
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, October 25


The Loopy-O
I told myself to be careful typing the date today. I knew in advance I was going to get thrown off. Next thing I know, I'm typing "Daily Ooos: Thurs......."
It is, in fact, Wednesday and thank goodness for the backspace key haha!

I had a busy-ish day yesterday doing lots of little things that took up most of the time. I ended the day with what felt like a marathon of cooking. Earlier in the day, I baked 5 lbs of potatoes, some for the soup and some for a side dish, cheesy stuffed potatoes, for tonight's dinner. I thought that an hour should be plenty of time to make both recipes. It took *forever* to simply scoop out the potatoes from the skins. Gary has to bolus insulin in advance of eating and sometimes there's a fine line between too soon and too late and I thought for sure I was blowing through that window. LOL
In hindsight, it would have been fine if his blood sugar was running low, considering all of the carbs in 5 lbs of potatoes. :p

I am cleaning for my friend this morning so I will have tomorrow open for my dad. I'm not sure what I will be up for this afternoon. It's supposed to be another lovely day so I can waste time raking leaves. Friday, I am hoping to bring Gary and the dogs on a hike - the one I did last week with Scott., and have one scheduled for Saturday, so I don't want to hike today. Maybe I'll pop over and walk on the track for a little extra exercise. I am already in the craving carbs mode of seasonal affective disorder. And every year it's harder and harder to get rid of the winter weight come spring. I have to keep pushing myself to be active this time of year- and for the next 5 months. eep.

Sending everyone lots of love today! xoxo


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord How are you doing?? I haven't seen you here in a while. Sending you hugs!

@vickyday So sorry that you had such a hard time getting comfortable in the middle of the night. I hope that last night was easier for you. Have you seen your GP?

@BrightEyes I hope that you get a nice warmish, steady rain at some point. That sounds like a long trip for your niece but I guess when she is driving a house it's not as bad :) Safe travel vibes to her~~~

@taxed4ever TY for the recipes! I am going to have to save the chicken soup recipe for a night when Caitlyn isn't home. Sometimes I can swap vegan "chicken" strips for actual chicken but for that, I don't think it will work.
Eva @tanteva have you ever made vegetarian chick'n soup?
If I had more counter space I would love to have an Instapot. That would help me on the many days I can't figure out what to cook until the last minute. *G*

@Cherylndesigns Ohhhhh sweetie... when it rains, it sure as heck pours and you are getting some hail tossed in there too. You got this! Sending big hugs your way. :hug2:
I didn't see "Clan" - was it with Daryl Hanna? I vaguely remember a blond woman in the commercials. Right now I am reading the Spy book from First Reads. When I am done, I'll see if my library has Clan as a download.


Morning everyone. Woke up way too early... 5 AM but couldn't go back to sleep. Since the Pest Control guy will be here to treat the termite bait stations at 7:15 AM I decided to get up and dressed early. Can't believe that I managed to change the sheets and add the down comforter on the bed, dusted, cleaned kitchen counters, then swept mopped the kitchen floor and ran the vacuum on all the carpets yesterday morning. WOW... haven't been able to do that much work in one day in a long time. And to top off the day, I picked up 3 'on hold' books from the library in the afternoon. And... we had a light rain shower last evening (.20"). I was glad to snuggle into a clean bed and read for awhile before falling asleep. The body is talking to me (not really happy) this morning. So it will be a kick-back and recover day. I do have a pre-release LO to get done then it is recliner and reading time.

@faerywings Had to LOL over you cooking 5lbs of potatoes... haven't fixed that many at one time in years! The baked potato soups sounds wonderful. Oh, haven't had cheesy stuffed potatoes in a long time. Sounds delicious. Now that the weather is turning cooler, I am in the mood for soup, too! You will be busy the next few days. Hoping all goes well with your dad's biopsy.

@Cherylndesigns Oh, NO... you didn't need this. But glad that the bank was on the ball if there was suspicious activity. So happy that Chuck is now in rehab... that is definitely a step on the road to recovery.

Sending love and healing thoughts to all who need them. Off to get a refill on coffee. HAGD


Mistress of Mayhem
Eva @tanteva have you ever made vegetarian chick'n soup?
If I had more counter space I would love to have an Instapot. That would help me on the many days I can't figure out what to cook until the last minute. *G*
Not sure what you mean? Like a chicken soup, but with "fake" chicken "meat"? If so, nope. I mainly make veggie soups. Also lentil soups and traditional Swedish pea soup. Most of the time I just make my soups from my leftovers. Mix'em up, different every time. That's what John named "Träsksoppa" (Swamp Soup), if you remember.

Here's a fav soup, from WeightWatchers:

EDIT: Sorry, I thought the recipe for the Salsa Soup was translated in the gallery. Will translate ... BRB.


Mistress of Mayhem
Translation here ... made in a rush, might be mistakes.

Salsa Soup from WeightWatchers

1 serving

1 cup of vegetable stock
4 baby corn
1/2 onion
1/2 red bell pepper
2 tomatoes
1/2 red chili pepper
1/2 Tbsp fresh thyme
1/2 Tbsp fresh oregano
salt and pepper to taste
yellow baby tomatoes
1 Tbsp fresh cilantro

Slice the baby corn. Cut the onion, bell pepper and tomato in chunks. Put the veggies in a pan, add chopped chili, thyme, oregano and stock. Cook on low heat a couple of minutes, til veggies are tender. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with halved yellow baby tomatoes and cilantro on top.

I use dry herbs, and I've learned that you can just adjust the measurements in a recipe to teaspoons for dry herbs, and tablespoons for fresh. At least that what I always do.

(When I'm not doing WW, I add spaghetti, broken in small pieces to the soup. Cook till pasta is done.)


Well-Known Member
Good morning. I have been in quite a funk. And it required giving myself a very stern talking to yesterday.

I still haven't heard anything from Mayo about the results of the heart cath. I can read the results in the portal but they don't give any information about the valve and what is recommended. The cath was a week ago Monday. The cardio board meets on Wednesdays. I was told that I would hear Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. On Friday, when I had heard nothing, I called and asked that someone call me back. On Monday, they called. They ran out of time to discuss on Wednesday so they will discuss my case today. Then they will call me.

I understand running out of time...I am assuming that is good news for me...other people were more urgent. What I don't understand is why they couldn't make a two minute call (really, they spent 60 on the phone with me but I'm assuming it would take a little bit of time to dial) to let me know. :angry4: :mad: :angry4: :mad: Do I really believe they will call today? No. But I think they will call tomorrow.

Yesterday, I had the last two fillings completed on my teeth. So that is done. And I saw the doctor so that she would refill my prescriptions. Took my blood pressure, asked how I was and called in refills on my prescriptions. Honestly, this is so much nonsense.
Anyway...Shaun got A's in both of his classes that were the first half of the semester. Sydney says she is struggling...but nothing lower than a B-. And the weather is decent here. So those are my gratitudes.

I'll be back later to catch up on the personals.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... we woke up to SNOW!!! :eek2:It is too dark outside to take a photo, but it looks like a winter wonderland out there. DH has taken my CRV to work as he hasn't even gotten his snow tires on the truck yet. Snow in October out here is unheard of I don't ever remember there being snow before Halloween. WTH is going on with the weather?? I did not make it back in here for personals yesterday, I will try to get that done right away! Had a very long chat with Heather in the morning and then spent the rest of the day puttering in my craft room and working on 3 layouts, none of which are finished yet. Guess what I am doing today LOL. No hike because of the snow for me but perhaps a pool visit, we will see. Went of a walk in the pouring rain yesterday had on my raincoat and my umbrella, it was so nice to be out in the fresh air! Tomorrow the guy comes to give us our quote on the blinds, we will probably faint at the price :thud:Ok on to personals.

@faerywings - Yikes 5lbs of potatoes!! Thats a lot! Hope you enjoy your soup and your cheesy stuffed potatoes, thats way too many carbs for me !! Enjoy the nice weather this afternoon and yes it would be so great if you can convince your Gary and dogs to go on that hike with you! I wish I could go with you too! It would be great if you could get an instapot it does save time, but things still have to be planned to cook as it really does not cook in an instant :giggle4: but certainly a lot faster than in a crockpot! I have a very large one and glad that I do, so I can make large quantities of bone broth that I put into mason jars and store in the freezer. I go through a lot of bone broth with my keto cooking. Sure hope that the nice weather stays with you so you can get your Dad to and from the hospital without incident, sending good vibes to him for his surgery tomorrow!

@BrightEyes - Uggh thats far to early to be up! You certainly did have a very productive day yesterday! Hope you are able to rest and relax this afternoon and enjoy your book! Crawling into a bed with fresh sheets is just the best isn't it?!

@LSlycord - Ohhh that is sad that you have been in a funk lately, but it is so frustrating waiting for phone calls about your health!! Hope you get that phone call very soon! How great that Shaun is doing so well this semester! Sydney calls B's a struggle?? Wish I could have gotten her marks in school! Hope the weather continues to be nice for you! Would you like me to send some of this snow that we got during the night?? I sure don't want it! :tongue3:

@Cherylndesigns - Glad that the bank caught whatever was happening with your account! Hope that you can get everything taken care of! Uggh on the washing machine not working and sure hope that Ava can get it fixed for you!! What a gal!! Hope that Chuck is doing well and is feeling better each day!

@vickyday - How are you making out with your broken arm?? Sure hope that you are not having too much pain, it is such a shock to the body when you have a fall isn't it!!

Ok coffee cup is empty and I need to get busy with these layouts that are all only halfway done LOL. Have a great day everyone, please send me some warmer temps so this snow goes away quickly!! :waving1


Love my O Family!
@LSlycord How are you doing?? I haven't seen you here in a while. Sending you hugs!

@vickyday So sorry that you had such a hard time getting comfortable in the middle of the night. I hope that last night was easier for you. Have you seen your GP?

@BrightEyes I hope that you get a nice warmish, steady rain at some point. That sounds like a long trip for your niece but I guess when she is driving a house it's not as bad :) Safe travel vibes to her~~~

@taxed4ever TY for the recipes! I am going to have to save the chicken soup recipe for a night when Caitlyn isn't home. Sometimes I can swap vegan "chicken" strips for actual chicken but for that, I don't think it will work.
Eva @tanteva have you ever made vegetarian chick'n soup?
If I had more counter space I would love to have an Instapot. That would help me on the many days I can't figure out what to cook until the last minute. *G*

@Cherylndesigns Ohhhhh sweetie... when it rains, it sure as heck pours and you are getting some hail tossed in there too. You got this! Sending big hugs your way. :hug2:
I didn't see "Clan" - was it with Daryl Hanna? I vaguely remember a blond woman in the commercials. Right now I am reading the Spy book from First Reads. When I am done, I'll see if my library has Clan as a download.
I did better last night. not as much pain! I finally have an orthopedic appointment for this afternoon! I'm praying no adjustments need to be made on the wrist!


Love my O Family!
Translation here ... made in a rush, might be mistakes.

Salsa Soup from WeightWatchers
1 serving

1 cup of vegetable stock
4 baby corn
1/2 onion
1/2 red bell pepper
2 tomatoes
1/2 red chili pepper
1/2 Tbsp fresh thyme
1/2 Tbsp fresh oregano
salt and pepper to taste
yellow baby tomatoes
1 Tbsp fresh cilantro

Slice the baby corn. Cut the onion, bell pepper and tomato in chunks. Put the veggies in a pan, add chopped chili, thyme, oregano and stock. Cook on low heat a couple of minutes, til veggies are tender. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with halved yellow baby tomatoes and cilantro on top.

I use dry herbs, and I've learned that you can just adjust the measurements in a recipe to teaspoons for dry herbs, and tablespoons for fresh. At least that what I always do.

(When I'm not doing WW, I add spaghetti, broken in small pieces to the soup. Cook till pasta is done.)
I love veggie soup! Thanks for the recipe!
One question about the ingredients.....is the baby corn actually baby carrots? I've never heard of "slicing baby corn" nor do I know what is meant by "baby corn".


Love my O Family!
Good morning. I have been in quite a funk. And it required giving myself a very stern talking to yesterday.

I still haven't heard anything from Mayo about the results of the heart cath. I can read the results in the portal but they don't give any information about the valve and what is recommended. The cath was a week ago Monday. The cardio board meets on Wednesdays. I was told that I would hear Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. On Friday, when I had heard nothing, I called and asked that someone call me back. On Monday, they called. They ran out of time to discuss on Wednesday so they will discuss my case today. Then they will call me.

I understand running out of time...I am assuming that is good news for me...other people were more urgent. What I don't understand is why they couldn't make a two minute call (really, they spent 60 on the phone with me but I'm assuming it would take a little bit of time to dial) to let me know. :angry4: :mad: :angry4: :mad: Do I really believe they will call today? No. But I think they will call tomorrow.

Yesterday, I had the last two fillings completed on my teeth. So that is done. And I saw the doctor so that she would refill my prescriptions. Took my blood pressure, asked how I was and called in refills on my prescriptions. Honestly, this is so much nonsense.
Anyway...Shaun got A's in both of his classes that were the first half of the semester. Sydney says she is struggling...but nothing lower than a B-. And the weather is decent here. So those are my gratitudes.

I'll be back later to catch up on the personals.
There's nothing more aggravating than having to wait on healthcare people to call you back!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... we woke up to SNOW!!! :eek2:It is too dark outside to take a photo, but it looks like a winter wonderland out there. DH has taken my CRV to work as he hasn't even gotten his snow tires on the truck yet. Snow in October out here is unheard of I don't ever remember there being snow before Halloween. WTH is going on with the weather?? I did not make it back in here for personals yesterday, I will try to get that done right away! Had a very long chat with Heather in the morning and then spent the rest of the day puttering in my craft room and working on 3 layouts, none of which are finished yet. Guess what I am doing today LOL. No hike because of the snow for me but perhaps a pool visit, we will see. Went of a walk in the pouring rain yesterday had on my raincoat and my umbrella, it was so nice to be out in the fresh air! Tomorrow the guy comes to give us our quote on the blinds, we will probably faint at the price :thud:Ok on to personals.

@faerywings - Yikes 5lbs of potatoes!! Thats a lot! Hope you enjoy your soup and your cheesy stuffed potatoes, thats way too many carbs for me !! Enjoy the nice weather this afternoon and yes it would be so great if you can convince your Gary and dogs to go on that hike with you! I wish I could go with you too! It would be great if you could get an instapot it does save time, but things still have to be planned to cook as it really does not cook in an instant :giggle4: but certainly a lot faster than in a crockpot! I have a very large one and glad that I do, so I can make large quantities of bone broth that I put into mason jars and store in the freezer. I go through a lot of bone broth with my keto cooking. Sure hope that the nice weather stays with you so you can get your Dad to and from the hospital without incident, sending good vibes to him for his surgery tomorrow!

@BrightEyes - Uggh thats far to early to be up! You certainly did have a very productive day yesterday! Hope you are able to rest and relax this afternoon and enjoy your book! Crawling into a bed with fresh sheets is just the best isn't it?!

@LSlycord - Ohhh that is sad that you have been in a funk lately, but it is so frustrating waiting for phone calls about your health!! Hope you get that phone call very soon! How great that Shaun is doing so well this semester! Sydney calls B's a struggle?? Wish I could have gotten her marks in school! Hope the weather continues to be nice for you! Would you like me to send some of this snow that we got during the night?? I sure don't want it! :tongue3:

@Cherylndesigns - Glad that the bank caught whatever was happening with your account! Hope that you can get everything taken care of! Uggh on the washing machine not working and sure hope that Ava can get it fixed for you!! What a gal!! Hope that Chuck is doing well and is feeling better each day!

@vickyday - How are you making out with your broken arm?? Sure hope that you are not having too much pain, it is such a shock to the body when you have a fall isn't it!!

Ok coffee cup is empty and I need to get busy with these layouts that are all only halfway done LOL. Have a great day everyone, please send me some warmer temps so this snow goes away quickly!! :waving1
doing better each day with the wrist and back! DH is pampering me (way too much, in some cases) and won't hardly let me lift a finger! I better take advantage while I can as he will return to work next week!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon,
I am feeling pretty good today since I was able to get more sleep last night, even with all the weird dreams! Mark woke me up one time because I was yelling and he thought I was in pain. All I remember is someone was chasing me, lol.

I was able to call today and get an appointment with an orthopedic doctor this afternoon. I am assuming I will be in more pain after that appointment which I am not looking forward to! I don't figure anything will be done concerning the L1 compression fracture as my back isn't really bothering me at all. The muscles are stiff is about all. I'm able to get up and down much better and I have no pain in the bones of my back.

I'm hoping after today's appointment and my wrist settles down pain-wise that I will be able to get back to my knitting. we shall see!

Have a great afternoon!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

Well, things just keep getting better. Chuck got settled in his new surroundings and it's a very nice place! He even got the private room that he asked for. Thank goodness; I knew he'd be very unhappy if he had to have a roommate for the time he'll be in there. All the money we pay for insurance DOES pay off - this is one of those times. He wanted his laptop - said he had things to do. LOL We got that to him, and he was very happy. Got the banking straightened out. We have two brand new debit/credit cards now and all is good with our account. AND drumroll......................Ava figured out what was wrong with the washer!!! One of the plugs in back of the washer had worked itself out just enough to not make contact. She had to pull the washer out to find it, but it's working now. THANK YOU!! Casey was going to stop by and get my laundry, and when I told her it was fixed, she said she was still going to come get it. She said I didn't need to be doing laundry. When I got home yesterday early evening, there were beautiful flowers from her on the kitchen counter. I have so many gratitude's right now - I'm truly blessed and I have my online family (all of you, too). Adrienne had to go out town on business and she's calling me everyday and texting several times. She didn't want to leave, but I told her everything would be fine here.

I'll be back with personals but I have a blog post to do today (sometime) and I want to at least get it started. Have you all noticed that the Oscrap's blog is up again? We're all pretty excited - it's been a long time since the blog was up and running. Just click on "blob" at the top of the home page.

Be back later.


Mistress of Mayhem
I love veggie soup! Thanks for the recipe!
One question about the ingredients.....is the baby corn actually baby carrots? I've never heard of "slicing baby corn" nor do I know what is meant by "baby corn".

Google helped me translate it, maybe It's called something else? It's like tiny corn cobs, like finger sized, common in Asian cooking. I buy them canned.

I can't insert images, cuz I'm on my tablet.


Mistress of Mayhem


You can use corn instead. It will be sweeter, I guess. This corn is earthier in it's taste.


Love my O Family!
Google helped me translate it, maybe It's called something else? It's like tiny corn cobs, like finger sized, common in Asian cooking. I buy them canned.

I can't insert images, cuz I'm on my tablet.
ok! now I know what you mean! I forgot about those! I've seen those in stir fry frozen veggies! thanks!