
Daily Ooo's Wednesday September 30


The Loopy-O
Last day of September?? No way!!!!!! Not fair!! I want my summer- I never really did get my summer :(

It is cold today- 40* now and a high of 55* brrrrr!!!

This is going to be quick b/c I am late (of course) and I have to dry my hair.

But I will be back, you all know it!

Ii wish I was hot here again.
I wish my haircut was easier to deal with.
I want to relax at some point today.


Well-Known Member
Good morning all! It's cold here, too. I loooove it :). Makes me wanna stay in bed with my warm blankie.

I'll be popping in and out today. Gonna try to scrap some, need to try and do some of the challenges I missed. Gotta get to my posting goal...almost there!!! Gotta do some housecleaning.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day, stay warm! xoxoxo


Well-Known Member
Good morning. Today is going to be a good day...today is going to be a good day...today is going to be a good day (I am saying this while smiling b/c even if you don't think it when you smile your brain thinks you are happy and it sends out the chemicals to back it up!!!) Chase was up most of the night he is not very good at self soothing and won't take a paci he thinks mommy should just nurse him all night. Well mommy won't do that!!!! I was sitting up in bed feeling very sorry for myself blah blah blah when God gave me that small voice of wisdom that guess what ITS NOT ALL ABOUT ME, I was still tired and but I wasn't annoyed anymore. That was a good thing because then Kalin woke up with leg cramps.

All I can say is thank you for coffee and naps. Both will be part of my day today!!! I am taking a break from major housework today too. RIght now I am cracking up at C in the jumparoo, even better when Sadie gets in it.

Hugs O's. I am off to make eggs :)

Chris it is feeling like fall here too. I love fall but I could do without all the snow and ice we get.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning, Ladies!

I'm not sure where yesterday went, but I tried to pop in and then all craziness happened. Not bad craziness, just busy craziness. lol

It is cool this this morning (48 degrees right now) and I am also in total shock that tomorrow is OCTOBER! Where did September go?

So, to be totally embarrassed, I have no idea what your names are, those early birds who have posted already this morning and I haven't had enough coffee yet to help my brain start up so I'm going to use your screen names. So Sorry!

faerywings- I hope that you got to where you needed to be on time! I hate being late and we are often. And, I can relate to you haircut woes. My last haircut just isn't working for me at all. I hope that you get some time to relax today!

snappy2003- We are on the same wavelength today. I would love to curl up back in bed this morning! My big fleece blanket is calling my name. lol Our to-do's are the same today. Hopefully scrap, work on some challenges here and then the ever-dreaded housework. I hope you get to do the things you want/need to do today!

dabittymama- Those late night nursing are so hard sometimes when you want to go back to bed and little one wants to stay cuddled up nursing all night. I have sat up at night feeling that same way, sorry for myself! Then I remember what an incredible gift my little one is and it helps tame my pride. I hope you get a nap today and can rest up.

As for me, I am hoping for a lazy day. I want to work on some pages in my Gratitude Journal for Sally's challenge and do at least one layout for a challenge here. I have laundry to tackle also. I hate laundry! lol Tonight I have dancey-dance w/ my 2 year old. They have a Mommy & Me class. Right now, it's Mommy act like a teapot w/ a scarf while Gracie runs around in circles in the studio. lol Very frustrating, but I know she's only 2 and will participate more in the dancing/games as she gets a little older and used to the routine there. Oh, as far as the probation officer visit went.....I think she's going to be good. Her card says she's a senior probation officer, so I'm hoping she's 'been there, done that' with these kids who try to play them and will see through my daughter's attempts to pull the wool over her head. My daughter was sitting there talking in this super-sweet voice and I'm thinking, you are so trying to play the innocent/good girl card! Oh well, time will tell if she can shape up. She has to start going to a group meeting for other kids in trouble tonight and she's not going to like that. I imagine that after a month or so, she will be sick of the rules and start acting up again. Anyway. ick on all of that.

I hope you all have an amazing day and I'll check in later!


Well-Known Member
Jos-yay for the happy chemicals LOL. Poor little Chase, I bet he'll be worn out today from being up all night. I'm glad you can have a sense of humor about it all :). Good that you can take a break from cleaning and maybe rest a little. Have a good day!!!

Di-have an awesome day! Enjoy your dancing tonight with DD that sounds cute :). As for names....I'm Dawn(snappy2003), faerywings(Chris), dabittymama(Joslyn). So far today anyway :). It takes a while so don't be embarrassed!!! I splatted my name across my avi if that helps ;).



Well-Known Member
Good morning...I am popping in and out myself Dawn!! I had a houseful today!! Traci and the kids spent the night here last night....Traci just left and took Jaiden to my Mom's....she is watching her today...not sure why...guess she wanted to...and I am watching Jesse (Traci has an out of town dr appt)..and Ayden is here too...I have on and off the computer...cooking.....I am in a cooking mood...when I get like that..I tend to make a lot of stuff and then I don't have to cook anything for the next several days....I have a pot of green beans cooking..smells so good, and I am making lots of salads...macaroni salad, potato salad, pasta salad, making a cake in a bit....and then all I need is my main dish for tonight...I am thinking chicken casserole....or galic/lemon chicken....yeah something chicken!! I haven't eaten anything yet today...gosh I am hungry!! I really need to get washing too...my laundry is a bit behind....I haven't been "flying" very well the last couple of weeks...ugghhh!

Okay...I think I am going to get rained out of a yardsale again this weekend....DH is gonna die!! He wants the den back!!!

Okay....I guess I better go....Dora is going off and Jesse wants to play!! My grandchildren should be happy that I like to play with them....they are all very active children, they aren't TV babies....they all have to be playing from the time their feet hit the floor in the AM until they go to bed...I like to read to them too...but it's a challenge, because they are so active all the time...I have to make them sit still to read...they like it, they just don't want to take the time!! Guess that's one reason they are all good sleepers...they are worn out!! LOL!!!

(((HUGS))) to you all!! I promise I will do my personals after Jesse goes down for a nap!!!


Well-Known Member
Jesse is sleeping and Ayden is swinging after his bottle!!

So for my personals...

Chris...It's fall weather in the mornings here...it's get cool at night...but we are still rising close to 80 during the day...so it's heat running at night, and a/c during the day!! stinks!! But with DH's bad allergies, I can't open windows to help cool things down in the daytime and it's just a smidge too cool to do w/o heat at night....and probably tom night a lot too cool..it's dropping into the 30's tom night!!

Dawn...my Friend!!! I hope you are feelling better today, and I am dying see if you got any pages scrapped!!! I am hoping that the interview paid off and you get a job soon!! I know you are worried...but we are here to support you!! ((((HUGS))))

Hi Jos!! I hope you get some sleep tonight!! poor dear....you are right, when you have little one's it's not all about me, but for your own sanity, sometimes you need to take the time to make it all about you dear!! Now you should do as I say, not as I do...because I NEVER do this!! I am the worst in the world about self indulgence...I feel guillty....so I never do for myself...but I really need to...and my kids are grown!!!!!!!!! HA!!

Di....I am LindaW....and if you look at the bottom of the posts, a lot of us have our names in the signature....but don't worry...it took me a few weeks to get everybody straight!!!...Oh and I use my last initial because CHRIS made me!! LOL!!!!! no, there are several Linda's that pop in here!! I feel your pain about your daughter...my youngest is 24, and she gave me a rough road....you vent all you want in here, and you might get some unsolicited advice....but we really do understand and sypathize with your pain!!! I hope you get your lazy day in!!! and scrapping too!!

Ok....I had intentions of going back to yesterday too...but, this little fellow is squawling....he is definately a bit spoiled!! He is a cute one though!! I need to love him and talk to him....tell him again, that we don't scream like that!! HA!! think a 7 week old will listen???

Luv ya girlies!!!!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies...it is still morning here for about another hour. Today is a pretty good day. I realized today that my cruise is in 150 days. Whoohoo!! It started at 360 so 150 is an awesome number. I still think all the Os that can't pull off Cozumel should come on the cruise. You still get to go to Coz and it is going to be so much fun.

Tonight is my small group. That should be fun. I know the kids like to go to church on Weds too. The children's program is currently floundering a little bit, which makes me sad but we have a new Children's pastor so she is just trying to get things worked out. I think it will all be okay in a couple of months. We'll see.

I started taking some meds for my headaches. I hope they help but for now they are making me a bit foggy. Blah!! I need some sleep and that doesn't help. To bed early tonight. I went to bed early last night but Addie was having nightmares or something so I brought her into my bed and so didn't get great sleep.

Okay, my brain is too foggy to think at the moment so I'm off. I'll do personals soon. Ciao for now.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies...it is still morning here for about another hour. Today is a pretty good day. I realized today that my cruise is in 150 days. Whoohoo!! It started at 360 so 150 is an awesome number. I still think all the Os that can't pull off Cozumel should come on the cruise. You still get to go to Coz and it is going to be so much fun.

Tonight is my small group. That should be fun. I know the kids like to go to church on Weds too. The children's program is currently floundering a little bit, which makes me sad but we have a new Children's pastor so she is just trying to get things worked out. I think it will all be okay in a couple of months. We'll see.

I started taking some meds for my headaches. I hope they help but for now they are making me a bit foggy. Blah!! I need some sleep and that doesn't help. To bed early tonight. I went to bed early last night but Addie was having nightmares or something so I brought her into my bed and so didn't get great sleep.

Okay, my brain is too foggy to think at the moment so I'm off. I'll do personals soon. Ciao for now.

WOOHOO 150 days will fly by, Clara!!!

Give those meds time if you can bear it, sweetie, I can't think of anyone yet who has taken them and stayed on them that they haven't helped. I know it's a weird feeling with the fogginess and thought process glitches but it really does get better LOL. Don't think of me as an example, I've always been ditzy! Enjoy your group tonight and hope you get some rest :).


Well-Known Member
Dawn...my Friend!!! I hope you are feelling better today, and I am dying see if you got any pages scrapped!!! I am hoping that the interview paid off and you get a job soon!! I know you are worried...but we are here to support you!! ((((HUGS))))

Ok....I had intentions of going back to yesterday too...but, this little fellow is squawling....he is definately a bit spoiled!! He is a cute one though!! I need to love him and talk to him....tell him again, that we don't scream like that!! HA!! think a 7 week old will listen???

Luv ya girlies!!!!!!!

I got a total of *1* done today LOL. I just wanted to sleep today...so I did...til about 1. ugh. That's gotta stop, I hate doing that. No news so far on the job. I'll head out again early next wk to apply some more places nearby...then the next wk I'll start heading out of town ugh.

Sounds like Ayden is starting to fit in, or at least he will LOL, I'm sure as he gets a little older the squawling will lessen. Least I hope so for your sake...nothing makes me cringe like a screaming baby!!!

(((Huggies))) my friend!