
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, September 4


The Loopy-O
It's hump day and the week is speeding along. My town goes back to school today, I'll have to check the timing of the school buses when I run out to pick up my groceries this morning. Because we don't have sidewalks and the roads are narrow, the buses will stop at every few houses. There can be 10 stops along the 1-mile stretch it takes to get to the "center of town." (AKA a cluster of banks/liquor stores/pizzerias/ShopRite)

I feel like I got a bunch of things done yesterday even though it was all low-key things. The biggest project was creating two more lesson plans- Changing Leaves and Fungi/Mushrooms. I'm hoping to do a leaf chromatography experiment (mash up leaves, cover them in isopropyl, and stick coffee filter strips in. The pigments will travel up the strips.) and mushroom spore prints. I am brushing up on some mushroom anatomy/identification and we'll play "Mycelium" -- a take on Telephone since the mycelium can communicate with other mushrooms that are connected.
I signed up for two hikes in October too. It's been so long since I went on any, I'm going to need to take it slow when I start again.

I'm cleaning for my "weaponry" friend this afternoon -- and you know I am going to be even more careful with my toes than usual. :nod1:
I have two more weeks, four more topics, of lessons left so I'd love to get another one or two of them done.
I'll probably go out and watch the monarch caterpillars too. I found three small ones last week and then I didn't see them for a while. They are munching away on the leaves, getting bigger every day. Fun fact: Monarch caterpillars go through 5 molting stages and grow 3,000 times their initial size in 10-14 days! 3,000 times. :jawdrop3:

Have a lovely day, you all deserve the best! ♥


The Loopy-O
If you were to go from the southern border to the pokey out top point about 9 hours, without traffic through the Cities :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: road construction :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: about 9 hours, if you go from the very widest point by Lake Superior to Grand Forks it's about the same amount of time. Traffic isn't the issue up there other than there isn't a straight shot from one to the other.
LOL-ing at road construction. The state highway that runs next to my town has been under construction for as long as I can remember, the same thing with the interstate I use to get to my parents' house in PA. I swear the reason they have us cross over the divider and drive on that section of the highway is so we don't notice that there is *nothing* being done on that side. Just a bunch of construction trucks and some card tables and the workers hanging out with beers and pizzas. Hahahah!
The 6 are basically not speaking to the 4 and vice versa. Actually I'm more the cranky one trying not to be cranky, hubs has been in a really good place with me, other than the petty things I'm not being cranky about. I've seen 3 out of those 4 for what they are for 46 years now, and he's beginning to see what I do.
This must be so hard for everyone but especially for your DH. You're doing an awesome job of supporting him.
How often do you donate platelets? Feels like you just did that.
I am LOL over what the 'chocolate syrup incident' must have been. I can see you doing a slip/slide dance while squeezing the chocolate syrup container and it going everywhere!!
So-- you were close, only it was Gary who made the mess. :giggle4: He was scooping me some ice cream and I asked for Magic Shell on it. He started shaking it up but the cap wasn't on properly so the syrup went everywhere. The floor, the cabinets, the freshly steam-cleaned carpets. There were more splatters of it I found yesterday and cleaned up-- there might even be more that I haven't found yet :p
I decided to not steam clean the carpet- I used the foam carpet cleaner and it's not great but no one is going to notice. Or if they do, I don't care. *shugs* (still trying to prioritize, so this one is way down on my list)
dance3 that the album is finished!!! I love the paper you used!

Do I have another big project (paper scrapping one) waiting in the wings, you asked??? Yes... I have several years of our All School Reunions photos waiting in the wings
Of course, you do! :rotfl:

More travel for me!!!! I leave next Thursday to go to Cleveland for long weekend to go to concert. Meeting Dearest Daughter, Grand daughter and Daughter in Law. Rod Stewart (my fave-9th time to see him) and Billy Joel (second fave-3rd to see him in concert but saw him 2 times on his boat on Long Island) Southwest has changed our flight 3 times but this morning I was able to get on same flight as them for our return --all to Baltimore/Washington then they go Hartford and I go Tampa. This will be so much fun...Saturday we are all going to Rock N Roll Hall of Fame...I have been but it will be fun going with them.
That sounds so exciting! What is up with the airlines messing up the schedules like that? I haven't flown in forever but I don't remember it ever being like that.

Yes, the living room was much lighter even in the overcast/stormy weather we had yesterday! The only problem is, since I have sheers up at the windows and the house faces the road, at night people will be able to see right into our living room. I may have to get curtains to pull closed at night. We will see.
My mom had their rhododendrons trimmed back last month and she is concerned about the same thing, now their front window is open. You can't really see in the window from the street but looking out of the window it feels very exposed.
*fingers crossed that you get tickets to see the movie!*

Good Morning All!
It is currently NOT raining!!! WOO HOO!
A good way to start the day and even better with extra coffee! Hope that PT went well!
I'm glad to hear there are others who don't bother with makeup. I have blond eyebrows and eyelashes and I spent decades trying to make them visible but anymore I just go pfffft.... unless it's some important affair I get dressed up for. Funny, when I retired I thought I would need all these different kinds of clothes for various events I would be going to, and it ends up basically I need jeans, khakis, a few polo shirts, and a nice white blouse.
Same here! I'm even happier that for work we have staff shirts to wear. I only have worry about jeans or leggings LOL
The downside is that I am so out of practice with doing hair and makeup that when I need to do it, I am clueless. I'm getting my hair/makeup done for the wedding so I won't be struggling myself. But when Caitlyn told, me I needed to have a "look" for the person to go off if, I kinda threw up my hands, I have no idea!
WTG in finishing the one bridge! *high 5*
DH and I finished off cleaning out the garage and shooing all of the little spiders and three crickets out from under the big freezer. Yuck I do not like bugs! As I was sweeping them all out of the garage I was yelling "GET OUT, GO FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO LIVE"!! :rollingpin1: MOMMA DON'T ALLOW NO SPIDERS IN HER GARAGE! :giggle4:.
Don't worry spiders, you can come and live with us! The other day, Caitlyn was cleaning her room and she normally leaves the small house spiders on the ceiling alone. She felt bad about taking down some of their houses but even she felt that there were too many to leave them all. Meanwhile, I was scrubbing the patio and siding but I would only clean up to the point where there weren't any spiderwebs and eggs. We have some orb-weavers that spin the neatest webs every day. There was a web over the weekend that had to be over two feet across.
I am relieved that your ILs are finally testing negative and I hope that Linda is on her way soon.
Do the boys start school today?? Good luck!

OH! I forgot to tell you all-- my brother got a dog! It's Christopher's actually and his name is Marlin. He's a Havenese Poodle mix and will only be about 7 lbs. Which is wild to me, all of our cats were well over that, even the smallest cat we had was about 10 lbs. I cannot wrap my head around a dog that small. :lol23: Christopher is over the moon about him.
Thank you for the good wishes to Sam. She posted on FB a heartbreaking poem that she wrote to him yesterday. All I want to do is hug her tight. :(

I'm not sure if I made it in here yesterday and I'm too tired to look. Yesterday I was WIPED OUT!! TOO much fun, but I was exhausted. We walked SO much and then returning the next day to find me a Tshirt
I bet you are tired! But soooo worth it. What an experience. ♥
Happy Birthday, Ava!!! You must have been going almost literally non-stop (Yes, Grammarly, I do mean *literally* - stop wanting me to change it) all weekend. I hope that puttering about the site and blog wasn't too exhausting and that you are ready to scrap.
TY for the good thoughts for Sam too :hug3:



Well-Known Member
@faerywings Do you just leave the Monarchs to fend for themselves or do you put in a habitat? I use 2 habitats to keep them away from the lizards who eat the babies.

@JeanneMN Hilarious description of your state dimensions in hours.

vickyday said:

Yes, the living room was much lighter even in the overcast/stormy weather we had yesterday! The only problem is, since I have sheers up at the windows and the house faces the road, at night people will be able to see right into our living room. I may have to get curtains to pull closed at night. We will see.
My mom had their rhododendrons trimmed back last month and she is concerned about the same thing, now their front window is open. You can't really see in the window from the street but looking out of the window it feels very exposed.
You ladies crack me up.....do you go around looking in windows? why worry about other people looking in...they are driving. I hope this does not sound snarky but let the light shine in. Sunlight is good for us especially with shorter days coming.

So on our trip this summer we went to Fossil Lake, Kemmerer in WY and I dug fish fossils that are buried in volcanic ash and sandstone 52 million years ago. So I have been scraping away some sandstone to expose the rest of some fossils and I even found one I didn't know was there. Tedious work but so exciting. So next month will give one to an old friend for his 80th Birthday saying I found something even older than him. Plus we used to go fishing with them when we all lived in CT.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Opened the patio door at 6:30AM and the little bunny was sitting on the edge of the patio in front of the potted plant he had hid next to the other day. I still haven't picked up the fallen plums and suspect that he comes in the backyard to feast on them. And yes... the birds seem to like them, too. Guess I will wait a few more days before getting rid of them. Even had a beautiful large yellow butterfly (think it is a monarch) flying around the backyard off and on most of the afternoon.

Realized that even though the temps are still getting into the high 80's, the fall season is arriving. Many of the trees are starting to show some yellow leaves and see them dropping to the ground. And the days are getting shorter - sunrise is later in the morning and sunset is earlier. Which reminds me I need to buy a new filter for the heater/AC.

@faerywings Yes... the real chocolate event was just as funny as what I imagined had happened!! My mom used to not screw down lids on her bottles and she had many a mishaps like Gary did!!! :rotfl: :rotfl::floorlaugh: BTW, I doubt that anyone is coming to the rehearsal dinner to inspect how clean the carpet is!!! :nod1::giggle4::lol23: Way to go on getting the lesson plans done...

@BoatLady How exciting it must have been to be digging up fossils! Bet your friend will get a kick of your gift of one to him..

@vickyday WOW.. what a difference "trimming" the bushes back made to the house!!! Bet it is a lot lighter in the house now. Although I like sunshine in house... I have blinds and drapes on the windows to help control the heat in the summer. I understand why you may want to add drapes over the sheers so passer-bys can't see in at night.

@taxed4ever Glad to hear the inlaws are testing negative for Covid now. Hope SinL recovers soon. Had to LOL over you yelling at the bugs in the garage!!! I would have been yelling at them too.

Coffee is empty and almost time to get dressed. Have several errands to run after I get my flu shot this morning. Going to stock up on more tapioca and milk... just in case. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, I am up early this morning and getting ready for my hike today. It looks like it will be a stellar day! Not a cloud in the sky and the hike is along the Cowichan River and goes over a few trestles. It will be a very pretty hike! I got a lot accomplished yesterday, vacuumed, :vacuuming:washed floors:mopping:, made spinach dip:baking1:, got a few groceries:shopping: for Linda and even downloaded a pre-release that I hope to be able to work on later today and tomorrow. I have to stop and grab some eggs at Hope Farm this morning on my way to the hike, so I need to remember to pack a few ice packs to keep them cool in the car. It will be good to spend the better part of the day outside in the fresh air and away from a bunch of sick people :giggle4:. Heather will be calling right away as the boys start school this morning and she has sent me a photo of them already. Hunter looks so cute in his new glasses, it will open up a whole new world for him now that he can see better! Sorry can't stay for personals as I need to get the bed made and pack a lunch for the hike. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! :waving1


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
LOL-ing at road construction
1 guy to hold the shovel and 3 to watch him.
How often do you donate platelets? Feels like you just did that.
We are eligible every 8 days. The clinic just started platelets at another site that is WAAAYYYY more convenient for us, so will probably get back to doing on a regular basis. I'm at 195 and can't wait to hit the magic 200.
I still haven't picked up the fallen plums
UGH, that was my job when I was a kid. I had to do it before my mother mowed lawn. It was so gross and icky, ants, and just icky.
@BrightEyes You crack me up with your tapioca....my Dad used to say it was "fish eyes in glue" but I still liked it.
OMG YES I, LOVE fish eye tapioca!!! We had it when I was a kid. When hubs told me tapioca was one of his family's favorite things, I soooooo bummed when it turned out to be the size of the head of a pin. That was just speckly pudding. :rotfl: I have some in the cupboard, now I want to make it, but I would eat it all, so it will stay in the cupboard. I so didn't feel like going to the gym this morning, but boy when I sweat buckets and then shower it just feels so good!

Load of laundry and then scrapping. I have decided I'm mentally incapable of weeding pictures of my grandkids, I want every nuanced expression. I LOVE Sylvia's challenge this month:banana7:


Love my O Family!
It's hump day and the week is speeding along. My town goes back to school today, I'll have to check the timing of the school buses when I run out to pick up my groceries this morning. Because we don't have sidewalks and the roads are narrow, the buses will stop at every few houses. There can be 10 stops along the 1-mile stretch it takes to get to the "center of town." (AKA a cluster of banks/liquor stores/pizzerias/ShopRite)

I feel like I got a bunch of things done yesterday even though it was all low-key things. The biggest project was creating two more lesson plans- Changing Leaves and Fungi/Mushrooms. I'm hoping to do a leaf chromatography experiment (mash up leaves, cover them in isopropyl, and stick coffee filter strips in. The pigments will travel up the strips.) and mushroom spore prints. I am brushing up on some mushroom anatomy/identification and we'll play "Mycelium" -- a take on Telephone since the mycelium can communicate with other mushrooms that are connected.
I signed up for two hikes in October too. It's been so long since I went on any, I'm going to need to take it slow when I start again.

I'm cleaning for my "weaponry" friend this afternoon -- and you know I am going to be even more careful with my toes than usual. :nod1:
I have two more weeks, four more topics, of lessons left so I'd love to get another one or two of them done.
I'll probably go out and watch the monarch caterpillars too. I found three small ones last week and then I didn't see them for a while. They are munching away on the leaves, getting bigger every day. Fun fact: Monarch caterpillars go through 5 molting stages and grow 3,000 times their initial size in 10-14 days! 3,000 times. :jawdrop3:

Have a lovely day, you all deserve the best! ♥
Good for you! I got a lot done yesterday too, but it put me back today, unfortunately!
Can I come and join in on your lessons? ;). If I lived closer I surely would!


Love my O Family!
@faerywings Do you just leave the Monarchs to fend for themselves or do you put in a habitat? I use 2 habitats to keep them away from the lizards who eat the babies.

@JeanneMN Hilarious description of your state dimensions in hours.

My mom had their rhododendrons trimmed back last month and she is concerned about the same thing, now their front window is open. You can't really see in the window from the street but looking out of the window it feels very exposed.
You ladies crack me up.....do you go around looking in windows? why worry about other people looking in...they are driving. I hope this does not sound snarky but let the light shine in. Sunlight is good for us especially with shorter days coming.

So on our trip this summer we went to Fossil Lake, Kemmerer in WY and I dug fish fossils that are buried in volcanic ash and sandstone 52 million years ago. So I have been scraping away some sandstone to expose the rest of some fossils and I even found one I didn't know was there. Tedious work but so exciting. So next month will give one to an old friend for his 80th Birthday saying I found something even older than him. Plus we used to go fishing with them when we all lived in CT.

I hope everyone has a great day.
HA! The ones I'm really worried about are the neighbors across the street! Not the drive-by's....too much, anyway! ;)


Love my O Family!
Opened the patio door at 6:30AM and the little bunny was sitting on the edge of the patio in front of the potted plant he had hid next to the other day. I still haven't picked up the fallen plums and suspect that he comes in the backyard to feast on them. And yes... the birds seem to like them, too. Guess I will wait a few more days before getting rid of them. Even had a beautiful large yellow butterfly (think it is a monarch) flying around the backyard off and on most of the afternoon.

Realized that even though the temps are still getting into the high 80's, the fall season is arriving. Many of the trees are starting to show some yellow leaves and see them dropping to the ground. And the days are getting shorter - sunrise is later in the morning and sunset is earlier. Which reminds me I need to buy a new filter for the heater/AC.

@faerywings Yes... the real chocolate event was just as funny as what I imagined had happened!! My mom used to not screw down lids on her bottles and she had many a mishaps like Gary did!!! :rotfl: :rotfl::floorlaugh: BTW, I doubt that anyone is coming to the rehearsal dinner to inspect how clean the carpet is!!! :nod1::giggle4::lol23: Way to go on getting the lesson plans done...

@BoatLady How exciting it must have been to be digging up fossils! Bet your friend will get a kick of your gift of one to him..

@vickyday WOW.. what a difference "trimming" the bushes back made to the house!!! Bet it is a lot lighter in the house now. Although I like sunshine in house... I have blinds and drapes on the windows to help control the heat in the summer. I understand why you may want to add drapes over the sheers so passer-bys can't see in at night.

@taxed4ever Glad to hear the inlaws are testing negative for Covid now. Hope SinL recovers soon. Had to LOL over you yelling at the bugs in the garage!!! I would have been yelling at them too.

Coffee is empty and almost time to get dressed. Have several errands to run after I get my flu shot this morning. Going to stock up on more tapioca and milk... just in case. HAGD
Yes, the night time is really the time for concern as no one will be able to see in during the day, really. We have blackout curtains in the bedroom and blinds in the bathroom along that side of the house, so I'm not worried about those rooms at all. Curtain prices are ridiculous!


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone, I am up early this morning and getting ready for my hike today. It looks like it will be a stellar day! Not a cloud in the sky and the hike is along the Cowichan River and goes over a few trestles. It will be a very pretty hike! I got a lot accomplished yesterday, vacuumed, :vacuuming:washed floors:mopping:, made spinach dip:baking1:, got a few groceries:shopping: for Linda and even downloaded a pre-release that I hope to be able to work on later today and tomorrow. I have to stop and grab some eggs at Hope Farm this morning on my way to the hike, so I need to remember to pack a few ice packs to keep them cool in the car. It will be good to spend the better part of the day outside in the fresh air and away from a bunch of sick people :giggle4:. Heather will be calling right away as the boys start school this morning and she has sent me a photo of them already. Hunter looks so cute in his new glasses, it will open up a whole new world for him now that he can see better! Sorry can't stay for personals as I need to get the bed made and pack a lunch for the hike. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! :waving1
Have a great hike!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Not going to the movies today. My IBS has kicked in...woke up with a headache...and my back is out of whack from doing too much yesterday...so it will be a pj day instead.
I got the laundry caught up for Mark yesterday. I also washed the outside of the windows where the "trees" used to be. Climbing up and down the ladder took a tole on my back. I had to start the process in the house by releasing the latches that hold the window screens. Swept out all of the cobwebs collected between the windows and screens. Went back outside to wash the windows and wipe the screens and windows clean of the cobwebs, climbing up and down the ladder all along the front of the house! WHEW! What a mess! I ended up just throwing those rags away! But, I waited to do all of that after the sun was far enough to the west that it caused a shadow to be on the side of the house I was working on! And there was a nice breeze, too! It was a beautiful day!
I went to the track to walk yesterday morning. It was 62 cool degrees with a wind blowing. I should have had a light jacket or sweater because it was pretty chilly! My ears actually started aching after about 2/3 of a mile. So, I got a mile in and called it quits and went home to warm up, LOL!
Today is a bit cloudy, and even cooler than yesterday! Fall is definitely on the way! I'm glad!
Asher wants to go out, so I'll close for now!
HAGD everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!!!!
Guess what? It rained again! Yep. September is rain month but so is August. We have enough. Someone else can come get it.

only it was Gary who made the mess. :giggle4: He was scooping me some ice cream and I asked for Magic Shell on it. He started shaking it up but the cap wasn't on properly so the syrup went everywhere.
My BIL was visiting and he did this with salsa!!! All over my pretty mint green carpet :giggle4: We still laugh. He went to give it a very vigorous shake and it flew!
You ladies crack me up.....do you go around looking in windows?
Ummmm yes. If I can see it, even when driving, you know I'm gonna look.:floorlaugh: My Uncle called me the neighborhood watcher.
So next month will give one to an old friend for his 80th Birthday saying I found something even older than him
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: That is a hoot!!!!! What a great gift/joke. I can hear the laughter.

Today is a busy day and I wont be here until way later. When you are all tucked in bed sleeping. Might even be tomorrow. Today is the first day of our church program AWANA and Youth Group for the school year. We serve dinner so people can come from school/work/sports and eat before the events start at 6. I'm so excited to be making dinners again. I know I am crazy but I would rather cook for 150 people than watch children. So I will be in the kitchen today. humming my way around cooking and laughing and just having a grand time. It will be work though as I will be on my feet all day.

Off to look at all the pretty LO in the gallery before I start my day. Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
David and I got double jabs today, Covid and flu. Ready for our fall travels. My sister-in-law caughtt Covid on her flight home from Florida to Seattle; she said the woman next to her on the plane sniffled, coughed, and moaned for 6 hours. Oof.

Yesterday the Trails Crew built a bridge in the morning and then cleared the sites for 2 others in the afternoon. I’m tired today! We might be able to do some construction this weekend if the rain isn’t as bad as forecast.

Do you get that email from the post office with a preview of the day’s mail? Mine this morning says I have a letter from the county courthouse. I doubt if anyone is suing me so I suspect jury duty will be on my calendar soon. Just waiting to see.

I’m laughing about the looking in windows conversation. In NJ we lived on a street where all the houses were literally (yes, literally) the exact same model built in the mid 50s. We all had a picture window in the living room. Yes, when I took a walk in the evening I looked in every house, to see who had done what. One day, two women I didn’t know knocked on our door. They could see that we had taken down one wall and changed a bedroom into a dining room and they wanted to see how it looked from the inside. I was just glad the house wasn’t too much of a mess that day!


Well-Known Member
One day, two women I didn’t know knocked on our door. They could see that we had taken down one wall and changed a bedroom into a dining room and they wanted to see how it looked from the inside. I was just glad the house wasn’t too much of a mess that day!
:floorlaugh: This totally cracked me up!!!!


Back from getting the flu shot and stopping to pick up some coffee creamer, bananas and 2 6-packs of tapioca. Decided the other errands could wait until later on. Just couldn't wait to play in the Creative Techniques Challenge with the fantastic "Imagine" by Mystery Scraps. WOW.. what a great kit!!! Had one idea in mind when I started scrapping but the mind had another idea as soon as I started playing with it!! Going to have to play the kit again as it has some fabulous papers.

Think it is time to get some meds and tapioca as the arm is starting to ache. Hopefully the side-effects will mild. Be back when I am feeling better.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Do you get that email from the post office with a preview of the day’s mail? Mine this morning says I have a letter from the county courthouse. I doubt if anyone is suing me so I suspect jury duty will be on my calendar soon. Just waiting to see.
Yes, sometimes what they show me makes into the mailbox
Back from getting the flu shot and stopping to pick up some coffee creamer, bananas and 2 6-packs of tapioca. Decided the other errands could wait until later on. Just couldn't wait to play in the Creative Techniques Challenge with the fantastic "Imagine" by Mystery Scraps. WOW.. what a great kit!!! Had one idea in mind when I started scrapping but the mind had another idea as soon as I started playing with it!! Going to have to play the kit again as it has some fabulous papers.

Think it is time to get some meds and tapioca as the arm is starting to ache. Hopefully the side-effects will mild. Be back when I am feeling better.
Gosh. I hope you don't get sick from this one . So glad you planned ahead and got supplies and I'm sorry I trash talked the tapioca that makes you feel better. There was something about seeing it in a gigantic yellow Tupperware bowl -

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Oh man, a few years ago we went through a spell of about a year where we had the worst mail service in the country. I stopped using the mail for anything. I was getting Christmas cards in April. People would send something from a few blocks away and it would just disappear. No mail delivery at all for days on end. It's maybe half as bad now, since we're only the 4th worst in the country.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Oh man, a few years ago we went through a spell of about a year where we had the worst mail service in the country. I stopped using the mail for anything. I was getting Christmas cards in April. People would send something from a few blocks away and it would just disappear. No mail delivery at all for days on end. It's maybe half as bad now, since we're only the 4th worst in the country.
I think my town HAS to be #1 worst. When UPS, FedEx and any other delivery service can make it in the neighborhood when they have one intersection under construction to cross the mail can't seem to make it into the neighborhood dad worked for the Post Office and was a rural mail carrier for years. I can remember maybe 2 times when he couldn't deliver because of blizzard conditions, I went with him a couple times because the snow was so deep he couldn't get close enough to the mailbores. Pops, I know you are spinning in your grave over the debaucle the Post Office has become.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Back from getting the flu shot and stopping to pick up some coffee creamer, bananas and 2 6-packs of tapioca. Decided the other errands could wait until later on. Just couldn't wait to play in the Creative Techniques Challenge with the fantastic "Imagine" by Mystery Scraps. WOW.. what a great kit!!! Had one idea in mind when I started scrapping but the mind had another idea as soon as I started playing with it!! Going to have to play the kit again as it has some fabulous papers.

Think it is time to get some meds and tapioca as the arm is starting to ache. Hopefully the side-effects will mild. Be back when I am feeling better.
Oh, I hope I don't have any bad side effects from the flu shot this year. I never have in the past. Take it easy, Kay. At least you have tapioca in stock. I must put that on my grocery list. :hug2::hug1:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I think my town HAS to be #1 worst. When UPS, FedEx and any other delivery service can make it in the neighborhood when they have one intersection under construction to cross the mail can't seem to make it into the neighborhood dad worked for the Post Office and was a rural mail carrier for years. I can remember maybe 2 times when he couldn't deliver because of blizzard conditions, I went with him a couple times because the snow was so deep he couldn't get close enough to the mailbores. Pops, I know you are spinning in your grave over the debaucle the Post Office has become.
Well, I can probably top this list. When you come onto the property, off the county rode, the mail delivery person is met with about 7 mailboxes. We FINALLY got all of the mailboxes out of ONE box and have all the individual boxes marked by name. We have all the rental properties in addition to all of ours Then, UPS isn't legally able to use the USPS mail boxes, so that's another issue. They drive down onto the property and leave their deliveries on one of the rental properties porches. Then they have to call Ava, who's the property manager and somebody has to go down and pick UPS deliveries up. Then we finally all got a big red box for Amazon deliveries and it's in another location. I feel so sorry for the delivery people who try to deliver anything here. Thankfully, all of our Amazon deliveries get notification when they've been delivered. Life on the ranch. :lol23::lol23:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, here I am posting late, late, late. Chris @faerywings I know how you love going back and looking at these late posts. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I just have to tell you all that Drake proposed to Ava tonight!!! It was a surprise, but of course, it wasn't because it's impossible to keep anything a surprise around here. The main thing is - Ava was surprised and that's quite an impossible task to keep that girl out of the loop.

She was convinced that he was going to propose next weekend when they went to NC for a big golf tournament. He surprised her by making it tonight. What an exciting evening this has been!! He actually proposed to her on the 18th hole of the golf course and then we all went into town to the nicest restaurant - The Branch, and had a celebratory dinner with the whole family. Drake's mom and dad, his grandpa and his Uncle Mike flew in from California just for the occasion. Then, of course, all of us, plus Roger's son, Nick, his gf Shana and her son, Dryver.

Here's a picture of her ring and mine; she designed hers after mine. She wanted an emerald like mine, but hers has diamonds around it.


Anyway, we're all so excited and I just got home and had to share our good news/


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!!!!
Guess what? It rained again! Yep. September is rain month but so is August. We have enough. Someone else can come get it.

My BIL was visiting and he did this with salsa!!! All over my pretty mint green carpet :giggle4: We still laugh. He went to give it a very vigorous shake and it flew!

Ummmm yes. If I can see it, even when driving, you know I'm gonna look.:floorlaugh: My Uncle called me the neighborhood watcher.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: That is a hoot!!!!! What a great gift/joke. I can hear the laughter.

Today is a busy day and I wont be here until way later. When you are all tucked in bed sleeping. Might even be tomorrow. Today is the first day of our church program AWANA and Youth Group for the school year. We serve dinner so people can come from school/work/sports and eat before the events start at 6. I'm so excited to be making dinners again. I know I am crazy but I would rather cook for 150 people than watch children. So I will be in the kitchen today. humming my way around cooking and laughing and just having a grand time. It will be work though as I will be on my feet all day.

Off to look at all the pretty LO in the gallery before I start my day. Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!!
My daughter goes to a church that does AWANA. I was the director of Olympians in a church where my husband was the assistant pastor back in the 80's. It was a Word of Life program if I remember correctly...so don't quote me on that! ;)


Love my O Family!
Well, here I am posting late, late, late. Chris @faerywings I know how you love going back and looking at these late posts. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I just have to tell you all that Drake proposed to Ava tonight!!! It was a surprise, but of course, it wasn't because it's impossible to keep anything a surprise around here. The main thing is - Ava was surprised and that's quite an impossible task to keep that girl out of the loop.

She was convinced that he was going to propose next weekend when they went to NC for a big golf tournament. He surprised her by making it tonight. What an exciting evening this has been!! He actually proposed to her on the 18th hole of the golf course and then we all went into town to the nicest restaurant - The Branch, and had a celebratory dinner with the whole family. Drake's mom and dad, his grandpa and his Uncle Mike flew in from California just for the occasion. Then, of course, all of us, plus Roger's son, Nick, his gf Shana and her son, Dryver.

Here's a picture of her ring and mine; she designed hers after mine. She wanted an emerald like mine, but hers has diamonds around it.

View attachment 427493

Anyway, we're all so excited and I just got home and had to share our good news/
Congratulations to Ava and Drake! Beautiful ring(s)!


Love my O Family!
Well, here I am posting late, late, late. Chris @faerywings I know how you love going back and looking at these late posts. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I just have to tell you all that Drake proposed to Ava tonight!!! It was a surprise, but of course, it wasn't because it's impossible to keep anything a surprise around here. The main thing is - Ava was surprised and that's quite an impossible task to keep that girl out of the loop.

She was convinced that he was going to propose next weekend when they went to NC for a big golf tournament. He surprised her by making it tonight. What an exciting evening this has been!! He actually proposed to her on the 18th hole of the golf course and then we all went into town to the nicest restaurant - The Branch, and had a celebratory dinner with the whole family. Drake's mom and dad, his grandpa and his Uncle Mike flew in from California just for the occasion. Then, of course, all of us, plus Roger's son, Nick, his gf Shana and her son, Dryver.

Here's a picture of her ring and mine; she designed hers after mine. She wanted an emerald like mine, but hers has diamonds around it.

View attachment 427493

Anyway, we're all so excited and I just got home and had to share our good news/
I hope you or someone got pictures of the proposal!


Love my O Family!
Well, I can probably top this list. When you come onto the property, off the county rode, the mail delivery person is met with about 7 mailboxes. We FINALLY got all of the mailboxes out of ONE box and have all the individual boxes marked by name. We have all the rental properties in addition to all of ours Then, UPS isn't legally able to use the USPS mail boxes, so that's another issue. They drive down onto the property and leave their deliveries on one of the rental properties porches. Then they have to call Ava, who's the property manager and somebody has to go down and pick UPS deliveries up. Then we finally all got a big red box for Amazon deliveries and it's in another location. I feel so sorry for the delivery people who try to deliver anything here. Thankfully, all of our Amazon deliveries get notification when they've been delivered. Life on the ranch. :lol23::lol23:
We have 2 driveway entrances with a drive connecting them. FedEx, USPS, Amazon and any other Tom, Dick, or Harry uses it for a turnaround drive any time of the day they choose!


Love my O Family!
Oh man, a few years ago we went through a spell of about a year where we had the worst mail service in the country. I stopped using the mail for anything. I was getting Christmas cards in April. People would send something from a few blocks away and it would just disappear. No mail delivery at all for days on end. It's maybe half as bad now, since we're only the 4th worst in the country.
I have sent birthday cards to grandkids with money in them that never got to their destination! Now I disguise all of those envelopes or order from Amazon and have it shipped to them. But I've got mostly teenagers that want money. I have very few who want toys. But the mail service aggravates me that it keeps getting higher and higher but you can't trust them!


Love my O Family!
Back from getting the flu shot and stopping to pick up some coffee creamer, bananas and 2 6-packs of tapioca. Decided the other errands could wait until later on. Just couldn't wait to play in the Creative Techniques Challenge with the fantastic "Imagine" by Mystery Scraps. WOW.. what a great kit!!! Had one idea in mind when I started scrapping but the mind had another idea as soon as I started playing with it!! Going to have to play the kit again as it has some fabulous papers.

Think it is time to get some meds and tapioca as the arm is starting to ache. Hopefully the side-effects will mild. Be back when I am feeling better.
I'm going to have to get some tapioca after everyone talking about it!
Hope you don't get sick from the flu shot! :praying2: