@tanteva You-- a normal brain!? Get out-- how much did you pay the doctor for that paper?

I will keep an eye on the BP. I have had trouble with POTS -- BP and pulse rate- when Lyme was really bad so I know if that pops up again, I'll need to get some blood work done. Plus heart disease and aFib on both sides of my family are risk factors.
Getting older really does suck, but better than the alternative--
How was the banana bread? Good for you for trying something new and getting over the anxiety of it. If you didn't make it yesterday and want to try a fail-proof recipe, I have a super yummy one I can share.
@Terri M
I don't know what you mean- as I keep hearing and looking for the hawks.

Yeah, it's not a good time with everything going on, it is stressful. I'm not surprised that my BP was high. The last time I saw the doctor, it was normal, I had an EKG, and then the earthquake hit. When the doctor took it again, it was much higher. When I see my LLMD, it's usually well within the normal range. White Coat Syndrome is real, though, I can feel it!
David sounds like my dad a few years ago-- he wouldn't stop. Scott and I went to unload firewood for him last October and he was trying to keep up with us! (of course, I was trying to keep up with Scott if you are wondering where I get it from)
@vickyday Was this your friend's first time playing Quirkle? Did she like it?
I love playing games win or lose-- aside from Pictionary with the kids. That gets intense haha!
awww-- I love the halo!!
@BrightEyes Thank you for the update on the coffee pots. I wish they made them last longer than they do. This one is perfect for brewing coffee and it is a 14-cup pot which is necessary for the 4 of us. It would still be perfect if it kept the keep warm feature turned on.
How nice to have your sister come for a visit soon. Is it cooler (relatively speaking) by you than her or is it where it is so hot, a few degrees doesn't feel any different?
@AK_Tracy I was very glad that I finally got my knee checkout. I know myself and I would have kept walking on it and if there was something structurally wrong, I 100% would have made it worse.
I know, shocking- right? LOL!
I am so happy that the chiro was good to you! Sounds like he understood your pain level well. IKWYM about the tight muscles and spasms. I had that with my back and LLMD ended up giving me a lidocaine shot in one muscle knot to help ease the pain and loosen it up. That's the sucky thing about muscle pain, you end up with the entire network of muscle and connective tissue a big ol' mess. And you already have that stacked against you to begin with. *gentle hugs*
That's so cool that you colored your hair in funky colors. Any pics?
@JeanneMN tell us how you really feel about sweating! It's so hot that your sweat is sweating!

It has to be difficult dealing with DS but if you get to see DGS, it makes it worthwhile.
What is his 4H project other than it needs varnishing? Those boys are lucky they didn't; pass out from the fumes!
Whisky needs to go out, BRB!