
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, July 17


The Loopy-O

it's Hump Day and who needs the camel when you have an overly caffeinated bear?

How was your day? Another HHH one here and I think it rained for 5 minutes after dinner. We have the windows open and I am listening to the crows making a racket. Yesterday I heard two hawks calling back and forth but I couldn't see them.


(oooh, I hear the hawk again right in the midst of the caw caw caw of the crows)

Ha! I started my sentence with "You" but I don't know what I was going to say, the hawks distracted me. In case you couldn't tell, my posts are 99.9% stream-of-consciousness.

Oh yeah-- you would be proud of me. I only cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen and I used the Roomba for the vacuuming. Took several breaks to get off my feet and then rested in the afternoon. The knee is finally getting better. Not all the way but I should be good to go for work next week. I ended up making a pineapple tofu stir fry last night and that was delish. Scott had to pick something up from here for his camping trip and the timing was perfect for him to stay for a quick bite with us.

Grocery pick-up is this morning, working on laundry this afternoon. I found a yoga for knee pain video and will add that to my rotation.

(the hawk sounds sooo close, why can't I see it!? The trees must be blocking them)

At any rate-- time to post this and move on to personals
@tanteva You-- a normal brain!? Get out-- how much did you pay the doctor for that paper? :lol23:
I will keep an eye on the BP. I have had trouble with POTS -- BP and pulse rate- when Lyme was really bad so I know if that pops up again, I'll need to get some blood work done. Plus heart disease and aFib on both sides of my family are risk factors.
Getting older really does suck, but better than the alternative--
How was the banana bread? Good for you for trying something new and getting over the anxiety of it. If you didn't make it yesterday and want to try a fail-proof recipe, I have a super yummy one I can share.

@Terri M
then I got distracted by seeing a hummingbird visiting all my flowers out the back window
I don't know what you mean- as I keep hearing and looking for the hawks. :giggle4:
Yeah, it's not a good time with everything going on, it is stressful. I'm not surprised that my BP was high. The last time I saw the doctor, it was normal, I had an EKG, and then the earthquake hit. When the doctor took it again, it was much higher. When I see my LLMD, it's usually well within the normal range. White Coat Syndrome is real, though, I can feel it!
David sounds like my dad a few years ago-- he wouldn't stop. Scott and I went to unload firewood for him last October and he was trying to keep up with us! (of course, I was trying to keep up with Scott if you are wondering where I get it from)

@vickyday Was this your friend's first time playing Quirkle? Did she like it?
I love playing games win or lose-- aside from Pictionary with the kids. That gets intense haha!
awww-- I love the halo!! :angelwhistle:

@BrightEyes Thank you for the update on the coffee pots. I wish they made them last longer than they do. This one is perfect for brewing coffee and it is a 14-cup pot which is necessary for the 4 of us. It would still be perfect if it kept the keep warm feature turned on.
How nice to have your sister come for a visit soon. Is it cooler (relatively speaking) by you than her or is it where it is so hot, a few degrees doesn't feel any different?

@AK_Tracy I was very glad that I finally got my knee checkout. I know myself and I would have kept walking on it and if there was something structurally wrong, I 100% would have made it worse.
I know, shocking- right? LOL!
I am so happy that the chiro was good to you! Sounds like he understood your pain level well. IKWYM about the tight muscles and spasms. I had that with my back and LLMD ended up giving me a lidocaine shot in one muscle knot to help ease the pain and loosen it up. That's the sucky thing about muscle pain, you end up with the entire network of muscle and connective tissue a big ol' mess. And you already have that stacked against you to begin with. *gentle hugs*
That's so cool that you colored your hair in funky colors. Any pics?

@JeanneMN tell us how you really feel about sweating! It's so hot that your sweat is sweating! :rotfl:
It has to be difficult dealing with DS but if you get to see DGS, it makes it worthwhile.
What is his 4H project other than it needs varnishing? Those boys are lucky they didn't; pass out from the fumes!

Whisky needs to go out, BRB!
@taxed4ever I'm very glad that you are finding a little more time for yourself recently. I hope you have a fab time hiking today. Bring extra water!

@Cherylndesigns LOL-ing at Chuck's attitude at travel and governmental overthrows. It's no wonder why you love him and never had a dull moment together ♥
Yeah, I am with you-- I hate my grey hair and will stay "blond" as long as possible. I hope you had a fantastic dinner with A and R!

@Nonni F 4 cats and 2 kittens, you sure have your hands full! I'm glad they all like belly rubs-- give them some extra from me again. PS: I have to see more pictures too. They look sooo sweet!
Good Morning, Everyone! @taxed4ever enjoy your hike today. Bring plenty of water. Temps here, today, are supposed to once again be oppressive. Hoping tomorrow brings a break from all of it.
May everyone's aches and pains be minimal today and may everyone experience at least one breathtaking moment of joy in this crazy world. <3
@faerywings downsizing some pics for you asap!
Last night was actually a wee hour of the morning night, highly unusual for us. Dgs had a baseball game at 7 and I thought we were going to be there at breakfast time. It was a great game with the score going back & forth. Dgs played last 3 innings and hit a ball that had homerun written all over it, but it was just a couple feet short, but a beautiful triple. I was a teensy bit loud :banana6:, we were sitting by his mom and stepdad so it was super fun that she and I could be loud together. We had a 6-run lead going into the last inning and then the wheels on the bus of pitchers, and about every other part fell off and they scored 11 in the top of the last inning. It wasn't pretty, in fact, downright ugh----ly. Dgs was last batter up, 2 outs, bases loaded, was sure hoping for another monster hit, but it wasn't to be. Game was over almost 10 o'clock. Hung around to give him the required hugs and then went home and made a couple of key lime martinis and we started watching a movie. I figured we'd have the drinks and go to bed, but we started and sucked us in, so 2 martinis and a movie later it was after midnight when we went to bed. The Neon Highway, on Netflix, it was fantastic. Of course, with Beau Bridges it just had to be good.

Needless to say, I did not make it to the gym this morning, but I have a dental appointment at a clinic just down the road from the gym, so I'll stop for groceries, and eye doctor called yesterday and my glasses are in, so I'll pick those up before heading home.

Well, I need a shower and my legs need mowing so I better get going. Have great a great start, middle or end of your day and I'll pop in again later.

it's Hump Day and who needs the camel when you have an overly caffeinated bear?

How was your day? Another HHH one here and I think it rained for 5 minutes after dinner. We have the windows open and I am listening to the crows making a racket. Yesterday I heard two hawks calling back and forth but I couldn't see them.


(oooh, I hear the hawk again right in the midst of the caw caw caw of the crows)

Ha! I started my sentence with "You" but I don't know what I was going to say, the hawks distracted me. In case you couldn't tell, my posts are 99.9% stream-of-consciousness.

Oh yeah-- you would be proud of me. I only cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen and I used the Roomba for the vacuuming. Took several breaks to get off my feet and then rested in the afternoon. The knee is finally getting better. Not all the way but I should be good to go for work next week. I ended up making a pineapple tofu stir fry last night and that was delish. Scott had to pick something up from here for his camping trip and the timing was perfect for him to stay for a quick bite with us.

Grocery pick-up is this morning, working on laundry this afternoon. I found a yoga for knee pain video and will add that to my rotation.

(the hawk sounds sooo close, why can't I see it!? The trees must be blocking them)

At any rate-- time to post this and move on to personals
So glad your knee is feeling better! Don't get pushy with it just because it is feeling better, however!
@tanteva You-- a normal brain!? Get out-- how much did you pay the doctor for that paper? :lol23:
I will keep an eye on the BP. I have had trouble with POTS -- BP and pulse rate- when Lyme was really bad so I know if that pops up again, I'll need to get some blood work done. Plus heart disease and aFib on both sides of my family are risk factors.
Getting older really does suck, but better than the alternative--
How was the banana bread? Good for you for trying something new and getting over the anxiety of it. If you didn't make it yesterday and want to try a fail-proof recipe, I have a super yummy one I can share.

@Terri M

I don't know what you mean- as I keep hearing and looking for the hawks. :giggle4:
Yeah, it's not a good time with everything going on, it is stressful. I'm not surprised that my BP was high. The last time I saw the doctor, it was normal, I had an EKG, and then the earthquake hit. When the doctor took it again, it was much higher. When I see my LLMD, it's usually well within the normal range. White Coat Syndrome is real, though, I can feel it!
David sounds like my dad a few years ago-- he wouldn't stop. Scott and I went to unload firewood for him last October and he was trying to keep up with us! (of course, I was trying to keep up with Scott if you are wondering where I get it from)

@vickyday Was this your friend's first time playing Quirkle? Did she like it?
I love playing games win or lose-- aside from Pictionary with the kids. That gets intense haha!
awww-- I love the halo!! :angelwhistle:

@BrightEyes Thank you for the update on the coffee pots. I wish they made them last longer than they do. This one is perfect for brewing coffee and it is a 14-cup pot which is necessary for the 4 of us. It would still be perfect if it kept the keep warm feature turned on.
How nice to have your sister come for a visit soon. Is it cooler (relatively speaking) by you than her or is it where it is so hot, a few degrees doesn't feel any different?

@AK_Tracy I was very glad that I finally got my knee checkout. I know myself and I would have kept walking on it and if there was something structurally wrong, I 100% would have made it worse.
I know, shocking- right? LOL!
I am so happy that the chiro was good to you! Sounds like he understood your pain level well. IKWYM about the tight muscles and spasms. I had that with my back and LLMD ended up giving me a lidocaine shot in one muscle knot to help ease the pain and loosen it up. That's the sucky thing about muscle pain, you end up with the entire network of muscle and connective tissue a big ol' mess. And you already have that stacked against you to begin with. *gentle hugs*
That's so cool that you colored your hair in funky colors. Any pics?

@JeanneMN tell us how you really feel about sweating! It's so hot that your sweat is sweating! :rotfl:
It has to be difficult dealing with DS but if you get to see DGS, it makes it worthwhile.
What is his 4H project other than it needs varnishing? Those boys are lucky they didn't; pass out from the fumes!

Whisky needs to go out, BRB!
Yes, it was her first time! She caught on pretty quickly, too! She wasn't a friend until yesterday, LOL! She is actually Ilene's pastor's wife. They are next-door neighbors to Ilene. She went to lunch with us and then stayed for 2 games of Qwirkle before going home. I played another game with Ilene and then headed home.
Last night was actually a wee hour of the morning night, highly unusual for us. Dgs had a baseball game at 7 and I thought we were going to be there at breakfast time. It was a great game with the score going back & forth. Dgs played last 3 innings and hit a ball that had homerun written all over it, but it was just a couple feet short, but a beautiful triple. I was a teensy bit loud :banana6:, we were sitting by his mom and stepdad so it was super fun that she and I could be loud together. We had a 6-run lead going into the last inning and then the wheels on the bus of pitchers, and about every other part fell off and they scored 11 in the top of the last inning. It wasn't pretty, in fact, downright ugh----ly. Dgs was last batter up, 2 outs, bases loaded, was sure hoping for another monster hit, but it wasn't to be. Game was over almost 10 o'clock. Hung around to give him the required hugs and then went home and made a couple of key lime martinis and we started watching a movie. I figured we'd have the drinks and go to bed, but we started and sucked us in, so 2 martinis and a movie later it was after midnight when we went to bed. The Neon Highway, on Netflix, it was fantastic. Of course, with Beau Bridges it just had to be good.

Needless to say, I did not make it to the gym this morning, but I have a dental appointment at a clinic just down the road from the gym, so I'll stop for groceries, and eye doctor called yesterday and my glasses are in, so I'll pick those up before heading home.

Well, I need a shower and my legs need mowing so I better get going. Have great a great start, middle or end of your day and I'll pop in again later.
my legs need mowing
I'm glad I didn't have any coffee or anything in my mouth when I read this! :giggle4::rotfl::floorlaugh::lol23:
my posts are 99.9% stream-of-consciousness.
No one's ever doubted that, my dear!
pineapple tofu stir fry last night and that was delish.
Recipe please!

The banana bread was ..... special. It tastes great, but we're a bit confused. It's not "bread" bread, but it's not like cake either. It's some kind of in between. Maybe I should just put some ketchup on it?
(Just kidding! ................ Anyone please - can you do CPR on Chris?)

It's been raining like crazy here today. Just stopped. Hope it doesn't start again before we can get to the grocery store. Just need to finish my coffee first. Have had so much trouble with heart burn lately, I hardly drink coffee. Like 1 cup every other day. I'm working on losing weight. If I drop a couple of kilos, the heart burn will get better.

But since I was whining about meno pause the other day - let's keep going: it's /(&¤#&%# hard to lose weight now. I can get so sad at times. I lost weight in 2018/2019 and was weighing like I did in 1990 ... then I had COVID - and gained so much weight. It won't go away. I don't mind so much how I look, I miss the health benefits and the stamina. A period I didn't have to eat BP meds, and I had just bought running shoes - that's how fit I was. Now I get short breath from going upstairs.

I'm in a bit of a mood today. Dull gray weather and no candy. You can't blame me!
Good Morning,
I had a late night/early morning, too, last night @JeanneMN! Went to bed with Mark at 10. Saw 12:30 roll around. Saw 2:30 roll around. Saw 3:30 roll around before I finally went to sleep around 4, I think. OY VEY! It's gonna be a long day! But, on a positive note, I'll sleep good tonight! ;)
Went ahead and got up after DH left for work. Arrived at the park at 7:10 and walked my 2 miles. I don't sweat much, but I actually had perspiration above my lip today! YIKES!
We did get some rain yesterday evening! But, again, it all soaked into this dry, parched ground!
I'm going to take it easy today since I don't have any energy after last night's tossing and turning!
Mark is afraid he may have COVID since he has has a nagging headache for several days. Prayers appreciated that he DOES NOT! This happens every July! Why, I have no idea! One guy at his work went home with it last week, so I won't be surprised if Mark does have it!
OK, gonna run. I think I will work on my challenge layout for next month and get that post started.
Have a great day!
I like being my age. I dont like the aches and pains that have arrived, and I hate menopause. But I dont mind being me and my age and I dont understand the stress of trying to be 20.
AMEN! Why in the world would you want to go back and do those years all over again! I love where I am in life! Even though the health has been better, I have been blessed above measure!
we started and sucked us in, so 2 martinis and a movie later it was after midnight when we went to bed. The Neon Highway, on Netflix, it was fantastic. Of course, with Beau Bridges it just had to be good.
Hah! I stayed up til midnight watching that same movie! It was good.

We got a thunderstorm last night and it rained for about an hour. I hope it did some good. But it’s still forecast to be 105 heat index today. It’s my day to go to the local assisted living to bring communion, and I try to always bike for in-town errands, but, no, I’m going to drive the 2 miles in that weatherI mean, there are limits.

It’s Restaurant Week in Charlottesville. I want to find a new place and try it out, maybe Friday. I’m also thinking about seeing the movie Thelma. Maybe I can talk David into a date night if I start working on him today.

Here’s hoping everyone’s aches and stresses are getting better!
The phone rang at 3AM and woke me up... but they hung up before Caller ID got the number. Did a potty-call and the cell phone chirped but no call registered there!!! Thank goodness I was able to fall back asleep until 6:15AM. When I got up, I double checked both landline and cell phone again but nada there!!!

Yesterday I managed to get all my errands done before it got too hot. Mailed bills @ Post Office, paid bill @ Credit Union, got stuff at Dollar Tree, returned the coffee pot to Kohls (got another tee top there) and found an insulated coffee mug w/lid at Ross. Was glad to get home by noon.

Latest news on Son-in-lay#2 - looks like they may have to amputate another toe... no details on if he is back in the hospital yet. I told you about DD#1 falling down steps and breaking toes plus tearing tendons a couple of weeks ago. And just learned that other family members have had a few 'incidents'.... DS#1 tripped and fell at work over the past weekend. Banged up his knee and is off work until this weekend. DS#2's wife did a face plant on the driveway early this week- hit her head, banged up both knees and hands. Needless to say, the rest of the family chimed in to say they were going to be very careful!!! :eek::eek::eek:

On the subject of gray hair... when I was much younger, I dyed my hair... blond, platinum blond, and red at different times. Then I decided that I would stick with my natural medium brown with a natural blond streak in front. The blond streak would darken at times and then get lighter at times. I have let it 'gray naturally' in the last few years... it is dark gray in back with light gray around my face. Not sure if it will get any lighter gray all over or not but I am happy with it.

Time to close the house up... it is 75*F - heading for high 90's this afternoon.
Morning O-zies! Hike has been cancelled due to the heat, we are an older bunch of hikers and no one wants to get heat stroke. So I am heading up to my brother's for a swim in the river and spend some time with him and my SIL. Before I go I need to water SIL Linda's hanging baskets and other outdoor plants, she is in Alberta visiting her grands. I am missing my grands too, but won't be making the trip to see them all until Christmas :sad2: . I did manage to get a page done for a pre-release yesterday, it was good to scrap again! Love the new photoshop!! So many changes though and it is a bit of a learning curve. I still have my old photoshopCS6 on my old iMac, but not sure I will ever use it again. Things have gotten a bit quiet over at the In-Laws which is good, we are not popping in all the time and giving them their space, they still have a hard time asking for help of any kind, which is frustrating, but they got out yesterday and did some shopping. Nice that they did that but FIL really should not be behind the wheel I don't know how many times we have to tell him that:shakingsense:!! At least they were out early in the morning while the traffic would not have been to bad. I need to get my swimsuit packed and a few other things to take if I am going to be on the river all day. So glad that I have this lovely place to go for a swim, so my Brother and SIL are not allowed to ever move :giggle4: . They have been waiting for years now to hear about moving to Australia, but I think that its just not going to happen. Their kids who live there even tell them that they should not move, they love coming out this way in their winter and enjoying the river also.

it's Hump Day and who needs the camel when you have an overly caffeinated bear?

How was your day? Another HHH one here and I think it rained for 5 minutes after dinner. We have the windows open and I am listening to the crows making a racket. Yesterday I heard two hawks calling back and forth but I couldn't see them.


(oooh, I hear the hawk again right in the midst of the caw caw caw of the crows)

Ha! I started my sentence with "You" but I don't know what I was going to say, the hawks distracted me. In case you couldn't tell, my posts are 99.9% stream-of-consciousness.

Oh yeah-- you would be proud of me. I only cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen and I used the Roomba for the vacuuming. Took several breaks to get off my feet and then rested in the afternoon. The knee is finally getting better. Not all the way but I should be good to go for work next week. I ended up making a pineapple tofu stir fry last night and that was delish. Scott had to pick something up from here for his camping trip and the timing was perfect for him to stay for a quick bite with us.

Grocery pick-up is this morning, working on laundry this afternoon. I found a yoga for knee pain video and will add that to my rotation.

(the hawk sounds sooo close, why can't I see it!? The trees must be blocking them)

At any rate-- time to post this and move on to personals
Love your caffeinated bear!! Are you sure you are hearing Hawks? Sometimes crows will mimmic other birds, they are very, very smart and can mimmic many other birds and even people.

Good Morning, Everyone! @taxed4ever enjoy your hike today. Bring plenty of water. Temps here, today, are supposed to once again be oppressive. Hoping tomorrow brings a break from all of it.
May everyone's aches and pains be minimal today and may everyone experience at least one breathtaking moment of joy in this crazy world. <3
@faerywings downsizing some pics for you asap!
I am anxious to see more photos of your cats/kittens also! I just adore cats!
Last night was actually a wee hour of the morning night, highly unusual for us. Dgs had a baseball game at 7 and I thought we were going to be there at breakfast time. It was a great game with the score going back & forth. Dgs played last 3 innings and hit a ball that had homerun written all over it, but it was just a couple feet short, but a beautiful triple. I was a teensy bit loud :banana6:, we were sitting by his mom and stepdad so it was super fun that she and I could be loud together. We had a 6-run lead going into the last inning and then the wheels on the bus of pitchers, and about every other part fell off and they scored 11 in the top of the last inning. It wasn't pretty, in fact, downright ugh----ly. Dgs was last batter up, 2 outs, bases loaded, was sure hoping for another monster hit, but it wasn't to be. Game was over almost 10 o'clock. Hung around to give him the required hugs and then went home and made a couple of key lime martinis and we started watching a movie. I figured we'd have the drinks and go to bed, but we started and sucked us in, so 2 martinis and a movie later it was after midnight when we went to bed. The Neon Highway, on Netflix, it was fantastic. Of course, with Beau Bridges it just had to be good.

Needless to say, I did not make it to the gym this morning, but I have a dental appointment at a clinic just down the road from the gym, so I'll stop for groceries, and eye doctor called yesterday and my glasses are in, so I'll pick those up before heading home.

Well, I need a shower and my legs need mowing so I better get going. Have great a great start, middle or end of your day and I'll pop in again later.
I love that you got to see your Dgs play ball! Sorry that the game did not end well! I don't know how you can stay up that late, but the movie sounds good and so do the martinis!! Almost spit my coffee out when you said you had to mow your legs :coffeescreen:
No one's ever doubted that, my dear!

Recipe please!

The banana bread was ..... special. It tastes great, but we're a bit confused. It's not "bread" bread, but it's not like cake either. It's some kind of in between. Maybe I should just put some ketchup on it?
(Just kidding! ................ Anyone please - can you do CPR on Chris?)

It's been raining like crazy here today. Just stopped. Hope it doesn't start again before we can get to the grocery store. Just need to finish my coffee first. Have had so much trouble with heart burn lately, I hardly drink coffee. Like 1 cup every other day. I'm working on losing weight. If I drop a couple of kilos, the heart burn will get better.

But since I was whining about meno pause the other day - let's keep going: it's /(&¤#&%# hard to lose weight now. I can get so sad at times. I lost weight in 2018/2019 and was weighing like I did in 1990 ... then I had COVID - and gained so much weight. It won't go away. I don't mind so much how I look, I miss the health benefits and the stamina. A period I didn't have to eat BP meds, and I had just bought running shoes - that's how fit I was. Now I get short breath from going upstairs.

I'm in a bit of a mood today. Dull gray weather and no candy. You can't blame me!
Yup Banana Bread really isn't like bread at all, but so delicious!! For goodness sake don't put :ketchup:on it LOL. Sorry you are having trouble losing weight, it really is so much harder after menopause! I totally gave up sugar and it sure helped me lose weight.
Good Morning,
I had a late night/early morning, too, last night @JeanneMN! Went to bed with Mark at 10. Saw 12:30 roll around. Saw 2:30 roll around. Saw 3:30 roll around before I finally went to sleep around 4, I think. OY VEY! It's gonna be a long day! But, on a positive note, I'll sleep good tonight! ;)
Went ahead and got up after DH left for work. Arrived at the park at 7:10 and walked my 2 miles. I don't sweat much, but I actually had perspiration above my lip today! YIKES!
We did get some rain yesterday evening! But, again, it all soaked into this dry, parched ground!
I'm going to take it easy today since I don't have any energy after last night's tossing and turning!
Mark is afraid he may have COVID since he has has a nagging headache for several days. Prayers appreciated that he DOES NOT! This happens every July! Why, I have no idea! One guy at his work went home with it last week, so I won't be surprised if Mark does have it!
OK, gonna run. I think I will work on my challenge layout for next month and get that post started.
Have a great day!
Uggh on the broken sleep last night, I had a similar night, but it was just too hot in our bedroom. DH won't have the window open because the neighbour has wind chimes and he hates windchimes. So the heat pump runs, but its just not cool enough for me. OMG on Mark having Covid, I suppose it really hasn't left us has it!
Hah! I stayed up til midnight watching that same movie! It was good.

We got a thunderstorm last night and it rained for about an hour. I hope it did some good. But it’s still forecast to be 105 heat index today. It’s my day to go to the local assisted living to bring communion, and I try to always bike for in-town errands, but, no, I’m going to drive the 2 miles in that weatherI mean, there are limits.

It’s Restaurant Week in Charlottesville. I want to find a new place and try it out, maybe Friday. I’m also thinking about seeing the movie Thelma. Maybe I can talk David into a date night if I start working on him today.

Here’s hoping everyone’s aches and stresses are getting better!
You are having hot temps too!! Hope you find a great restaurant for your date night!
The phone rang at 3AM and woke me up... but they hung up before Caller ID got the number. Did a potty-call and the cell phone chirped but no call registered there!!! Thank goodness I was able to fall back asleep until 6:15AM. When I got up, I double checked both landline and cell phone again but nada there!!!

Yesterday I managed to get all my errands done before it got too hot. Mailed bills @ Post Office, paid bill @ Credit Union, got stuff at Dollar Tree, returned the coffee pot to Kohls (got another tee top there) and found an insulated coffee mug w/lid at Ross. Was glad to get home by noon.

Latest news on Son-in-lay#2 - looks like they may have to amputate another toe... no details on if he is back in the hospital yet. I told you about DD#1 falling down steps and breaking toes plus tearing tendons a couple of weeks ago. And just learned that other family members have had a few 'incidents'.... DS#1 tripped and fell at work over the past weekend. Banged up his knee and is off work until this weekend. DS#2's wife did a face plant on the driveway early this week- hit her head, banged up both knees and hands. Needless to say, the rest of the family chimed in to say they were going to be very careful!!! :eek::eek::eek:

On the subject of gray hair... when I was much younger, I dyed my hair... blond, platinum blond, and red at different times. Then I decided that I would stick with my natural medium brown with a natural blond streak in front. The blond streak would darken at times and then get lighter at times. I have let it 'gray naturally' in the last few years... it is dark gray in back with light gray around my face. Not sure if it will get any lighter gray all over or not but I am happy with it.

Time to close the house up... it is 75*F - heading for high 90's this afternoon.
OMG your poor family having all these falls!! That is sad that your SIL#2 will lose another toe!! I need to get the house closed up soon too we are going to be in the 90's today also.

Well this is the first time I have tried the quote thing and it works pretty slick!! I hope you all have a lovely day today and try to keep cool! :waving1
Good morning ladies. I have been busy for a few days, arranging a 2 wk trip for the end of Sept. Cruise, air and hotels are all booked now. Just need to book excursions and figure out itineraries. We'll be staying in Quebec City for 3 days and then getting on cruise ship for 11 days to Boston and staying there for 3 days. It'll be so nice to see some fall colors on the eastern coast. We got the upgraded cruise package so will be enjoying some fantastic meals at the specialty restaurants. I need to lose a few lbs before we go (to make up for the 5 lbs or so I'll gain while gone). I always like to do that so my clothes fit when coming home.

Taught a few ladies how to play canasta and they also want to join in on mexican train with us. The fun never ends around here :) Tonight is cribbage night at the center. I'll get Remi out soon for a run before the heat ramps up. We are in the 30s now most afternoon/evening so her runs need to be in the morning. I'll come back later and get some CT work done. My scrapping sure is suffering these days. I am not on the computer as much anymore.

@faerywings Glad the knee is better.

I better get out of here. Hope you all have a great day.
Good Morning!
Well, went a bit quote crazy but it was CQC (Chris Quote Crazy)
Yesterday was a great day and today will be too! Yesterday we left town and goofed off. Today I get to stay home.

14-cup pot which is necessary for the 4 of us. It would still be perfect if it kept the keep warm feature turned on.
What about a thermos? When hubs makes coffee early in the morning, like hours earlier then I get up, he will put it in a thermos to stay hot for me but not sit on the burner for hours. Could you do that and still keep your coffee pot?
*gentle hugs*
That's so cool that you colored your hair in funky colors. Any pics?
No gentle hugs, hug hard enough to crack the back :giggle4: Yes, I have photos of my hair, will look for them and post. I know I have purple photos but not sure about the others.
I was a teensy bit loud :banana6:,
(sarcasm) NO WAY! You???? Loud????? :heartpumppink: I love that you got to watch the ball game for DGS. That's awesome.
my legs need mowing
Yep, glad I wasn't drinking when I read this!!!! But totally can relate!
The banana bread was ..... special. It tastes great, but we're a bit confused. It's not "bread" bread, but it's not like cake either. It's some kind of in between. Maybe I should just put some ketchup on it?
(Just kidding! ................ Anyone please - can you do CPR on Chris?)
Yep, banana bread, not bread, not cake. NOT :ketchup: Butter yes, ketchupNO! Someone will need to revive Chris after she reads your comment.
But since I was whining about meno pause the other day - let's keep going: it's /(&¤#&%# hard to lose weight now. I can get so sad at times. I lost weight in 2018/2019 and was weighing like I did in 1990 ... then I had COVID - and gained so much weight. It won't go away. I don't mind so much how I look, I miss the health benefits and the stamina. A period I didn't have to eat BP meds, and I had just bought running shoes - that's how fit I was. Now I get short breath from going upstairs.
Yes, menopause is the worst. And it pauses and hangs around forever! For me the photoflashes (thanks auto correct) hot flashes are the worst. I can go from 55* to 10000* in under 2 seconds. And lipedema is hormonal induced and trauma induced and between a surgery and menopause the bad fat is multiplying like mad. I cant seem to slow it down. Its horrible.
but, no, I’m going to drive the 2 miles in that weatherI mean, there are limits.
YEAH! So glad you are not biking in that weather! I would worry.
Needless to say, the rest of the family chimed in to say they were going to be very careful!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Whoa Kay that's a crazy string of falling in your family. Glad they're all okay other then scrapes and bruises.
So glad that I have this lovely place to go for a swim, so my Brother and SIL are not allowed to ever move :giggle4: .
This sounds wonderful! And I agree, they're not allowed to move. You need your oasis.
Well this is the first time I have tried the quote thing and it works pretty slick!
Dont ya love quotes??? Only way I can do this. I highlight and quote away while drinking coffee and then I dont forget who and what I wanted to say while getting the second cup of coffee.

Ya know, Chiro said massage aggressively to break up the tight muscle. Keep record of what youre doing that makes it hurt. HELLO! The aggressive massage hurts like (choose your words that require * here) and then hurts the rest of the day until we do it again cause you said three times a day! So yeah who needs to right that down? Its hurt all day yesterday. We did the pt before we left the house and oh it was bad. Then when we got home and again before bed. So yeah it hurt all day! What were you thinking doc?

Off to look around at the gallery. Have a wonderful day!!
Yes, menopause is the worst. And it pauses and hangs around forever! For me the photoflashes (thanks auto correct) hot flashes are the worst. I can go from 55* to 10000* in under 2 seconds.
Hot flashes was horrible! I don't get them anymore, since starting with estrogen. I'm so glad I started with that.
I still have my old photoshopCS6 on my old iMac
I do, too. I never did get proficient at PSCS however. Too easy to just use the PSE that I was used to!
Things have gotten a bit quiet over at the In-Laws
I'm sooooo glad to hear this for your sake!
Uggh on the broken sleep last night, I had a similar night, but it was just too hot in our bedroom. DH won't have the window open because the neighbour has wind chimes and he hates windchimes. So the heat pump runs, but its just not cool enough for me. OMG on Mark having Covid, I suppose it really hasn't left us has it!
Being hot was not my problem. Actually, I don't know what the problem was! I was tired when I went to bed but the sleep just never did kick in! I hate it when that happens! I do OK through the day as long as my brain is active, but I will yawn the whole hour we are at church tonight, probably! I hate that!
I got a home test for Mark to check if he has COVID before going to church tonight. Hopefully it is just a stubborn headache!
(Photo of them looking innocent)
Your kitties are so beautiful!
The fun never ends around here
Rae, you are going to have to go on that cruise in Sept. to rest up from your busy summer! ;)
Dont ya love quotes???
AMEN, sister!
Oh Chris @faerywings I had no idea it would be so hard too find colored hair photos!! It was so hard. It was much longer ago then I remember. This is 2016, my last color, purple. At my daughters wedding in 2015 it was pink, Early '15 was green.

As you can see, when pulled up, it was very noticeable. but when it was down, it was subtle.
