
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, May 22


The Loopy-O

Hi there, O-Fam!!! How are ya doing? I slept like a rock. Probably more like a boulder. Or bedrock... That kind of makes sense. Bed. Rock. bedrock. All I can say is that I don't think I moved. LOL Work was great but 4 trips to the Upper Stream is a *lot*. We have rotations so the groups of kids get to do everything. We start in the field and then hike to the stream. When we finish one group, walk down, meet the next group, and go back up. It's not a long hike- 1/2 mile maybe, but there are some steep spots. Try doing that while carrying the supplies 4 times in a row. :thud: I clocked almost 6 miles yesterday. Each group found some different things- one group was all about the crayfish, and the next was frog hunting. They found some newts and I found the biggest case-building caddisfly I'd ever seen. Yup, several kids fell in legitimate, a few "fell" in, and two thought they were going swimming. There is a deeper pool at one end (BTW--it is past the boundary, in case you were wondering... shocking right? ha) and they wanted to dunk their heads and hang out here. :rolleyes1:
Lauren asked me at the end of the day if I thought I was ready to lead that rotation and maybe two others- Scavenger hunt and observational hike. Hell yeah! *fist pump*

I am not sure what exactly I am doing today. I have to pick up my groceries this morning and I am on the schedule to work this afternoon. We have been trying to do a wrap-up with the Homeschool kids, a hike and bonfire, but the weather hasn't been cooperating and as of yesterday, only one family signed up.
Last night I noticed that wasn't putting any weight on her new knee so I might be taking a trip to see the surgeon if it's not better today. She was putting some weight on it when she had to bark at something, probably a squirrel, earlier today. I'll give her some more Rimadyl today and hope that it's just a muscle strain. Good thoughts for her are always welcome!

Other than that, I need to do a ton of Cheery O stuff that I am way behind on. Some bridal shower stuff that I am even further behind. At least the Bash is over......*focus on the small successes*

If I can get allll of that done, I would love to do some more gardening.

Do you have any good plans for today?
Hope it is an awesome one!


The Loopy-O
@A-M That sounds like a wonderful organization to be part of. You have good company here-- lots of sewers and clothing makers. Me-- I can't sew a button but my MIL is a quilter. She tried to teach me but gave up after a while. She tried, I tried, but it is not my thing. All of the precise measurements and cuts didn't mesh with my "let's wing it" style :D
Do you get a lot of frost/snow in your area?

@vickyday @MariJ This is the brand of leggings: Avia
ETA: I have NO idea why this link says Robot or Human. It is right from the Walmart website!
I got the ankle length and went wild with the "grey space heather" over my usual black *G* They were very comfy and I didn't feel as "sticky" as I thought I would in the heat/humidity. I'm going to get another pair next time I am in Walmart.

@MariJ 100% with ya--how could anyone not love the shore? I swear, my BP drops the closer I get to it. As soon as I can start smelling it on the GSP, I feel so much better. Everyone else thinks it smells like dead fish but I love it. :giggle4:
OMG, I love the idea of Huck! What a fun thing to do, that must have made for so many amazing pages and memories. I completely understand why SG closing was heartbreaking for you all.

@Terri M Happy Anniversary!!! 48 years is incredible! Were you able to get out for dinner?
The clock idea is phenomenal. I have no idea where to get one made other than Etsy but I wish you luck in finding one or having one made.

@bcgal00 My heart is melting about Taz. He is such a good boy, a true gentleman. ♥ and Remi-- she's too much! :D
Hope you had a fun day with all of the dogs and then the ladies!

@BrightEyes Decluttering Queen! I bet the dresser looks wonderful and spacious agan!

J needs to go out-- and is using her leg! Whew!! BRB!!
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Well-Known Member
@faerywings Chris, no snow, just frosts. The altitude of where we live is: 1781 feet (543 metres) above sea level. We moved to where we are now 2 years ago and have had to adjust to colder weather because where we lived previously we averaged one light frost each year. The altitude there is 34.7 feet ( 10.6 metres ) above sea level.

It is after 9.30 pm here so I must shut down this computer and start getting ready for bed. :sleeping2:


The Loopy-O
She only wanted b-fast. She will gobble that and then need to go out immediately after.

@AK_Tracy heheh, You would have laughed at Braxton and all of my family antics. I will dig up some of the pics/LOs later on.

@Cherylndesigns Lex and Tex were always happy to egg Braxton on!

I don't think I have mentioned the rats yet to the new O-Fam. The one major downside about Tom moving in with Cait is that I don't feel like I can pop in to visit them like I did before.
Caitlyn (and Scott before her) has pet rats and they are the cutest little babies ever. All of them in their own way. They only live 2-3 years ( :brokenheart: ) so we have had a lot- all buried in my back yard too, we are running out of room *eep*
Anyway. The girls often show up on my scrap pages- the current pair are named Mouse and Pigeon and these two are so friendly and love to be handled. Most of the rats are but she recorded two girls a few years ago who were from an awful dumping situation and were left for dead on the side of a road along with hundreds of rats/mice/gerbils/ bunnies etc. They were always a little neurotic.

@vickyday Thanks for the birthday wishes to Scott!
Woo hoooo!! great job hitting 2 miles on your walk!!! :cheer:

Terri!!! :rotfl: Love your sunrise quote! And I have given up on streaky windows. I am so careful when I clean my friends' houses, I just cannot deal with my own.

Marilyn, when my mom and I go to Spring Lake we usually try to stay at the Breakers. That way she can sleep in and I get my coffee and watch the sunrise from their balcony.

Tracy-- LMK what you think of the JBJ doc! Who cares what he says--- his smile---- hmmmmhmmmmmmm *fans face* ♥

PS: Love everyone's house "keeping" tips! As in Keep Your sanity!


Love my O Family!

Hi there, O-Fam!!! How are ya doing? I slept like a rock. Probably more like a boulder. Or bedrock... That kind of makes sense. Bed. Rock. bedrock. All I can say is that I don't think I moved. LOL Work was great but 4 trips to the Upper Stream is a *lot*. We have rotations so the groups of kids get to do everything. We start in the field and then hike to the stream. When we finish one group, walk down, meet the next group, and go back up. It's not a long hike- 1/2 mile maybe, but there are some steep spots. Try doing that while carrying the supplies 4 times in a row. :thud: I clocked almost 6 miles yesterday. Each group found some different things- one group was all about the crayfish, and the next was frog hunting. They found some newts and I found the biggest case-building caddisfly I'd ever seen. Yup, several kids fell in legitimate, a few "fell" in, and two thought they were going swimming. There is a deeper pool at one end (BTW--it is past the boundary, in case you were wondering... shocking right? ha) and they wanted to dunk their heads and hang out here. :rolleyes1:
Lauren asked me at the end of the day if I thought I was ready to lead that rotation and maybe two others- Scavenger hunt and observational hike. Hell yeah! *fist pump*

I am not sure what exactly I am doing today. I have to pick up my groceries this morning and I am on the schedule to work this afternoon. We have been trying to do a wrap-up with the Homeschool kids, a hike and bonfire, but the weather hasn't been cooperating and as of yesterday, only one family signed up.
Last night I noticed that wasn't putting any weight on her new knee so I might be taking a trip to see the surgeon if it's not better today. She was putting some weight on it when she had to bark at something, probably a squirrel, earlier today. I'll give her some more Rimadyl today and hope that it's just a muscle strain. Good thoughts for her are always welcome!

Other than that, I need to do a ton of Cheery O stuff that I am way behind on. Some bridal shower stuff that I am even further behind. At least the Bash is over......*focus on the small successes*

If I can get allll of that done, I would love to do some more gardening.

Do you have any good plans for today?
Hope it is an awesome one!
Sounds like work is your new yoga! But I know you are loving every minute of it!
Kids and water go together like icing on cake, I'm thinking! ;)
Hope your pup is OK.....J or W?


Love my O Family!
@A-M That sounds like a wonderful organization to be part of. You have good company here-- lots of sewers and clothing makers. Me-- I can't sew a button but my MIL is a quilter. She tried to teach me but gave up after a while. She tried, I tried, but it is not my thing. All of the precise measurements and cuts didn't mesh with my "let's wing it" style :D
Do you get a lot of frost/snow in your area?

@vickyday @MariJ This is the brand of leggings: Avia
ETA: I have NO idea why this link says Robot or Human. It is right from the Walmart website!
I got the ankle length and went wild with the "grey space heather" over my usual black *G* They were very comfy and I didn't feel as "sticky" as I thought I would in the heat/humidity. I'm going to get another pair next time I am in Walmart.

@MariJ 100% with ya--how could anyone not love the shore? I swear, my BP drops the closer I get to it. As soon as I can start smelling it on the GSP, I feel so much better. Everyone else thinks it smells like dead fish but I love it. :giggle4:
OMG, I love the idea of Huck! What a fun thing to do, that must have made for so many amazing pages and memories. I completely understand why SG closing was heartbreaking for you all.

@Terri M Happy Anniversary!!! 48 years is incredible! Were you able to get out for dinner?
The clock idea is phenomenal. I have no idea where to get one made other than Etsy but I wish you luck in finding one or having one made.

@bcgal00 My heart is melting about Taz. He is such a good boy, a true gentleman. ♥ and Remi-- she's too much! :D
Hope you had a fun day with all of the dogs and then the ladies!

@BrightEyes Decluttering Queen! I bet the dresser looks wonderful and spacious agan!

J needs to go out-- and is using her leg! Whew!! BRB!!
The only time this body does leggings is under a long skirt in the winter.....or under my riding pants for the cooler bike trips. I don't have the legs or the butt for leggings!
I now see it was J you were talking about! WHEW! So glad she is using her leg now!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Today I absolutely MUST finish writing an article for our local newspaper about a trail we improved with a bog bridge this spring. It's so easy to commit to doing this kind of thing, then so hard to actually sit down and get it done. Meanwhile, my mom needs a lot of handholding (via telephone) as she is selling her house and moving into an independent living apartment. I think she's not facing the reality that she won't have the space to keep as much as she wants to. I'm sure everyone making this change goes through it, but it all kind of happened suddenly for her, and although she's a very young 91, it's hard to make changes.

I found that Snapfish makes a photo clock, although it's square, not round. But I just unclipped my background paper from my carefully created circle and I think it came out OK. Nothing fantastic, but I had fun making it. Things I discovered are:
- Daylight Saving Time messes up all the calculations, so I just assumed Standard Time. They'll have to deal with it.
- There's no place anyone ever heard of in the time zone that's the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. "At Sea" will have to do.
- I knew some places were half hours off, but I didn't realize how many countries did that.
Whatever, here's what it turned out looking like:


Love my O Family!
Good Morning, Ladies!
I'm fighting a headache today, so I opted to skip my walk. I figured the heart-pounding walking would not help! I had to skip a play date with Ilene, too!
Mark just called. He is fed up with work this week so is taking half a day off today and tomorrow. He has a field test this afternoon with the eye doc, anyway, so decided to leave early! He wanted to go to lunch but I just finished some oats so I said maybe we could go after his doc appt before church.
Anyway, not doing much today but trying to get rid of a headache. I think it is sinus related as I've been having to clear my throat a lot this week.
I've been working on my May monthly review and have the left side done.
Got my ATC for today done.
Probably will listen to some more audiobook. I got another one from Francine Rivers since I finished The Masterpiece yesterday.
Have a good day!


Love my O Family!
Today I absolutely MUST finish writing an article for our local newspaper about a trail we improved with a bog bridge this spring. It's so easy to commit to doing this kind of thing, then so hard to actually sit down and get it done. Meanwhile, my mom needs a lot of handholding (via telephone) as she is selling her house and moving into an independent living apartment. I think she's not facing the reality that she won't have the space to keep as much as she wants to. I'm sure everyone making this change goes through it, but it all kind of happened suddenly for her, and although she's a very young 91, it's hard to make changes.

I found that Snapfish makes a photo clock, although it's square, not round. But I just unclipped my background paper from my carefully created circle and I think it came out OK. Nothing fantastic, but I had fun making it. Things I discovered are:
- Daylight Saving Time messes up all the calculations, so I just assumed Standard Time. They'll have to deal with it.
- There's no place anyone ever heard of in the time zone that's the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. "At Sea" will have to do.
- I knew some places were half hours off, but I didn't realize how many countries did that.
Whatever, here's what it turned out looking like:
View attachment 419511
Hugs for your dear mother!
LOVE the clock! Love the type and the colors!


I found that Snapfish makes a photo clock, although it's square, not round. But I just unclipped my background paper from my carefully created circle and I think it came out OK. Nothing fantastic, but I had fun making it. Things I discovered are:
- Daylight Saving Time messes up all the calculations, so I just assumed Standard Time. They'll have to deal with it.
- There's no place anyone ever heard of in the time zone that's the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. "At Sea" will have to do.
- I knew some places were half hours off, but I didn't realize how many countries did that.
Whatever, here's what it turned out looking like:
I love your clock face!!! I used to make clock faces - print them on 8.5X11 cardstock - cut them into a circle and mount them inside a clock. I bought clocks at either Michaël's of Hobby Lobby (craft stores). They come in different colors so could match the outer rims to the designs I made.

Good luck on helping your mom move into asst living. We had to do that for my mom when she turned 88 and then sell her house.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone... I am so happy to be going to pick my DIL and grands up this morning!! I haven't seen them since last summer!! Sorry I have been MIA from here, but my computer is no fun to be on and I hate trying to type on my iPad, its frustrating!! Yesterday I went to the Chocolate Shop and got some sugar free chocolate for Jackie and the kids and spent the afternoon making a couple of little Junk Journals for Isaac and Sadie. A Travel Folio one for Isaac in case he wants to journal anything on his trip to Japan and a Dragonfly Fairy Folio one for Sadie.
Journals.jpgSadiesfolio.jpgtravel journal.jpg, wish I could have made larger ones with more pages, but I just did not have time LOL. Anyway I need to get in the shower and get a move on as I have to drive to Crofton to pick them up from the Ferry, I will try to remember to take lots of photos so I can hopefully get a page done with them when my new computer arrives. Oh and I looked into a subscription with Adobe for the new Photoshop and if I do not opt for the large storage that they offer I will only have to pay approx. $13 a month for it so I think that will be doable for me Hooray!!! I will pop in tomorrow and try to catch up with all of you. Sending you lots of love and hope that your day is filled with sunshine and fun things to do! :waving3:


Yesterday ended up being a very busy day. I found a carpet cleaning company who also 'stretches carpet'. The hallways carpet has ripples in it and needs to be stretched so it is smooth. They will be here next Tuesday and will clean the carpets in the hallways, master bedroom and family room. The other rooms don't need it. So, that made me take a good look at what was in both rooms and hallways at what was small/lightweight enough to be moved out of those rooms.... like my portable keyboard, monkey pod tree root, and other lightweight things. The guest room is now hosting several of those items. I cleaned the wood blinds and dusted everything in both rooms. I will move the small end tables in the family room into the living room on Tuesday. Which reminds me that I have a brand new pair of slippers I need to pull out to wear while the carpets are wet. My weeding out books has begun... found I have several YA/Teen books that have been moved into the donate stack already. I just finished reading J R Rains "All The Way Back Home" - about a man taking a dog back to its home in the Sahara desert. I enjoyed the adventure of it but it is going into the donation stack. And, yes, the chair massager is being used at least twice a day right now. I did find time to make a CT LO in between cleaning things. dance4


Well-Known Member
I slept like a rock. Probably more like a boulder. Or bedrock... That kind of makes sense. Bed. Rock. bedrock. All I can say is that I don't think I moved.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: So puny!!!!!
Tracy-- LMK what you think of the JBJ doc! Who cares what he says--- his smile---- hmmmmhmmmmmmm *fans face* ♥
So far its really good. I am in the second episode, about half way. So fun to hear how they came about and what they went through as it was always just rumors I had heard before. LOVE Braxton photos, they are so fun!

Running out the door. Wanted to say hi. @Terri M I LOVE the clock face you've made. Its perfect!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone - somehow I missed checking in yesterday so I hope you all had a good couple of days! Today Erinn and I have just been doing life together. Coffee and sitting on the couch just talking most of the morning, then some significant housework (anyone else clean their kids houses when they go to visit?) then some lunch, and now Erinn has gone to an appt and I’m here in a clean quiet house catching up with my O‘zie friends! Tomorrow I’ll head home - @vickyday I’ll wave at you on the way by! :motorcycle: Its a 5 hour drive home from here so I hope to leave by noon.

@BrightEyes Glad to read you’re getting some rest time in your massage chair after all your cleaning and organizing! Sounds like your house looks great and I bet it’s a peaceful feeling having everything clean and organized.

@Terri M your clock face looks wonderful! Such a creative idea. Your brother will surely love it. Also your bike pages on your PL pages look so much fun! Seeing the map of Ohio and how you went straight through the state is impressive. Oh - and Happy 48th Anniversary too! That is something to celebrate for sure.

@faerywings Braxton looks like a hoot! Love the LO’s of him! That must have been such a fun way to bring some humor and fun to lock down days. And no, you’ll need to work harder than that to scare off the SGers! When I get home I’ll attach a couple layouts I did of “Huckleberry” that @MariJ mentioned. He went around for quite some time.

@taxed4ever your journals look fantastic! It’s impressive how you can just whip them up - you are very talented and creative!

@Terri M good luck with your mom! It’s so neat to learn that she’s been on her own until this wonderful age!

@bcgal00 the other day Belle and I were talking a walk and she jumped back abruptly and thinking it was a snake I jumped back too - but it was a Kildeer defending her nest just three feet or less from her. We didn’t even see her. I took a few shots and we left her alone - but it went to show natures camouflage at it’s best

Have a good rest of the day everyone!


Well-Known Member
While we were in town today, the ring camera said someone was outside out house near the door. We dont get door knockers so I clicked to see who was at my house. Yep, should have know. Little trouble maker.
One year old bull. He circled my house triggering all the cameras :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member

Hi there, O-Fam!!! How are ya doing? I slept like a rock. Probably more like a boulder. Or bedrock... That kind of makes sense. Bed. Rock. bedrock. All I can say is that I don't think I moved. LOL Work was great but 4 trips to the Upper Stream is a *lot*. We have rotations so the groups of kids get to do everything. We start in the field and then hike to the stream. When we finish one group, walk down, meet the next group, and go back up. It's not a long hike- 1/2 mile maybe, but there are some steep spots. Try doing that while carrying the supplies 4 times in a row. :thud: I clocked almost 6 miles yesterday. Each group found some different things- one group was all about the crayfish, and the next was frog hunting. They found some newts and I found the biggest case-building caddisfly I'd ever seen. Yup, several kids fell in legitimate, a few "fell" in, and two thought they were going swimming. There is a deeper pool at one end (BTW--it is past the boundary, in case you were wondering... shocking right? ha) and they wanted to dunk their heads and hang out here. :rolleyes1:
Lauren asked me at the end of the day if I thought I was ready to lead that rotation and maybe two others- Scavenger hunt and observational hike. Hell yeah! *fist pump*

I am not sure what exactly I am doing today. I have to pick up my groceries this morning and I am on the schedule to work this afternoon. We have been trying to do a wrap-up with the Homeschool kids, a hike and bonfire, but the weather hasn't been cooperating and as of yesterday, only one family signed up.
Last night I noticed that wasn't putting any weight on her new knee so I might be taking a trip to see the surgeon if it's not better today. She was putting some weight on it when she had to bark at something, probably a squirrel, earlier today. I'll give her some more Rimadyl today and hope that it's just a muscle strain. Good thoughts for her are always welcome!

Other than that, I need to do a ton of Cheery O stuff that I am way behind on. Some bridal shower stuff that I am even further behind. At least the Bash is over......*focus on the small successes*

If I can get allll of that done, I would love to do some more gardening.

Do you have any good plans for today?
Hope it is an awesome one!
Pretty soon you'll be so far behind you'll catch up with yourself, I don't know if that makes you behinder or all caught up. I've lapped myself a couple of times.


Well-Known Member
While we were in town today, the ring camera said someone was outside out house near the door. We dont get door knockers so I clicked to see who was at my house. Yep, should have know. Little trouble maker.
View attachment 419546
One year old bull. He circled my house triggering all the cameras :floorlaugh:
Now there's something we don't see every day.....raccoons, possum, deer and stray cats set off ours at night...they make their 'deposits' and then leave.


Well-Known Member
OMG, Braxton is a hoot.

Whether this body should or not, I LIVE in leggings. They are so comfortable, wild leggings and a bright t-shirt, that'd be me. Hmmmmmmm, no heather gray ones in my closet though.

take care of yourself, sinus headaches are no fun, glad you skipped the walk. Pollen counts have been massive.

I must have missed the news of the new computer, I've been a little scattered the last couple of days. That is very exciting that you are getting a new one, but more exciting is the fact that you are getting a visit from the grands.

Oh dear, I need a nap just reading about all you've done. Getting carpets stretched is a good idea, good for them and good for you, because the last thing you need is to trip over a wrinkle in the carpet. After all that and you did a CT layout besides. I am an underachiever.

I think just doing life together is a good way to wind down before that long drive. Travel safely!!
I heard my friend Tammy in my ear yesterday with "Don't you DARE use me as an excuse to mope, get off you B-hind and do something" Her words in my head were much more 'colorful' however, and my cousin would have been looking for something new to learn or looking at usual things with unusual eyes so I got my mopey self off the couch and started another layout. One of these days I will scrap the memory bracelet I got to honor my cousin. It's a silver cuff with WWSD engraved on it and some of her life quotes. I had planned to wear it all the time, but it scratched kind of easily, so it sits on my dresser and goes on the wrist for special occasions, and it picks up the warmth and I feel like she's right there with me. I also found a garden stone on Etsy that I'm going to order to put in her spot in the garden. Whoa, my train just derailed there......"Oh look, a chicken & a squirrel." Sorry for all the scattered thoughts, I kind of live in the state of random. Anyway, back to the memory boot in the butt mojo..........I did a double page and I haven't done one of those in 'forever' so let's just call it one of those things where I've forgotten a whole bunch of skills. I am such a ding-a-ling (Grammarly doesn't think that's a word, nor shoppe, but we shop at Ye Olde Butcher Shoppe for meat so I don't know who taught Grammarly to talk), after I posted it I remembered it started out to be Anna's color challenge. There might be one of her palette colors in there in the tree maybe another in the leaves, and a third in the butterfly wing, but that seemed like cheating. I just don't think in shades of brown. I sort of remember starting with a brown background, but I lost it somewhere along the way. I don't know if I'm supposed to upload, left side, right side all together sides, so I can delete the left and right singles if that is better gallery manners. I am such a pokey scrapper, no way I could accomplish all the @BrightEyes is doing AND get a layout done. We had some scary bad storms yesterday, actually, they started already Monday night. We moved all of the hanging baskets and patio pots under the deck and I put a 5-gallon pail with a big landscape block on top over the pink lady slipper plant. Over an inch and a half of rain and close to 40mph winds, but thankfully no hail. I need to make Rice Krispie bars to take to my cousin's celebration, they are furnishing all of the other food, but said we could bring a dessert to share. I have 4 packs of chicken tenders that I need to cook up on the panini grill and then freeze so I can pull them out to make paninis. We had wild rice and gouda stuffed chicken breast that they make at the butcher shoppe we get our meat from. The thing is huge, hubs and I shared one and had more than enough to eat, and Mr. The Food was Fine or maybe good was raving about how good it was and the best he's ever had and THAT was before we had the glass of wine. Ok, I need to print my layouts. Have a great rest of whatever part of the day you are in right now.


Love my O Family!
I heard my friend Tammy in my ear yesterday with "Don't you DARE use me as an excuse to mope, get off you B-hind and do something" Her words in my head were much more 'colorful' however, and my cousin would have been looking for something new to learn or looking at usual things with unusual eyes so I got my mopey self off the couch and started another layout. One of these days I will scrap the memory bracelet I got to honor my cousin. It's a silver cuff with WWSD engraved on it and some of her life quotes. I had planned to wear it all the time, but it scratched kind of easily, so it sits on my dresser and goes on the wrist for special occasions, and it picks up the warmth and I feel like she's right there with me. I also found a garden stone on Etsy that I'm going to order to put in her spot in the garden. Whoa, my train just derailed there......"Oh look, a chicken & a squirrel." Sorry for all the scattered thoughts, I kind of live in the state of random. Anyway, back to the memory boot in the butt mojo..........I did a double page and I haven't done one of those in 'forever' so let's just call it one of those things where I've forgotten a whole bunch of skills. I am such a ding-a-ling (Grammarly doesn't think that's a word, nor shoppe, but we shop at Ye Olde Butcher Shoppe for meat so I don't know who taught Grammarly to talk), after I posted it I remembered it started out to be Anna's color challenge. There might be one of her palette colors in there in the tree maybe another in the leaves, and a third in the butterfly wing, but that seemed like cheating. I just don't think in shades of brown. I sort of remember starting with a brown background, but I lost it somewhere along the way. I don't know if I'm supposed to upload, left side, right side all together sides, so I can delete the left and right singles if that is better gallery manners. I am such a pokey scrapper, no way I could accomplish all the @BrightEyes is doing AND get a layout done. We had some scary bad storms yesterday, actually, they started already Monday night. We moved all of the hanging baskets and patio pots under the deck and I put a 5-gallon pail with a big landscape block on top over the pink lady slipper plant. Over an inch and a half of rain and close to 40mph winds, but thankfully no hail. I need to make Rice Krispie bars to take to my cousin's celebration, they are furnishing all of the other food, but said we could bring a dessert to share. I have 4 packs of chicken tenders that I need to cook up on the panini grill and then freeze so I can pull them out to make paninis. We had wild rice and gouda stuffed chicken breast that they make at the butcher shoppe we get our meat from. The thing is huge, hubs and I shared one and had more than enough to eat, and Mr. The Food was Fine or maybe good was raving about how good it was and the best he's ever had and THAT was before we had the glass of wine. Ok, I need to print my layouts. Have a great rest of whatever part of the day you are in right now.
I could be wrong but I don't think there's anything stating the etiquette of posting double spreads vs left and right. I do both. Just be aware that doing it that way takes up 3 of the 5 layouts you are allowed per day. But I like seeing the spread together. The others are for a "closer" look at the details.


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone... I am so happy to be going to pick my DIL and grands up this morning!! I haven't seen them since last summer!! Sorry I have been MIA from here, but my computer is no fun to be on and I hate trying to type on my iPad, its frustrating!! Yesterday I went to the Chocolate Shop and got some sugar free chocolate for Jackie and the kids and spent the afternoon making a couple of little Junk Journals for Isaac and Sadie. A Travel Folio one for Isaac in case he wants to journal anything on his trip to Japan and a Dragonfly Fairy Folio one for Sadie.
View attachment 419526View attachment 419527View attachment 419528, wish I could have made larger ones with more pages, but I just did not have time LOL. Anyway I need to get in the shower and get a move on as I have to drive to Crofton to pick them up from the Ferry, I will try to remember to take lots of photos so I can hopefully get a page done with them when my new computer arrives. Oh and I looked into a subscription with Adobe for the new Photoshop and if I do not opt for the large storage that they offer I will only have to pay approx. $13 a month for it so I think that will be doable for me Hooray!!! I will pop in tomorrow and try to catch up with all of you. Sending you lots of love and hope that your day is filled with sunshine and fun things to do! :waving3:
Those journals are so pretty, Trudy! Do you print them on cardstock?
Wow! $13 a month is a pretty good deal for the new Photoshop!
Have a wonderful time with your family!


Love my O Family!
Hi everyone - somehow I missed checking in yesterday so I hope you all had a good couple of days! Today Erinn and I have just been doing life together. Coffee and sitting on the couch just talking most of the morning, then some significant housework (anyone else clean their kids houses when they go to visit?) then some lunch, and now Erinn has gone to an appt and I’m here in a clean quiet house catching up with my O‘zie friends! Tomorrow I’ll head home - @vickyday I’ll wave at you on the way by! :motorcycle: Its a 5 hour drive home from here so I hope to leave by noon.

@BrightEyes Glad to read you’re getting some rest time in your massage chair after all your cleaning and organizing! Sounds like your house looks great and I bet it’s a peaceful feeling having everything clean and organized.

@Terri M your clock face looks wonderful! Such a creative idea. Your brother will surely love it. Also your bike pages on your PL pages look so much fun! Seeing the map of Ohio and how you went straight through the state is impressive. Oh - and Happy 48th Anniversary too! That is something to celebrate for sure.

@faerywings Braxton looks like a hoot! Love the LO’s of him! That must have been such a fun way to bring some humor and fun to lock down days. And no, you’ll need to work harder than that to scare off the SGers! When I get home I’ll attach a couple layouts I did of “Huckleberry” that @MariJ mentioned. He went around for quite some time.

@taxed4ever your journals look fantastic! It’s impressive how you can just whip them up - you are very talented and creative!

@Terri M good luck with your mom! It’s so neat to learn that she’s been on her own until this wonderful age!

@bcgal00 the other day Belle and I were talking a walk and she jumped back abruptly and thinking it was a snake I jumped back too - but it was a Kildeer defending her nest just three feet or less from her. We didn’t even see her. I took a few shots and we left her alone - but it went to show natures camouflage at it’s best

Have a good rest of the day everyone!
Are you coming home on a motorcycle or is that me on the bike, Amy?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Chris @faerywings

@Cherylndesigns Lex and Tex were always happy to egg Braxton on!

Yes, they loved to egg Braxton and Linguini on. We are both so silly with our skeletons. Do you remember that Tex disappeared? I know he's up at Adrienne's in one of her multitude of closets. I gave up looking for him, but I will take up the cause again this fall. Darn it, I MUST find him. He had on a cowboy hat and a little western vest. Ava found him in a store and bought him for me. I need to get Alyssa on it - she's like a bloodhound at finding things that disappear in "the black hole". :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Chris @faerywings

@Cherylndesigns Lex and Tex were always happy to egg Braxton on!

Yes, they loved to egg Braxton and Linguini on. We are both so silly with our skeletons. Do you remember that Tex disappeared? I know he's up at Adrienne's in one of her multitude of closets. I gave up looking for him, but I will take up the cause again this fall. Darn it, I MUST find him. He had on a cowboy hat and a little western vest. Ava found him in a store and bought him for me. I need to get Alyssa on it - she's like a bloodhound at finding things that disappear in "the black hole". :floorlaugh:
Please send Alyssa to my house when she's done with your black hole. I put buttons for a sweater I crocheted about 10 years ago and purple wool for a project in a "safe" place and neither has been seen since.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Please send Alyssa to my house when she's done with your black hole. I put buttons for a sweater I crocheted about 10 years ago and purple wool for a project in a "safe" place and neither has been seen since.
That girl could sniff them out, I tell ya. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Here are my two - Tex is the little guy and Lex (Lexi) is the big girl. Chris @faerywings helped me name Lex - I wanted it to be a girl and her name had to rhyme with Tex. So, her name is Lex (Lexi). The cat is Sam and he was so curious about these two new household members. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

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