
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday September 13


The Loopy-O
I have got to stop sleeping- I keep getting myself confused on what day it is in the middle of the night. Yesterday I thought it was Sunday, today I thought it was already Wednesday. I wish I knew how to get numbers and days and dates straight LOL

I got a lot done yesterday. Of course, soon after I steam cleaned the carpets, my geriatric puppy had an accident. But I can't get mad at her for that. OTOH- the cat(s) that are peeing upstairs are making me :mad:

I did end up making the chicken in the crock pot- thank goodness, it got pretty hot and humid here (yay!). I use the recipe where you wrap the potatoes in foil and put on the bottom and the chicken gets plopped in on top. So good!

Tip on Tues:
Check out our Book Thread in O-Games. I "friended" Maureen and janedee on Goodreads.com since I am always looking for some new books to read.

Have a great day!


The Loopy-O

Laurie- not too bad here w/ the mosquitoes, but as you heard, Killer Poison Ivy here. A bunch of us who went to the playground that day ended up covered in it. Believe it or not- a diet high in garlic, or taking garlic supplements are supposed to repel mosquitoes. Vampires too LOL

Whatnext- Chaos is my middle name!

Sally- I love your Monday Insanity, errrr, Enthusiasm. :rofl:
Yes- see if your mom would benefit from a SAD light. i got mine from fullspectrumlighting.com (IIRC) It helps me a lot.
I have also been living in Lyme-land too long- I thought you were watching Star Wars hooked to an IV! I had to read that a few times before I got what you meant. Congrats to Cora, I see she is FB Official today.

Trudy- work- its a blessing and a curse, but that paycheck sure is nice, eh?? LOL
Whatnext= Phyllis... must remember that!!

Clara- how did our Addie Paddie do at Pre-K? Cannot wait to see her first days pics! And Men! I swear it must be genetic *smh*

Maureen- I always tell myself I am going to do that- break up my time on the computer w/ exercise, and then I forget.

Anna- here I was so proud that I waled a mile today - and you go and run 3 miles. *hangs head in shame* Then you make these amazing digi-designs....
Are you Superwoman? :D

Ugh Clara.... that bites.

Uh-oh.... running late- must get out of pj's to take kids to bus stop!


lOve the O!
Morning all - another quick drop in before work- we shall see what the day brings- yesterday my work was halted by a system glitch that prevented further electronic work- grrr- so now I am starting the day with yesterdays work- if it is fixed. Glad I am not IT!


lOve the O!
Chris- do you use a desktop lamp or a box lamp? I am thinking I need one- I am already in the dread mode and it is only sept! Doesn't help that I work in an area of the building with no windows- time to start up my lunch time walks again


The Loopy-O
Laurie- I have a floor lamp. i have it next to my computer and that way I am sure to get my full dose of light (and them some hah!!)

Here is the website:

I have a UltraLux 55w ;lamp. its old and I don't think that the lamp is available
any more but I can still get bulbs. There is
now a 70 w lamp and some better wave length technology now. But I am very happy with mine. I would love to get a dawn simulator too someday (when i win th elottery!)


lOve the O!
Thanks Chris- I think this maybe this years gift to myself- the prime lens for the camera will have to go on my Christmas list! I have used an app on my tablet to start my day with light, versus music and love it, but it does not always go off


Well-Known Member
does anyone else here like to iron?? i like to iron! :crazy:it's such a straightforward job. something needs done, you do it, you look at the stuff you're ironed and say, "OK. well THAT's done, and damn, it looks good!"

however. painting a room is on the agenda today. somehow it's not as much fun as ironing. maybe because i don't have to move furniture around when i iron....


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Yes, Phylis, but only when I'm sewing. As soon as a piece is made, i do not like to iron anymore. :p

Swinging by today, missed yesterday. This week is kicking me in the booty. Trying to get back into the school-swing of things, going back to the gym, making meals, grocery shopping, kid pick-up and drop off and I'm not quite swinging it yet...

Plus, birthday preps are hanging over my head so I've crawled into my procrastination shell...

take care all!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies. I thought about starting today's thread since I woke up at 4:30 AM!!!!! Way too early for me. But I am up and in here now. I would love to go back to bed but I don't see that happening.

Addie's first day of school was great. I forgot that we skipped her actual first day on Friday because of the funeral and so none of the other parents had cameras and here I was clicking away. I felt kinda lame...but then I realized everyone else started on Friday and felt normal again since I knew they were all doing the same thing last week. I can't wait to get my hands on some pics. I think Jaime's new collab may be the kit to play with. We'll see.

So, I've been talking to the rental manager and I am just flabbergasted over this whole deposit thing. I knew there would be issues but not like this. One thing that is really upsetting me is that the first time I used the self cleaning over the inside turned white...basically saying that there had been cleaner inside. I didn't think about it and didn't contact the manager thinking it would go away eventually...it didn't and now it is a major issue apparently (cuz you know how well an oven doesn't work if there is a white film on the inside). It just kills me because it is sooooooo stupid and it wasn't m fault. I just really didn't think it was that big of a deal to bother the manager with since we had so many issues when we moved in. I didn't want to mess with it, ya know? This woman had her house completely redone before we moved in so everything was new and she expected us to keep it new until she moved in. It is just so ridiculous and I feel like she is just stealing our money because she's ridiculous. The paint issues came to almost $1000. Seriously? That is absurd. There are a couple of issues that I totally get...Addie wrote on the carpet with permanent ink (but just a couple of small spots). The manager has let the owner know that we could contest this and that the way we left the house is above and beyond what they would expect generally. I paid to have the house cleaned and repairs were attempted (even though my husband acted like he was an amateur and made it worse rather than better). I just regret not moving on post in the first place like we planned...and I have concluded my husband gets no more beer since that is the reason things weren't fixed appropriately. I am just so mad. I am seriously never renting again. RAWR!!!

Okay I am done being mad now. I wrote a big fat letter to the manager. We'll see what happens.

Chris - It is not that you need to stop sleeping...you need to sleep more. You are just confused in the morning because you didn't finish your sleep.

Laurie - I hope catching up from yesterday isn't too big of a pain for you. I want to get one of those lamps too. Let me know what you find.


always chatty at the O!!
Phyllis - I HATE ironing. I buy clothes that don't need ironing and if it does need it for some reason DH does it for me. Or maybe I'll start sending my stuff to you.

Amber - You are in good company in that procrastination shell. Unfortunately procrastinating together just means even less gets done usually. LOL!! Good luck finding your groove.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Ladies :wave: hope you are all going to have a great Tuesday. Just a quick :plane: for me as I am running late again, as usual. I would so much rather be here with you all!! I will try to get personals done when I get home, but by then its getting pretty late for everyone. So I will just say that I love all of you and feel bad that I don't get any time to spend with you this week. But I wish you all a wonderful day!! :yo:


...loves her some "O"
Hey girlies...I really need to make my list, because all of a sudden I'm feeling overwhelmed...in a good way (not a "I have to lie down for two weeks" kinda way! thank God!!)...A little organization is great, right??? I think Mondays are my "PARTY and craft all I want" days with some school focus, and Tuesdays are my "GET it together and ORGANIZE yourself" kinda days!! Wed-Friday? back to partying, of course!! What kind of a girl do you think I am??? LOL!!!

so all that to say, this is what I have to get going today:
*cut out the rest of my custom quilt order
*read Velveteen Rabbit script and give feedback
*gather supplies for top secret project that is due ASAP
*put list up for worship band rehearsal tonight
*start creating top secret project
*write out apron tutorial
*make two or three more little girlie aprons
*take BEAUTIFUL pictures of all of the aprons
*do a blog post about said beautiful aprons
*go to rehearsal

**put stuff on ebay (this is optional...I really need to do it, but if it doesn't get done, I'm okay)

anyone worn out yet??????

Phyllis, I LOVE ironing! My mom told a story that I've told countless times (and everyone is probably sick of hearing, but i'm gonna tell it again!! LOL!!)...
After my dad died, 20 yrs ago, my mom was at a rehearsal for her women's barbershop chorus that she directs, and the ladies were all complaining about ironing. She looked them all in the eye and said, "at least you all have husbands to iron for!!" (and she's not a snarky, in your face kinda lady, so this was something for her to have said that!!) She would iron everything in the house to calm herself down. So every morning, I get up and iron Mr Gorgeous's shirt for the day...well, i have to admit, he wore a knit shirt today just so I could sleep in...but it was cause he REALLY loves me!! :)

Clara, ohhhhh those deposit stories are so yucky!!! I'm sooooo glad not to be renting. I cannot even imagine moving from this crazy house!!!!!!!!! Extra EYE-POPPING hugs to you, today!!!

Chris, I'm definitely going to talk to her about a light. I think if my siblings, she and I all pitch in, she can get a good one!! I'm going to be totally proactive this year! THanks for the link...I've already found the page I'm going to email everyone! LOL!!

Laurie & Trudy!!! Enjoy work, girlies!! love ya!

Amber!! did you see me in the procrastination shell with you????? Oh yeah, baby...I'm here!!! :) have a great day anyway, hun!

love you girlies,


Well-Known Member
Amber, you've given a name to something i do but had no name for: a procrastination shell. love it.


Well-Known Member
Well good afternoon or good whatevertimeitis for you! I had great intentions of going to the gym at 6am today. Got the clothes and shoes out last night, went to be early but didn't sleep well til after midnight. With dh gone, I hear all the creaks and noises of our house, but love to sleep w/o the sound machine we use when he's here. Back to the 'noise' machine as I call it.

Didn't wake up til 07:30 and did a few things so I could just walk to the library and back before 9am. I had a new book on hold which came in. On my way I said hello to a woman about a two blocks away, and we ended up standing and chatting for about 30 minutes! Well standing IS better than sitting, right? back to the walking I went and was a bit glowy :tongue: by the time I got home so the walk was good. Just a mile but a good start back into my routine.

Now it's Hang the Laundry time, go out and get myself some lunch - the way I treat myself when dh is away - and scrap play time this afternoon.

Clara: I'm sorry to hear about your tenant issues and hope it resolves for both parties. We had the tenants from hell a few yrs back and once we got them out, it was goodbye to being landlords.

Phylis: I too love ironing, always have but am delaying my pile of napkins til it gets a bit cooler. I tried watching movies while I ironed but no dice. The only other thing I can do is listen to podcasts! :juggle:


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I usually stop to see what's up in your very busy lives. Mine is much quieter usually with genealogy, in some form, every day.
For now today is sunny and warm and we have to get out and enjoy while it still feels like summer - and isn't raining!

I too hate ironing and do as little as possible. Before we retired my sweet husband took his shirts to the shirt laundry! Guess I learned from a master as my father didn't like the way Mother did his shirts, so did his own.

Hope all the issues and problems in your lives iron themselves out too.


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies! It's housework today... AGAIN... and then I'll be going out to dinner with "the graces" (a group of women including my grandmother, the mother of a friend of mine, and my grandmother's best friend and neighbor of 35+ years)