
Daily Ooo's Wednesday April 8


The Loopy-O
u.g.h. I am one tired faery today. I have been getting hit with the night sweats and insomnia again. To top it off this morning, Gary and I have fasting blood work to be done.
So. NO COFFEE!!!!!!!!
I am sitting here, freezing cold and wanting somethign warm to drink. I don't think a cup of hot water will do the trick.

I'll take any virtual coffee you've got!

Not much to say here, just wishing my brain would wake up.

LindaS Great tip LOL!! Good to see you again- plz go for three days in a row!

Sandra ((((((hugs))))) Hang tight, know that we are with you in spirit.

Tali's back!!!! I have been peeking at your pics on FB! Gorgeous!! Just fab!! Missed ya lots!!!

ME- I didn't see any snow here, but my neighbor did where she works :( Its just freezing though! I can't get warm!

Sally- wow, I don't think that you ever slow down girl! Your projects rocked- I looooved that dress form-- wow!!!!!!

Clara- Poor Addie! Good to hear that she woke up feeling fine. Sounds like your boys are having a great time, but I'll bet ya anything Ethan is going to really be happy to be back with his mom when he gets home.


The Loopy-O
Second batch (my goodness I am moving like molasses!)For that matter so is my computer grrr :(

Kristin I love reading your posts!
What a funny-scare with the hamster. And kids? What are they thinking!LOL
Your dessert sounded yummy!!! I might have to try it- I like tiramisu (and coffee!! wah!). Yesterday I finally defrosted some old bananas and made a healthy banana bread. 2 loaves, and the kids' plowed through almost one full one! Its made with all whole wheat flour, Splenda, flax seed, and I used smart balance sticks for the butter.
(that sounds like it would be soooo good for b-fast with a cup of coffee.... yes, I am obsessing!)
Caitlyn made Caitlyn Cuddlers- little stuffed pillow/animals- very cute. I am going to post pics on FB today (I hope!)
And I am soooo jealous of you and everuone else who is having a nice spring!

Hi kelly! Yes, I got 2 pages done- and the first one (still under wraps LOL) was great therapy for me. :)

Jen- I can only imagine how nice it feels to be kids free for a few hours LOL 3 kids under 4-- you are a super mom!

K-bamm- good to see ya checking in- can't wait to see your LO's!

Hi Sara!!!

Joslyn, sounds like you are on your way! Man, it is getting close!!!

Oh Dawn, of course you'd be worried if even they tellyou not to be. Hoping it is all good for you. But I love what Clara said. Focus onthat!

I wish I had coffee
I want to have coffee


Well-Known Member
Trying to come up for air here! We had contests all day yesterday so that really monopolized my time! It's a short week at school with Good Friday off this week. Mr. Wonderful has a Huge project going on at work so that is keeping him occupied. We're both exhausted and definitely ready to sleep early in the evening! So here I was up at 4 this morning, wide awake!
I've missed so much here, the daily o's have really been hopping. I have to find some time to wade back through and read everything!
Hope you are all well and happy!


Well-Known Member
I couldn't sleep either this morning Chris! Here's a big steaming pot of Irish Cream coffee for you and me! I woke up at about 4:45 and laid there until 6. I finally decided to get up and 'puter around for a little bit before I get into the shower. I think it's just so busy right now, I'm a little stressed. Good luck with your fast!

Linda - Isn't it crazy at school right now? Our kids were bonkers yesterday. Don't know if it's the weather changing, the short week, or all that combined. But I feel your pain sistah!

Morning to anyone else who had insomnia like us three! Or just you early risers out there. =) Have a good day everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! Quick post from me! And yes Chris, that's 3 days in a row!!! Woo Hoo! I even brought you some virtual coffee Chris!

Not much going on here. I need to plan my Easter menu this evening. With all of Syd's recent dental work, I think that Easter baskets will be light on candy and heavy on something else...toys, DVDs, who knows!

Clara, I'm definitely going to go back and get the link for the resurrection cookies. I saw those last year after Easter so I'm very glad that you reminded me ahead of time this year!

Loving the gallery! Beautiful stuff! Got to find time to play with Danielle's stuff today or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, you are all up early this am! Hi everyone!

Chris - would you believe we saw some flurries here yesterday? Not much, but definitely some white stuff. Hope you get some rest!!

Hi Linda - aren't short weeks the best? We have friday and monday off here! :) I work in the school's central offices - the schools are off all week though...

Sara - wow, you are up early! Hope things slow down for you and you aren't too stressed.

Linda - I need to buy an Easter basket. I've bought a few toys and books, want to go light on the candy too. I got the neatest little puzzle with a fishing pole to get the fish pieces, and some cars on a string. I think he will like them. (or at least Mommy and Daddy will have fun playing!) hehe. What's on your menu? We are going out for brunch this year.

Love to you all! And I am dropping off some muffins to go with the virtual coffee. They're fat free!


Well-Known Member
Hey O's! Can I just say that I love playhouse Disney...my house is quiet something that doesn't happen very often. Not much going on today. I am meeting a friend at the mall so the kids can play. Hopefully its not too packed, most of our schools are out for spring break. Durning nap time I really want to finish the LO's I've been working on. I have 4 or 5 that are 80% done and just need the finishing touches. Then I want to start on Danielle's challenge.

Funny about the easter baskets...we took the kids to an egg hunt this past weekend. When eating her candy Kalin proclaimed that she "loves easter", her daddy told her that Easter is really about Jesus and she said "OH I know Daddy, he ate all the candy" I think we have some teaching to do there :). I've never seen the reserection cookies, but last year at MOPS we had reserection eggs for the kids.

CHris~ I HATE fasting!!! Especailly the coffee part. Here's some virtual :).

LindaP& Sara~ Have a great day of school, I hope the kids don't go too bonkers today.

LindaS~Nothing wrong with little candy. Glad to see you so many days in a row.

ME~ Thanks for the muffins!!!!

Have a fun day O's


Well-Known Member
hi everyone... quick post for me today... I've got so much I want to get done, and will hopefully stay motivated to do it LOL. I've been picking up a little this morning, but its no where close to done ack! I also need to put fresh sheets on the kids beds and do laundry... plus I'm actively potty training Matthew and he's doing well... timer is set to go off in 5 mins LOL!

Chris - I know you are... I'm trying to hang in there, but it's hard!

hi ME, Sara, Jos, Linda, and LindaPete!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, don't hit me, I am running way late due to writing a long post on yesterday's dailys...I'm a goober, don't ask.

I tried to skim over y'alls postings today and decided that's not a good idea cause I saw something in LindaP's that I interpreted as 'bar' hopping and it was about the daily o's hopping LOL...I'll be here tonight. Everything else will have to wait!

Love to all! Have a great day :).


Well-Known Member
Hi everone, just wanted to pop in and say hello and post a little update. I am still very sore and going very slow. However, there is hope. I wasn't too sure for a few days. Thank you all for the well wishes and the prayers.

I am doing much better sitting at the computer, but I am gunshy and don't want to irritate my back. I've never had it go out like this before and it's really scary and not the least bit of fun. Fortunately, I am blessed with a wonderful husband and children. They cooked and cleaned and have done my laundry and chores for me. If only they could design...haha

I am starting some back strengthening exercises and they go at it very very slow, which is good, but hard. I want instant strength. :p

Someone had mentioned in one of the Daily O's about my cat. She is better thank you. Everything went well and she is back to her obnoxious but loved self. She has a great big 6 inch square spot of fur that is missing and looks funny as heck, but otherwise, she is just fine. Thank you for asking..sorry I can't remember who it was.

I will do personals another day. I still have to catch up on reading them. ;)

Hugs to all,


Well-Known Member
Hello and good morning to all my lovely ladies at the O ;)

I am really supposed to be working but I would make rather chat with all of you!

So last night I finished book 2 of Twillight...and I know most of you have already probably read the whole seires twice, but I was a little hesitant at first so I am finally getting around to it. I LOVED the movie but I'm not too happy about book 2....really hoping book 3 will be better. I am totally Team Edward so that might be why I didn't like book 2.

I really need to get my Danielle LO done...I bought the kit and everything and I still haven't gotten it done. If you have some extra motiviation please send it my way! :) THX

Merkee!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad you are feeling better and get a little more time on the computer...to say hi at least! We miss you and send you warm wishes of recovery!!!

Dawn - I love that you are a goober ;) MUAH!

Chris - I will drink two cups of coffee for both of us ok LOL

Everyone else have a wonderful day!!! It's going to be 60+ degrees here today so I am super excited!!


Well-Known Member
I am so tired. I can't get my sleep schedule back on track.

Chris - fasting is so hard. :( I hope everything turns out ok. I didn't have coffee today either (b/c I'm a wuss and can't drink it without creamer, and we are out) so I will suffer with you. I'm going to have to crack a Pepsi soon or I'll be nursing a caffeine headache.

Clara - Vegas was fun, but I guess I'd only go back after a few years down the road. We have friends that go every year and I couldn't do that. My favorite part was either dancing on the bar at Coyote Ugly or supper at Dick's. I haven't laughed that hard in forever. I have a ton of pics up on Facebook - you should check them out. What is your favorite thing to do there?

Jen - totally get you on book 2. I'm a huge Edward fan as well and book 2 wasn't that great for me either. It did have moments, though. Book 3 was better.

Sara, Linda (x2!!), Merkee, ME, Jos, Sandra, Dawn -- Hi ladies!!!!!!!!!!


...loves her some "O"
good morning Ladies!!!

I was awakened with children screaming at each other...
so I just wanted to say this for all of those times women have said this to me:
"I could never homeschool, because I don't have the patience!!!"
I'm there...my patience is gone! (although I was pretty calm in delivering my punishment!! it's gonna be a sparce room around the tv tonight...no AI for two certain someones!! !!)

So, aside from my splitting headache (not normal for me, so it's an extra pain! !!), and willy-nilly children, I'm doing really well! :) I've been having really great talks with Mr Gorgeous at night while he's in CA...usually we just vent about our days, but the last few days he's been really encouraging me for the future! I LOVE that!!! AND it's soooo beautiful outside!! It's sooo beautiful, that amidst the tantruming and mess inside, I walked right outside and took pics of my gorgeous pink roses...Here's one to make your day shine!!!


love you ALL!! have a beautiful SPRINGY day!!
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Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I was out for some days... still repairing the house and trying to clean and organize everything.

But today is so especial... my LO won one of the Amanda's challenge !!! I'm so happy and flattered! :D:D:D

Marco is doing really fine in the the new school. I believe next week I don't need to stay with him anymore. So I'll have most of the mornings by myself... amazing!

I took some notes to do the personals... ;)

Chris and Petey- Hope you have a better night today. I had two bad nights either... I think Marco is so excited about the new school that he is waking up during night.

Tali - how was your trip ? Hope you had good fun!

Linda - Good luck in your Easter basket

Mary Ellen - I want some virtual muffins too :p!

Dabittymama - Enjoy the nap time and finish your LOs... I also have some to do, including Danielle's challenge an the new Copycat challenge.

Sandra - Happy laundry!

Hi Dawn and Jendavey !

Merkke - Hope your back get better soon !

Cellomom - Hope your head get better too... ad I love the roses!

See you later,
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always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies. It is still morning here. I also have a bit of a headache so I need to take some pills. Blah!! I hate taking pills but if they make me feel better...

So, last night was awesome and I got almost everything done. Whoohoo!!! Well, I supervised most of it. I asked him to teach me how to do it and he said it was easier just to let him do it...so I hovered a little bit. The dimmer switch was super easy Kelly. There are only 3 wires. you pull them off the old one and attach them to the new one. Too easy. I did change a door knob all by myself though. I was quite proud of myself about that one. Today I need to buy new light bulbs for the light with the dimmer switch. My friend took out all the old ones (the flourescent energy saving twisty ones). He said they could blow up and that would be bad. So we got most everything done and then me and his wife made brownies and we watched a movie. It was a good night. Poor Addie wasn't feeling well though. She had a fever and just seemed miserable. She even went to bed early. Poor thing. This morning I waited for her to wake up and get moving before heading off to work and she seems pretty good. Not 100% but not horrible.

Tonight should be fun. We are potlucking at my small group. Instead of everyone bringing a random dish we are all bringing a part of burritos. I am bringing beans and guacamole...my favorite part of burritos. I have someone watching Addie tonight so that will be nice. Tomorrow I was going to go to Youth Group since I won't harassed by dh if I go but I think it could be an irresponsible decision because I have a lot to do before the boys get home and that would be two nights with Addie being watched by other people, ya know? So, I will probably not go. Once our church gets all finished being built it will be much easier since everything will be on the same night and at the same place.

Well, that is about it in my world. What's going on in yours...

Tali - I'm glad you had fun in Vegas. I've never been to either of those places. We went to the dueling Piano bar at Harrah's which is awesome. Lots of fun. I also love spending the evenings on Freemont Street rather than the strip. The roads don't have cars go down them and they have a light show every hour. Plus they have those giant slushy drinks all over the place. There is a bar on Freemont that have about 15-20 slurpy machines with different drinks in them. Yummy. Then we would just stumble to our rooms after that. We usually stay at the 4 Queens. I really want to see some shows down there. Love is at the top of my list.

Chris - no coffee does suck. That's weird you weren't allowed to drink any. Usually coffee without sugar and cream is okay. Usually being the important word in that statement. Hopefully you get something warm in your body soon. I hope the labs all come back good or with easily fixable answers.

LindaP - We've been missing you. I hope life slows down to a not so crazy pace soon.

Sara - I love the new Avi. It is too funny. Sorry you didn't sleep. Hopefully your stress level goes down soon and you sleep better.

Linda - I am all about the sugarless Easter baskets. I hate having all that junk around and for some reason it just never goes away. I hope you do those ressurrection cookies. I really want to do them and am trying to figure out how to make it work. Ethan and Derek get in Saturday night so we may do them Sunday evening instead then check them out on Monday morning instead. I think that is what I am going to go for. We'll see. It depends how late we leave my mom's on Sunday.

ME - Brunch for Easter sounds awesome. It amazes me all the places that do a Easter brunch. A bar I went to with my parents the other day had flyers up for an Easter brunch. There are really great places though too.

Joslyn - That is too funny about Jesus eating the candy. I'll send you a link for the cookies. That would be a pretty fun way to teach the girls about Easter. Every ingredient represents a part of the ressurrection story. The cookies are supposedly kinda weird. I think they are merangue cookies so it is basically baked egg whites and sugar. Not exactly chocolate chip cookies. If you type ressurection cookies in google you should get a bunch of sites for it.

Sandra - Good luck on potty training. It is so hard. Addie is just hit and miss. I hope you have enough motivation to get everything you want done. I never have enough butt hat's just because I'm lazy.

Hi Dawn! More hugs for ya!!

Merkee - your poor back. I am so glad that your family has really pulled through for you and is taking good care of you while you are not as mobile as usual.

Jen - stick with the series. The next books have lots more Edward and are good. everything comes together in book 4. I am all about Edward too but I have a huge soft spot for Jacob. Keep in mind the whole imprint thing and remember he didn't imprint on Bella no matter how gaga he is about her. I liked book 2 just fine as soon as I flipped to the back of the book to make sure Edward wasn't gone forever. Keep reading.

Sally - I love the roses. So pretty. That stinks to wake up to screaming kids. I am very glad my kids are not yet screaming at each other but I know that the day will come. Addie likes to yell. I'm actually glad about that though. Apparently I didn't have the terrible two's as a kid and I was a horrible teenager. Hopefully she's getting some of that out now and she won't be the worst teenager. We'll see.

Lia - I'm glad your house is making progress. I hope it is all done soon.

Ciao ladies. I hope you all have woderful days.


Well-Known Member
Hey girls...

Short one from me since *SOMEONE* decided to take a super short nap.....not naming any names of course...... but you know.....so today was grocery shopping and cleaning and laundry and that's my story! LOL! Got everything I need to bake for Easter....and, get this......MY husband is taking FRiday nite OFF to take me out to dinner for my birthday!!! My mom is going to watch Nico....will be the 1st time we have been out alone in 14 MONTHS! lol!! Yay!!!

Aldo....My husband gave me a couple hundred $$ for my birthday because he knows I want to buy a "grown up" camera and he didn't want to get the wrong one. (MEN) so....Im looking at he Nikon D40....any advice or comments?

so.........I'll be back later...Happy hump-day girls!!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Oooh Kelly! I am so jealous. I want a grown up camera too. Maybe Christmas or next tax season. Yay for going out for your birthday. I hope you really enjoy your night out.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, don't hit me, I am running way late due to writing a long post on yesterday's dailys...I'm a goober, don't ask.

I tried to skim over y'alls postings today and decided that's not a good idea cause I saw something in LindaP's that I interpreted as 'bar' hopping and it was about the daily o's hopping LOL...I'll be here tonight. Everything else will have to wait!

Love to all! Have a great day :).

Dawn - I'm totally up for bar hopping too anytime you want to go! :)


Well-Known Member
Woohoo! Happy Humpday evening :)!

How's everyone this evening? I'm sitting here eating Dairy Queen ice cream cake, yummy, Johnie, my DS is 23 today! Where does the time go?
Davy is on my bed, he was licking my feet, ewwwww LOL.

LindaP-spicy mango margaritas, right?! haha I'm ready!

Kelly-woohoo! can't wait to hear what cam you get! Happy Birthday!

Clara-Little Miss FixIt, huh?! I like doing stuff like that, you just never know when something will need done when a man isn't around and who says only men should know how?! I hope you feel better soon. (((hugs)))

Chris-hope you had a huge cup of Joe after your labs!

Sara-I was awake, I should've hopped on the puter, I forced myself to stay in bed though. I think a combo of the full moon and worries has been messing up my nights. I'm taking a sleeping pill tonight :). Hope you get some rest tonight!

Linda-so good to see you posting again! Keep it up! I didn't even realize Easter was this coming weekend, well, I should have DH keeps asking if I'm off this Friday for Good Friday. Of course, I'm not, even though it's Spring break and most of the doctors are off the danged place is still open. Our office will be the only one in the building open LOL. Oh well, at least the weekend is closer!

Hi ME-enjoy your long weekend, those are the best :)!

Jos-LOL, such a darling story, kids are so adorable sometimes! How are you feeling, BTW?

Sandra-good luck on the potty training, boys are such a challenge!

Merkee-glad to see you posting, but take it easy!!

Jen-Book 3 was my second fave :), Twilight was #1 of course. Four my least but it was still good!

Tali-you made it back in one piece, ;), I knew you would! LOL to dancing on the bar. I have to say that's one thing I haven't done....yet!

Sally-hope your head is feeling better. Gorgeous photo, TFS with us :).

Lia-congrats on your LO winning one of the challenges! That's great, there were sooooo many entries!

Hope I got everyone, if anyone else stops in HI!!!! Love you all :).