
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, May 22


Well-Known Member


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning everyone... I am so happy to be going to pick my DIL and grands up this morning!! I haven't seen them since last summer!! Sorry I have been MIA from here, but my computer is no fun to be on and I hate trying to type on my iPad, its frustrating!! Yesterday I went to the Chocolate Shop and got some sugar free chocolate for Jackie and the kids and spent the afternoon making a couple of little Junk Journals for Isaac and Sadie. A Travel Folio one for Isaac in case he wants to journal anything on his trip to Japan and a Dragonfly Fairy Folio one for Sadie.
View attachment 419526View attachment 419527View attachment 419528, wish I could have made larger ones with more pages, but I just did not have time LOL. Anyway I need to get in the shower and get a move on as I have to drive to Crofton to pick them up from the Ferry, I will try to remember to take lots of photos so I can hopefully get a page done with them when my new computer arrives. Oh and I looked into a subscription with Adobe for the new Photoshop and if I do not opt for the large storage that they offer I will only have to pay approx. $13 a month for it so I think that will be doable for me Hooray!!! I will pop in tomorrow and try to catch up with all of you. Sending you lots of love and hope that your day is filled with sunshine and fun things to do! :waving3:
Trudy, you're amazing, girl. I can't believe you just "whip" this stuff out. The kids are going to love them!!!!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi everyone - somehow I missed checking in yesterday so I hope you all had a good couple of days! Today Erinn and I have just been doing life together. Coffee and sitting on the couch just talking most of the morning, then some significant housework (anyone else clean their kids houses when they go to visit?) then some lunch, and now Erinn has gone to an appt and I’m here in a clean quiet house catching up with my O‘zie friends! Tomorrow I’ll head home - @vickyday I’ll wave at you on the way by! :motorcycle: Its a 5 hour drive home from here so I hope to leave by noon.

@BrightEyes Glad to read you’re getting some rest time in your massage chair after all your cleaning and organizing! Sounds like your house looks great and I bet it’s a peaceful feeling having everything clean and organized.

@Terri M your clock face looks wonderful! Such a creative idea. Your brother will surely love it. Also your bike pages on your PL pages look so much fun! Seeing the map of Ohio and how you went straight through the state is impressive. Oh - and Happy 48th Anniversary too! That is something to celebrate for sure.

@faerywings Braxton looks like a hoot! Love the LO’s of him! That must have been such a fun way to bring some humor and fun to lock down days. And no, you’ll need to work harder than that to scare off the SGers! When I get home I’ll attach a couple layouts I did of “Huckleberry” that @MariJ mentioned. He went around for quite some time.

@taxed4ever your journals look fantastic! It’s impressive how you can just whip them up - you are very talented and creative!

@Terri M good luck with your mom! It’s so neat to learn that she’s been on her own until this wonderful age!

@bcgal00 the other day Belle and I were talking a walk and she jumped back abruptly and thinking it was a snake I jumped back too - but it was a Kildeer defending her nest just three feet or less from her. We didn’t even see her. I took a few shots and we left her alone - but it went to show natures camouflage at it’s best

Have a good rest of the day everyone!
Have a safe trip home, Amy.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I was out dropping off D to get his truck inspected for insurance and then brought him home. Soon I will take Remi out to play at the park for a bit and then home to get ready for Mahjong this afternoon. Hopefully D's truck will be ready for pickup just before or after I get home from mahjong but Jen will probably be home to drive him if needed. I will be charging up batteries today, early tomorrow morning I'm heading out with a new friend to the calgary zoo, should be fun. Then lunch and on the way home will stop to pick up a game I bought on marketplace.

@faerywings Have fun today.

@taxed4ever They are beautiful and it sounds like you got them done so quickly. Enjoy the family time.

@AK_Tracy Wow, what an amazing visitor to your yard. I've never seen one in person.

@mimes1 Spring birds and their babies are so cool to see, I love to get out at this time of the year to see them. It's especially cool that we have 3 nests right in our backyard to watch. We are leaving them alone tho so they can do what they need to do, which is hard when you have 3 dogs that need to go out. We have to peer out all the windows to make sure no babies are out and about and if mama is nesting/feeding then we try to go out on the other side of the house. Some day they will all be out of the nests and our deck/stairs/sidewalk can be built. I can't believe we have a contractor but now have to wait so long b/c of the birds LOL.

I better get Remi out now, gotta go. HAGD everyone.