


Well-Known Member
OMG....................did I just type MARCH :scared:

where has this year gotten off to already!!!!!!!!!!!!??

I had Miss S (Savannah) with me yesterday all day....she had a horrible cough the last few nights, and Sharon called and asked if she could stay with me and if I would take her to the Dr...so I did...and after we got home and ate lunch, she took a four hour nap...guess she needed it after not sleeping so good. She tried to kidnap Jaiden when she left yesterday evening..LOL!! she threw a fit because bug couldn't go home with her!!

Mike woke me up.........again...........snoring...it's getting bad and we may need to see the DR about it...he wakes himself up....he can't get any relief from it, because he can be on his back, side or stomach and still snores....I listened to him for almost an hour, and he is breathing through his mouth, then he tries to breathe through his nose and that's when he snores out....this happens about every minute or two.....no wonder he is so tired!!! going to get some BREATHE RIGHT STRIPS today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay...off to make a cup of coffee....I won't last too long without it now...I have Jaiden's IEP meeting this morning...I don't want to be Miss Cranky Pants in there...they might throw me out!!!

Have a great day Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
'morning, Nana. i'm up BEFORE the chickens, like you! no snoring husband here, or if he IS snoring, i don't hear it because i'm downstairs in my recliner.... well, i guess we both can look forward to a day with a lot of hours in it. supposedly that will mean we get a lot accomplished. :becky:

i think i just heard the snow plow go up my street!! WTH?? gotta wait for sunup to see ehat's going on out there.

i'll be back later, when more people are awake!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies. Glad to see some early morning risers. I'm sending you a strawberry & cream latte right now.

I just wanted to drop in and say hi.

Linda - mike needs a sleep study done. Both my dad and fil had them and got a CPAP. Neither of them will sleep without it. It takes awhile to get used to and if the mask doesn't fit right it needs fixing but it works. Stops snoring and provides better sleep.


Well-Known Member
Phylis....You might accomplish a lot.............but me...........I see the forecast as "MOSTLY GRUMPY TODAY" :pound: poor Mike!! SNOW PLOW...YUCK....the freaking wind won't stop blowing here...and the well overpaid meterologist forecasted MOSTLY SUNNY yesterday and mid 50's. Unless the sun has turned gray and the mid 50's is code for low 40's (with the wind chill factor being about 35), then I would propose he is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..........GRUMPY...I need to be paid to predict things :becky:
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Well-Known Member
Hi Clara....yeah....he needs one....but getting him to do it is another story!!!!!!!!!!! and thanks for the latte :hug:


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- getting ready to do my workout- repeating my earlier in the week favorite boxing workout- punch, punch punch love the upper cuts best!!


The Loopy-O
Hi ladies and fellow insomniacs! This was the 5 day this week that I was up before my alarm and turned it off so I didn't have to hear that freaking annoying beep beeep beep *flashing light* beeep beep beeep *flashing light*

:tea: all around! And Thank you Clara for the latte! I thought I saw your Extend-O-Arm out my window LOL

Nana- ITA with Clara-- sleep study! I think I have shared this before but my brother had that done too and what a difference in his health. How sweet that Savannah wanted to steal Jaiden! Hope that Miss S feels better, and that the IEP mtg goes well. And you my dearest Nana-- take a nap today!

Phyllis- oh please I truly hope for your sake that was not really a snow plow! NO MORE!!!!!!

I am so happy that it is Friday! Mad that I have to work today but I don't have any real plans this weekend. yay!!! I am finsihing up Tindamax in Sunday and the next few days it will make me feel pretty sick. Its a strong oral abx targets the Lyme when it is in cyst form. The stinker bacteria cells can actually produce a protein bio-film that forms a cyst and regular abx can't break through the coat. The bacteria can stay dormant in these cysts for years possibly indefinitely which is one reason why is is so hard to get all of the disease eradicated. Anyway. my point is that the meds suck. But if it works, I have to deal with it. Kids are on it too. Wait, No, just Cait is ATM, so I really have to suck it up and be a good example even though I would rather not.:pout:

So work today, post my Challenge and then a nap?????



The Loopy-O
Hi Laurie! Did you get your page done for your Challenge? I did one more yesterday too, but it also had to be saved for next week.
Hope your knee guy can check you out soon. Be careful with it!
Laurie doing her workout ~>:boxing:

Trudy- eek! 3:30! Not good! How was the movie in spite of it waking you up?
Isn't my mom the best??? I hope I can be as good as her.
I spent 3+ hours going through two filing cabinets drawers. I shredded 2 bags of old receipts and bills. Then I spent an hour cleaning out my Fonts. (Then guess what happened? I got distracted and ended up scrapping a page for a challenge, surprise! LOL) But none of it made a difference. Everything looks and feels the same. :(

Its just Stuff, we always seem to get more of it LOL!
Yes, I cleaned off all of the papers on my desk and then the mail came!!!!!!!

Phyllis- thanks for the review of Game of Thrones. It sounds really up our alley. How was lunch with your friend? And that is beyond sad and scary and Patti Knox. I didn't know her besides recognizing the name but it is just so sad. She sounds like she was a wonderful person.

Nancy- That is so great that you are reading books to share with your son. I wish my kids loved to read as much as I do. Gary and Scott both have processing disorders so it is hard for them to read and comprehend. Cait used to love to read (and write!!) but as she says "School ruins it by making us read." I did take her to the library yesterday for books and she spent an hour checking them out before she made her choices. She likes supernatural young adult type books so I rec's Alice Hoffman. Not sure who else she might like, but I am going to have to pick Sara's brain for that.

The car is a 1999 Honda CRV- selling point for my mom was that little card table! :rofl:

Terry- hope that the surgery went smoothly and as painlessly as possibly for all of you. How is you mom today? Sending more hugs and good thoughts!!!


lOve the O!
Chris- I did get my layout done- since it was for my own challenge- but it took me forever because I decided to upgrade to acdsee 15 and all the rebuilding took most the afternoon. Chris- I love the :boxing: smilie! I just finished and now off to the showers and maybe I can sneak back in here for a bit!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the latte, Clara. the digi kind is the only kind i can drink!

Laurie, can i send a few people over to your house to volunteer their faces for your boxing workout?? :rofl:

Chris, do all those ABX nuke you stomach? i know you know about ABX and yogurt. make sure to have some! i love what you said about everything seeming just the same, even after all that cleaning out. that's exactly how i feel after what was supposed to be a big clear-out. i can't seem EVER to get to having one of those houses with no STUFF lying around, no matter HOW many trips i make to the Goodwill.

so far this morning i cleaned out the wood stove, made a fire(i will be SOOOOO glad when wood stove season is over!!!) and squeezed about 25 lemons that my friend in Arizona sent me. they have lemon trees in their back yard, (though they had truly terrible weather this winter and many of the lemons dropped off the tree) and the lemons are like a totally different animal from the ones at the grocery store. i use the juice for a Mediterranean basic salad dressing that is yum. so i'm good with lemon juice for the rest of the year. dunno what i'm going to do for the rest of the day. have to check out the Challenges. i saw a great page about neighbors in the gallery. i'm now trying to think about how to describe the Oddsters that i live among...

yup. it's snowing outside. it's supposed to be insignificant, but that doesn't take into account the toll ANOTHER gray and wet day takes on my already naturally bad mood. :rant: you and me, Nana!!!
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Well-Known Member
Chris....I forgot to talk about the card table....as you know I have a CRV....mine is a 2000 model and going STRONG.....do you know I have NEVER used mine? :pound: They stopped that feature a couple of years after mine....but when I was selling cars, it was ABSOLUTELY a selling point!!! People loved it....you had the little video you could show them of a family going to the park and pulling that table out and setting up a picnic!!!

Laurie....after you get through punching Phylis' list of faces...I have a few too :becky:

Phylis...I told you that you would be the productive one...not me...all I have done is drink coffee and put two kids on the bus!! :pound:

Okay...I really have to go now...I need to get ready and make my 45 second drive to the school :becky: yes...the school is at the end of my street!! if you didn't have to cross a busy road to the school, the kids could walk!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Friday ladies!! Yikes is it really the 1st of March??? One good thing about it is that it will be my little Sadie's birthday on the 4th, she will be three already!! They are going to let her open the present that we sent to her today, because they want us to see her open it and it will just be too crazy at the party they are having for her on Saturday. An early party for her because her mom and dad are heading out to Maui for a week on Sunday. Lucky other grandma gets to be with the kids while they are gone :sad: wish it was me!!! Dam working for a living!!!! Oh well I get to go out when my new grandchild is born and then we will head to see the others shortly after that. So I should be able to get my Nana fix then.

Chris - I see you made to the standing "O"s today!! WTG!! That must have brightened your day!! Sure hope the Meds don't make you feel too yucky!! Dam those bugs!!! :hug:
wish I could kill them all off for you!!

Nana Linda - I was up before my alarm too, seems like these last few nights have been very restless ones. My MG used to snore a lot, but lately he seems to have stopped ?? Not sure what has made the difference?? No more work stress in his life anymore, perhaps thats why? My brother has sleep apnoea and wears a mask, it has really made a difference in his health also!! Hope you get to catch a nap sometime today!!

Phylis - Can't wait to see your page about your crazy neighbours!! That challenge is a great one and I had lots of fun doing a page for that one too!! All the challenges this month are awesome, it will keep you busy for sure! Booo!! on the snow plow!! NO MORE SNOW!!! Hope you have a creative day today!!

Laurie - Your boxing workout sounds fun! Bet it is a good way to get your frustrations out!! :boxing: I love this smiley too!!

Clara - Send one of those latte's this way too!! I could use a good pick me up today! Sounds yummy!!

Well off to work this morning for a full day, but I get to work with my friend today doing statements, so we will have a great time catching up and having a few laughs!! Enjoy your friday everyone!!f :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - wow everyone up and so busy. I feel LOL well retired! My Devils look discombobulated. They allowed a goal in the first 8 seconds of the game. They lose 3-1. Only bright spot is a new young star who scores Andrei Loktionov. Love his name. Thankfully the sun is shining and it should be a good day to get out and walk. Finished the book. Now to scrap.

With all this talk about sleep I thought I would mention that I saw the coolest new gadget. It is called the jawbone up. It is a small bracelet that collects data all day and night. It can tell you how long you slept and how good the sleep was. It collects how many steps you take. All the data is uploaded to you iphone using their jawbone app. I am getting one as I love knowing all this stuff. I dont know if it works but Gayle King says she loves it. I just loving having all this kinda data. I am ordering today.

Nana I hope IEP goes well. And enjoy a nap.

Chris I am sure the library will have suggestions for your daughter. I know for my son reading is so hard that he really has to like the subject for him to be will to even try. Perhaps you son and husband have just not found that author or subject that will get them to try.

Clara thanks for coffee

Phylis cant believe you are still having snow.

Have a great Friday and a great start to March! In like a lion and out like a lamb.


Well-Known Member
Can't believe it is already March! A week from tomorrow I am supposed to leave for Hawaii to visit my daughter and her family. The bad thing--with all this stuff going on with my mother, I don't even want to leave. :(

My sister is arriving today to help out with my mother. At least she will be here while I am in Hawaii so I shouldn't worry as much. Speaking of mom--her surgery on the hip went well yesterday. Now starts the recovery and rehab process. My biggest concern is how in the world will she rehab when she could barely walk before she fell and broke her hip. The oncologist consulted yesterday. Maybe we will get some kind of results on the lesions on her bones.

Well, I'm off to work a few hours and then going to the hospital.

Have a blessed day.


Well-Known Member
Terry, so glad the surgery went well! and glad some more help has arrived. the rehab sounds like it's going to be challenging. best of luck to all of you.

Nancy. SUNSHINE??? whazzat??

Trudy, sometimes i feel a little GOOD that i'm not the Designated Babysitter. dunno how good i'd be at that. it's kind of like being a substitute teacher. i'm probably going to get the job occasionally over the next year that they're here in the USA. i love seeing them, but i'm not overly fond of being the one totally in charge. it's fun to have their parents around and they being the ones in charge of handling tantrums!


The Loopy-O

Why oh WHY could you not keep that snow to yourself in PA???
I went to work, the sun was peeking through some clouds. I leave work-- it is snowing!! gah!!!!!!

(You know I am just busting on ya, but next time... Keep the snow. Please. LOL)


Well-Known Member
ok. damn. now have to think of someplace ELSE to send the snow, Chris!! i'm thinking Texas. or Florida.