
Daily Ooo's Wednesday September 23


The Loopy-O
*deep breath* whew.... i think I am over the worst of everything. This past week was a killer, but all things will pass..... I stuck it out, and am getting back on my feet.

In case you haven't noticed, I don't deal with stress very well. And to say that my life is full of stress, yeah.... not an understatement LOL

It seemed like there was something wonky in the air yesterday. Everybody I met up with was having that kind of day.

Dawn- I love you toooooooooooooo!! Your dream was so funny- oh yeah, I am sure lots of symbolism in there. On the other hand, wedding dress + closet... could you just be supporting Prop 8? Buhahah!

ME-hope your ears have recovered from Monday Night FB!

Joslyn- loved your comment on wearing undies all day- bet the kids wouldn't mind LOL Hope you had a relaxing one!

Clara -- what a wonderful and caring friend you are. I can't imagine the relief that your neighbor felt knowing that she had someone she could trust to help her. Sometimes when the burdens get so big and overwhelming, something as small as writing your name does become next to impossible. BTDT.... I am thinking good thoughts for her, her DD and her G-kids.

Sally- Buhahahah!!!!!!

LindaW- let me tell you, I only got to spend 5 days with Sally and I loved every minute of it!!! I never laughed so hard or felt so good. I wish we all lived closer, I know I would love to visit with all of you.
I remember how much my brother and I would fight- I keep telling them that they will be best buds one day... *eye roll*

Ona- oh that sounds awful- hope you get some fresh clean air soon.

Linda S-((((((((((hugs))))))) I am thinking healing thoughts to your mom- sounds like it was caught quickly?

Dawn0- sound slike a great update on the job! woot!

Lori- hi there! Hope dh feels better asap so you can come back and play at the O!!

Late late late-- gotta run...xoxoxoxoxo


The Loopy-O
... just making myself run later, but had to laugh at this....
One of the first things I said was all things will pass... then I read about Savannah and Dawn's patient... I guess all things will pass, even if it is slow LOLOL!!!

faery's potty humor of the day :D


Well-Known Member
Good morning. I'm running late this morning but I needed to at least make a quick stop. Hope everyone has a great day. And I'm getting a massage tonight. My husband gave me a gift certificate for Mother's Day and only now getting around to it. However, I really need it now so it all works out for the best!


Well-Known Member
Woohoo LindaS!!!! Enjoy every second of that massage! I have found that if you really drift off into it they seem to last longer :). You have sure deserved that massage :).


Well-Known Member
... just making myself run later, but had to laugh at this....
One of the first things I said was all things will pass... then I read about Savannah and Dawn's patient... I guess all things will pass, even if it is slow LOLOL!!!

faery's potty humor of the day :D



Well-Known Member
Chris, ladies, today is another day, and hump day at that ;). Today will be a better day, I can feel it. Hopefully my attitude that it will be better along with my refusal to let my smile leave my face will keep me in a fairly good mood LOL. Hmm....wonder if I could stop by wally world and get some Halloween makeup and paint on a clown smile? buuuaaaahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

Chris - serenity now, serenity now! I don't like stress either. How did your hair turn out?

Linda - enjoy the massage. Sounds like heaven.

Hi Dawn! Happy Hump Day is right. For some reason, I kept thinking yesterday was Wed. - wishful thinking.

Not much happening here. Going out to lunch with some co-workers. It still feels like summer, even though today it's fall. I am still wearing sandals. :)


Well-Known Member
Ona.....Wow...that is some major dust storm!! It's on the main page of Yahoo today! I can't imagine!!! Hope where you are going to see your son is away from this!!! Better for your health!!!

Dawn...YAY...I am so sending you good vibes for the new job possibility!!!

LindaS....Oh honey ((((HUGS)))) about your mom!! I am so glad you have such a great attitude about this!! and I am happy they caught it early! I will pray for your family and her!! and yay for the massage...I say it's a good time for it!!!

Lori....Hi dear!! sorry Mr.Potts has been down!! Hope is recovering okay, and you too!!

Chris....my dear...I think considering what all you have to deal with, you handle stress better than most!!! I wish I could relieve some of it for you!! and LMAO about the things slowly passing!!!!!

ME...hi!! have a nice lunch and yay for sandals...the longer the better!!!


Well-Known Member
Well....I am back to de-cluttering today....I got way behind last week. somewhere in the mix, I need to run out and get the oil changed in DH's truck...he left it with me today...so I guess I better get it done!!

I start my babysitting next week....I am a bit nervous...yeah...me....I guess because it's not one of mine!!

Well...I have been on here too long...I need to get back to work!!!

(((HUGS))) to you all!!


...loves her some "O"
Ohhhh my GOSH!!! Mary Ellen...I soooooo cracked up at "serenity now, serenity now!!!" LOVE IT!!!

I am about to lecture my kiddos...we have a lecture planned everyday at 9:30am except Mondays, so today is history for emma and quentin. cora can listen in; we'll repeat it more in depth tomorrow for her. hopefully Lil can absorb some stuff...we'll see!! LOL!! She's not really a sit down kinda girlie!! :)

It cracked me up yesterday you all saying that you wanted to be flies on my wall...i tell you what, you'd hear a lot of yelling!! LOL!!! I'm kinda loud with my kids, which has been kinda crazy lately, because we've been living with all (and I mean ALL) of our windows open because of our AC. Today is the most gorgeous day EVER!!!! It's 75 degrees inside the house!! omgosh!! GORGEOUS!!! Hopefully it won't heat up later...but I'm really going to enjoy it right now!! Yummy weather!!!!

Chris, I LOVED everything you said!! "this too shall pass"!! bwahahahahahah!!!

LindaS, ohhhhh girlie, you enjoy that massage!!! I've not tried it ever, but I'm getting closer and closer since our drummer's wife is a massage therapist!!! btw, a massage really goes with today's verse, huh???? :)

Dawn, wonderful encouragement!! If you have watercolor crayons, they work for face paint, too!! :) enjoy your smiley day, babe!! :)

LindaW, ohhhh you will be such a WONDERFUL Nana to your "extra baby"!!! "do not be anxious..." Enjoy your day today, too, hun!!!

to everyone else, i love you all!!! :)
and I'm reminded of my fave actor, Ricardo Montoblan saying...
"smiles, everyone, smiles, smiles!!!"


Well-Known Member
Okay everybody. Check out my avi. I don't have the before shot, they didn't give me one, but this is one of the after photos. I thought it was funny, so why not put it as my avi? LOL. It's not a whole lot different from my hair before. I will never style it like this, as she used a curling iron, and a blow dryer and a round brush and a this and a that. But yeah, it's just about three inches shorter and the layers are blended better. I like it. It feels good.

Okay, I am sooo busy, I just wanted to show you guys my makeover. And give you a big kiss, apparently. I have to do my outline and annotated bibliography for school, oy I've got heartburn over this. It's due TOMORROW!! Also, I have a paper due on Sunday. Grrr....

Okay I'm outies.


ONA - Administrator
oh Andrea!! gorgeous lady!! you look fantastic!!! just love that avi!!

anyway girls, can't stay, just popping in say hello and goodbye, off on my road trip this afternoon and I am in the middle of packing!!! the dust has gone!!!!!!! we woke up to gorgeous clear sunny day but there is a ton of dust on everything.......and DH has the job of dusting cause I won't be here!!! hahhaaha!! ok, gotta run.... big hugs to everyone!!! if they don't have internet access i will see again in a weeks time!! bye!! xo


Well-Known Member
Sally-don't hit me but I read 'emma' as 'enema' for some reason ! I know, I know...I need to 'get my head outta the cesspool'! LMBO!

I think I ended up walking around with a lop-sided half grin on my face today....kinda like I was happy 'n all but people were kinda gettin' on my nerves haha....you know how it is?! hehe rainbow color woulda made it soooo much more fun LOL!


Well-Known Member
Hi Mary Ellen! I hope your day was fab! I feel like tomorrow should be Friday....this week has just been weird to me!


Well-Known Member
LindaW- I know you will do fine as a sitter-nana :)....or is it nanner-sitter LMBO? Either way I'm sure he will end up as loved by you as one of your own :).


Well-Known Member
Dawn, I did get a massage this evening. I think it was the best one ever. My whole body feels like a rag doll. And I love it. Now, kids are in bed, and I think I may scrap. Sounds like bliss.

And sounds like a great deal with the doctor. I bet that she's thrilled to get you.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies.....I'm new and was invited to join in on the Daily Ooo's so I thought I'd pop in and say hello. It will take me awhile to get the swing of things and I'm horrible w/ remembering names so be gentle w/ me! lol

My dear friend, Sally, I am so loving the weather here, too. I had the windows open all day and it was just beautiful! I love it! My scraproom is in our mudroom and the back door is there, so I can have that door open and feel the cool breeze coming in while I scrap. It's awesome. lol

We have massive load of teen drama happening here at my house. I'm not sure if I'm going to survive my 18 year old making it to 19. The legal age of an adult here in Nebraska is 19 and she just turned 18 in August, so I have 10 1/2 very long months to go before she can be free to do her own thing. She is on probation (long, icky story) so we are really going to have a rough 10 months! As someone said earlier.....Serenity Now!!!!! I absolutely LOVE that episode of Seinfield.....lol