
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday March 31


The Loopy-O
It is the last day of March- so why does it feel like it is still winter in NJ?
We have had three-going-on four days of cold, rainy weather. 37*, wind whipped rain yesterday.
I thought that March was supposed to "go out like a lamb." this is one pretty cranky lamb! LOL

I am still on my not right in the head way.... so I am going to sign off. Trying to stay out of everyone's way today.....

Love to you all!


lOve the O!
Chris, prayers again for you- like that you are recognizing when it the illness and not you that is making you cranky- hate that you have to go through it- zip on over to my house today- i will be glad to share my 69 degree sunny day with you.

I'm going to join the local camera club in April- of course they won't meet again until summer is over. I have found 2 very enthusiastic photographers at work so maybe we can do monthly photo walks!


Well-Known Member
wombat146 said:
Natesia: Great news that Peter has work!! what sort of work does he do? and how is that little pet rat of yours going??

My Peter worked on the Post, and now will too :)
And my ratty, Usia, is everyday bigger :D she loves eating :D and sleeping :D


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!!

sorry to be a little MIA...I just don't feel myself the last few days...Very achy...my Mom swears it's the change in the weather and arthritis....could be...but it really really has me zapped!!

Good news.. the C-man starts T-ball this Friday!!! They sent emails last week saying they did not have a coach yet...so Sharon and I were going to do it if no one else signed up...I would obviously be a helper...and Sharon would be coach...she was a really good softball player in HS (well I am her Mother..of course she was really good...buhahhahaha)...she never played on the HS team, she did not want to...she already played on the HS volleyball and basketball...she did the softball for the church and the rec league...Sharon was always really good at knowing her limits:D....LOL...my Traci on the other hand was really really good at PUSHING THE LIMITS!! Buhahahahaha...oh I laugh now.......wasn't so funny then!!

I better run girlies....There is baby needing a diaper change...Shoo Weee!!!


ONA - Administrator
Hey girls!! Its Thursday morning downunder and a glorious autumn day outside! It started raining late yesterday afternoon and continue over night but now the clouds have scooted away and its wonderful!! So wishing I could be out there with my camera today, everything is shimmering after the rain!!! *sigh* oh well, its the last work day before Easter so I won't complain too much!! :)

Chris: ((hugs)) sweetie! truly hope your day wasn't too bad and really hope you are feeling a bit better! I will send some sun and warmth straight away!! mwah! :)

Laurie: That sounds a great idea about going out on monthly photo shoots with your co-workers! and congrats again on winning those awards at work!!

Natesia: Hi there! Tell me, does Usia stay in a cage or does he/she run around the place? I could never agree to the kids having a pet rat when they were little, they had a guinea pig instead! It was cute but we had to keep him in a cage during the night and in the daytime he would go in his hutch outside where he could eat grass to his content! Sometime the kids would take him inside to play and then he would run off and hide!!!! used to take hours sometime trying to find him again! LOL! :)

NanaLinda: Hope you get to feeling better my dear! I have a rotten head cold/sinus thing happening which I think is because of the change of weather! has nothing to do with kissing my two grandsons the other week who both had colds!! :) DH keeps saying don't kiss them!! but he isn't a 'nana' and has no idea that you just CAN NOT kiss your grandchildren!!! LOL!!! :)

Hello to everyone else that pops in, I hope you all have a great evening!! :)


Well-Known Member
Natesia: Hi there! Tell me, does Usia stay in a cage or does he/she run around the place? I could never agree to the kids having a pet rat when they were little, they had a guinea pig instead! It was cute but we had to keep him in a cage during the night and in the daytime he would go in his hutch outside where he could eat grass to his content! Sometime the kids would take him inside to play and then he would run off and hide!!!! used to take hours sometime trying to find him again! LOL! :)

My Usia stays in cage, she's so small, and I'm afraid that she'd run somewhere and doesn't know how to go back... but she spends a lot of time everyday on my knees or on my shoulder, she loves it :D