
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday January 12


The Loopy-O
Ahhhh! It so cold again- and my hair is freezing to my head!
Ok, it isn't really, but I *have* to go blow it dry. I am going for the "frizz-ball" look today. Blasting my head as hot and as quick as I can. Who cares about curls? LOL

Just wanted to say good morning. I have coffee for everyone!



Well-Known Member
morning all :)

off to volunteer in the child minding room at the gym (so I can get a free membership).

back on after I get M to school this afternoon :)

have a fantastic day all!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. I'm supposed to be doing the dishes but it is more fun in here. Where is everybody at on this happy Tuesday morning? Hopefully you haven't all turned into popsicles. That would be no good.

Today is a good day. Not doing anything exciting. Just a Tuesday. I'm good with that. So it was the saddest sweetest thing last night. It was about 3:30 in the morning and Addie comes strolling into our room with her little stuffed tiger, just like in the cartoons, and wanted to come into our bed. Dh wasn't having it and was being mean...well, not mean just middle of the night "No, go back to bed" and it seemed mean. So I gave her some love and told her she needed to go back to bed and boy that little girl is smart, evenin the middle of the night. I had brought her into our room the night before because her ear was hurting and she wouldn't relax and settle down. So she reminded me that I brought her in the night before. So I told her why and that she needed to go back to bed so she told me her ear hurt. Aaaaaaah! So I loved on her more and if I could have snuck her into bed and loved on her all night I would have but I set her on the ground and sent her off to bed. It was so sad watching her go back to bed. Is it bad to love having the kids in my bed? I love it. They snuggle up to me and are so sweet. But they have to sleep in their own beds. :(

It was kinda fun last night. I called a friend of mine who was on vacation from Iraq. She works as a civilian over there. So we had her on speaker phone and learned how to use my webcam so that she could see the kids and gave her a tour of my house and stuff. We knew her and her daughter from when we were stationed in Italy and have remained close. Her daughter even came and lived with us for a semester of college, although she was 18 and acting really dumb at the time, but we still love her. It was fun having the whole family get to sit and chat and talk to her together before she left this morning and then I had to yell at her for crying. :) I hate her being in Iraq but hopefully she'll be back before summer. Looks like May.

Well, I have to go do those dishes.

Chris - frizzy hair doesn't look too bad in a ponytail, right? Stay warm.

AndreaNyx - That's awesome that you can earn yourself a free membership. What is a child minding gym?


...loves her some "O"
morning, my dearests!!!

ohhh today is a great day, too!! two in a row!! *sigh* yesterday was soo fun, even though i didn't get my house picked up like i needed to...oh well, there's today! yipeee!! i'm loving it...

so anyway, i've got to go to the library today, to a parent's meeting for Cora's Youth and Government to hear them talk about Cora's trip to the State Capitol next week. And I may stop by Target and pick up this hat I saw there that looked fun!!

Tomorrow I'm getting my hair done...i want something funky!! I dunno what...any ideas?? let me know!!!

okay, my coffee's ready and my donut is awaiting!! heeheee!! i love today!!

and i love all of you!! yipee skipeeee!!! (btw, this is BEFORE caffeine!!)


Well-Known Member
aah, I should be working ROFL.

Clara: yeah, we've had those moments. we co slept K and I was kinda sad (yet slightly relieved lol) to get her into her own room. They do remember *everything* tho, don't they?

There is a childing minding room at the gym. I volunteer once/week & they give me a free gym membership :)

TMI: So I did my 'after the GI scan poo' ROFL it was SO funny! that's all I'll say hehe


always chatty at the O!!
That is the hard part with Addie is we never co-slept except for the first 6 weeks when she was in a bassonet. We did a lot with Ethan and getting him out of our bed before Addie was born was painful. But over the past couple/few months Addie has really started coming into our room at night. I love it but hate it all at the same time. Ugh!!


Well-Known Member
Wow - it's after 3 and Im just now getting here!
I head for a conference with students Wednesday and Thursday:) The weather looks like it will be beautiful for driving. We're having a warm up! Yay - it should be on it's way to you Chris - soon I hope!
Have a wonderful day all - and Sally - go easy on the caffeine!


Well-Known Member
ug. off to take M to his TKD class soon. seems like we never stop lol. had some time to rework a layout today & post a couple of 'old' ones I did... not enough time in the day. have some work to do too. guess no more scrapping today... maybe tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
Better late than NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's only 7 pm!! HAHAHAHA!!

Been a busy bee today!!! I just wanted to pop in and say hi!!!

Hope you all have a great evening!!!


lOve the O!
Hey everyone- lots to do before I went to work, and I have already dusted tonight- so there won't be too much housework needed on my day off Thursday

Clara & Andrea nyx- I think I can count on my hands the # of times my kids slept in the bed with us- youngest probably takes 9 fingers (he's nearly 21 now) I have sensory issues- tactile and could never settle with my kids in the bed- the youngest was such a mover that when he was older and we would go to a hotel his older brother would choose to sleep on the floor rather than share a double bed with him!

Sally- here is hoping for 3 days in a row- you go girl that morning energy- wow!

LindaP- have fun with parent teacher conferences

LindaW- hope the rest of your evening goes well

Chris- hope you warmed up some today!

I am going to put Christmas away tonight- how many days have I said that and not?


Well-Known Member
I'm back. SO cute seeing my 5yo at TKD tonight. didn't totally pay attention, but he did some great stuff. at least he wasn't doing pushups for the whole class like another kids was... eeks!


Well-Known Member
not much goin on in here today lol.

I'm off to bed... SOOO tired right now.

nother busy day tomorrow... oh they never seem to end lol.

night ladies