
Daily Ooo's Tuesday October 13


The Loopy-O
I am baaaaack! Who missed me? LOL
My dogs missed me, the cats didn't give a *^%$ and I *think* my family missed me a tiny bit.:)
It was good to get away for a couple of days. I didn't miss my family at all, until I was almost home, and then I started to look forward to seeing them again.
Thats a good thing.

I feel refreshed. I accomplished my goal of sitting on my butt in front of the fireplace, reading and drinking wine.
I even scrapped!

Today is my day of insanity, so its a good thing to start off refreshed instead of exhausted.

Hope everyone is doing awesome, missed you all lots!



Well-Known Member
Missed you bunches Chris! Glad that your time off was restful! Crazy day here getting ready!


Well-Known Member
Hi girls!!! WOO HOO...Tues!! My first day with both of my babies!! Wish me luck!!!

Ok...so on Sunday...DH and went to the movies...Couples Resort....It was a good movie...but not AS good as I was anticipating....There were two absolute roll on the floor hillarious scenes that I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.....We then went to eat...We went to Logan's..not my first choice, but it had been a long time since we had been there...and DH loves it...so I was fine with "where ever"....The food was GREAT....and then we popped in the grocery store...HAHA...that's the way to end up a date!! But it's the facts of being together for next to forever!!

Yesterday, I left just before 8 am to meet Traci and the kids...Jesse's preschool class went to the pumpkin patch...and Traci signed up to go help and she wanted to take Jaiden too...plus...you know Nana wanted to to!! HEHEHE!! Cool thing was, it was not open to the public yet, so it was just the bus load of preschoolers....they were adorable with the animals, and going through the corn maze!! and picking out their pumpkins!!! Afterwards...I took Jaiden with me and we went to meet Sharon...she needed to get some work clothes, for going back today...she said none of her pants fit...ugghhh...I remember....and then it was time for Cameran to get off the bus....so she went to get him, and I took Jaiden back to Traci, then met Sharon again to get Savannah's pics taken, and a few shots of Cameran...they turned out so cute!! I finally was home by 5 pm....Geez....... I cleaned until 8.... (with a bit of computer time mixed in)

Today....babysitting...more cleaning and then the grocery store this evening....this is going to be the hardest part for me...not getting my errands run during the daytime:(

Chris....I am SO HAPPY to hear you got your much needed rest my dear!!

LindaS...You are off to Coz...soon...I so wish I was with you!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm mad! I just typed a whole post and it dissappeared! Don't you hate that?

The gist of it was, sorry I haven't been here for awhile. I had the flu. It's mostly gone now and I'm feeling better, but I do wish this tickle in my throat would go away.

Also, I started Weight Watchers and was wondering how to get into the elusive club that is the Healthy-O's.

Chris- I am so glad you are feeling restored and refreshed! A book, a glass of wine and a fire sounds like heaven! Did you get your book on Swap Tree? I have been using that service and love it.
Did you get my shower gel order? I know I asked about it and then split for two weeks. Bad customer!

::waving at Linda S as she flies by::

Linda W- Have fun with your babies! I feel for you with the evening errands. I hate that feeling that something is pending all day. When the day is over I want it to be over! Sounds like you are having great fun tho. Did you get lots of pictures at the pumpkin patch and corn maze?
I thought Couples Retreat looked hilarious, but then Quinn told me that it's getting horrible reviews. It's getting a 14% (out of a possible 100%) viewer rating on Rottentomatoes.com Shock to me, because I can't see how a cast like that could be anything but funny. SOunds like you had fun, and that's all that matters!! And I had to chuckle about winding up at the grocery store. I can see how that would happen. "I love you, HOney! Oh and hey, we're out of toilet paper."

Well, have a great day! Off to shower and have coffee #2. Oh which reminds me! Here's a fresh pot and a plate of delicious cinnamon rolls made with whole wheat flour so they have fiber and therefore fewer Weight Watchers points!


Well-Known Member
Chris - Of course I missed ya!!! So glad you were able to re-charge!

LindaS - ((hugs)) Ohhhh Coz is coming up fast when do you leave?

LindaW - Sounds like your date was fun - even the grocery shopping ;) Have fun with the babies!!

Andrea - I just had a flu myself - so I can empathize. Glad you are feeling better!! Once they start a new HealthyO's they will post asking people to join. I will look into it and see if they are still doing this at this point and if so when the next session will start :)

...Thanks for the coffee!!! Today I have a lot of errands to do....nothing special. Hope you all have a fab day!!!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies!

Chris- I am so glad that you got to take a break to get away for awhile. You sure did deserved some much needed ME time!

LindaW- Your trip to the pumpkin patch sounds so neat! To be there before it wasn't open to the public yet would be such a dream! I love taking pictures at our pumpkin patch. Kids just naturally look cute there! lol I hope you make it to grocery shop today....I need to do that too!

Linda- I hope you're crazy day doesn't get too crazy!

Andrea- Eek. The flu. I'm sorry and I hope you're feeling much better now. Weight Watchers is a wonderful thing and I am sure that you will enjoy it. I did it with a group of ladies at work for awhile and seems to me to be the most healthy way to lose weight.

Things are quiet here. So far....until Gracie gets into something else and spills it all over my carpet. Yesterday it was seed beads. lol We have parent/teacher conferences tonight for my 2 older teens. Hopefully it will go okay. ;-) They are out of school on Thursday and Friday then. My DH is leaving for Chicago on Thursday morning till Sunday night for work. The biggest bummer about that is that that means I'll have to take my daughter to school in the morning at 8! He always takes her because it's on the way to work. I don't mind, but getting Gracie up, who's a night owl like me, at 7:30 in the morning might not be too good of a thing. lol Should be interesting! I am hoping to spend the weekend scrapping as much as I can! I don't sleep well when he's gone so I've decided that I'm going to sit in bed and digi scrap all night long!

I hope you all have a wonderful day! We actually have SUNSHINE here today! Wow! And Blue Sky!!!! It's been gloomy here for days!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies!!

I am sleepy. I have been really bad about going to bed at bedtime lately. Unfortunately, since I don't homeschool like the magnificent Sally I don't get to start my day at 10 and have to wake up when it is dark. If only I had realized that benefit of staying home with the kids and homeschooling I may have rethought it. Schooling may go a little later in the day...but you get to get up at 10 some days. You can't beat that. And once in awhile you even get to take a nap. Granted you have to be motivated and disciplined and go back to school yourself...but still...I am tired right now so it sounds like an awesome idea. I'm all about instant gratification at the moment.

So, today I am taking lunch to an older lady from my church. She's a very sweet lady and I really don't mind. I have decided though that I have to drop the ministry though and I am very very sad about it. I do love it but a big part of it is making lots and lots of phone calls like telemarketing almost and that part I hate and it gives me anxiety really bad and I just can't do it. So, I need to step down and hope that they are able to find somebody better suited for it, although I still want to help with it. I just can't lead it. Plus with working full time I can't do the fill in if I can't fill in the slots. I'm very sad about it and the decision didn't come lightly. But I have to do what I have to do, ya know. It just stinks to have to decide anything. I really wanted it to work out. :(

Chris - Of course we missed you. We all sat around here crying and pouting all weekend long hoping you were having a good time but not knowing what to do with out you. Okay not really. You were missed but our lives did go on of course. I'm so glad you got some rest and were able to relax and not be worried about the fam. I hope today's craziness isn't too overwhelming and take away all the effects of the weekend. Let us know how things went. You're in my prayers today.

LindaS - so I'm still a hater and still not talking to you!! Blah blah blah! You go and enjoy that sunshine tomorrow and those friends and all that. I don't care if I'll be there in 137 days because I am not there now and you are so we can't be friends until we are both back in miserable weather together again. So phooey on youey!! :) I hope you guys have an absolute blast and have a very safe flight. Make sure to have an el diablo night or whatever they are called and remember none of it for us. Also...will you please grab some brochures for me from the hotel and some local attractions so that you can mail them to me when you get back...in particular...Cyn's resort and the zip line park. Anything else you find interesting would be great also. I would really appreciate it. I can send you my address in a pm later. Have a blast. I can't wait until we are there. we'll only be there for a day but it will be awesome none the less.

LindaW - Good luck today with both babies. I'm sure it will go smoothly. I can't imagine it going any other way at Nana's house. Sounds like the date went well. Of course you ended up at the grocery store. my DH and I would have too and it would have been fun. We always end up someplace sill like that and we always have a good time anyway. Usually we are in a good mood and end up being silly and therefore do silly stuff when we are at the store so it is fun and not like regular grocery shopping, even if we are buying tp, eggs and milk. The pumpkin patch sounds awesome. How fabulous to not have to deal with hoardes of people. That is awesome. That would be heaven for me.

Kat - you had the flu? Awwww!! That stinks. I have been pretty good about missing it so far. We shall see how it goes.

Andrea - Poor you with the flu and two kids and no hubby to help out. You don't need to have a pity party. I'll do it for you so that you can just move right on along. You are one tough cookie. I would be a mess and you don't even go there. You are my hero!! But I'm a big fat cry baby and you're not. :) Awesome job on the WW plan. I keep meaning to and just never do it. I'm just lazy and like to eat and don't want to make a change but like to be sad that I don't look how I want. It is pretty lame if I do say so myself. I'm going on a cruise in 137 days so I really need to do something. Getting off my butt really needs to happen quickly. Ugh!! Go Andrea!! Go!!

Dianne - I am like that too. I'll stay up all night long but I have to get up early so it doesn't work out so well for me. It is not good. Sounds like it will be a nap type of day while your dh is gone. Enjoy the late night scrapping while he is gone though. That is weird that not all of your daughters will have school off. Our district has the day off for all the ages for conferences which is nice for parents. It will be nice when my kids are in different schools.

Well, have a great day everyone. Ciao.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for being MIA the last few days...I've been busy working on layouts and such and honestly just feeling a little sorry for myself, ugh. The financial side of my job loss is finally sinking in...DH is in a bad mood and it's got me in one, too. So I thought perhaps I shouldn't come in and let it rub off on anyone LOL.

LindaW-I'm sooo happy you had a good time on your date!

Chris-welcome back!!

Clara-sounds like you had a great time, glad you're back!


Andrea-I'm glad you are feeling better! DH was sick over the weekend and has shared it with me, ugh, I have your tickly throat.

Di-Hi there!

LindaS-Hope your trip to Coz is fab!!

Everyone, please remember even if I don't check in everyday I'm thinking of you! I love you all!


Well-Known Member
Ok...quick drive by before I unplug the computer. It needs to go into its case...surprise, surprise...it's traveling with us! LOL Anyway, I'll take lots of pics and then, I'll be back before we know it.

Wheels up at 6 am tomorrow...and final touchdown at 7:20 pm tomorrow night in Cancun. Staying at a hotel near the airport and then on to Cozumel on Thursday morning.

Wish that you were all going to be there with us! How about we make a pact...if anyone ever wins PowerBall we rent a private jet and spend a few days in Coz? (Although I sure think my chances would be better if I played. ;-) )

Clara, definitely will pick up some brochures.
((hugs)) to all


...loves her some "O"
Linda, you have a blast!!!! and make sure that Vicki and Cyn take you to the Mega...(make sure that Cyn gets to go this time!! heehe!!) and take your camera, because there are some really friendly butchers there...(that sounds horrible!!!)

Other Coz advice? *cause i'm full of it!! bwahahahahah*
Avoid El Diablo...
Enjoy the hot tub next to the bar...
The guac is sooo awesome and can be delivered to the lobby where the VIP room is (air conditioning!!!!!!)
HUG VICKI, CYN and SAL for me and Donnie...we love them soooooooo!!
Enjoy those long lines in Houston customs (if you are going Continental)
HAVE a great time, babe!! you will love love love it!!!