Morning ladies... I will not be hiking today, it is very warm and the hike is way out on the West Coast of the Island to Port Refrew area. They are hiking the Avatar Grove, which is so very beautiful, but a few hours of driving each way. The road to get to the trail from the highway is horrendous and I am at least happy that I have done that trail before. I just don't want to spend most of my day driving to get to it. Here is a link for you to see what the ancient forest alliance is all about with some stunning views of the Avatar Grove it is quite lengthy but very interesting!
So instead today I will be doing some scrapping and making some blackberry pies and freezing them for dinner with our son and family this weekend. They are coming down to say good-bye to my brother and his wife. They have always been very close to them as they spent almost every summer playing with their kids, who now live in Australia. :sad:
Chris - I am so sorry that you are feeling so down today! I know how depressing it must be for you, but please don't dwell too long on things that are out of your control :hug: Perhaps we need to talk to Ona again about the way we do the challenges, I kind of miss the way we used to have the prepping of the challenges too! Perhaps a vote is in order?
Jean - Happy be-lated Birthday to your hubby! I am so glad that you are out of your heat wave and enjoying the much more humane temps! Yes I am trying to deal with the family drama as best I can sometimes it is a challenge! LOL Glad that you are still having a good time with the history of your DH's great grandmother! Enjoy your day today!
Rae - I hope you and DH had a lovely visit with B! Hopefully you are seeing small improvements with her memory! Nice that you are able to have some quiet time walking with Taz, I bet he enjoys it too! Yes I think that I now am all set with clothes etc for our trip and swimming yesterday was very nice I got in my laps with only a few others there.
Felis - Oh bad biggie, :nono: on the digging in the flower bed!! Hope your Mom is not too angry with him LOL. Heathers tea party last night was not very successful but I will be ordering some things today and so will my one sister, so that is good. I hope that you continue to enjoy time outside in the garden! I think I will wait to take the photo with my new dress until after I get my cut and colored next week.
I need my second cup of coffee then I need to get an appt for a pedicure booked so I have pretty toes for my trip LOL. Have a great day everyone, even though the world seems to turning upside down in the U.S. :sorry: :wave: