
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, July 17


Just got back home about an hour ago... still learning how to use the Grocery Store's app.... GRRRR!!! Beginning to think it is not worth the effort to have to clip and then take photos w/cell phone. My cold fingers just don't work well with it.
And another gripe is that bag people always overload the bags so they are hard to lift... even though I asked them to not overload them...

Got word that Son-in-law#2 was admitted to the hospital this morning and will have surgery tomorrow. And found that the area around Branson and Springfield MO has flooded and some roads are closed and/or underwater!!! At least they made the drive there okay.

Need to kick back and try to unwind from all the stress...


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I told hubs I was coming out to the pergola to flush his family out of my head :rantonoff::ignore1:He just laughed, I know he's ready for a flush too, and one out of ten has no moral compass is wreaking havoc. I told him to tell them to leave us alone when we go on our "trip" to the lake. He said we're retired now we don't go vacation anymore; we go on trips. He so needs to get away from his family and daily check ins on his mom. Woo hoo our trip is extended by a day! My cousin asked us to come up a day early and spend a night with them. It means Twin Cities traffic on a Friday pulling a boat; but it doesn't faze hubs. I need to play a game or something, so I don't have to look. :exitroom:I feel so much better being out in the garden hanging with Nature, and my women. The dentist's appointment went great, they took lots of photos & 3 different impressions. They send that to a lab that analyzes them and then coordinates with the dentist to see what options they can offer me. It's not going to be cheap, but I told her, just once in my life I'd like nice teeth. Oops supper time and basketball tonight. Dgs not me, I don't have an athletic "Jeanne" in my body. BBL

Nonni F

Well-Known Member
Just got back home about an hour ago... still learning how to use the Grocery Store's app.... GRRRR!!! Beginning to think it is not worth the effort to have to clip and then take photos w/cell phone. My cold fingers just don't work well with it.
And another gripe is that bag people always overload the bags so they are hard to lift... even though I asked them to not overload them...

Got word that Son-in-law#2 was admitted to the hospital this morning and will have surgery tomorrow. And found that the area around Branson and Springfield MO has flooded and some roads are closed and/or underwater!!! At least they made the drive there okay.

Need to kick back and try to unwind from all the stress...
definitely more than your share of stress. Hope you can kick back and gather yourself and have some peace. I need to look back to see what is up with your SIL. Sending healing thoughts his way.
As for grocery stores and their darn apps anymore. It's so frustrating. Give me back old clipped paper coupons!