
Daily Ooo's Wednesdey, July 1

Dawn - where are you headed for the 4th?? Any place fun around here? We are headed north to Monroe to private property where we can set off fireworks and stuff.
Okay, wow! Everybody's had so much to say! I'm going to break it down like I've seen some others do.

So today I feel awesome! Isn't the first trimester funny? Some days I am so tired I wonder how I can even make it through a shower, but today I feel like I should be wearing a Donna Reed dress and skipping down the street with a basket of flowers and bluebirds singing.... well, maybe that's going a bit too far. LOL But I feel great. I'm thinking of going to a new church group tonght - well, it's not new, but it's one I've never attended before. Spouses of Soldiers. I already sometimes go to Wives of Warriors... I know, they sound exactly alike. But hey, they are on different days! Hee hee! I go to a church with 5,000 members, so there are a lot of groups. I want to make sure I get involved with plenty of groups so I have lots of local pals when Vince deploys, and especially after the baby comes. We've only been here 6 months, only three on post, and I've been kind of hibernating the last two or so, because I haven't felt good. So now's the time to be social once again.

Corneila - I know doner is Turkish, but I really like it! I'm not a huge fan of wurst. I adored the bread! I used to go get some bread for dinner every day. Usually brotchen. We also used to get schnizel mit pommes a lot. I liked knoedel so much that I used to make it at home. Also, we did eat out a fair amount, but I don't remember what we got. I'd just pick something on the menu and then eat it. Usually, it was very good. Something that might sound strange is that Mc Donalds is much better in Europe than it is here. I think Europe has higher standards for the meat than the US does. My teenage son was just talking about how much he wishes he could find some Apfel Schorle. He found a store where he can get Mezzo Mix, but no Apfel Schorle!

Clara- This is our second time at Bragg. Did I already say that, I can't remember. THen we went to Germany, then Fort Riley, KS and now back here. I am originally from Arizona, but I hightailed it out of there as soon as I turned 18 and moved up to Portland. Lived there 10 years, then moved down to the bay area in CA for the next 5 years. So I just usually say I'm a west coast girl. This second time here at Bragg we like it a lot more than we did the first time. I guess, once we've experienced Junction City, KS, we just appreciate what we have here a lot more. LOL!! Yikes, the best thing I can say for Junction City is that they have a Walmart and a good used book store, and I'm not a big fan of Walmart. So at least here we have, say, a Target. I do miss your neck of the woods, tho. Sure, it rains, but that's why we have umbrellas and jackets with hoods.

Now off to read some other posts.
Andrea - Portland, huh? I used to live in SE Portland until I was about 10 and then we did lots of visiting after we moved up to the SEattle area. Then my sister went to school at PSU so I spent a lot of time down there with her. I love teh NW and am so fortunate that we have been able to stay here for so long. I am prepped and ready to go for when we get orders to Ft. Bragg, since I am just so sure that is where we will end up. Then again we could end up at Ft. Hood, Bliss or Benning too. We had orders to Ft. Hood once but they weren't legal orders so they got deleted. We'd do fine wherever we went, I am sure. That is great that you are trying to get into some groups so that you are not all alone when hubby leaves. There was this girl in Italy that would not leave her house when her husband was in the field. I'm talking 3 months. She went to start her car the day before he got back and it wouldn't start. She wouldn't answer her door or anything. We would try and get her to come out and do things but she wouldn't even answer her door. It was unreal.
Sally - how far from Ft. Hood and San Antonio do you live?? I couldn't tell on the map. Seems like Ft. Hood is in the middle of Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.
Dawn - where are you headed for the 4th?? Any place fun around here? We are headed north to Monroe to private property where we can set off fireworks and stuff.

Hiya, Clara! Actually, as of right now, no plans. I wouldn't mind staying in the house, but we'll see ;). Sounds like you will have a blast! Y'all be careful and have fun!
Wow ladies I'm amazed at all the chatter here:) it is really interesting to read about your daily lives. I can now keep up better online since I can log on with my phone. I can't reply to all of you personally as I have small keypad LOL! I wish u all a wonderful weekend:) we are driving to visit family to celebrate the 4th. ((hugs))

Hi Dawn! nice to see you in our dailies! Hope you have an awesome holiday :).
Good evening(and morning) lovely ladies! Hope everyone had a nice day!

Cornelia-hi there! you are a busy little beaver, aren't you?!!

Ona-oooh, I am sooo confused now with the time zone thing, LOL.

LindaW-good luck with the vac! Hope you end up just getting a new one, LOL. And you can come paint my house anytime :). I would like to redo my room at some point. Davy has torn up the carpet in one corner, I'd like to take it up and put down ceramic or porcelain tiles. More durable for him ;).
Who knows what I'll end up doing LOL. If wishes were horses....hehehe.

Chris-sounds like a fun time at the lake in spite of the rain! Sorry bout your braces...sometimes I think I wanna get my top teeth straightened back out but....so much money, hassle, and time to invest it seems like. Maybe you won't have to have them much longer?

Sandra-awwww, poor matthew!!! I hope he heals up nicely!

Clara-I'm glad that you are pursuing the allergy testing and shots! I hope that helps your head and sinuses :).

Sally-you are like a breath of fresh air, LOL, busy busy busy, always on the go and you seem to thrive on it! I hope today was a good day!

Jacqueline-hi! Please don't let our chattiness scare you off :). Just read and respond if/when you can. This is a stress-free zone!

Andrea-how are you feeling today? I hope all is well with you :).

Tali-how are you?
Jos-yoohoo-how's little Chase doing with his sleeping?
ME-where's MaryEllen? I've been missing yoooouu!!

Everyone have a lovely evening :). I'm actually going to get some layouts uploaded...I hope...and maybe scrap one!

Goodness gracious! I totally had spent about a half hour typing up a post with personals and I lost it. So I typed a shortened form. I lost that.

That's what I get for going to my PC instead of using my MAC. =) I just don't have the energy to type it again. I had class today and prepped all last night. So I'm just a little pooped. =) But know that I responded to each and everyone of you. I have to say two personals though.

Dawn - I know that it's hard, but you really need to stay on your meds no matter what. It's not just taking care of yourself, it's taking care of your family too in the long run. And it's well worth it. /soapbox

Ona - Yes the dark side is posting at all hours of the night...on our Macs. =) Special thanks to you for putting my LO in the standing O's. I really had an emotional time with that one and put a lot of time and thought into that one, so it was great to see it noticed. =)

HI DAVY!!! =)

OK. I'm going to go poke around a little bit. I still want to try and get Danielle's challenge in for this week. And I'm still pondering my Designer spotlight challenge for this week....have a good evening/morning everyone!!
Yes! I competed in the NDIDDS competition at Designs in Digital and they've asked me to join them! So excited! You can check my blog for the Grand Opening Sale Announcement!
Oh Clara! I remember my allergy tests! Scratches and shots everywhere and then they just write right on your skin with pen so they know what each site is a reaction to. I don't know how long it took to get all the ink off my back! I took allergy shots for several years and they helped a ton! I have not needed to take them for a very long time, since junior high or earlier I bet. Good luck!
Can you believe it's July!?!?! I spent all day at school punching kids into the schedule. We're getting closer, but it's still going to take more time!
We got our new Mac laptops today too - no, I'm not writing this on the Mac, have not played with it enough yet.
Tomorrow will be lawn mowing day :( If there's any time left I'll pull more weeds :( Things are really growing, especially the weeds! We've got Broccoli already and am loving having that fresh most nights!
Today is the grand opening of my new store! I competed in the NDIDDS Design Competition at Designs in Digital earlier this year. As a result, they asked me to join their team! Could not believe it! The store is set up and the Grand opening Sale is running! Check my blog for details

Dawn - Hi back to Davy:)
I told Eric tonight that these migraines are affecting the way I function. This is a good example - I posted something earlier but it was on yesterday's O's. Ummm ... lovely. ;) Anyway, this is what I wrote:

Hey ladies. Quickie from me. Eric was home today and I spent most of my day hiding out in our office (in the basement, away from sunlight!!) on our desktop computer, going through photos. I haven't printed photos for the kids' albums since October 2007 so I'm trying to get caught up. My mom prompted me - she is loving some of my recent photos and she wants copies, so, I figured I might as well put in a big order. Really, really big.

My headache is still here, hating on me in the worst way. I'm considering visiting a chiropractor just to see if that would help. I'll try just about anything at this point. It is becoming obvious to my kids even - tonight Ella prayed that my headache would go away. Sweet little nugget.

Well, that's all for now. Gotta get back to the photos. I'm up to January of this year so I'm doing really well!

Much love to my O ladies.