm just not ready yet.

Dumpty~ I am soooo all over that initiation!! I would love to do some traveling! I have never even seen the ocean!
Sandra~ Hang in there girl!
Joslyn~ hope your sickies get better soon!
Chris~ nice to see you back with an vengance...post post post!

have a good one!


Well-Known Member
Monday - already. The time change is really giving me fits. It was just not right to get out of bed when it was still dark out this morning! Mr. Wonderful and I really had fun this weekend. We went out with friends for dinner Saturday night, Sunday we took in the "home show" in town. Got some ideas for the never ending remodel but mostly just enjoyed hanging out. We went to our fave Mexican restaurant for supper and the coolest margarita I have ever had. Spicy Mango - I love mango! It had a little bit of a hot kick to it. Very cool!
My weed five kit, Coffee and Chocolate, is posted on my blog. I'm working on my final exam kit!

Dumpty - sounds like you had a good holiday! Sorry to hear that things are stressful at work. I hope that improves!
Sandra - just keep going, breathe in and out and it will get easier, but it takes time. We're here for you!
Joslyn - hope you've got everyone healthy there again.
Chris - get to posting girl! I know what you mean - they are tightening our firewall so I have a hard time getting to the O until after work :(
Kelly - sounds like you had a great day!
Clara - the Korean party sounds really cool!
Digi Designz - good luck with the internship stuff - hope it all works out for you!
Take care everyone!