
Daily Ooo's Wednesday Jan 14


The Loopy-O
Happy happy Hump Day O-Fam!

Why is so hard to just have a quiet normal day? Yesterday started out actually kind of nice- I got a lot of work done, uploaded a few lo's, was able to "talk" really talk to Gary about a few things. Then comes the issues with our car- lease in up very soon, we have no money to put down on another car- no credit- and we were just planning on buying this car. But GMAC doesn't want to negotiate on our buyout. All of the other dealers are doing this, but they won't budge. Now Gary wants to go car shopping- refuses to buy my car out. :confused: So now then tension is back in my house, I have a hear dtime talking lack of $$ with him b/c he feels like he has let the family down bu not being able to provide... and just ugh..... I just want to keep my car- I love it, yes it needs new tires, but it is going to need them before we turn it in or we get penalized. Like I don't have enough going on- now he wants to go car shopping. I HATE car shopping!!!!!

Thats my rant, I needed to get that out. My mom is coming up today to give me a hand with a few things inthe house, then we are going to go out and run some errands. I have a few b-days coming up and have to get some gifts. And BJ's- to get a new water filter. Ours broke and now leaks water eveywhere. Point being, if my my sees I am upset then she gets upset. So I need to be able to 'let it out" so I can put on a happy face.


There. Thats better.

ME- the yoga pants were soooo awesome!!! I had to tell everyone how fab they were :)
I wish I lived near ya- I'd come over leave the kids with someone and go see what we could see. Of course, being only 4'11", I tend to only see the backs of other people LOL I wish I could keep the kids home to watch with me. I heard that Cait is getting to watch in school. We plan to record it, and watch at night with them, but I am sure there will be lots going on all day.

Sandra- oh what a bummer about the meeting being cancelled. The waiting really is the heardest part.... between Dad and Gabe, it must be rough right now. Lots of good thoughts to you ((hugs))))

Quirky-- 5 more days??? Oh you poor thing, these drs must know how they are torturing you. sending lots of get here already baby vibes!
Oh and bamboo yarn?? Coolo! I try to crochet (I am really bad, none of my rows every come out even) but that sounds like it would be awesome to work with!

Linda P- as you just read, I can relate to the Jeckyl and Hyde :( Hope today is better!

Sending more hugs to you and Eric, Tali. How are the biys feeling now?

Clara- you always sounds so cheery! And (((((hugs))))) on the Official Occupant LOL We love having you with us!!
And just think, one day you'll meet one of us and then you can prove to your family that we are not just imaginary friends LOLOL!

Sally that was you and Donnie right? IIRC, He called us her imaginary friends. LOL

Joslyn, how did ya do with that laundry?

Hi Karen!

I wish I had a remote start for my car! Ok I do have one, got it for Cmas but it isn't installed.
I wish it was warmer than 5*!!!!
I want to have a calm day, I really do......
I want to be happy again.......

Love to all of you!


Well-Known Member
good morning... got Will off to school... late again! He even started breakfast 10 mins earlier than usual and it was still after 7:30 when I walked him to the crosswalk... school starts at 7:45 a.m. and he's a SLOW walker! LOL

Not much going on here today... Gabe got a follow-up interview for next week (Mon or Tues, I think), and we're still waiting to hear from the one guy about the job last week... he's actually seen a surprising number of positions come up, so we're hoping this is a good thing... we found out our insurance will last until the end of the month so I need to go sign up the kids for a medical card by then.... if he doesn't have a job...

Piper has ballet today, so hopefully more kids will RSVP for her party today... so far we've only had 3 or 4... we'll have LOTS of cake leftovers ugh... just what I didn't need! LOL

Chris - waiting is hard... Dad's waited so long to get to this point, and then he gets put off again... its NUTS... sorry about the car thing... maybe you can get something worked out... I'm really surprised GMAC isn't working with you on it! Try to have a good day!

Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Quick stop in....

Chris-hang in there, I hope things with the car work out! {{{hugs}}}

Sandra-I'm praying hard for ya! {{{big hugs}}}

Everyone who drops in hope your day is as wonderful as you are!

Love you all!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, gosh, I had a rough commute this morning - road work - two lanes merging into one. Yuck, so my ride was doubled. I hate traffic. But I have some fun plans this evening - dinner out with a former co-worker at my old job who is now a SAHM. Our kids are a few months apart so it's always fun to talk with her and catch up.

This week has been busy - almost no scrapping time at all. I so hope I can spend some time Friday night scrapping - I've got to do my ADSR challenges!!

Chris - good luck with the car situation. I hope you can figure something out!!

Sandra - keeping my fingers crossed for Gabe and the interviews.

Hiya Dawn!

Love to you all!


...loves her some "O"
Morning, girlies!!!

I'm up and at em early today. Mr Gorgeous has had to go into work early everyday this week and I'm thinking I can't wait to sleep in again!! LOL!!! anyway, we have to get our two new kitties into the vet this morning for "the surgery"! We all can't wait, cause we think they'll get along a little better afterwards. And our original kitty, carmel, needs his shots, so I am taking 4 kids and three cats to the vet this morning! heehee...sounds like a zoo! I better go eat something so I'm not tempted to stop somewhere and spend money I don't have on something I don't need to eat!!

Love you all!!

*waving to Dawn...have a great day, hun!!
*sandra, you can just throw the cake away...I know it sounds bad, but just pretend you ate it. It would be gone anyway, kwim? (or send it home with a parent for other siblings or husband...) HUGS, still praying here!!
*chris...my darling!! It will work out for ya! I'm so glad you have a home here to come and vent...we are here for ya always! love ya, doll!!

my wwws...
*I want my Ofam to be happy in a content sort of way...(we all just can't be happy..thank you very much, Bobby McFerrin!!)
*I want the trip to the vet to be EASY!!
*I wish I were in Paris with MR Gorgeous and our four children!!!


...loves her some "O"
Hey, Mary Ellen...you just relax and enjoy the calm atmosphere at work (maybe? LOL!!) to get over that ride!! Living in Houston, I totally kwym!!! Hugs, hun!!


Well-Known Member
Hello from the frozen tundra! We've already hit the high for today -3. The temps are just supposed to keep dropping all day. Some parts of the state will be as cold as -30 by tomorrow morning. And that's not the wind chill, that's air temp. So - on this wonderfully frigid day where mother nature would just as soon kill you, I get to drive four hours across the state with a van load of high school kids. Big Fun! It's all interstate so hopefully the trip will be uneventful!

Chris - so sorry about the car fiasco. I can certainly relate to the hubby issues. When I said goodbye to Mr. CrabbyPants this morning I said see you tomorrow. I got "K". Only one syllable! Hopefully he's cooled down by the time I get home Thrursday night.

Sandra - keeping everything I've got crossed for you and Gabe and your Dad!

Sally - I love your optimism - it really helps on days when I'm not as optimistic as I should be.

Love to you all, stay warm wherever you are!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!! Today is a good day. Not for any reason in particular, just seems okay I think. I won't get to spend any time with my kids though. :( I have a church group on Wednesdays and it doesn't work out very well to go home in between work and the gathering so I usually don't. Today I have to go get plates for my new car from the dealership anyway which is on the other side of town. Now, what really sucks is that I made chili verde this weekend to eat this week and today I got it in the crock pot but I won't be home to eat it. It is way healthy too. Grrr...

Chris - I totally understand about the car situation. We had a similar situation with my car. It was a piece of junk and my dh didn't want me to drive it during the winter. I didn't want to buy a new car but we ended up really needing to so I did. Maybe if you hold out until the last minute the bank will be more apt to make a deal. Good luck with that. Cars are such wonderful and yet stressful things. Oh...I'm not really that cheery I just take a daily dose of happy in a pill form. When I miss a few days...not so cheery. I couldn't live without them though, or at least not happily. I have anxiety pretty bad and when i can't keep it under control my kids can't even touch me without me getting flustered and that is no way for me to live. The crappy part is that anytime I get annoyed with my husband he asks if I've been taking my pills. He's just a brat though. Love him...but as a big giant brat.
I hope you are able to get all your frustrated vibes out before your mom gets there so that you can just enjoy each other and get done what you need to.

Sandra - Good luck with the interviews for Gabe. As far as the cake goes...I throw everything out at the end of the party that I don't want. It is easier if the party isn't at my house because then I just don't bring it home.

ME - that stinks about the traffic. I hate driving in traffic. Have fun tonight!!

Sally - Good luck at the vet. I hope the kitties get along better afterwards.

Hi Dawn! Hi Merkee! I hope you guys have a great day!!

Linda - I hope you have a safe drive. Please try and stay warm. I hope Mr. CrabbyPants turns back into Mr. Wonderful soon.

Have a great day everyone!!


Well-Known Member
well, Gabe got called for a second interview for the company he did an interview with last week... however, they informed him that there's no insurance for 6 months... so I'm not sure he should take it if they offer it... but I think he's going to... my opinion didn't seem to count for anything!


Well-Known Member
Sandra, So glad that he's got a second interview. Things are going to work out it will just take a little time. There's that whole waiting thing again:)

I made it safely and uneventfully to Pierre. Roads were good, kids are "interesting" Two of them are not my students to they have had to be "educated" a little bit! :)


Well-Known Member
Evening gals!

Chris-How'd your day end up? Hope it was ok!

Sally--LOL! That trip to the vet sounds like a hoot :). How'd it go?

Sandra-I know it sounds bad, 6 months, no ins, but it'll fly by, there's always the $4 scripts at walmart, if it's meds you are worried about. Even if it's just switching to them for short-term. It'll work out somehow. Definitely throw out the cake or gift it to someone! {{hugs}}

Clara-chili verde? sounds yummy...recipe?? please share!! I hope there was some left for you to have leftovers ;). I'm with you on the medicated happiness, couldn't live without it.

Merkee-hi, how's the CT hunt going?

LindaP-cold weather just bites doesn't it? It's only 20s-40s here right now but dropping to low teens tomorrow night, ugh. Try and stay warm!

Mary Ellen-hope your drive home was better than the one to work :).

To anyone else that pops in, hope your evening is wonderful!