
Daily Ooo's Tuesday June 9


The Loopy-O
Who needs some coffee? I do!

Crazy day I had yesterday. I don't think I sat down until dinner time. First I had to do the bus stop shuttle ;) including my neighbor's 2 kids, since she was off to get a root canal.
I had to take Ravyn to the vet for her shots. Poor girl was terrified and kept pooping everywhere. Then I worked from home while I waited to see if I had to pick up my friend's son from Kdg. I was just getting ready to head out when I saw her car.
So I decided since I didn't have to babysit, I would steam clean my living room carpet. At 14, Harley's bladder isn't as good as it used to be :(

At 2 pm I was off to the orthodontist. forgot my braces/retainers (invisaligns) but figured not a big deal. I get in the chair, he sees how much my teeth have shifted and wants to see my molds and my braces. I drive home, get them, drive back. And yay me ;) I am back into my braces full time again. Ugh- such a bummer, and now my mouth hurts again. wah!
(The good side to this is now I won't be snacking as much- too much trouble to take the braces out, nibble, brush teeth and put braces back in.)
Then I get back just in time to get Caitlyn from the bus.

Then the HW/dinner/clean up part of the day started. Crazy day!

Today will hopefully be much calmer. I am going food shopping and working from home. It is raining, so I can't do yard work or finish any more steam cleaning LOL

Dawn- that Davy is a piece of work-- good thing he is so cute and lovey!! I hope that you are feeling 100% better today as well.

And a chat? I am sure we could put something together one night just for fun! The chat room is always open if anyone ever wants to hang out.

Sandra- Ouch! I hope you are not feeling to badly today.

Sara- am I the only person in the world who doesn't like margaritas? LOL I don't like tequila so no margaritas either. But I am always up for a pina colada, or a glass of wine!

Oh, yuck- I have to go and make Scott's herbs up. I am going to post this, but will be back soon.
OK, can someone please tell me how a 13 yo boy with a buzz cut takes 45 minutes in the shower???

Sara- I am sooo jealous of that zoo! Wow!!!! Did you get to go?

Clara- how are you feeling today? You push yourself too hard, missy. Take care of yourself!
Great job on the taco feed!! And how nice that YMG is "gettingit" how you feel about your church. yay!

Linda- (((((hugs))))

Sara- I see now that you did go- and you learned a lot! I left a link to a digital photg. site, maybe that will help for next time.

Clara- everything works out for a reason. And good for you for not saying "I told you so." I think I would have let that one slip if it were me and Gary!

Ona-- hi there!! good to hear you are getting sun!!

And to the rest of my O-Fam, have a wonderful day!
Good Morning....it's a little weak...but better than yesterday:) I guess I have some kind of virus....which, BTW, I hate the people who start these computer viruses....I opened an email message last night, that I thought was from my FB friend...ended up being a virus...my anit-virus went into overdrive! then I started getting messages from everyone that I was sending out messages with virus attached...and I didn't send anything...it attached to my friends list...I hate that!! I felt so freaking bad yesterday, I forgot to put anything on the DH's sandwich...he stopped for lunch and got out his "bread" and had a few choice words...he didn't say what...but I can imagine....he called me after lunch and told me...I felt terrible...I fixed his favorite dinner...spaghetti...(which was a stretch considering how bad I felt)....BAD BAD MONDAY! But today is NOT monday and a new day...the good news is my new laptop came yesterday (but feeling as bad as did...it's still in the box)...and now my DH can't complain that I am taking all the computer time...we each have our own now...YAY! and mine is PINK!! and bigger!! gues you know what I will be doing today.......I hope you all have a wonderful day today!!

Chris...Feel for you sweetie on those braces....I tried them in my late 20's (only because I had spaces between my teeth)...I could not take it!! My teeth are pretty straight, so I ended up having composites put in, and no more spaces...we have great dental and orthodontic insurance..so I figured why not use it...and it's a good thing too...5 kids with braces (nearly $20,000....we only paid about 5000)....hope your day is calmer today...((HUGS))

Sara....Glad you had a good day at the zoo...love the "zoo" facts....and some of it extremely useful.....like elephants not having ankles....we now know they can't jump on us if we get too close...HEHEHE....I like to read fun facts like that...I get these national geographic pages for kids about animals and wildlife for Cameran, and we love to read the funfacts about everything...that's his favorite part...next to the pics!

Clara...so glad the Taco Feed went well...I know you worked hard...what a wonderful thing you did! and so sorry you are feeling bad too..(((HUGS)))....what a yuck monday...seems we have passed something around here...hmmmm...

Sandra....and I really hope you aren't hurt too badly....hope your bruises feel better today....((HUGS))

Dawn....((HUGS)) for you too...I hope you feel better too! Man...what a bad Monday!!! Tuesday just has to bring a better day for us all!!

Ona...well...here's some ((hugs)) for you too..and yes...OMG...Sue's gallery is Rooooocccckkkkiiiinnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am amazed at all the gorgeous pages for this challenge...so awesome!! YEEEHAWWWW happy you are getting lots of sun....maybe you will be all dried out soon!!! Hope you have a good night!!

and more ((((HUGS)))) for anyone else who pops in!
mmmmm...thanks for the coffee Chris! I actually got a good amount of sleep last night though, little man only woke up once :). Its a cool dreary day out so I need to come up with some fun indoor activities. I am going to make my first attempt at bringing all three kids to the grocery store wish me luck ;). 2 will be strapped in so I think I can manage.

Tonight the inlaws are coming over to watch the kids and we are going to see a movie. Gunar hasn't decided yet on the movie, its either going to be Star Trek or Wolverine. My vote is for Star Trek because I wasn't impressed with the last X-men movie, but this is Gunar's belated B-day outing (we came home from the hospital with Chase on his actual birthday) and I get to pick the resturant for my b-day (this friday).

Chris~ Boys and showers are funny. I grew up with 4 brothers and I always got the first shower because I could take the quickest one! Even now, I take a shower faster than Gunar...and that is with washing my hair and shaving my legs ;).

LindaW~ Have fun with the new laptop!!!

Have a great day O's!!!
good morning.. I didn't get much done yesterday due to my fall... still feeling really sore, but my mom and sister will be here tomorrow so I have to finish cleaning up... not much else happening today... its drama at my house already... Will rolled a car and rolled Piper's hair up with it... luckily I got it out, and I need to go to the library to pick up some book I put on hold for Piper... so lots of stuff that needs done!

have a great day everyone!
Morning ladies!! I want coffee Chris! =)

Chris - Wow, you did have a busy day yesterday. Bummer about the braces. I have two friends that just got braces on I think so many more adults are doing it these days. That's good that it will help with snacking. Do you think the dentist would wire my jaw shut? hee hee. I'll poke around that website and see if I can find some help with it. I should ask Annie and Amanda too. They are both incredible photographers.

Linda - Hope you feel better today. I would have beaned my husband if he complained about the sandwich I made him, if I made it for him while I was sick. =) Yay on your computer. That will be a lot of fun for you. And pink...how stylish. I love random facts too. My mom used to say that she was a wealth of useless knowledge, I think I am too.

Jos - Hi girlie! I found some great "activity" books at Target. The Preschool Scholar one is perfect for Ben. It's helping him work on letters, numbers, and colors, but it's so colorful and stuff he thinks it's fun. We also made cookies the other day and worked on counting and colors and shapes while we did that. Hopefully you survive the day. =) I can't imagine going to the store with three. One is bad enough for me. I can see doing two o.k. though, but three would be crazy, even if one is an infant!!

Sandra - Hope you are feeling better. Funny thought...when you said Will rolled a car, I thought...omg, he's not old enough to drive!! Then when you said he rolled Piper's hair in it, I figured you were talking about a toy car. =) Ha ha!

I have set my computer time limit for 30 more minutes. I have to clean the kitchen, living room, ben's room, straighten up the bathroom, shower, go to the grocery store, do a few work related tasks, and then I have several scrapping projects I must work on today. I'm going to have to resist my O Forum and Facebook urges. =) But, of course, I'll probably pop back in later. =) Have a good one all!
Good morning. So today I am feeling much better. Still not great but better. I hate the cold/allergy season. You just can't tell what's what!! I did sleep all day yesterday. I woke up...watched Gilmore Girls for a bit...went to sleep...watched more tv then slept some more. I woke up feeling much better. Although I did wake up the last time to my dh calling to tell me he didn't get the job he was counting on. He is so stressed out about it. I'm not really. We have 3 months and I know something will come up between now and then. he specializes in two fields MRI and Nuclear Medicine so that doubles his options. Last night he had to get an application in. Those online apps are such a pain. I hate that you can't just attach your resume to give them the info. He ended up waking me up in the middle of the night because he couldn't sleep. This is the third time he has done that. The first time was years ago and seemed so traumatic at the time. it was before we were married and we were going to get an apartment together and he woke me up to tell me we couldn't get an apartment together a week before moving day. I thought it was so traumatic at the time. He is such a brat sometimes although now we are married and have two kids 10 years later. I know everything is going to work out. He has just spent so much thought on getting out of the Army and what was best for him so now that things aren't going his way he's freaking out because he actually has to take his family into account, which I have been telling him for over a year now. I am so tired of hearing how sick of the Armmy he is as though he's the only one that has to deal with it. I wouldn't be affected by it being an Army wife for the past 9 years. He has such a hard time seeing how his actions and attitudes affect all of us. And he has been so dead set on getting out of the Army that his attitude has been horrible and he may not even be able to reenlist if he wanted to. It really is frustrating but maybe for a llittle bit anyway he'll get a grip. We'll see.

Ethan is off on a field trip today. he is very excited although he is mad at me that I wasn't going. Then he was going to be in our neighbor's group but she has lice so her and her grandma won't be going on the field trip. So sad.

Well, let me give some love...I was really bummed I never got to it yesterday.

Chris - braces huh?? That is cool although I think being able to take them out would be a bad thing for me because I would take them out and possibly not put them back in. That is funny about the shower. E takes long showers too, but so do I. My dh is a power shower taker and is in and out in just a few minutes. I think I got my long shower habit from my dad.

Linda - Yay for a pink laptop. What kind did you get?? I love having my own laptop. I hug it and talk to it and tell it how much I love it. I hope it stays nice to me and doesn't ever act up. That really sucks you have been feeling so crummy lately. I hope you feel better soon too.

Joslyn - You are one brave woman. I wouldn't even try to go shopping with 3. I guess that isn't really true. I have gone shopping with 3 but it isn't easy. if at all possible I try to leave at least one of my two with dh but that doesn't always work. Good luck. I hope it goes smoothly. And yay for sleep!!

Sandra - I hope your body starts feeling better. falling is never fun. My sister is a faller. I don't know why but if there is anything slick on the floor she will find it everytime and fall on her butt. It stinks. I hope you feel better soon and don't bruise too badly.

Sara - I hope you get all your computer stuff done. Sounds like you had ablast at the zoo. I want to go to the zoo. Maybe I will this weekend with dd. I think the boys will be going camping so that will leave us needing something to do. We'll see.

Dawn - I hope you are feeling better too.Once you are feeling better I think a margarita chat is definately in order.

Ona - Yay for sunshine. I'm sure right now you will take all you can get with winter fast approaching. I hope you got everything done and your laundry didn't blow away.

Okay ladies...I am off to get myself a coffee. I really need to find a way to like plain coffee. Coffee drinks are so danged expensive after awhile. At least I have a buy one get one free card but I can't drink two coffees at once. Grrr...

I'm off. Have a great day!! hugs to all!!
We survived the shopping trip though I think the other customers were happy to see us leave!!! This was my monthly Aldi's trip (when I stock up on cheese, crackers, soups and the like), this is the type of store that is much less expensive but you do your own bagging ect. Chase screamed from the time we got in line until we left the store. Really crying babies don't bother me at all, even when they are my own. After working at Children's Hospital and in the ER you just have to learn to tune out or deal with crying. Now big girls are down for naps and I am going to take one too so that I stay awake for my date tonight!!!
quick hi from me here...I'm taking it easy this week...my 9yo sweetie emma is suffering from stomach aches again so i took her to the dr yesterday and got some IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) meds. she hates the meds and hates all food, so i'm a bit stressed. you can gladly pray for me and emma this week...mr gorgeous is in ca and i'm not happy he's there this week (not that i'm happy he's gone ever, but this week is particularly hard!)

so that's why i'm a bit absent this week...we are just doing our summer school and taking it easy otherwise!! (lots and lots of books to read for me...yay!!)

rest is a good thing!! I'll be a posting fool this weekend...just you wait and see! :)
Cooooooooooofffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Oh yes Chris me me me!!

I am so sorry I haven't been active lately my son (Nick) is having surgery tomorrow and it's been a nightmare to get to this point and now that it is here...I AM FREAKING OUT!! *LOL* I just can't focus...at all! ((Hugs)) I miss my "O" family and will back soon!!!
Sandra...glad to hear you are not hurt too bad and able to go about your daily TO-DO list!!

Sara....RESIST FB and THE O....I can't!!

Clara....your issues with your DH seem to be pretty common...Men are naturally wired to think about themselves first! I have been dealing with my DH wanting to retire for a while now...just not a good idea....for lots of reasons....I have learned that if I just let him talk, and whine about it and don't respond, he quiets down about it...now I realize that your situation is a little different...but they really are looking for sympathy, or some sort of supportive comments and when you can't support it like they want you to, they just get mad. Wish I could help, but I am sure it will all work out...sounds like he is in the position to find something easily!

Joslyn....WOW..three kids to the store....NO WAY!! You are brave...my nerves would be torn up! When my DH and I got married, we had 5 girls between us, ranged from 2 - 9, and we made a vow..."no one parent ever left alone with 5 kids, or take them all out alone"....It was hard enough with two of us! I always said..."if you have more kids than hands, LOOK OUT" LOL!!! Excellent that you are able to sleep well with the baby and the two small girls!!

Sally...so sorry that Emma is feeling so bad...of course you will get prayers from here!! give her a big (((HUG)))

kat....HI!! I hope Nick's surgery goes well...praying for him too!!!

and I wanted to say that I am definately up for the Margarita Chat....so bring it on!!!!!!!!!!
Got quite a bit done. =) Yay! It's been quiet in here today. Hope everyone is o.k.! TTYTomorrow. =)
mmmmm...thanks for the coffee Chris! I actually got a good amount of sleep last night though, little man only woke up once :). Its a cool dreary day out so I need to come up with some fun indoor activities. I am going to make my first attempt at bringing all three kids to the grocery store wish me luck ;). 2 will be strapped in so I think I can manage.

Tonight the inlaws are coming over to watch the kids and we are going to see a movie. Gunar hasn't decided yet on the movie, its either going to be Star Trek or Wolverine. My vote is for Star Trek because I wasn't impressed with the last X-men movie, but this is Gunar's belated B-day outing (we came home from the hospital with Chase on his actual birthday) and I get to pick the resturant for my b-day (this friday).

Chris~ Boys and showers are funny. I grew up with 4 brothers and I always got the first shower because I could take the quickest one! Even now, I take a shower faster than Gunar...and that is with washing my hair and shaving my legs ;).

LindaW~ Have fun with the new laptop!!!

Have a great day O's!!!

OMGosh?! Is that really, Jos, or a figment of my imagination?! LOL. Love your new avi pic BTW. How's Chase doin? Good to see you posting :)
Howdy dooooo! I am feeling better....just late checking in. DH took me to see The Hangover....it was mindless, silly, FUN! I liked it a lot better than him but he was just cranky that I didn't want to see UP....LOL. I'll be here in the am for personals....I am way late for bed :).

Love and hugs!