
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, November 5


The Loopy-O
ha! You all lucked out! I typed in that it was Wednesday, not Tuesday inthe title here. But I caught it in time! It's been a while since I screwed up the date and I want to keep that going. Its like one of those "Its been xx days accident free" signs in my mind. Except I have no idea how many days it has been.:doh:

Yesterday I cleaned my a** off, but the house doesn't look any different. Don't you hate when that happens? I really had to focus on all three bathrooms so no one really sees that.And I tried a new bean soup recipe in the crock pot. I was really surprised at how good it was! I am not a fan of beans, but yummy and easy! Cait didn't like it but I didn't think she would. It was 16 bean soup mix, onion, some hot sauce, red wine, apple cider vinegar and it called for kale but I had fresh spinach. Scott will actually eat soups with chicken broth, just not pieces of meat, so he gets a bit of all good nutrients. If I can find the recipe online I will post in the Cooking Thread.

Today I am off to clean for a client, walk with my friend. We walked yesterday and it was cold, but the more sunshine I can get now, maybe the better off I will be over the winter. *hopeful*

And two small bits of Lyme-satisfaction. You all know how I try to be an activist and educator? Last week I submitted a photo of the us and how how lyme affects to to a group doing a 300,00 Faces of Lyme promo to send to the CDC. And sadly, the DD of an old family friend has a BFF who was just diagnosed with Lyme and she came to me to ask for help and where to start and what to do to support her friend. Not much positive comes from this disease it seems, but if I can make anything positive out of it, you know I will!

Tip on Tuesday:
Check the settings on your thermostats to make sure the the heat kicks on at the right times since we had to change out clock. Coffee pots too....... ;)
Ack!! Laurie, that is not good! Were you able to get your water back? And no coffee?????????????????????????????? (yeah, I can live without a shower before I can live w/o coffee!! LOL)

Nancy- that is a bummer about the Devils. Hope they get their act togehter! DId you get any good scrapping done? I didn't. Maybe today....

Phyllis- I am not a fan of wind chimes (I kept typing that as whine chimes-- true??) either, but this one isn't too bad and its kind of out there in the back yard. But it was windy later on inthe day and I didn;t hear it all all. So add.
Hope that your finger is better today.

Hi Anne! SOoooo happy to have you join us in the Ooo's! And sporting that cool new avi! Your day sounds so busy! Bet it was great to see your son. Mine is a Senior in HS and plans on going to community college and I have to very selfishly admit that I am really glad he won't be moving out. I am not ready.....

Oh Trudy :( Hope that you day got better!

Hi Sally!!!! I tried texted the kids awake too but Ijust get the "Mo-ooooom" groans anyway... LOL

Sabine- so happy to see you too!!!!

To *everyone* who reads this-- love and hugs!!!! (Unless you are a creepy old guy stalking Oscraps. Then no hugs for you!)
To *everyone* who reads this-- love and hugs!!!! (Unless you are a creepy old guy stalking Oscraps. Then no hugs for you!)

HAHAAAAA!!!:rofl: Chris, you win for "Laugh of the Day." i know it's early, but i don't expect one better than that ^ today. thanks!!

funny you should say that about cleaning the house and it not looking any different. this happens to me ALL the time. i cleaned the library (also known as The Cat's Room) yesterday, and it looks just the same. WHY IS THAT!! i have to be on a cleaning and de-cluttering binge for the next few days, 'cause The Grandmen and Fam are coming for a visit, so the ENTIRE house needs to be clean. GAAH! :faint2: so i guess i'll be bumping the d*&^%$ finger on everything for the next few days. i went to the doctor's yesterday, and the Nurse Practitioner drained it. (ewwwwww..... :puke: ) and gave me an antibiotic. so, hopefully, this goes away ASAP. i keep thinking about what happens when antibiotics don't work anymore in a generation or two. big BIG trouble:

only watch this if you're feeling very strong. it's a History Special from The History Channel.

well. wasn't THAT cheery?? don't mind me. just get out there today and look for The Funny!

today i'm stranded at home because my car's getting inspected. so, i'm literally FORCED to address the housework. i can't escape!! :scared: better get going on some of it.

everyone, enjoy Tuesday. :becky:
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Morning Chris, Morning O fam- I used bottled water to make coffee and my husband was able to replace the pressure switch on the water pump thingy and we now have water. It made him late for work, but I surely appreciated it. So today, back to my workout. I need to vote after work on local issues.
Goooooood Morning to you all! MY first full day as a CheeryO!! wootie woo!
I am so so relieved that Laurie has coffee...that makes me shudder thinking it would be gone...
First cup in this am, house is quiet. No gym today, my hub does swimming on Tue/Thur and I walk/run the mountain later in day. That depends on internet provider...having major issues and someone is coming between 8 and noon. So I will be in the house, pacing!
I do plan on starting my 2005 book today...woo hoo...motivated by just getting two books printed...2013 part one jan thru jun 113 pages and then our summer vacation to Cali that was almost 30 page! I am almost caught up with this year, so I thought go back to before you scrapped! woo hoo
and thanks for the tip...I was thinking that last night...to check the temp settings.
Good morning ladies!! I am in the OR again and so you get to see me. Every 5-6 weeks you get me up here. Yesterday was a good day up here...busy but not too crazy. Plus I had a student, who is awesome, so having some good cases for him is great. Today on the otherhand...less busy. As in almost nothing going on. Well, as soon as I wrote that they needed something...but nothing major...although it did irritate me. They let me set something up only to then tell me they didn't want it there and until you take an x-ray the info isn't saved and so I had to lose all of the data I had put in to move the stupid machine...but on the other hand...it was 5 minutes of my time where I was doing nothing but posting on my favorite scrap site. LOL!!

So, next week I am going on a vacation. I get to go home to Seattle for a week to see my family and go to my niece's first birthday party. I am super excited about it. I got some help to be able to go and I am so grateful for the people in my life that make sure I get to do the things I want/need to do.

Today I am quite nervous about tomorrow. My son has ADHD...which isn't a huge issue in itself but apparently he has been a little bothersome at school so we are having a team meeting at his school with all of his teachers. they work in this team system and so when it was originally suggested I basically told them to shove it since none of them thought important to explain the team system. Basically his grade is split into 2 teams and the teams work as a unit so if a kid has an issue it is a team effort to fix it. So, when 1 teacher had issues with behavior and suggested this team meeting I said "HELL NO!!" Why would I create issues since none of the other teachers have complained and essentially gang up on my child. But after throwing a little temper tantrum with the Vice principal the team thing was FINALLY explained to me and I found that other teachers were having issues just not letting me know about it. So, I'm not sure how they think I'm supposed to just magically know there are issues. I also need to talk to the teachers about setting up an IEP for him...or deciding if it is necessary. I think it probably is. I just keep getting the "We don't need to do that" and today was told it is a very difficult process...but if it needs to be done then that's what we will do. Ugh!!

Well, I am off for a bit. I will check back in a bit and do some personals...my fingers are just freezing right now. They keep the ER at about 62-65 degrees and it sucks for my fingers. I have a silly little white jacket but it is made of paper so not that warm. I think they need OR hoodies. Anyway...I'll chat later once I thaw.
good morning - had a good day yesterday and got a lot of scrapping done. I got behind in my weekly pages and now it has been fun as I scrap to look back and I am so glad that I am catching up. Got in a good walk with my girlfriend. I learned about a program called wordle (makes word clouds) and I managed to download and figure out how to get it to work on my MAC. That always makes me happy when I can figure these computer things out. Also did a backup and decluttering of my photos.

Chris and Phylis I always feel that cleaning just gives my DH and son permission to just leave their stuff in the new cleaned space. So annoying!

Chris the bean soup sounds yummy.

Phylis I am sure you will have fun with the grand men!

Laurie so glad your water is back on! Glad your husband was able to do the repair.

Annie good to see you here. Hope the visit to the dentist went well. Getting up early to exercise is a great way to start your day!

Clara I could never work in the OR if it is always that cold. My son had/has ADD and having an IEP is a good thing as it holds the school and teachers accountable. I agree that communication between parents and teachers is a must. Good luck tomorrow.

Have a great day all!
Morning ladies... keeping my fingers crossed that I do not lose this post!! It is my internet that was dropping me off whenever I would hit the post quick reply button. :mmph: So I will remember to save this one!!

:rain: here today, but I am hopeful that I will get out for a good walk again today in spite of the rain. I really don't want to have to use the treadmill yet.

Chris - I have many days like you did with the cleaning, sometimes it just doesn't look any different??? Your soup recipe sounds really good, I love beans so I will have to get this recipe from you for sure!!

Phylis - Ewwww on the finger draining !!! But I sure hope the meds make it all better before the Grandmen come for a visit!! We wouldn't want you cursing and spewing green smoke out of your ears while they are around :becky: Seriously I hope it feels better very soon for you!!

Laurie - Glad that your water issues are cleared up! Back to exercise again... good for you!! Hope the voting goes well today!

Anne - Sounds like you are very busy with getting your books finished, something I have been meaning to do for quite some time now. I have our wedding album that I would love to put into a photo book, the pics are getting faded after 36 years for some reason. LOL

Clara - Brrrrr, sounds like a cold day for you again in the ER!! They really should supply you with warmer jackets to wear there!! I sure hope that your meeting goes well with the school such a worry for you!! Sending you lots of positive wishes and gentle hugs :hug: Yes teachers need to have better communication with the parents!!!

Ok I am off to get breakfast and hopefully make it through the day without a nap. :sleep: I woke up about 10 mins after falling asleep last night and got up to do a calendar page. I stayed up until almost 1am and really did not sleep very well all night WTH??? So not much on the agenda for today. Hope everyone has a great day!! :wave:
Ohhh Nancy I almost forgot you!!! I see that you got lots of scrapping done yesterday, off to leave you some love in the gallery!! Enjoy the day!! :wave:
I can't find the recipe online but it is from this cookbook
Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook (NYM Series)
http://www.amazon.com/Your-Mothers-Cooker-Cookbook-Series/dp/1558322450 and it is called Old-Fashioned Bean and Lentil soup from a mix.I don't like copying a recipe from a cookbook, but you can probably adapt a bean soup recipe. I used one bag of 16 bean beans, rinsed and picked over 4 cups home made chicken stock and four cups water. Cooked on high one hour. Added a chopped onion. Cooked on low 8 hours. Added 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, red wine each) and a tsp tabasco and a couple handfuls of fresh spinach, S&P.
Hey ladies! Been kinda down and out today....not really down just out I guess :p My edema was giving me major issues so I spent the biggest part of the day with my feet propped up and got tired of it finally this afternoon and shoved my cabbage feet into some tennis shoes and went to WalMart for some needed items!

I don't know what tip to share right now....brain is foggy....for now I'm going to do some scrapping and then leave some gallery love ;)