outside?? What is thing of which you speak??
We are still cold cold cold- 23* right now, and very cloudy. The news says we may see 41, but the way it looks, I kind of doubt it. Or if does, it is going to be too damp and raw to enjoy it.
One symptom of Lyme are night sweats, and they get really bad at certain times of the month. I had them so bad last night that I had pj's all over my bed room when I woke up from when I had to strip and change. I am freezing and sweaty at the same time. Miserable feeling! I need the sun so badly!! And warmth that actually gets deeper than my skin! I need it in my bones LOL
Every year in Feb, I swear I am going to move to Florida.....
Today we going to my MIL's for my BIL's b-day. The kids have so much fun together, I love it. The best part is my youngest niece who is 5-- she is such a tomboy and *adores* scott. I mean totally loves him, follws hom around, brings him bugs... And he eats it up, he gets such a kick out of her and I adore him for that. At 12 1/2 he is getting to the age where he might not want to be bugged by a little kid- but he doesn;t mind at all. Such a good kid I got- even if he failed two classes this semester grrrr....
Speaking of my boys, they came back from the show talking non-stop about Slipknot. I have seen more Slipknot vids on YouTube that I care to admit. But he had a blast! And while the music isn't 100% my taste- I do like metal-- but not that hard anymore (Gah! HHB! I am mellowing witrh age, make it siopppp!!!) they really put on a totally wild show!
Anyway better get going. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Anyone going outside, soak up some sun and warmer air for me, Hope the little ones stay healthy, and the big guy (Sandra's dad) has a healing and restful day.
Have a great one!!
Love you all.