
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, September 4


Love my O Family!
David and I got double jabs today, Covid and flu. Ready for our fall travels. My sister-in-law caughtt Covid on her flight home from Florida to Seattle; she said the woman next to her on the plane sniffled, coughed, and moaned for 6 hours. Oof.

Yesterday the Trails Crew built a bridge in the morning and then cleared the sites for 2 others in the afternoon. I’m tired today! We might be able to do some construction this weekend if the rain isn’t as bad as forecast.

Do you get that email from the post office with a preview of the day’s mail? Mine this morning says I have a letter from the county courthouse. I doubt if anyone is suing me so I suspect jury duty will be on my calendar soon. Just waiting to see.

I’m laughing about the looking in windows conversation. In NJ we lived on a street where all the houses were literally (yes, literally) the exact same model built in the mid 50s. We all had a picture window in the living room. Yes, when I took a walk in the evening I looked in every house, to see who had done what. One day, two women I didn’t know knocked on our door. They could see that we had taken down one wall and changed a bedroom into a dining room and they wanted to see how it looked from the inside. I was just glad the house wasn’t too much of a mess that day!
I think I'm glad I live in the country where you hardly ever see the neighbors and it's mostly all drive-by traffic except for the people who use our driveway to turn around!
That mail preview thing...is that something you have to sign up for?