
Daily Ooo's Tuesday June 2


The Loopy-O
Happy Tuesday!

I am so aggravated. Yesterday they said the weather was going to be sunny and in the upper 70's. I am looking out my window and it looks like it is going to our. I double checked the weather now- and it is supposed to rain- for the next three days! Argh!
I worked my butt of yesterday so I could have this afternoon to play outside.I am so bummed. And if the O server goes down today (and I think it is supposed too) I am going to be so disappointed and lonely and have nothing to do.
*staunchly ignores the dust piling up inside the house*

Anyway maybe I really should clean my own house.....


Have you all seen my new posting challenge?
Anyone up for a Posting Challenge for June?
It is going to be a tough on for me, I want to get to 10,000. But I know I can give it a try!
If you want to join us crazychattysilly O's, just pick a goal and see how you do!

On to my personals:

LindaW- ahhh! Sleeping in is wonderful! Your house sounds like it is *the place* to be for kids (and g-parents!) LOL My next door neighbors own the house next to them (other side) too. It was her mom's before she passed. They had turned it into a "play house" for when the g-kids come over. hehe!

ME- oooh a vacation- aren't you going on a cruise? Any where you go, I hope it is wonderful. Have a great day!

Oh Sara- thatis a bummer about the books. Funny how you said that the summer is half gone by June 22- we don't get out of school until June 23rd LOL
And I can understand how you dh is... I am the same way- not good with change at all! I hope that you canboth find a house that is perfect for you. And big enough to last you a long time.

Clara- your retreat sounds like it was a great time, I am glad that you got somuch out of it.
Skydiving makes June is crazy enough on its own, IMO!
Hope your back feels better!

Sandra- hi back! Hope the sunburn cools down- if not do you have aloe? Either the gel or a plant? That really helps.

Sally- LOLOLOL! You make me laugh!!!! And yes, I agree- everyone should be in the posting challenge by default, I can't be the only one blabbering (ok, I have Sally and Clara and... with me too! ) :D:D:D
Can I come live with you for the summer? I want to go to allof those camps too!! And the museums!

Ona! That sounds like my kind of garden. And how cute of Brodie! A few years ago, we built a faery house in our back yard. We left little treats out for the fae, but we never got to see any. ;)
Happy B-day to YMG and to you! And 50- you look awesome!

Hi Dawn!- yay for good days. ITA- Sally's energy is so happy and contagious! And she is even more awesome in person!

Oh Hildur, what an awful way to spend the day. I hope that today everyone stays healthy!

And I am off- I want to hit the gallery real quick before I take Scott to the bus.

Oh and I have a tip for y'all!
Don't use the Crop and Straighten action in CS2 on a "regular" photo.
I had wanted to crop a couple of photos. I had just used the Batch process on an action and wanted to see if Crop and Straighten would work the same way.

It doesn't!!!!!!!!!

It took the one picture and cropped it into hundreds of teeny tiny bits. I went to Close All, but each one had the "Save Box" come up before it would close. OMG- it took me 15 minutes just to close allof the new files!

On that note, have a great day!
Hey Chris {{madly waving}} GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!! haha! tricked you! I am just about ready to head off to bed and thought I would stop by to see if you were up!!! Thanks for the bday wishes but its not until 13th and I am way past 50! My DH is my 'toy boy' he is 7 yrs younger and its him that is turning 50! LOL! Bummer about not being able to go out in the garden! I drove home in a storm after work but it has cleared now so hopefully we may get some sun..........so don't go wearing it out today, those people that will be getting it!! :) Anyway, gotta go, can hardly keep the ol' eyelids up so hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday and will catch you again before you go to bed!!! cya. xx
good morning! I've finally got Will off to school... he was running behind this morning... with our trip to Kings Island on Sunday and then a field day at school yesterday, he's had a long couple of days!

not much going on around here... we're gonna have 90 degrees here today, so it's a stay inside in the air conditioning kinda day... I need to do some laundry and work around the house and do some design stuff as always.

Chris - sorry about the rain, hon! you can always log into yahoo IM... I'll chat with ya! :) Sunburn is better today, thank goodness!

Ona - my hubby is 4 years younger than me... sometimes having a younger hubby is good... sometimes its not lol :)

hope everyone has a great day!
Hi Ladies, happy Tuesday! We've entered the WHY stage at our house. Christians is always asking WHY, waits for the answer, and then asks WHY again. I start off with answers, then ask him why, and eventually give up and say I don' know. How long does this stage last?

Yes, we are going on a cruise, leaving from Miami. We'll visit with the in laws first then we are off to Key West and Nassau. Really looking forward to having a break ... just a few more days here at work. LOL. I am ready!

Chris - hope the weather forecast is wrong and you see the sun!

Hi Ona!

Sandra - want to come do my laundry too?? heehee.

Hugs to everyone! And iced mocha's!
ME-,! I had to start with you! The why stage seems to last forever and then it is straight to the "I know everything and you know nothing" eye-rolling, huffing and puffing stage. hehehehe

Enjoy the whys, they are actually the most fun :).

Big hugs, thank you for the iced mocha and have an awesome day!!!
Good morning my lovely Os!

Chris-I will be thinking thoughts of no rain for you. I hope it holds off until at least night time! Nah, you don't wanna clean your house! You wanna scrap ;). Whatever you do have a good time doing it today!

Ona-hope you sleep well and don't let the bed bugs bite :). Hope the rain is outta there! I know you are pulling our legs about being 7 yrs older than your DH, you don't look a day over 40!

Sandra-Will's still in school? How much longer? All of the schools around here closed before the end of May. I hope you find some time out of your busy day to relax a little!

Everyone have a great day!!! Love and hugs to everyone and to all who stop in after :).
Good morning O-Family....

I really do feel that this my little cyber family that I need to check on...yeah...I am just the natural born "take care of" kind of gal....Hope you are all have a wonderful morning...Or night, Ona....I stayed on the computer ALL day long yesterday...I mean ALL day...I scrapped about 5 pages, that always takes me a long time...I can never be satisfied, and I feel the obsessive need to extract...I am trying harder to make more pages without extracting all the time. Anyway....I am headed to my mom's today...I am gonna finish putting down the floor in her her downstairs bedroom...I started it about 3 months ago....worked on it for a couple of weeks...then it got put to the back burner...she is dying for me to finish so my Dad will hush it about it getting finished (where do you think my procrastination comes from...hehehe). I only have the trimming around the doors to finish...so a couple of hours. Then back home to try and fix the OLD pc in the room we are turning into the "office". It will not connect to the internet..we rarely use it...but it would be nice if it worked...my DD comes in and always gets on my laptop and takes over. I fuss at her "why don't you bring your laptop with you?" She says it's too much trouble...oh well...kids! Well...hope everyone has a great day!

Chris..sorry it's gonna be so nasty...and it is a bummer we won't be able to get out O fix for a while....guess we can all gather on FB for a couple of days and take quizzes!! and farm...and fight...whatever you like..LOL..and yes...if you are a kid...this is the place to be...I spoil my GKIL VERY MUCH!! Their mommies get a little aggitated with me sometimes but I always tell them "you choose to bring to over to me...so they are mine when they are here".

Ona....WOW WOW I would NEVER NEVER believe that you are gonna be 57...Liar Liar pants on fire!!!

ME...I wanna go on vaca with you....you are always having fun!!

Clara...Skydiving...I can't bring myself to have ever done this. I would like to but I am just big of a chicken!!

Sandra...sorry about the sunburn...lots of Aloe Gel and tylenol...I found if you take tylenol every four hours it reduces the temp in the skin and it doesn't hurt that bad. Glad you had a good time....schoold here don't let out too early either...this week and next week...but they don't go back until the week before and week after labor day. Stay Cool!

Sally...wow you are just so busy....lots to do this summer...I am jealous...I am just not a get out and GO GO GO person...sometimes I want to but I am a home body! I get out and run a couple of days a week, but thats just enough for me.

Sara....Now I would get out for the scavenger hunt...that is a bummer about the book...I would be writing a letter....cause I am always writing a letter when I am disatisfied....hope you are able to get one!

Hildur...sorry about your day yesterday...hopefully it will be better today!!

Dawn...hello sweetie {{{hugs}}}..so glad you feel better and your weather is so beautiful...hope you have an extra special day!!

and to anyone else....happy Tuesday...:)
Morning all! =) I didn't get as much done as I had hoped yesterday, but I still did o.k. I got four loads of laundry, the dishes, the grocery shopping, and a couple of chapters read. But I "ran out" to a scrapbook store that's at the outlet more about 20 min. away. She is moving to another nearby town and was going to have a sale anyway, but she disputed her lease and that gave them grounds to give her three days to get out of the store. So...she was having a 76% off sale so that she wouldn't have to move so much stuff. Between the stuff for me and the stuff Tessie wanted...I spent almost $100. But I got so many presents and lots of great hybrid stuff to work on. =) However....I waited in line for almost an hour to pay. The owner was the only one ringing up...I felt sorry for her...and almost like we were taking advantage of her, but she kept saying, "Now I don't have to move it." And she had a lot of stuff to move!!

Last night I was trying to sync some calendars of mine together, so dh could see my events, and I messed it up. I know now what I did, but I accidentally erased ALL my events. I about had a heart attack. After I chatted with Apple tech support, I figured out what I did and then remembered I had a back up. I spent a long time messing with things and it's still not totally fixed, but at least I still have my dates that I can get to. Whew!

O.k. I have to take Ben to daycare so I can really clean today and go out to lunch with a friend. I'll be back for personals when I come back. =)
O.k. I'm back. =) BTW, thanks for the all the support everyone on the house issue. DH just always takes forever to make a decision. Heck, we were together six years before we got married. I shouldn't be surprised that it's taking at least a good three and a half to move to a new house.

Chris - It rained yesterday afternoon here, all night, and so far it rained this morning. But I don't mind because we needed it and it hasn't been raining lots here. Now if this keeps up, I'll feel the same way. =) Frustrating about the picture thing. Is it just because of the straightening or is it because of the batch processing? Annoying.

Ona - Hope you slept well. =) Your garden sounds like heaven. I'm such a sucker for fantasy stuff. I have lots of dragons. I loved the Dragon Riders of Pern series, so they sort of became my thing. I collected prints and figurines of these little guys for a while: http://www.randalspangler.com/ I am definitely going to stick to my guns. I do not want that house. It only has one room and the kitchen on the main floor. The point was to have another space where Ben could play so that we didn't have toys everywhere in our living room all the time. I'd love to be able to walk without tripping over everything. =) I'd love to have a verandah...or a sunroom sort of thing. That would be cool.

Dawn - Glad your day went well. I started to say this the other day when I lost my post but, you are always so positive. It really is inspiring. I know you have plenty of personal drama to deal with, so it really is motivating to see someone who can look on the bright side most of the time. =) Our family has had many situations where people have ended up back at home, so that's why I want to have a house where we can expand if need be. I've certainly seen what it's like to have people move in when needed. =)

Clara - Glad to hear the retreat went well. My mom always loved her retreats when she went. I've always said that if a couple can survive buying a house, they can survive just about anything. We bought this house eight years ago, and I remembered it being frustrating, but I'd forgotten just what it was really like. =) I'm not going to settle because we intend to be in the next house forever....so I can't quite plan on a change after that. =)

Sally - You are a riot girl. I'd never be able to post like that. I'd get too confused about who I said things to and who I didn't. =) And I totally want to come hang out with you guys this summer. You should plan a road trip to here to see our zoo. It's the #2 zoo in the country. (O.k. So San Diego is #1 and that's probably closer, but hey....Tessie and I are here and you could see us!) It's funny that you mentioned the Christmas Tree thing because one of the pictures of a model we were going to look at was taken at Christmas with a tree up and everything. And I thought, "Ohhh how pretty. More people should put a tree up when taking their pictures." So that totally make sense as a rule!! =) I have a feeling the house thing is a little like the wedding dress rule....when you put the right one on, you just know.

Hilder - Sorry to hear about the sickness. That's awful when it gets that bad. Hopefully, your Tuesday is better than your Monday was.

Sandra - Stay cool today. I highly recommend a tortilla wrap with cream cheese (light if you feel like it), turkey, and cucumber. And possibly a cucumber slice in your water. It's very cool and refreshing. A local sushi place puts cucumber slices in their water instead of lemon and I love it. =)

ME - Ben seems to be mostly out of the WHY stage. So ours didn't last too long. Now we are in the, "I do it myself" (when he can't do it) and the "You do it Mommy" (when he's perfectly capable of doing it) stage. Have a blast on the cruise! I'm jealous.

LindaW - Extraction...I love extraction, but I am a bit of a perfectionist with that too. Good luck with the PC. I think it's funny because my other friend from work and I were complaining about our children (hers is a teen, mine is a toddler) taking over our computers. So it seems to be a pretty common theme now-a-days. Everyone needs their own. =)

O.k. I really, really need to pick up my house before I have lunch with my friend. I'm not going to get back on the O. I'm not going to get back on the O. Chris - Maybe the server going down and rain is a good thing....I've staunchily ignored the dust in my house for far tooo long. =)

O.k. This is probably the longest post I've ever had. =) Have a good day ladies!!!
Morning ya'll!!! Okay so this is not going to be as distracting as yesterday, because we are off to the health museum...AND we aren't coming home today!! I'm dropping my kids off at my mom's and then running up north about an hour to the Woodlands. Mr Gorgeous has to teach a class at a conference tomorrow early, so they gave him a room at the resort...so you know what that means...momma and daddy get a night out!! yay!!!! and dinner's on the company, too!! (with the company...LOL!!!) Big party at Tommy Bahama's whatever that is!!

So here's the news of the week...yesterday, I did NOT scrap a LO!! OMGosh!! It's the first day since Jan 1st that i have NOT scrapped. I decided at the end of May that I needed to move my focus...so I worked out on the BOw Flex AND swam yesterday!! So I got strength training and cardio in!! yay for me!!! And I don't feel bad at all!! I did open my Elements last night at 11:30 and then closed it and went to bed to read Wuthering Heights!(It's intense, but I'm such a Classics lover!!) Yay me!!!

Okay...I'm off to finish the dishes...those pesky maids are coming and we have to clean up for them! ahahahahahahahahahah (I love the maids...BIG TIME!!)

love you ALL!!!
Good morning everyone. My back is doing a little better although it still hurts pretty bad. I had to get x-rays and all that. The doctor ordered some special views so I couldn't walk one of the girls through it at work. So, I had my boss come in and do it for me. I was going to have my dh do it for me but he was being a brat and wasn't being helpful at all. He's sick and acting like most men do where he can't possibly do anything. It was quite annoying. Him being sick is fine but when he's not doing anything to feel better it really irritates me when he won't do anything. How hard is it to take some sudafed when your face feels like it is going to explode?? He's such a boy.

Last night I had quite the adventure getting a prescription. I was so frustrated. The doctor didn't write the date on the prescription so they wouldn't fill it. All the pharmacies in the area were all closed up and so I almost didn't get it. Then I finally got it and went home and took a muscle relaxer. I don't ever take muscle relaxors. I knew it would make me feela little funny. I was sitting on my computer getting some stuff scrapped when all of a sudden I knew I had to go to bed that second. So I stumbled off to bed. It was very strange and I had very weird dreams. Don't like it. I hate the funny feeling medications like muscle relaxors and painkillers give you. I do not understand how people become addicted to them because I just hate it. I take these medications only when I absolutely have to. Today I had a girl I work with put one of those heat patches on my back and she told me my back was bruised there. I've been trying to rub in on corners and stuff for the past couple of days. i didn't realize I was pushing that hard. Ooops.

That is crazy how different everyone's school schedules are for their kids. Schools in this area always start the day after Labor day and go into June while other places I hear start in August and go into May. Crazy how different areas have such different school schedules.

Well, how about some personals...
Chris - That really stinks about the weather. Enjoy your day anyway...and who wants to clean their own house. Isn't that why we have kids??

Ona - 57? Really? Wow!! I wouldn't have guessed it.
Sara....Wow...great sale...bad news for the store owner but great news for you...I would have waited and hour too! and thank goodness you were able to get your dates back...YAY!! I don't blame you for standing your ground on the house. I would want to upgrade...not go basically the same (or in our case...downsize!! although we are here forever)..dig those heels in and stand firm! When momma means business...they usually listen..."if momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy"!!!

Sally...yay...a FREE night out...those are always good...my DH gets a free weekend for his million years of safe driving (UPS driver) every year...it's nice...but I don't think they are going to do it this year...CUTBACKS :mad:...but their are a couple of other overnighters each year for years of service and high honor awards for bringing in new customers...so hopefully those won't be cut out...and yay for working out!! I need motivation for working out...I am still looking for it! Have FUN:p

Clara....Sorry about your back (((HUGS)))...and your DH being sick too..men are such whiny babies!! The prescription episode sounds like something that would happen to me....speaking of episodes...I gotta tell this...One of my FB friends in TN posted yesterday about her dogs...they had been camping for the weekend and when they got home, everyone got out of the car except the dogs, and the kids shut the doors. The dogs got so excited jumping around one of them hit the door lock button and locked themselves and the keys in the car....her DH's keys were at his mom's with their other car....I was laughing so hard....she takes everything in stride...and thought it was funny too.

Ok...off to work on that dinosaur PC....
I gotta tell this...One of my FB friends in TN posted yesterday about her dogs...they had been camping for the weekend and when they got home, everyone got out of the car except the dogs, and the kids shut the doors. The dogs got so excited jumping around one of them hit the door lock button and locked themselves and the keys in the car....her DH's keys were at his mom's with their other car....I was laughing so hard....she takes everything in stride...and thought it was funny too.

You don't know how funny this is...about 2.5 years ago...my dh and my ds went to the store to get something and it was cold and snowy. My dh thought it would be a great idea to leave the car running with our monster dog in it. The monster dog jumped to the front seat and stepped on the door and locked everything. It was right around Christmas and Addie had just been born. I was not the least bit thrilled. My dh wanted me to drive there to take him some keys, even though I had no idea where he was at and Addie was only a couple weeks old at the time. It is funny now but at the time...not so much.
Okay, so I was typing away and all of a sudden everything started typing backwards. I don't know why it does that but every once in awhile it does...so now I am going to finish up the personals...

Sandra - those busy weekends are so much fun but always kick our butts the following week, huh? I hope you guys get some rest and get back on track.

ME - Ethan still asks why about everything. I don't mind him asking why but at this point it is so engraved in his head to say why to everything that I say that it is now irritating and although I would never say "Because I said so" I say it often now. Grrr!! I hated the day I heard something come out of my mouth and realized I was in a fact a real parent.

Dawn - good morning!! I hope you have a great day!!

Linda - good luck with the floor. I have no idea how to lay a floor and assume I probably never will. I just don't have the patience for that. It stinks. I'll bet it will look awesome. That is so great that you do so much for your mom. That is funny about your dd. I bring my laptop everywhere with me. It is no trouble at all, or maybe I am just obsessed with it and it seems like it is no trouble.

Sara - sounds like apretty productive day to me. That is way more than I could have gottn done. Sounds like a great sale you ran into there. I'm sure your Christmas list will be much easier this year.

sally - a health museum? What is that all about it? Does that satisfy the kids health credit? I'll bet it will be fun though. Maybe they'll have grossolgy which is always a blast. Nothing like climbing a rock wall with skin lesions. lol!! Have a blast with YMG!! Can't beat a night on the town.
Sandra-Will's still in school? How much longer? All of the schools around here closed before the end of May. I hope you find some time out of your busy day to relax a little!

He gets out on Thursday (June 4th)... we had a week off due to the ice storm we had... and a couple of other days, so it took us a little longer than usual... usually we're at the end of May!
Quick hello :). I just woke up from my nice afternoon nap and I hear the little girls have woken up as well! We are getting into a nice routine with Chase and sleeping. I am just so greatful that my big girls still take a midday nap. Actaully, I'll probably have an enforced "quiet time" of some kind until they start school.

ME~ Kalin doesn't really do the "why", I get "whats that..." and "how" and "I do it myself!!!". Gotta love a 3 year old ;).

Ok I am off to get the little girls out of bed.
HELLO AGAIN lovely ladies!! Just dropping in to say goodnnight! I just found out I won Vinnie Pearc's latest book over at Catscrap.....entered a scavenger hunt and won it!! wooohoo! how exciting, I love Vinne's designs!

Chris: hope the weather cleared a little so you could go out to play! and did you get around to cleaning the house?! LOL! mine desperately needs a good once over...or twice..or.. yeah well!

Sandra: I know what you mean about sometimes its great having someone younger etc. we have our days as well but after 24yrs we are pretty much in tune..... we still joke that when he was born I was in 2nd Grade!!! hahaha!!

ME: all of my 4 kids all went through that stage as well, now I have to have a little laugh to myself when I see these same children having to deal with the same issues with their children........I just have giggle and say 'payback time"!!

Dawn: thanks doll! maybe I should update my pic! I want DIL to take some shots at the 50th 'do' so will get an updated photo to use on in my avie......hmmmm, might need to run over it in Elements though......hmm, yep, 'spot healer', 'eraser', 'colour filters' ...yep, I most probably will need those! :)

LindaW: what a versatile and handy little person you are!! laying a floor to boot!! hope it went well and hope you had good luck with your PC! LOL! about liar, liar!!! hahahaha! too funny! I certainly don't feel 57years old!!! I guess its the Gemini in me, we are supposedly the 'terrible two's' of the zodiac, never growing up LOL! with DH a gemini too we often reckon that that is what has made our relationship so great, at any given time there could be 4 of us!!! hahaha!! :)

Sara: isn't that a horrible feeling when you realised you have deleted something you need! OMG! the realisation slowly creeps up your spine before you give out this terrible groan and wail "on NO!!!" LOL! So glad you were able to get a lot of your info back! and THANK YOU so much for that link....will check it out better later on! I haven't actually read that series of book you mentioned, will have to check them out. I love reading fantasy books but haven't read any good ones for a while.

Sally: good for you, working out like that!! I'm having a battle just trying to inspire myself enough to just start walking again!! and wow! and night away, how exciting, hope you had a brilliant and fabulous time!!

Clara: oooooh, sorry to hear about the sore back {gentle hug} hope it gets better soon! LOL! about your dog in the car!how funny! and I am hearing you on the guy thing when it comes to being sick.........I think that is a universal thing, they all like to whinge about how crook they are but won't do anything to help themselves!!! so aggrivating sometimes isn't it!! I just let DH be now, I used to fuss over him but I just tell him that he needs to visit a doctor if he is that sick otherwise just keep quiet!!! LOL! and to the skydiving thing!! I'm with LindaW, I like my two feet planted right on the ground thank you very much!!! :)

Josie: hi and glad to hear your sweet little boy is settling in ok. its nice to have a quiet time during the day, even if they don't actually sleep.

Okay, goodnight everyone! Have a great evening. cya. xx
Good morning everyone. My back is doing a little better although it still hurts pretty bad. I had to get x-rays and all that. The doctor ordered some special views so I couldn't walk one of the girls through it at work. So, I had my boss come in and do it for me. I was going to have my dh do it for me but he was being a brat and wasn't being helpful at all. He's sick and acting like most men do where he can't possibly do anything. It was quite annoying. Him being sick is fine but when he's not doing anything to feel better it really irritates me when he won't do anything. How hard is it to take some sudafed when your face feels like it is going to explode?? He's such a boy.

Last night I had quite the adventure getting a prescription. I was so frustrated. The doctor didn't write the date on the prescription so they wouldn't fill it. All the pharmacies in the area were all closed up and so I almost didn't get it. Then I finally got it and went home and took a muscle relaxer. I don't ever take muscle relaxors. I knew it would make me feela little funny. I was sitting on my computer getting some stuff scrapped when all of a sudden I knew I had to go to bed that second. So I stumbled off to bed. It was very strange and I had very weird dreams. Don't like it. I hate the funny feeling medications like muscle relaxors and painkillers give you. I do not understand how people become addicted to them because I just hate it. I take these medications only when I absolutely have to. Today I had a girl I work with put one of those heat patches on my back and she told me my back was bruised there. I've been trying to rub in on corners and stuff for the past couple of days. i didn't realize I was pushing that hard. Ooops.

That is crazy how different everyone's school schedules are for their kids. Schools in this area always start the day after Labor day and go into June while other places I hear start in August and go into May. Crazy how different areas have such different school schedules.

Well, how about some personals...

Awww, Clara, I hope your back feels better soon! I hate those kind of meds, too, they always make me feel loopy.

I agree about the school schedules, it's nuts!
You don't know how funny this is...about 2.5 years ago...my dh and my ds went to the store to get something and it was cold and snowy. My dh thought it would be a great idea to leave the car running with our monster dog in it. The monster dog jumped to the front seat and stepped on the door and locked everything. It was right around Christmas and Addie had just been born. I was not the least bit thrilled. My dh wanted me to drive there to take him some keys, even though I had no idea where he was at and Addie was only a couple weeks old at the time. It is funny now but at the time...not so much.

Oh, LOL, toooooo funny, Clara, both stories!
HELLO AGAIN lovely ladies!! Just dropping in to say goodnnight! I just found out I won Vinnie Pearc's latest book over at Catscrap.....entered a scavenger hunt and won it!! wooohoo! how exciting, I love Vinne's designs!

Dawn: thanks doll! maybe I should update my pic! I want DIL to take some shots at the 50th 'do' so will get an updated photo to use on in my avie......hmmmm, might need to run over it in Elements though......hmm, yep, 'spot healer', 'eraser', 'colour filters' ...yep, I most probably will need those! :)

Woohoo!!!!! Ona, congrats on winning the book!!!!!!! and hehehe, I like your current avi, leave it as is :) I'm sure you haven't changed a bit!
Sara....Wow...great sale...bad news for the store owner but great news for you...I would have waited and hour too! and thank goodness you were able to get your dates back...YAY!! I don't blame you for standing your ground on the house. I would want to upgrade...not go basically the same (or in our case...downsize!! although we are here forever)..dig those heels in and stand firm! When momma means business...they usually listen..."if momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy"!!!

Sally...yay...a FREE night out...those are always good...my DH gets a free weekend for his million years of safe driving (UPS driver) every year...it's nice...but I don't think they are going to do it this year...CUTBACKS :mad:...but their are a couple of other overnighters each year for years of service and high honor awards for bringing in new customers...so hopefully those won't be cut out...and yay for working out!! I need motivation for working out...I am still looking for it! Have FUN:p

Clara....Sorry about your back (((HUGS)))...and your DH being sick too..men are such whiny babies!! The prescription episode sounds like something that would happen to me....speaking of episodes...I gotta tell this...One of my FB friends in TN posted yesterday about her dogs...they had been camping for the weekend and when they got home, everyone got out of the car except the dogs, and the kids shut the doors. The dogs got so excited jumping around one of them hit the door lock button and locked themselves and the keys in the car....her DH's keys were at his mom's with their other car....I was laughing so hard....she takes everything in stride...and thought it was funny too.

Ok...off to work on that dinosaur PC....

Linda, you are such a little miss fixit!!!!! Wow! I used to be kinda handy but since I started working fulltime it's like all my common sense left me, LOL. Tooooo funny about the dogs, I swear you and Clara have the funniest stories today!
Quick hello :). I just woke up from my nice afternoon nap and I hear the little girls have woken up as well! We are getting into a nice routine with Chase and sleeping. I am just so greatful that my big girls still take a midday nap. Actaully, I'll probably have an enforced "quiet time" of some kind until they start school.

ME~ Kalin doesn't really do the "why", I get "whats that..." and "how" and "I do it myself!!!". Gotta love a 3 year old ;).

Ok I am off to get the little girls out of bed.

I just love little kids, they have the cutest little personalities :). You are lucky to have such good little nappers!
Morning all! =) I didn't get as much done as I had hoped yesterday, but I still did o.k. I got four loads of laundry, the dishes, the grocery shopping, and a couple of chapters read. But I "ran out" to a scrapbook store that's at the outlet more about 20 min. away. She is moving to another nearby town and was going to have a sale anyway, but she disputed her lease and that gave them grounds to give her three days to get out of the store. So...she was having a 76% off sale so that she wouldn't have to move so much stuff. Between the stuff for me and the stuff Tessie wanted...I spent almost $100. But I got so many presents and lots of great hybrid stuff to work on. =) However....I waited in line for almost an hour to pay. The owner was the only one ringing up...I felt sorry for her...and almost like we were taking advantage of her, but she kept saying, "Now I don't have to move it." And she had a lot of stuff to move!!

Last night I was trying to sync some calendars of mine together, so dh could see my events, and I messed it up. I know now what I did, but I accidentally erased ALL my events. I about had a heart attack. After I chatted with Apple tech support, I figured out what I did and then remembered I had a back up. I spent a long time messing with things and it's still not totally fixed, but at least I still have my dates that I can get to. Whew!

O.k. I have to take Ben to daycare so I can really clean today and go out to lunch with a friend. I'll be back for personals when I come back. =)

oooh, Sara, gotta love a good sb sale! I have to force myself to avoid sb stores. I have piles and piles of paper supplies here that are untouched. I tend to buy and buy and buy LOL and just hoard. I need to get rid of mine. I almost got weak over the weekend and entered a store but my DD talked me down ;). She said "mom, you only scrap on the puter now, you know you don't even use the stuff you have now". Gotta love her for helping me see reason! Shew.
Dawn - Glad your day went well. I started to say this the other day when I lost my post but, you are always so positive. It really is inspiring. I know you have plenty of personal drama to deal with, so it really is motivating to see someone who can look on the bright side most of the time. =) Our family has had many situations where people have ended up back at home, so that's why I want to have a house where we can expand if need be. I've certainly seen what it's like to have people move in when needed.

Sara-thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me :).
I'm always worried everyone will think all I do is complain LOL. I actually feel very blessed in my life!

And, I know the house thing will work out how it is supposed to :).

Morning ya'll!!! Okay so this is not going to be as distracting as yesterday, because we are off to the health museum...AND we aren't coming home today!! I'm dropping my kids off at my mom's and then running up north about an hour to the Woodlands. Mr Gorgeous has to teach a class at a conference tomorrow early, so they gave him a room at the resort...so you know what that means...momma and daddy get a night out!! yay!!!! and dinner's on the company, too!! (with the company...LOL!!!) Big party at Tommy Bahama's whatever that is!!

So here's the news of the week...yesterday, I did NOT scrap a LO!! OMGosh!! It's the first day since Jan 1st that i have NOT scrapped. I decided at the end of May that I needed to move my focus...so I worked out on the BOw Flex AND swam yesterday!! So I got strength training and cardio in!! yay for me!!! And I don't feel bad at all!! I did open my Elements last night at 11:30 and then closed it and went to bed to read Wuthering Heights!(It's intense, but I'm such a Classics lover!!) Yay me!!!

Okay...I'm off to finish the dishes...those pesky maids are coming and we have to clean up for them! ahahahahahahahahahah (I love the maids...BIG TIME!!)

love you ALL!!!

Woohoo, Sally, I hope you all have an amazing time! What a busy workout-a-holic you are becoming, you are going to be hawt-er soon!
My day was awesome! Hope everyone else's was, too! I'm worn out, though, LOL. We had a pharmaceutical rep take us to Outback tonight so I got home not too long ago. I ordered a 12 oz sirloin, well-done, loaded baked potato (brought those home for DH), house salad with honey mustard dressing, we had assorted appetizers, I had 2 margaritas made with yummy Patron, and I had the chocolate thunder for dessert. It was Heavenly. I am stuffed!!!!

I hope you all have a good night, and Ona, have a great day!!!

Love and (((hugs))) everyone :).