
Daily Ooo's Wed Sept 2


Well-Known Member
Hi girls....I thought I would pop in very quickly...I am getting Cameran ready for school...and DH off to work....then off to the hospital...they are getting Sharon out of bed this morning and I want to be there to help her. She sent her DH back to work today....She is suppose to come home tommorrow afternoon, so then he's taking a week off to be at home with her. Thanks so much to you all!! You are just the best!! and Chris...LOVED THE SINGING!!!!

I hope to get some personals to you ladies this evening...but it's doubtful...when I get Cameran from school...we will go back to the hospital so he can visit his Mommy and sister. Just know that I love you all!!

Have a great day girls!! Oh....if I haven't told you ..... I love being a grandma!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!:D:D
Oh Linda I am soo soo soooo happy for you!! Birth-days are the best! I saw the pics of FB and my goodness, that Savannah is a *beauty*!!! It always amazes me how C-section babies always look so "smooth" and perfect after birth- My two were all squished and Scott had a cone-head from having to be "sucked" out. We say he was born with his very own b-day hat! Buhahahahah!

Do you think Sharon would mind if I am an O-Auntie or something? LOL Congrats and congrats, and more congrats!!
Oh yes, Give Cameran a high five for being an awesome big brother too!

*pulls the blinds down for Kat* Hope that migraine goes away soon, if it hasn't already.

Lori- plz tell me you don't actually *choose* to go to Chuck E Cheese??? Gah!! I think that place is worse than torture Buhahahah!!
LOL at your avi- very cute- I should get a Campbell Soup can for me (my last name is Campbell LOL)

Clara- i think my bad mood scared everyone away... ;)
You stay away from my family when they want to go out for b-days, ya hear??? No skydiving! LOL Tattoos are ok, skydiving is not :)
Hope that you are feeling better too- maybe we both just have PMS? :D
Yeah, not me... but I hope I didn't spread my funk to you.

Andrea- Oh no! Your ketchup story made me LOL! Sorry.... ; I have to admit, I am sort of jealous-- I would love to take some online classes... but no time/$$ and no "need" besides the fact that I love to learn. I know you are gonna do great!

Sara- my favorite book! Tomorrow is another day! Love that quote even if it goes against my other fav quote "No Day but today" LOL
Hope today is awesome for you!

Hi Dawn-- *fingers crossed for computer recovery!*
Hoping for a Davy update!

To all my O-Fam- Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
Good morning ladies!

Linda W---think it sounds like you've got a great day ahead. I loved the pics of Savannah...I posted on fb but then it locked up so I don't think the post actually went through.

Got to get ready for work so I can get the kids up! So not liking this schedule.

I'll be back tonight!
We interrrupt the dailyOs for a special bulletin.....

Davy has now plucked and dug up the carpet from every side of the room and is now picking at the wallpaper. He does look adorable doing it though LOL. DS's room adjoins mine and he is supposed to be completely moved out in the next few days. I told DH I wanted to cut a door in the wall between the 2 rooms and make his room into Davy's room. DH was not happy...he wants to leave the room as is in case DS changes his mind :rolleyes: , I don't want to wait I want to move on because it will be healing...and because it would be nice to have a completely rabbit-proofed room with no cords!!!! I could put up a petgate, build a bunny condo, and let him be free, it would be awesome!! Just gotta convince DH LOL...it would also give me more room in my room again :). oooh, then I would have room for another bunny.....or 2...or more LOL.

So that's what is going on with me right now...work is a whole other can of worms u-g-h.
Linda-I'll check FB this evening, can't wait to see photos of the new bundle of joy :). I bet Cam is proud!

Chris-Have a great day!

Kat-hope you are feeling better! Excedrin Migraine helps me some, have you tried that?

Andrea-ROFL about the ketchup story. That's just too cute :).

Clara-hope the allergies aren't too bad today. Mine are acting up today with the throat gunk...red and raw and hoarse ugh.

Hi to Jos, Sally, Megan(new face!!), Sara, and everyone else who pops in!

Love and hugs to all!
just stopping in since i am suppose to do lots of homework this AM. Had to comment to chris real quick though. I have not been to chucky cheese in at least 20 years so i am not up to date on the happenings there but pizza sounds good. My son Yeshua wants to go since he has seen commercials so i am using it in my favor. I will be back later to socialize more for now i have a ton of spanish to catch up on.
Good Morning ladies.....sorry my post will be chatty as I am soooooo nervous this morning!!!!!!!!!!

Today is Nick's orientation at his new school (Butterflies in stomach) I am sooooo much more nervous and scared then Nick is ** Ack Kindergarten....aww my little one is a big boy now! But as usual the day is ruled by his Allergies. Today is the day where they let the parents know *sigh*. I dread this day - I truly do! I wish I could just go and be the nervous mom sending her baby to his first Kindergarten moment, but instead I am the mom petrified how the other parents will react that there is a child in the room with such severe allergies. Then that leads to how Nick will be received - I love my little one and he is fab!! I just hope people give him the chance to be Nick and not "The kid with the nut allergy". Oh course I am sitting here crying while I am typing hiding from Nick **

Fingers crossed that everything goes well today!!!! I have worked so hard with the school to get it to be safe for Nick and to make it easy on the parents etc. I am soooo nervous at how the other parents will take it. Last year there was so much negativity in the room I left in tears. It did however work out and the parents were all fine and supportive after that. I think they just need to see in action how it effects their child. However this is a new school

I am off to get a shower and hit the ginger ale for my nerves!!! Camera is charged *tears* to capture the moments....I CANNOT Believe he's going to kindergarten..................Oh lord am I losing it!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha

I will be back later.....probably after my Mr.G takes me out to calm me down once it's over!!

Love you all!!!

P.S. LindaW (Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) Just had to say it again!!! Savannah is such a pretty baby!! Congrats!!!

Will do personals later!!
gosh Kat. that is so upseting. i would never be upset or bothered by a kid like that in my kids class. today my sons ate pb&j for breakfast sp i guess that would be a no go if we shared a class huh. i really hope it goes better than u expect. big hugs. ok back to spanish homework!!
Just a quick hello here. We actually have nice weather today so I want to enjoy as much as we can of it!!!! LIttle man has a cough and while he is OK he just sounds pittiful, throat all raspy I've been steaming up the shower for him :). Hopefully he'll take a nap too and I'll be able to get some picking done in the garden.

CHris ~ ITA about C seciton babies. They have such cute round heads. All three of mine were little coneheads. Chase had bruises all over his face and both eyes were bloodshot b/c he was smooshed so fast.

KAt~ SEnding you extra hugs and prayers today. While my kids don't have allergies I won't let them leave the house with ANY form of PB in consideration of others, the park, church, the zoo ect. Because they love to share and I don't want to put any other kids in danger. I will pray that the other parents are considerate and want to help as much as they can!!!
Hey everybody!

Yup, as soon as I saw the first, beautful picture of Savannah I was like, "Ah-ha! C-section!" My mom has this thing about babies' heads being squished. She can't stand to lay them on their backs like we are supposed to because she doesn't want them to get a flat head. I know. *sigh* But anyway, she was grateful that my two girls were both c-sections because they could be born pretty. I guess when one of my older brothers was born (vaginally) she kept taking him back to the doctor because he had such a cone head. Finally the doctor said, "Dorothy, have you ever seen an ADULT with a head like that?" No, she hadn't. LOL and his head is fine now. Well, fine-shaped, I can't vouch for it's contents. LOL
Quinn, my son, was born vaginally and they used the sucker so he was a mess. But we didn't care, because we were just praying that he stayed alive. Well, I didn't pray back then, too bad it would have been a good idea! He was born with a rare virus and was hospitalized for two weeks after he was born with IV's in his feet, hands and yes, head. ALso he was jaundiced. So, poor little fella, it didnt matter how he looked as long as he was still ticking. Today he's my smarty pants college boy, and his head is great inside and out!
Wow, Kat, I'm so sorry about the nut allergies! Nobody in my family has them, but I've noticed how many things have nut products in them. Is he so sensitive that he can't even be around them? Wow, I can see how some parents would resent that. I honestly would not. Poor little fella. ((((((HUGS))))))

Not much going on around here today. Just catching up on homework and dumb Facebook games. It was Atha's short day at school. Wednesdays they are there from Noon to 1:50. Hardly worth it, but then it's PRESCHOOL, so it's kind of just there to get them used to school, right?

Oh and tonight's Top Chef! Yippeee!
Good morning ladies. I am going to be quick today...well, as quick as I can be. Yesterday my back started hurting so I asked dh to rub it for me. As soon as he started I knew it wouldn't do any good, cuz I have a kidney infection. Yay!! :( It sucks bad and I want it to go away. I am waiting for one patient to leave that may need a knee x-ray and then I am outta here and going home and laying down. Ugh!! Not liking life right now. So, I'm distracting myself by chatting with you guys.

Linda - Your grandbaby is definately beautiful. Ethan was not a beautiful new born. He was also sucked out. His umbillical cord had been wrapped around his neck a couple of times so he had the huge black growth looking thing where they sucked him out, his head was a lighter shade of black and his body was kinda gray white. Derek didn't get to cut the cord or anything and so he was sitting by my head and as they took him over to the newborn station thing in my room he said under his breath "Holy sh**! That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen." You would think that would get me all upset but it didn't because I was thinking the same thing and feeling bad about it because I was worried about him getting healthy, which he did pretty quickly.

Chris - I promise to not talk your kids into skydiving...BUT I really think you should do it. I know it is scary and all that but I think it would be really good for you. With all of your medical issues and obstacles it would give you a sense that you can do anything.

LindaS - I hope you get used to your schedule soon. I have to get re-used to our schedule very soon. Oh, and I think I forgot to say Happy Forever Family day. That is so cool.

Dawn - Davy gets his own room? That would be kinda cool. A cool little bunny haven. It sounds messy to me though. Once you convince dh to do it you'll have to get it all set up and take some pics to show us how it turns out.

Lori - you are definately a brave woman taking your kids to ChuckECheese. I won't go. Addie (dd) saw some commercials and kept saying we were going there so I convinced my sister to take her. All the noise gives me way too much anxiety.
Kat - I hope everything went well with the parents and that it was easier than the last time. That is too bad that some parents have trouble understanding that you are just trying to protect your child. I hope he has a great 1st day of kindergarten. HUGS!!

Joslyn - I am almosted motivated to have a garden next year, but not quite. we'll see. I'd really like to grow some beans. We'll see if I do it or not. I hope Chase feels better soon.

Andrea - Not even two hours at school? Wow!! It seems like the would cancel on those days or something. Crazy. I hope you got your stuff done while she was gone.

Well ladies...I am headed home to take a pain pill, lay down and maybe sleep. Owwwwie!! What is wrong with me this week?? Ugh!!