
Daily Ooo's Wednesday October 7


The Loopy-O
Happy hump Day- I can't believe it is only Wed.
This is one of the longest weeks ever.

Good news is that all of Gary's tests came back fine. "Bad" news- they don't know what caused it. Gary and I are chalking it up to another Lyme-Bizzaro symptom. We both have had chest pains/heart palpitations etc before due to Lyme.

More downer news on the Campbell front. Scott has out of school suspension for spraying ink on the floor in class, today through Friday.
On a good note, when the Dean of Students called yesterday afternoon, she said that he had a good day. Go figure, less than 4 hours of sleep and dad in the hospital, and he behaves the best he has all year....
*throws hands up and sighs*

The DoS also thanked me for being such a supportive parent and for helping the school and Scott. I am glad someone seems to think so:(

I know I have said this so many times before but I hate bringing so much "crud" to the Ooo's. But I so desperately need some sort of outlet.
Please pray that we get Disability and Medicare, so I can get myself into therapy!!!!!

I was also supposed to clean today but my client called me last minute and asked if I could switch to Friday. So I am going to be around today, trying to catch up on life.

I am again so sorry for dumping all of this on you. I know, I know... you are hear to listen/read.... :)

But please for the praying ones, or positive thinking energy ones, or the fingers crossed, knocking wood ones.... could you send me some good thoughts? I have been saying that I am at the end of my rope for years. (I should stop saying that, I guess :lol: )
But I am really feeling beyond fried.

I am surely going to do Sally's Gratitudes today.


The Loopy-O

Linda S- how did everything go with your mom? Hoping for the best!

ME! LOL- At least you have your priorities right! The O should always come before work Buhahah!

Linda W- how is your mom? And your headache? Better??
LOL- I had been in Merkees thread, but I knew everyone who had posted at that time. I forgot to keep going back to check in.

Merkee- soup sounds good! Caitlyn wants to be a vegetarian but I think she likes chicken nuggets too much. ;)
You are so strong! Glad that your faith helps you out. Sometimes I am sort of jealous that I don't have that same connection that you all do.

Ugh- Dawn, that stinks! Hope you are doing good, any job news?

Clara- oh wow!! I am so happy for your aunt- wow that was fast!!
Hope you and Ethan are feeling better.
(((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) - so sorry to hear about your friends, I can't even imagine. Its great to hear that out of a tragedy, your faith grew. Hang in there, I am thinking of you.

Di- I am so so sorry to hear about your day with the counselor and your DD. :(
Thank you for sharing, it makes me feel like I am not so alone. I wish I could help and I wish I could wave a magic wand to make everything, for everyone better.

Linda S- oh that is good news!!! Tell mom that we are all thinking of her.

Sally- thanks for your prayers! How awesome to get your hair done- bet you look fab!

*waving hi to Sally's friend kelly*

To all of my O-Fam, love you!!

I wish I could help Scott
I want him to behave!
I wish for peace within my family.
I want sleep!


Well-Known Member
But please for the praying ones, or positive thinking energy ones, or the fingers crossed, knocking wood ones.... could you send me some good thoughts? I have been saying that I am at the end of my rope for years. (I should stop saying that, I guess :lol: )
But I am really feeling beyond fried.

I am surely going to do Sally's Gratitudes today.

Babe....You got them all from me!!! I am praying, thinking positive for you, sending you good and positive thoughts, my fingers, toes, and nose are are all crossed!!! I know that you will have good things coming your way...Just hang on!!! And we are here for all of your crud!!! Cleaning up crud is what I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU GIRLIE!!!:p


Well-Known Member
LindaS...I am so glad things went so well with your Mom!!

ME...hope you got your latte!! I didn't :(

Merkee...thanks for the soup the other day...vegetable sounds yummy!!

Dawn...hate when the internet doesn't work!! But we rarely have that problem here...thank goodness...at least you can still scrap..YAY!!

Clara...how awesome about your Aunt!! and wonderful that it's happening so quickly!!


Well-Known Member
Di....I have been there dear....my youngest really gave me a way to go...I actually had to go to court and get the judge to order her to finish school!! and that's just the tip of it!! I saw the Packers/Vikings game....we are huge Packer fans....long before Favre was there...but it's hard to split your loyalty....I did the same...routing for both...but my bets were on Favre...which ended up being right....Poor Rodgers....he is a good QB...but he has no offense to help him!!

Sally...yay for getting hair done!! always makes you feel so good!! I getting mine done tomorrow...no babies tomorrow...so I figured it was my last chance for a long time...unless I go on a dreaded Saturday to get it done..uggghhh...bet you look awesome!!


Well-Known Member
As for me....I have a full blown sinus/allergy attack....first one in 3 years....I feel like crap!!! I was up all night...anyway....maybe me and Ayden can nap together today....

I will be in my pj's all day and try to scrap, but I have a feeling that won't happen...my head is too clogged...no mojo can get out!!

I hope you all have great day...it's raining here...so it goes right along with how I feel!! I would try to send someone to get me that PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE, but I burnt my tongue the other night, and I can't drink anything hot....uggghhh again!!!

LOL!! My problems are so simple compared to everyone elses...I love you all and I am sending you all positive thoughts!!


Well-Known Member
Hey girls, a drive by for me today. I've been neglecting some stuff and need to hop on it today. Have a great day and think happy thoughts.



...loves her some "O"
morning my sweet fam!!

LindaW, when your tongue heals, order your next Pumpkin Spice Latte at 140 degrees!! It is just the perfect temp to drink right away...just a little tip I learned from another coffeefanatic!! :) nap away, baby!! you deserve it!!

Chris, you know I'm praying, girlie!!! hugs to you and your fam!! and you vent all you want here...there is something about your venting that lifts my spirits - i'm serious!!! You always finish with hope!! You may not see it, but I do. I have FAITH that everything is getting better and better for you and that sweet fam of yours!!! (it's not "going to", it already IS!!! YAY!!!)

and to everyone else, have a MARVELOUS wednesday!!!

for today, we are laundry-ing...schooling (if they ever get their laundry and their butts down here!!!!)...and cleaning a bit for me so I can get my sanity back, too!!! I fired the maids yesterday as part of our radical financial recovery program. I'm thinking I need some sort of a stimulus package to get my house back in order!! heehee!!! :) Yes, I've decided to grow up and take care of everything and BE THANKFUL WHILE DOING IT!!! (sorry...didin't mean to yell; i just have to keep telling myself what I'm thinkful for, so I don't have a negative attitude!!! I can soooo easily slip into a pity party, and that's soooo bad for what I have to do!!!)

Anyway, I also have a one on one Bible Study with my pastor's wife, a dear, dear friend of mine!! We just pump each other up with the word every week and I can make it another week!! Amazing time for me!!!

I love ya, ALL!!! (or in Texas we say, I love y'all!!!)

be good, and don't forget to post what you're thankful for today!!!


...loves her some "O"
Hey Merk!!! Enjoy crossing those items off of your list, babe!!! happy day to you, too!!! :)


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies! I should be drying my hair but I'm here instead. My heart is heavy today and I have things to say but no words to say them. I know everybody has horrible things that have happened in their lives and I hate it when I feel like I am the only one. Lots of unfair things happen. It just seems so unfair that a guy who is full of life was taken at the age of 30 in such an abrupt way and today is the day for pity parties I guess. I think I am going to do some scrapping about it today. The families of the 10 people who died in the plane crash are currently getting ready to hike up the mountain to hike up the mountain to the crash site today. Although I understand the reasoning I also don't. They went up with trash bags last year and came down with horrific things, an entire rib cage, teeth, jaw bone. I'm sorry but I would not want to even chance finding that stuff. My husband was at the crash site and he said they will be finding that stuff for years. Because it is in the mountains with the snow and everything stuff will be coming up out of the ground for a long time. I don't know...it just seems too sad to me. I'd rather do the bonfire, skydive, go to the local bars they frequented, or just get crazy. But not that hike. Which is why I am writing to you guys at home on my computer and not freezing my butt off from up there right now I guess.

So, on to happier news...my aunt did get her baby. I am not surprised that it went so fast. her and her husband are pretty people and things tend to work out for them. They don't mean to be, they just are. The baby is 22 days old and the birth parents were having trouble choosing a family and then saw them. We had just sent them a package that arrived on Friday of all the stuff they needed for the first week. My aunt had decided not to get too prepared for a baby because there are so many stories of heart break in adoption so now they have to get themselves really together. I'm happy for them. Of course the rest of the family is going to cease to exist in my grandma's eyes now that her one true daughter has a baby of her own, but whatever. I'm still happy for her. All women have the right to feel the joys of motherhood. They named him Jackson...the birthplace of the republican party...LOL. I just thought of that. Too funny. They are professional republicans.

Well, I am off to dry my hair and get to work. Today is definately a coffee day. i will be back to give some love. My sullen mood is lifting alittle bit talking about babies. I love babies. i wish I had a baby to play with today. I by no means want a baby but something about the smell of newborns and their soft skin is just amazing and so uplifting. I'll be back soon.


...loves her some "O"
Clara...I am having those baby yearnings, too, coupled with thankfulness that i can sleep through the whole night because i don't have a baby!! heehee!!!

hugs for you on this tough remembrance day!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies!

Real quick.....I'm sitting here with a towel wrapped around my wet head. lol Thanks for all of the pep talk ladies. I too feel bad about bringing all of my bad here to share with you all. But, like Chris said, I have to get it out or I'll go nuts. My DD is at her second psych evaluation right now and then I have to take her in for a complete physical at 1. She did better last night then what I figured. But that is so her nature. She has a complete meltdown and then 5 minutes later you'd never even know that she was even remotely upset about anything at all.

There is lots more going on. I'll share in a bit. It's kind of crazy! lol Besides that, I didn't make it out on my Pumpkin Spice Creamer quest yesterday, so I'm going to day. I have a HUGE pot of veggie chili in the crock-pot so it's happy eating for us tonight. I can't wait! Leftover chili means chili-cheese dip to snack on while watching the Huskers play Mizzo tomorrow night! Oh, and have I shared that our weather forecast is saying SNOW for Saturday and Sunday!!!! Oh my gosh! lol

I hope you all have a great day! :)


Well-Known Member
Good morning lovely-Os!

Merkee-have fun getting stuff caught up...if you get all done there feel free to virtually help me clean out closets LOL.

Chris-((((((HUGS)))))) I am happy to hear there was nothing serious with Gary....although I know how frustrating it is when you have symptoms and nothing can be found. And Scott, whatever are we going to do with him? What in the world was he thinking spraying ink on the floor? The goober-head. If only he would use some of that displaced energy and smarts for something productive. Glad he had a good day though, I can tell those are few and far between. Hang in there, you know we are all thinking of you.

Sally-cheers for positive thinking! Have a great, productive day!!

Clara-So sorry you are having a tough day, I can't imagine hiking up there, either. That's awesome about the baby! (((hugs))) thinking of you today

LindaW-ouch on the burned tongue! Sorry to hear you are feeling bad, maybe that's what brought on yesterday's headache. Rest up and feel better! (((hugs)))

Di-hang in there, hope things get better for you and DD quickly.

everyone I love you all! hope you have a fab day! I need to get up off my hiney and clean...even just to warm up....my fingers are freezing LOL. xoxoxo


always chatty at the O!!
Alright ladies...I am back and ready to leave some love for you all. My day is going pretty well. I want some coffee and some yummy food. Last night I took my neighbor's grand daughter out for a little bit. It was fun. We went to Walmart so that she could pick out a poster for her room and then we went to a restaurant and got a brownie sundae to share. She thought it was so cool and she is such a cutie and always surrounded by brothers. Ethan thought it was cool that she got to go have some girl time. I thought that was sweet of him. He is such a sweet little boy. Anyway, back to leaving love...

Chris - I think we all need a good dumping ground and if we get to be it then I feel priveleged that you feel comfortable enough with us to talk to us about those things that really wipe you out. I am so glad that Gary is okay and continue to pray for him and your family and the situations of the moment, SSI and Scott being the current ones. Without trying to get into a whole philisophical conversation here...you do have some faith of your own, you know. If you didn't you wouldn't bother asking for prayer or even good thoughts. Whatever you believe you seem to know that there is something better and that things are destined to get better for you if you just believe in it enough. Those of us who are "religious" just have names and structure. Different, but not as much as you think. Just keep doing what you are doing. Things are hard and will probably continue to be for quite awhile but one day things will be better. I'm so glad to hear that the DOS sees how much effort you are putting into Scott. Big hugs always being sent your way. No matter how tired you are you will always have an endless supply of strength when you need it.

LindaW - So sorry you are feeling like crud. I have been too. My head is all yucky and cruddy too and has been for a few days. I toss and turn all nights so that my head can drain from one side to the other. Ugh!! I hope the tongue gets better so that you can get that Pumpkin Spice Latte. I think I need one of those today too.

Merkee - I hope you get all of your stuff done today. I'll be working on some happy thoughts today.

Sally - No maid?? Eeeek!! You do what you gotta!! I gave up some other stuff but not ready to give that up yet. I have my bible study time tonight tonight tonight too. I am so glad. I definately need that recharging every week.

Dianne - Big hugs for you. Since you have to keep it together for your family feel free to come here and relax and do your own version of a meltdown. We all need it we just don't need to announce it to the world like our children seem to I think, well sometimes we do, but not generally. I hope you enjoy your chili. I can't do the vegetarian thing. How can a person live in Texas and not eat steak?? That just seems un-American to me. :) If I lived in Texas I would eat steak and burger in everything with salsa, just because. Oh, and cheese, lots of cheese (I know that's a Wisconsin thing but I eat everything with cheese already and am going to continue with that).

Dawn - I hope you got warmed up. Is it already glove weather for you? Did your headache ever go away? I hope so.

Okay ladies...I am off to go to get a coffee and something gummy for lunch. I'm trying not to get cranky. My bank account is all jacked up, which doesn't thrill me, hopefully dh gets it all fixed. He's not the greatest with that stuff so we'll see how he does. he always takes whatever they say as how it is, never asks for a manager or anything. Kinda lame. He's getting better though so I have some hope and faith in him today. We'll see. I'm off. Have a great rest of your days everyone, although most of your work days are almost over. Ciao.


...loves her some "O"
ohhhhhhhh my house smells like fresh baked cookies!!! because my oldest and youngest finished their school with time to spare!! wohoooooo!! so they decided to make sugar cookies...cut out and everything!! how adorable!!! :) and smelling REALLY REALLY great!!!!

Clara, I just have to tell you (heehee), Di is in Nebraska!! thus the chili...it's tooooooo darn hot here in TX to be eating chili yet, although i do have to say, I did pick up a chili packet from Target yesterday!! yay!!!! can't wait to be able to eat it in the COLD weather (in three months!!! bwahahahahahah!!)...

and Di...It's flip flop weather here if you can't take it anymore with what's going on there...I say, grab your mr gorgeous and head on down here to our guest room and enjoy some 90 degree weather!!! :) we'd have soooooo much fun in my craft room!!!! and the boys could watch football...don't worry - I've got an HDTV in the craft room so we won't miss any pigskins here either!!! heeheeee!!!


always chatty at the O!!
What??? In Nebraska??? Not in Texas??? What the heck. I totally thought you taught her how to scrap in your house. I am so lame. When are you eating chili in the cold weather? In the Texas cold weather? As in like the 60 degree cold weather? If that is what you are referring to you stink and we can't be friends any more. ( I'm turning around and pouting now). Okay we can be friends as long as...well...as long as you let me pout a bit. Whah!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, Christian is in bed for the night so it's time for some downtime. We are trying to change things up with his routine. Things have been challenging around our house - he's big into asserting himself, and we are trying to set limits, but it's tough and draining. Tonight was a good night though - not too many struggles with bedtime.

Clara - happy to hear that your aunt and her husband were matched with their baby boy. Wish them all the best! A baby is such a blessing.

Sally - those sugar cookies sound delish. Send some my way, girlie!

Hi Dawn and Merkee!

LindaW - hope the allergies got better today. Sitting in pjs and scrapping -- sounds like a bit of heaven.

Chris -- happy hump day ... always sending lots of prayers, good thoughts, and positive vibes your way, my friend!

Love to you all.

Dianne - that veggie chili sounds good too! I love my crockpot. Could you share the recipe?


Well-Known Member
Late night catching up on personals:

Chris- Sending lots of prayers your way.....I so feel your pain and can relate to a lot of what you're going through. I hope that your husband is okay. How scary! And, frustrating for them not to really find anything wrong. Maybe it was a panic attack type of a thing???? I used to get those and they do feel like you're having a heart attack.

Linda- What is it with these teens? lol Right now my daughter is under probation, so she can't quit, but she wants to. We will see. I did feel bad for Rogers, too. I'm sure he really wanted to win against Brett and prove himself. It still was an awesome game! lol Did you get to scrap at all? I'm sorry you're having allergy problems. Mine have gotten a lot better as I've gotten older.

Sally- I really need a dose of your attitude towards housework. Especially laundry! I hate doing laundry! lol Your Bible study time sounds so wonderful.

Clara- I hope your day got a little brighter, even though I know it has to be terribly hard. I agree with you, I don't think that I would have been able to make that hike. If I had found something, I wouldn't ever be able to forget that image. I will send up some prayers for you all and the 10 families involved in the tragedy. I totally understand the baby thing, too. My little one is 2 now and I still feel some of that comfort from the way she smells and her soft skin. I'm so glad she lets me cuddle with her in the morning! Oh, I am in Nebraska, not Texas. lol I understand the confusion though. Sally welcomed me here so big and it sounded like we had been scrapping friends for years and years. lol I think it's just as odd to be a vegetarian in Omaha as it is in Texas. This is beef country! Omaha Steaks and such.....luckily, there's a big artsy side to Omaha, so we do have an awesome vegetarian restaurant! We are expecting snow this weekend and it's been cold for the past couple of weeks so I've been sulking over the fact that I can't wear my flip-flops anymore. lol And, it explains the huge pot of chili we had for dinner tonight!

Dawn- I hope that you got warmed up a bit today!

ME- I'm glad you had a good night with your son. It is tough getting them in a routine that's best for them. I need to do that w/ my little Gracie. She has taken on my night-owl habits!