
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday July 19


The Loopy-O
GoooooOd morning! How are you all today! Had a busy day here yesterday.Lots of running around, not much to show for it hahah!

I am off to the beach today- looks to be hot!

Love to you all!
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The Loopy-O
Trudy- I will send you some of the sun and heat... there will be some humidity in there too, but if it is from NJ I can't help that.
One good thing about little kids- they won't care if the water is cold! LOL
Did YMG vaccuum for you? Hope so! (But I wouldn't put money on it heh)

Oh fine Laurie- rub it in!! YMG makes the bed?? I have given up on that one too. But I happily blame the dogs- no point in making the bed when they mess it all up anyway, right?

Kayleigh- oh your poor thing :( *gentle hugs to you* I hope that you feel ebetter and they can figure ut what to do to help you. All of my fingers and toes are crossed that this baby is healthy too.
I have been seeing the pics of Baby-Bamm on FB- she is so big- and getting prettier and prettier every day!

Hang in there- you are so strong!

::grouphug to all of my O-fam!


Well-Known Member
Good morning all! I hope everyone is having a good day. I have a ton of errands to take care of, but I want to scrap!:Cry: Yesterday we finally got a little bit of rain and of course the girls threw on their bathing suits and ran outside to play in the strange wet substance that was amazingly coming from the sky for the first time in months, and I of course had my camera out there snapping away! Then some dear friends of ours came over to say goodbye....which was so hard on my youngest as she has been friends with their son since the 1st day of pre-k, ( I'll save that whole story for the LO) and I took pics then too. I'm just itching to scrap, but unfortunately being mom & wife trumps scrapping (well at least today it has to).


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... well the sun is trying very hard to show its face here today, with patches of blue sky here and there. Keeping my fingers crossed the summer actually might show up here!! I have a day off today, so unfortuately I have to get the beds ready and bathrooms cleaned for the arrival of my sweet family:dance:. I might be just a tad excited!!

Chris - No my hubby did not vacum for me suprise, suprise!! But he did work outside all day and got the front porch steps painted (they really needed it!) Trimmed all of the bushes along the side of the driveway (they look so much better!) Cut and fertilized the front and back lawn and took all the yard waste to the dump. He also washed the outside of the windows (what a guy!!) So I couldn't complain to him that he did not vacum now could I? We spent a nice couple of hours sitting on the back deck with a couple glasses of wine and enjoyed the fruits of his labor, the backyard looks wonderful!! I will vacum today.:smile:

Laurie - My MG usually helps me make the bed in the morning, if he is the last one out of bed though he usually makes it himself.

Kayleigh - sending loving thoughts your way!! I too will keep my fingers crossed that the doctors figure out what exactly is wrong with you and that your sweet baby is healthy!! :hug: to you and your family!!


lOve the O!
evening all - my internet was zapped this morning= not only my router, but part of the entire company that I use. So tomorrow I will replace the router and tonight i am using my verizon hot spot. Hope to have it working better tomorrow so I can do a big post!


always chatty at the O!!
Hello! Hello!

Today kinda sucks. I was sure I had a kidney infection and went to an urgent care but they couldn't find anything wrong with me. They did everything they should...blood tests and an x-ray but they found nothing. So he sent me home with Tordal and muscle relaxers. I came home and slept a bunch. My sister had the day off to come play with us so her and my mom took the kids to play mini golf and had a great time.

So...yesterday was AWESOME!! I got to hang out with none other than our very own Sally. She's in town for a wedding (so am I) but she is in town for another week. So we went adventuring through Seattle. I had the bright idea to take a bus from one part of town to another so that we could all go to the Space Needle but the bus driver gave me bad information so the 7 minute trip took us an hour. It was actually kinda fun because the bus went to the University District and it is just cool around there so they got to see more of Seattle. Addie claimed Lillian as her new friend and wouldn't leave her side so they sat on the bus making up worship songs which was quite entertaining. We finally made it to the Space Needle and if you check out Sally's FB you will see our photo. I have some on my computer I still have to upload. It was just a whole lot of fun.

After we left Sally and her family we went to the Flying Fish Market to pick up some crab. It isn't the best time of year to get it so we have to go their because they have the best...especially since we were in Seattle already. As the name says fish fly around that place because they throw the fish from the floor to the workers behind the counter for cleaning, packaging and purchase. So, someone wanted a whole halibut and they were throwing it and it was too low and it hit the refrigerator case above Addie and then slid down and landed on the ground. It was quite funny but freaked Addie out a bit.

Okay...I'm sleepy from some muscle relaxers so I'm not gonna do personals but I'll try to catch up tomorrow. Hugs to everyone!!