
Daily O's - Friday 2/26


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. Can it be? Am I the first one to post in the Daily O's? Is that a sign that I'm getting a handle on life? Probably not. ;-) I'll check back later today. Glad we're almost to the weekend!


The Loopy-O
Linda S! Yes,you are getting a handle!
We're still here, watching the snow come down. I have no clue how much there is at this point- crazy amounts. It is all blowing around too- just a mess. Our Township called a state of Emergency- phone rings at 6 am, which freaked me out since the schools called last night. They want everyone to stay off the roads. Fine by me- I couldn't get my car out of the driveway even if I wanted to!

Clara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to have to save me some sun and sand and warm weather, OK?????


The Loopy-O
AndreaNyx- aaawww, that is 2 big bummers :( I got turned down for the first CT I applied to as well. But don't let it get you down- there are lots of new designers- keep on applying!

Linda W- thanks for linking me up!

Laurie- hope that your feet feel better- but it is good news that you won't trip in your dress;)

Clara- I am sooooo excited for you! Have a great trip- so sad that you couldn't get in touch with Cynthia :(
I have no idea how much the ZipLine was, but it was fun. Scott, Gary, Cora and I had a blast. Caitlyn wouldn't go on it.
Hope you have an amazing cruise!

Linda S- Happy Birthday to your mom too!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. I had hoped to sleep in a little bit. Ethan has no school today but he is so excited he was so excited he woke up at 6. Ugh!! Then Addie woke up early also. So now I'm up. We're going to go out for breakfast and then go buy paint. I'm excited about the paint and even more excited that it will be done while we are gone. I have to do all t he finishing stuff today. So this will be my last post for a little over a week. Whatever will you guys do without my long winded posts? I'm sure I will have a nice long winded post for you when I get back though.

I just checked my e-mail and found out that my DH's cousin the my MIL was staying with decided not to come. I was texting her yesterday morning and everything was good but then she decided not to come for some reason. I can't believe it. All that money not to mention she's ditched my MIL now. It just stinks. Well, it is what it is I guess. DH is giving her a call to see what's up and to see if it is fixable.

Well, I'm off. Lots to do today. I hope all of you guys have a great rest of the week. I hope some of my sunshine radiates to you guys and melts away some of that stupid snow. Take care everyone!!


Well-Known Member
oooh, yay Linda!!

aw Chris, our snow has finally stopped... hope yours stops soon!

Clara, have a fantastic trip!


The Loopy-O
you would not belieive the snow- I have no idea when or how we are going to get Gary's car shoveled out- it is buried.
I took a bunch of pictures- it has to be well over 2' that we got- on top of the 6 inches on Tues/Wed- and 10-12 the week before.... this darn stuff is never going away!


Well-Known Member
yikes! we got a whole bunch yesterday, but it's +4C today so it was slushy & melting. icky day... although the temperature was fantastic :)


Well-Known Member
Ok...so thought I'd bookend the Daily O's with an early morning post and a late night post.

It was a good day! Conferences were very good. Shaun's closing the gap on reading. Still a little behind grade level...but they think probably he's about 6 weeks behind grade level now...started the year about a semester behind. Which is pretty good progress for a little boy who had never heard a word of English 3 years ago. We are 6 weeks from his 3rd forever family day! (April 16th) Sydney's conferences are always good. No exception today. :)

And, then we all celebrated the February and March birthdays at the Incredible Pizza Company. Great fun! Love to have my whole family together. My 10 year old niece's conferences were yesterday and, although she's in a Talented and Gifted program, the teachers are having trouble challenging her. I told her that I was excited to hear that...because that sounded like a challenge for me. Got to get my thinking cap on for things that would be challenging for Miss Abby!

Ok...I'm off to bed! Ready for big gallery runs tomorrow!


lOve the O!
quick drive by- work then dance tonight- despite the blowing and drifting snow- dh wanted to go- good thing he has 4WD- but on the way home we hit ice- just a little slide and all is fine. tomorrow we have a mini competition- should be fun.


The Loopy-O
Linda S- GREAT news about Shaun!!!! Tell him his O-Aunt is proud of him!

Laurie- have fun at the competition!