
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday July 13


The Loopy-O
So i went to the lake by myself for a couple of hours- coated in SPF45 and my legs are burned. I have got to see if my dr can switch my off of doxy and to minocycline at least for the summer. I cannot figure out why, after 3 summers on doxy, that this year is the one I get all sun-sensitive.

But it was nice to get out of the house. I might have gotten too aggravated to stay here. Gary's biopsy results came in and there is nothing 'wrong." Well, no kidding :(
And did he ever get the information/samples sent to the Lyme labs? Of course not! So all of that for nothing. I let out one huge "I told you so!!!!!" makes me so mad.

The Lyme friendly labs would have been better able to look for Lyme spirochetes or other toxins that might have been present in the samples. The regular lab looked for cancer cells/H. pylori... the standard stuff. he should know that Lyme is not "standard stuff."

anyway- it made me a bit crazy.

We are going back to the lake today and tonight. Wed's is Late night- they stay open until 8 pm, so the "crew' decided to go mid-afternoon and stay for dinner. Should be nice!

How about all of you?
everyone must be really busy, you all are so quiet!

Hope that you have a great day!


The Loopy-O
heidi, woo hooooo! Another Jersey Girl!!(We rock!) How are you surviving in TX? I always tease Sally (cellomom who lives in TX) that i would *not* last a day tee hee!
I cannot imagine leaving the shore for TX or anywhere, but I guess you have to follow your heart!
Did you get you LO done? I hate when I start one and can't seem to get it "right."

Hi trudy!!

Clara- that dress is awesome!!!!!
How funny that you and mom are sending your sis crazy dresses. Miss you over here onthe east coast, but I know how happy you must be to be home.

huge to everyone!
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Hump day everyone!! Off to work this afternoon and then have to stay at work until 8:pM as we are having some kind of a big meeting. OH OH!! I wonder what's up?? I should be more positive I guess, because I think things have been going great at work lately, but what do I know??:dizzy:.
Sorry I never got back here yesterday for personals, but I ended up getting my new lenses put in my frames and I love them!! Then my DIL's parents showed up to drop off some things that the kids want for their camping trip when they come home. They are nice people, but we really don't have much in common with them, so its kind of awkward talking with them. We do have the grandkids in common which is wonderful, but for some reason they feel the need to compete with us ( I didn't know that the love for your grandchildren was a competition)??? Anyway.... I just never got to be back here much, so I only ended up doing one of the challenges :pout:

Clara - Sounds like your trip home is going great!! Wow you really are having the warm temps though!! I hate humidity!! We sure are not having the hot summer everyone else seems to be having and hope that it warms up a little more for when our kids come home to visit!! We want the Lake to warm up for swimming!! How funny that you are teasing your sister with the ugly dresses, that sounds like something I would do to my older sister!! I love your bridesmaid dress!! Very classy!! That's sweet that you hubby is missing you so much! Hope he is making out ok!! Enjoy your time with your family!! Hopefully you will be able to come back home for good one day. It took 28 yrs for us, but it finally happened and we couldn't be happier!!

Chris - Ouch on the sunburn!! Perhaps the UV rating was just too high yesterday and no matter what kind of sunscreen you wore you would end up getting a burn anyway? So nice that you get to enjoy the beach! So frustrating about the tests for your hubby, I would be getting into the DR's face about it for sure!!:rant:(I love this icon!!)

Heidi - Hope you are enjoying the "O"!! Its the place to be you know!! LOL.

Nana Linda - I miss you!! Hope that things are getting better in your neck of the woods!! :hug:

Have a great day everyone :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning all! I hope you are all having a great day! I did get that LO done last night and got it posted. Today hopefully I'll get to work on some more, but my youngest has cheer practice today, and then after that I have to meet with a client to go over some stuff from her session.

Chris-I miss the shore soooo much! The first time I came to TX to meet my in-laws I instantly hated it and swore I would NEVER live there...I've been here almost 7 years now! I've made it my home, but you know you can take the girl outta Jersey, but you can never take the Jersey outta the girl!


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I don't usually post as nothing usually happens here. At least today I can say the weather is totally wonderful and in a bit we'll be off to our senior center for our monthly genealogy group session. Oh, to those who don't know, "here" is along the north coast (shores of Lake Erie) in suburban Cleveland, Ohio.

Hope everyone has a good day.


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning! Oh, I guess it is afternoon and has been for a bit. I keep trying to do stuff but the kids and my mother keeping yelling for me and I can never finish what i am doing. Go figure. I have a few more things I have to do. I am making my sister one of those photo name things where you use photos of things that look like letters to make a name. I am missing a couple of letters and don't like one of the ones that I was excited about. So, I need to go out and photograph some stuff and take the kids. for a "V" I want to have a picture of the kids holding hands. the photo I had was from too far away so when I cropped it there was too much fuzziness. Then when I finish I need to send them to someone to process them so they are all the same B&W coloring.

Addie is making me CRAZY!! Messes, messes and more messes. She especially loves to get into anything not hers and the bathroom. She now has to ask permission to go into the bathroom. Ugh!!

Chris - Have fun at the beach. That stinks about burning. That is so crazy that a abx can make you burn. Enjoy your picnic.

Trudy - when are the kids coming? I'll bet you are so excited. I know my mom gets soooooo excited when we are coming and counts down the days. HOpefully the weather will warm up. I am personally loving it the way it is. Cool or not.

Heidi - enjoy your day. I'm glad you were able to get the LO finished. I hate it when I can't get a page together. So annoying.

Jean - Cleveland, huh? My in-laws live in Brooklyn, Parma and the Westside of Cleveland. We go up there a few times a year these days. I'm thinking Thanksgiving will be our next trip. I like getting up to Michigan and seeing my family in Jackson. Next time we go up I want to get to Kalahari Resort. it looks so much fun.

Well, I'm ready to go act like a photog and get something great...or something. LOL!!