
Daily Ooo's: Weekend Edition! Dec 4th & 5th!!!


Well-Known Member
WOOOOOO!!!!!! It's the WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's everyones' plans?? Get holiday shopping done? Haha, when pigs fly, right? :flypig: :flypig: :flypig:

I'm totally losing it!!!! In more ways than one. I've got three kits to open my new shop with at PDW, but two are still uncompleted. I spent most of Friday designing a new logo for OWD, even after I thought I settled on one... I redid it. This happened about five times.

Send lots of happy thoughts and prayers my way -- I think I'm going to have to have a sit down talk with at least my MIL this weekend. Lately they've been treating me like a child, constantly meddling in our lives... it needs to stop. I don't need to be told to put on socks or a sweater, or to go to the hospital for a small cough. I feel like they don't trust me to take care of myself!! Or our damn $4 fish!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: My method so far has been to ignore them, but it's ramped it up twenty fold. Ugh, I just want to be able to live our own lives without them telling us what to do every step of the way. :rant: :rant: :rant:

Other than that -- our weekend is looking great!! I think I might try and treat my hubby to something... just haven't figured it out yet. I might make him a new desktop or something. Other than the xbox for Christmas, I think I might make him an ABC's brag book with things I love about him. I did a deck of cards last Valentine's Day, "52 things I love about you!" Eh, now that I think about it... I might just do a double page with 10 of his qualities that I admire. No time for the whole alphabet!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh Meg I'm sorry that you are feeling bad about the way your in-laws are treating you. Sometimes a nice quiet conversation can do wonders. I sure hope so here! And congrats on the new store...stay focused girl and you'll get it done!


Well-Known Member
Plans here...two basketball games...one for Shaun and one for Sydney! The very good news is that they are at the same Y and one following the other! Woo Hoo! And Brian wants to get the tree this weekend. I'm procrastinating...so wish we could just do an artificial tree that already had the lights and was easy to get to stand up straight! Oh well, building memories for the kids and keeping my hubby happy...I guess I can do a real tree from the Christmas tree farm! :)


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! Last night's holiday party was fun. So nice to get out sans child once in a while. Today we are going to but more ornaments for our tree, which like a little bare. And tomorrow brunch and playdate.

Meg- do you live with in laws? Good luck with talk.

Linda - have fun at the ball games. You know, we do an artificial tree and I so want a real one. Next year for sure!

Happy weekend all!


The Loopy-O
Happy Saturday! I thought for sure I would be the one to open this thread- I am up early for a Saturday. I am about as ready as i can be for the Craft Show. Every time I pack up, I think that i don't have enough, or that I should have made "xyz."

But what is-- is.....

My darlin' meg-- Good luck with your MIL. My mom is like that too, but I don't have to live with her. And I am like that with my kids, it just means that she loves you. ;)
Hope that you can get your kits done w/o too much stress.

ooooooh, I just hit a button on my keyboard and everything went wonky for a sec. oops!

Linda S- have fun at the basketball games- cheer those awesome kids on! A tree farm- sounds lovely and I bet it smells even better. I miss that part of a real tree, the way it smells.

ME- a date night- how wonderful! Have a great weekend too. (PS- I am so happy that you are back on the daily ooos!)

As for me, besides the show today, I have the LR ready for the kids/Gary to bring the tree down today.
Anyone want to place a bet that I do it myself tomorrow?

I am wavering between being in C-mas spirit and not.I want to much to have "holiday Cheer" but then some dang stress goes and ruins it for :rant:

Have a fab day!


Well-Known Member
ME...ok, I'll admit it! I'm sure that if we had an artificial tree, I'd be whining that I wanted it to be real. I love it...except putting it up. But we have no snow so probably should get it done this weekend. :)

Chris...no stress darling! I hope you have a most wonderful craft show and that you meet some people who tell you that your stuff is grand and that you sell just all that you have! You've made great progress with having the LR ready for the tree! Good job!


Well-Known Member

Drinking coffee trying to get motivated to get up and put up the tree!! I am just too tired to get up and do anything today!!!!

What a day yesterday...again!!! Connor...the little boy I keep, plucked my very last nerve....really most days he is an angel!! but he was in a MOOD yesterday!!! He refused to listen to me, take a nap, and I don't understand anything he says (for 2 and half..he isn't talking very well) but his tone....he was fussing at me all day...pointing his finger at me....I felt like snapping if off for him....I am old school and sassing your elders is not something that is tolerated!!!!! He spent a lot of time in time out for it yesterday...then while I was changing clothes, he went into the kitchen and crawled on the little table I have along the wall and caused the extension to drop and a glass bowl hit the tile and shatterred into MILLIONS of pieces!!!!! I YELLED TO THE TOP OF MY LUNGS WHEN I HEARD IT "DON"T MOVE"....he screamed....uuuggghhh....One of those days where I truely wonder why I do it!!!

It's calling for snow and ice today!! BOOOOOOOOO!!!

So my evening plans are most likely cancelled!!!!

But this will just allow me to take my time putting the tree up and decorating!!

Congrats on the new store Meg!!! and I agree with LindaS...maybe a little chat with the inlaws....you would be suprised at how well it may work!!

LindaS....We do the artificial tree with the prehung lights....I WANT A REAL TREE!! HAHAHA...goes to show you always want what you don't have!! I had to stop the real trees years ago due to Mike's and Sharon's allergies!! Have fun at the games and WOOT on being at the same place and following each other!!! I remember chasing across town to make games for the two girls!!!

ME....sounds like fun last night...one of the things I miss about working...no fun things to attend!! Have fun at your playdate tomorrow!!!

Chris....GOOOD LUCK ON THE SHOW SWEETIE!!! and true about "what is enough"...don't stress about it!! and OOOOHHH my money is on YOU doing the tree tomorrow!!! I SO KNOW HOW THAT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to do it all myself too!!!


Well-Known Member
Awww MEg I feel your pain hon! We 'live' with Jason's grand mother when we go home for a week and believe me, she is a sweet heart but after a week I'm ready to jump back in the truck and leave! :wave: She treats both of us like kids; I know she means it well so I tolerate it but sometimes I just go in the bedroom to shut her out. No way I'm going to break an 85-year old's heart by saying something.

ME: sounds like you had a great date night!!

NanaLinda: Glad to hear you're old school! I never raised any kids myself so it's easy for me to talk, but I just cringe at how a lot of kids talk and act towards their parents these days. I'd never done that with my own parents O_O

Chris: get up earlier next Saturday hon! :eyebrows: Then you can open the thread hehe!! I hope you're enjoying your Saturday!

LindaS: Sounds like you're about to have a great Saturday as well - have fun at the game!

As far as our day's going...it's snowing! It's been snowing since we left Chicago last night and now we're in East Moline, IL. It stopped snowing earlier this morning but it has started again. I just checked the radar and it looks like we'll be in snow most of the way to Sacramento YUCK!!
I feel chains coming on.... :lalala: More than likely they will shut down I-80 in Wyoming anyway when it's snowing as it turns into a mess over there.
We finally made it to FedEx this morning and our load was supposed to leave at 5 AM but it's still not ready.
A lot of trucks wrecked, got stranded or are late.
Dunno if I want to drive in this mess either; they're saying the Iowa roads suck and have tons of ice on them.

Hope your day is much better than ours!!


Well-Known Member
P.S. Here are some pics I took this morning when we delivered our load in LaSalle, IL @ Conway.



And then in East Moline, IL where Jason wasn't having fun in the snow but Zona loved it!




always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies. Can you believe I'm posting two days in a row. Whoohoo!! Today we are doing some house cleaning and having some friends over. I did some Christmas shopping this morning and am almost done. I do most of my shopping online...I am not crazy enough to leave the house. I need to write a list so I know what I got though, cuz I have no idea. I just saw on woot a coupon for restaurant.com for $3 for $25. They work a little weird you spend $10 for a $25 coupon where if theye spend $35 they get $25 off so I will include $10 with it. but if you use the coupon code "gift" the coupon only costs $3. So I got my ILs coupons for House of Blues. I wish I had any desire to talk my my BIL's wife...the little brother...the one with the wedding issues earlier this year, because I would do the same thing for them. I'll figure it out for them also later on. There are some great outlets to get good deals on. I think I'll start a thread in a minute of the ones I know of and anyone else can add to them.

Meg - That sucks about you MIL. Maybe you can take her out to lunch and talk to her. Maybe if you take her out to lunch like a big girl she'll see you as an adult and you guys can have adult conversation and maybe even talk about some of the things that are bothering you in a non-confrontational way. Or maybe all 4 of you can go out for dinner and chat. Good luck getting your kits done. I know it will come together.

Linda - have fun at basketball. cheer those kids on from the O cheerleaders!! I'm gonna miss our decorations this year but we're not celebrating here so i decided not to decorate this year. but lots of music.

ME - glad you had fun going out for a bit last night. Enjoy your weekend.

Chris - Sell your little heart out. Sell so much that you have nothing left but a pile of orders...mine included. :) I hope that you come home tonight to a warm decorated house. Doubtful maybe, but here's to hoping. :)

NanaLinda - Oh man!! Those days make you wonder how you are not bald. Eeeek!! Well, I'm glad that Conner lived through the day and am glad that it was not a regular day. Sending you big hugs and I hope that you have a nice relaxing weekend.

Petra - You be safe out there. You couldn't pay me to drive out there. Man that is craziness. I hope you get your load soon so you can drive to warmer lands soon.

Holy cow!! My house keeps shaking. They are training and there is some crazy artillery going on. It sounds like they are shooting guns in my back yard. Insane. Everytime I set my photos on my wall straight the get offset and get crooked again. Lame. Well, I'm off to nurse my fabulous headache again. Fun times. Love you guys.


Well-Known Member
Chris- I was up super late because Jeff wanted to watch the new show on Discovery Channel about seven idiots trying to find gold in Alaska. Since it airs when he's at work, he stays up until 2am to watch it air again. I watched it at 10 when it first showed and wow, I wanted to hit these guys over the head with all of their stupid decisions. Jeff even agreed they were being stupid, and normally he wouldn't.

I just spent 36 minutes trying to get him out of bed, we have a lot to do today. He needs to exchange the battery to the jetta so I can fix it (role reversal, I grew up in a car family.) then we need to get Junior a heater for his tank, because apparently you can never spoil a fish too much. I have a feeling Jeffs going to sneak a female betta in the cart, ugh, he's been researching breeding, as if he didn't have enough hobbies!!! Lastly, Jeff needs a haircut. Tonight I have a staff meeting then speed scrap at PDW! wooo!!!

More personals later, once I wrangle Jeff into some decent clothes.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Saturday everyone!! Its sunny and cold here today, but oh sooo nice to see the blue sky again! Our plans for today are to do absolutely nothing!!!! YAY!!! I love days like this. We are not putting up the tree or decorating much at all this Christmas as our kids are not going to be with us and our only Christmas plans are to go the the In-Laws for supper and exchange gifts with my hubby's sisters and mom and dad. No stockings, no gifts between just us as we are headed to Orlando to Mickey's house in January with our kids and grandkids....oh so much fun!!! We can't wait! Some people think I am a bit :crazy: for not doing the Christmas thing, but I celebrate Christmas in my heart and try to remember that its not all about getting gifts, its special because we make it that way right???

Meg - I hope that you have a great talk with your MIL, I think that Clara's advice is good and you should have a nice grown up conversation with her and show her that you are not a little kid... but she loves you I am sure, and that is just her way to show it.

Clara - I would think we were having a earth quake if that was happening at our house, so funny that you have to keep straightening the pictures (well maybe not so funny for you) The coupons sound good, I wonder if they have anything like that for us :canada: ?

Petra - Sorry you are up to your ears in :smow: Please be careful!! It must be a real pain to put chains on all of those wheels!! The pictures are great, its nice that we can see exactly where you are and it kind of takes us along the road with you...thanks!

Nana Linda - sounds like you had a very trying day yesterday, hope no one got cut with the glass and that it was not a special piece to you! I am old school like you too, no need to be talking back to your elders :nono:
and treat your Nana with some respect !!
Hope your weekend is much more relaxing and you get everything you want done today.

Linda S - cheer those kids on today :cheer2: and I love the smell of a real tree too, but artificial is easier to put up and you don't have to deal with the mess and making sure your tree doesn't go dry. I feel safer with the artificial.

Me - glad your work party was fun! Ours was last night too and we had a great time! The play was very good and the food (what I could eat of it) was delicious! Hope your weekend is great!

Chris - Our lovely little fairy lady... sell lots and lots of goodies today! I hope your craft fair goes well. My guess is that you will be putting that tree up by yourself, just like I usually do every Christmas. Have a great day hon!

Love all of you and hope your weekend is terrific :wave:


Well-Known Member
Oh Petra! That's ugly out there! We live about 20 minutes south of I-80...in the Des Moines area. So I bet you saw signs for Des Moines today, right? We had no snow!

Clara, I'm sorry that you are still having so many headaches!

ME, glad that you enjoyed the Christmas party! And I'm off to dig out my chocolate pecan pie recipe later today!

Trudy, lucky you seeing blue skies today. It's really gray here!

And Nana Linda...UGH!!! Sounds like an AWFUL day yesterday! Try to get some rest and unwind a bit today!


Well-Known Member
I wish I could take Clara's advice!!! But she'd find a problem with even the idea of going out to lunch, ughh.

I talked to Jeff about it, and now he's seeing the treatment and is super frustrated with it too. He's always been frustrated with it, but only in the moments, it didn't all add up for him like it has for me. I wish I could operate like that, but since I'm home all the time with it... it adds up.

I've been speaking up against it today, instead of just ignoring it, but I do need to talk to her. They invited themselves along to the pet store and exchanging the car battery. When we were at O'Reily's for the battery, Jeff had already gone in and she said to my FIL, "You need to go in and speak for Jeff." Uhmmm, say what?!?!?! So I said, "No he doesn't, Jeff can speak for himself... he's a grown man." Her response? "I never said he wasn't a grown man." So, you just can't treat him like he is?!?!
It was one thing after another, that by the time we got home I had to sneak away and go grocery shopping by myself, otherwise heads would of rolled. We couldn't even park the car at home without being told where and how. When I came back from the store, Jeff had finished putting in the new battery & test driven it... but both of his parents were standing over the car telling him to change things. Jeff was really upset after that, because he had driven to the next county and back without a problem.

I think I might go teach myself how to drive stick just so I can escape in the now fixed Jetta... or just hide in my office or bedroom with the lights out. Someone send provisions.


lOve the O!
afternoon all - we had a busy friday- the party night was huge- lots of guests to check out the studio- too bad none were mine - mr gorgeous and I did out solo and it wasn't half bad. then got up today an hour before the nurse was set to come gather information for the life ins we applied for more coverage less price- our old policies jumped way high in price. then off to dance and grocery shopping. tomorrow- more dance. We were going to just do our solo, now we are doing solo, formation with instructors and probably 4-6 other dances- good exercise.

Wow so much going on

Chris- hope you sold tons
meg- I hate inlaw issues- hope you can work them out
Petra- drive safe
LindaS- more sports- I remember those years
Nana- missed what happened with the kiddos in my speed reading-oops have to go back
Katrina- therapeutic riding sounds great- we have none near us- which is too bad for the families I work with- although 2 own horses and their under 2's ride them!
Clara- can you put the little gel dots on the back of your pictures to help them not move when the house does??
everyone else- hope you are enjoying the weekend


Well-Known Member
Oh Petra! That's ugly out there! We live about 20 minutes south of I-80...in the Des Moines area. So I bet you saw signs for Des Moines today, right? We had no snow!
Oooh okay yeah I was in Des Moines earlier and no snow indeed! Eastern Iowa got hammered though. Now we're just west of Omaha in a rest area while Jason is doing his log book and I'm done for the day so I'm going to bed here shortly so I can take over driving somewhere half way or western Wyoming. :wave:


Well-Known Member
i'm having one of those lazy weekends...where i have no plans and just lounge around all day. maybe i'll get to scrap some layouts. :D

i think i'm almost done with christmas shopping but i'm not sure. since most of my stuff are being shipped, i'm still trying to track to see what's here and what's on its way.


Well-Known Member
Linda -- I'm with you on the fake tree!! Jeff and I will probably always do a fake tree, our allergies are just too bad -- even Riley's! I've been having to give her benedrly every day this week, poor puppy.

ME -- Yeah, we live with his parents. We decided to because we felt like his dad could get laid off at any time (he was!) and we wanted to pay down our student loans more. I'm so glad you got the chance to have a night free!! Hopefully you'll get a few more before the next little one arrives :)

Chris -- I hope your craft show went great!!!!

Nana Linda -- Wow, I hope things improve with that fussy little one!!! Maybe he needs speech intervention if he's still unintelligible? It's free because of the IDEA 2000 (I think) law, through the local services.

Petra -- I'm glad and sorry I'm not alone with meddling MIL's! I'm just like you -- I shut myself in my office or our bedroom to get away, but that seems to just amp it up when I'm not shutting myself away. Fortunately my MIL is still young and wont be broken hearted if I ask her to stop! I just have to work up the guts!

Clara -- we did that deal for places to eat on our honeymoon -- and never used them! The main problem was that most of the places had crazy requirements to use the deal. OR, their menu was just way too limited and we would have to order things we didn't want to just get the whole deal. We have a few local ones, we're probably going to give them to Jeff's parents with some cash for them to have a few nights out.

Trudy -- Wow, are we sisters?!?!?!?!?! I'm the SAME WAY!!!! To me, decorations are a mess if there isn't kids or company to enjoy them. I also don't get incredibly upset like my in-laws do when Jeff has to work Christmas day. What's important to me is that our hearts celebrate the reason for the season! Even if it's two days later than everyone else :)

Laurie -- I wish I had your guts!!!!!!!! Jeff took ballroom dance when he was in college, I'm too self conscious to dance in front of people. I'm more like Grey's Anatomy style of dance -- dancing with loud music when you need to get all the emotions out!

Shellie -- Welcome to the O!!!! So nice to see new faces in the Daily thread!!!! Isn't it frustrating to wait for packages to arrive?!?!?! I'm so glad I have Amazon Prime, otherwise I'd be a total nutcase!!!!


So I think tomorrow I'm going to try and make my own See's Butterscotch Squares... I'm going to follow this recipe but use a brownie bites pan. Hopefully the divided pan will help the insides solidify, which seems to be the flaw in that recipe.
Jeff brought home some See's candy from work, and there was one butterscotch square... and now I need more!!! I might also make some fudge, I need to see if I have a recipe from my grandma. Monday I want to make Russian Tea Cakes, maybe another type of candy... then Friday I need to make two batches of Can't Leave Alone Bars and Cinnamon Biscotti's. It's our family Christmas party Saturday, but Jeff has a work meeting, so we'll only be able to pop in for five minutes. I'm making the Can't Leave Alone Bars for the meeting (the director/chief requested them LOL) and cinnamon biscotti's for our very Italian family party. This part of Jeff's family is my FAVORITE... but they're not actually related, lol, it's his aunt's in laws. But they accept us as their own, which is kind of scary, because they're relatives of one of the most favorite mobsters of all time...

I also have two appraisal reports tomorrow, blerghhh! One's local, so that'll help speed me up. Lately they've been in the county south of us, which has awful public records. So awful that I'm almost willing to volunteer my time inputting & updating records!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone ((hugs)) Just a fly by from me checking in...life here is strained at best for me at the moment, but I had to come in and check in on my O family! Hope life is treating you all good miss ya!

I just had to comment to Meg ((hugs)) Ugh that is soooo suffocating. I really hope that you can make some headway there. Maybe Jeff can get them to understand?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kat, I've been thinking about it all day -- we're probably going to have to talk to her together. That way she wont think I'm just being touchy, that it's affecting more than just me. I think if Jeff talks to her alone, she'll just think I put him up to it & am overreacting.

I really really hope and pray this gets resolved ASAP, because I miss the great relationship I had with her -- now I can't even stand to be around her. I feel like the wife on Everybody Loves Raymond.

Right now I'm waiting for Jeff to get home, he's supposed to be bringing me sushi! He was supposed to last night, but the Rodney Atkins concert packed the casino so he wasn't able to order me anything. I'm kind of worried because his phone battery died, so I never got confirmation that he knew what sushi to get me... or if he's even on his way home!


Well-Known Member
No sushi :( Jeff says he really really owes me. Two nights now he hasn't been able to order any for me. & before that, we went out to teppan yaki & sushi, but had to leave... because we didn't want to risk getting placed at a table with my Ex who was too busy macking on a girl to notice us.

Sushi soon, I hope.

But there is now 4-1/2 dead neon tetras in our fish tank.


Well-Known Member
Meg, looks like you've got lots of baking ahead. Good for you.

Kat, I'm so sorry that things are rough right now. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do. ((hugs))

Shellie, welcome to the Daily O's. They are rather addicting.

So Sydney was sick last night. To her stomach. Ooooo....what a mess! Think that means that only mommy will be in church today. I hope that it's not strep...she brought a note home from school that there was a girl out sick in her class with strep.


Well-Known Member
Petra.....so what time did you get to leave??? We had some light snow here yesterday...it ended up not being as bad as they said....the ground is covered, but the roads are not messy....they had called for a lot of icy mix with the snow...that didn't happen!!! Thank goodness!! WOW those photos!!! I am thinking the dog looks COLD!!!

Clara.....AWESOME that you are almost done shopping!! Those coupons don't sound too bad....Might have to check those out!! did you have fun with your friends last night??

Trudy....I think it's a fabulous way to view Christmas....My Mom and I have said for years that we need to stop all the gift giving and do something meaningful.....Pick a family that really really needs stuff and get those things for them and then spend the day volunteering at a shelter. It would so much less stressful than all the other hype!!!! and I know you are so over the moon excited about Disney!!!! IT WON'T BE TOO LONG NOW!!!!! :hug:

Laurie....glad party night went well!!!! We redid our ins policies a few years ago...and it's amazing how the old ones for less coverage go sky high, but you can get new ones for MORE and LONGER term for so much less!!! It's a good thing we did it when we did, because later that year was when Mike had PE....clots in the lungs....and now we could not ever afford to get ins. As well the Health Ins...we will have to stay with Teamsters when he retires...as no one else will take him....

Meg....glad you spoke up to Jeff about the situation!!! if it were me...now remember my age..HAHHA...I would be telling the inlaws to back off!! but that is me!!! Oh girl and you definately need to learn to drive a stick!!! EVERYONE needs to learn...you never know when you might HAVE to drive one!!! That recipe looks yummy!!!

Shellie!!!! :wave: welcome to the daily O's!!!! very nice to meet you!! hope you get some scrapping done and YAY for you getting your shopping just about done!!!!

KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wave: :hug: :kiss: nuff said!!

LindaS.....AWE...POOR SYD!!!!!! Give her gentle Nana hugs!!! I hope she feels better today!!!!


Well-Known Member
Last night I slept in shifts!! HAHA!!! I fell asleep on the couch around 9...Mike woke me at midnight when he was ready to go to bed....I got in bed and could not go back to sleep!! so back up!!! played on the computer a little, watched a movie...scrapped a page....then at 4 I went back to bed and slept until 8.....so I actually got 7 hours last night!!!

Well, I did not get my Christmas decorating done....CRAP!!! But Traci needed groceries and not knowing how bad the weather would turn out...I went to get her and take her to the grocery store....that was all afternoon...I drove home in the snow pouring....SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO back to try again today!!!!! Maybe I just won't put a tree up this year!! HAHA!!! OH NO!!! That won't happen!!! My kiddos would be sad!!!

Well....off to get my third cup of coffee.....Have a great day girlies!!!


Well-Known Member
No sushi :( Jeff says he really really owes me. Two nights now he hasn't been able to order any for me. & before that, we went out to teppan yaki & sushi, but had to leave... because we didn't want to risk getting placed at a table with my Ex who was too busy macking on a girl to notice us.

Sushi soon, I hope.

But there is now 4-1/2 dead neon tetras in our fish tank.

I'm sorry but that comment made me think you could make sushi with the fishies in your tank :biggrin:
I hope "The Talk" goes well!

Linda: we're still in Nebraska; it snowed here last night and of course no one is touching the roads - ice all over :tsk:
I'm thinking of moving shortly but thinking is the key word here. I don't want to mess with snow no more and we got the whole state of Wyoming ahead of us YUCK! :yell:
I wish there was a dedicated run on I-10; Los Angeles to Jacksonville, FL or something. I could do that all winter long! :smokin:

Have a great day chickies!! :grin:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning ladies...Cat woke me up at 6am grrrrr, why doesn't he know that its the weekend and I like to sleep in??? He is a creature of habit and is used to being fed when DH gets up for work.

Nana - I have lots of nights like that when I fall asleep on the couch and then can't go back to sleep in bed its very frustrating,:frusty: but sometimes you can get a lot of things done!

Petra - thinking of you on those awful highways!! Sure hope the weather improves for you! We have no snow right now, but I am sure we will be hit with another snow storm before long. Please be careful!!

Meg - Too bad you have not been able to have your sushi, I am not a fan of raw fish, but my son sure loves it! Your hubby owes you a great dinner out I am thinking!

Shellie - welcome to this thread, you will love it here!!:wave:

Clara - hope the rumblings have stopped and you can keep the pictures on the wall straight for a few days! Have a great Sunday!

LindaS - Your poor baby!! Hope that she will be feeling better soon and that mom doesn't get ill also! :hug:

Kat - hope life becomes less strained for you very soon :hug: for you too!

I am still working on the In-Laws Calendars and then just my sisters and my Daughters to do. I don't think I will have enough days to finish them. Missing just doing scrapping of my own and have not had much time to spend in the gallery or to do any of the challenges yet. Hope to get many hours of computer time today! Have a wonderful day everyone!!


always chatty at the O!!
I am so sleepy! We had a great time last night. I made crab-artichoke dip. Sorry, no recipe. I just make it. Plus sliced up cheese and lots of wine. Then my head started hurting so I went upstairs to get some vicodan and on my way downstairs I fell down the stairs on my butt. And now my butt is totally bruised and hurts badly...BUT my head doesn't hurt today. Whoohoo!!

Okay...I'm tired. This wore me out. I'll come back later I hope.


Well-Known Member
I am so sleepy! We had a great time last night. I made crab-artichoke dip. Sorry, no recipe. I just make it. Plus sliced up cheese and lots of wine. Then my head started hurting so I went upstairs to get some vicodan and on my way downstairs I fell down the stairs on my butt. And now my butt is totally bruised and hurts badly...BUT my head doesn't hurt today. Whoohoo!!

Okay...I'm tired. This wore me out. I'll come back later I hope.

thanks everyone for the warm welcome! :D

oh the crab-artichoke dip sounds yummy! we also had crab last night with this spicey tomato sauce. i love spicey food. ;)

i'm sorry about your...butt. :) i hit my fanny once or twice on just one step before and it hurts! you would think it wouldn't be so bad with so much cushion there (on me) but guess not.


lOve the O!
here are two photos from dance- me and my mr. gorgeous dancing to our wedding song- 30 years later!

the explosion

the dip- feels a lot lower when I am doing it- hmmm- well at least I can still get up!


Well-Known Member
Just stopping in to say hi, but wow, Laurie, love the photos of you and DH dancing. Soo awesome. Today was a fun day - we went to breakfast at our friends' house. They also have a four year old so it was fun to see the boys actually play together now. Before they would do the usual toddler thing play side by side with little to no interaction. They got along so well. And then I came home and took a 2 hour nap. Wonderful.

Now on to getting ready for the work week. Hope you all had a great weekend. Love you all.