
Daily Ooo's Tuesday Jan 27


The Loopy-O
Woo hoo for Tooos-day Buhahahah! I just crack myself up with my stupidity. Not that I am stupid- just goofy.
Although you'd all beg to differ if you heard about my stupidity yesterday morning. I always put my contacts in left to right. so when I was not able to see out of my right eye, at all, after putting in the lens, I was really confused. I must have taken it out and put it back in, cleaned it, turned it inside out- No luck.
Finally I realized I already had a lens in that eye! You can see much much better with one lens in each eye rather than two in one and none in the oter :lol:

Oh!! I got great news!! When I called the HHS of my county, I found out that we were accepted into the state health insurance. I am sooo relieved. I have no idea of details but knowing that we have health coverage of any type is great news. Between all of the meds and drs from the Lyme and Gary being insulin dependant diabetic, we literally could not survive w/o health insurance.

ME- that recipe sounds neat! I love b-nut squash. How did you hide that in the mac and cheese?

Sandra (((((((((huge hugs))))))))) this has been so needlessly difficult for you and your dad. I hope that the surgery goes perfect and smoothy for him.I don't know if this is helpful, but my neighbor's friend had 2/3's of her lung removed in August. She had it rough in the beginning, but now the lung is string to regrow and she is feeling much better, much more energy. HTH :)

DD- what is your fav Rayman game-- We totally crack up on the telephone game in Game2. And the music ones are a riot! And Anesthesia *wack*... I could go on and on LOL Love your Feb resolution- I bet once you start coming by once a week, it will become just about every day soon after :D

Fine Lori, rub in it, Capris! *razz* LOLOL!! Hope things calm down for you soon.

Must have been a good book Joslyn- what are you reading?
Hope you are doing great! Rub that belly for me! Are you showing yet? Or rather, how long have you been showing? I know with Cait #2, I popped out immediately. Scott --I was able to wear leggings and a long shirt until 7 months and most people had no idea. Belly pics plz!!!

Garlic pillls Sally!!!!!!xoxoxoxox to ya, feel better.

Kat- I cannot wait til spring! Think we can bribe the Groundhog next week? ;)
Rayman is the perfect wii game for boys and other people with limited mental capacities and those who enjoy bathroom hunmor! We have all three games, but like the second one the best. You go on "trips" and have to compete in these games. You get points based on your score- but really the points don't mean all that much LOL
In one game you drink a bottle of soda by shaking the remote, and see how far you can burp. When Nick is a bit older, he'll love it!

LindaP- Breaking Dawn, that is book 4? I am on 3 (New Dawn??) and I just at the part when they are getting ready to go to Seattle.

Clara- your allergies must be just awful- hope that you feel better too. Slippery elm tea is supposed to be good for sore throats, maybe that with some lemon and honey wiill help you out.

Hi Dawn, hope you feel better too!
And good luck with these storms, it sure has been a crazy winter all over the US!

ooh ooh! I have a good tip today for anyone who uses ACDsee Photo Manager and Live Writer. I was playing around yesterday doing my 365 blog (TY for the comments :) ) -you can click and drag photos from Photo Manager into live writer. How cool is that? Usually you have to go through the "Insert Picture" and load them in, one at a time. The was just Ctrl-Click, and drag it right into Live Writer. I was so excited! LOL

Have an awesome day!!!
Hope everyone stays warm and safe with electric and internet. And that all of you who are not feeling well, get better asap!

Love you:)

Digi Designz

Well-Known Member
Good morning, just a quick pop buy bringing everyone some organic cream earl grey tea...my fav tea drink...ok and some starbucks for all you other coffee drinkers :)

Chris I'm glad to hear about you health coverage, that is so stressful waiting to hear back. Last year my dad was diagnosed with Cancer and had no health coverage through work and had never purchased any. I got so mad at him, but after that he went about getting some..mind you we live in Canada so its a bit different. I wasn't overly worried I know someone would help us out, its just the uncertainty and waiting.

And btw don't feel so silly I have totally put 2 contacts in one eye before....more than once actually :p

Well, I'm off to get ready for work, I feel like I'm coming down with something, wish I could call in ....booooo

Have a wonderful day everyone!


Well-Known Member
good morning! Just a quick hello from me, as I've got lots of things I want to work on today! Plus Will is home from school today... but I only have my 3... one of my friends stayed home from work today, so my +2 are at home with their dad... I'm hate losing the money, but I don't think I could have handled another day like yesterday LOL!

Chris - great news on the insurance!

hi to everyone else who pops in!


Well-Known Member
Good morning strangers! ;) I have been horribly MIA lately! So much going on, and this week is even worse!

**Want to wish my sweet Ella a Happy 4th Birthday today** My baby girl is 4!!!!!!!! She opened up her gifts from us this morning and was so excited. I put her hair in 4 ponytails (by request) and she wore one of her new outfits to school. I made up goodie bags with Disney movie notebooks (gotta love the Target $1 section) and tattoos. ;) We love tattoos. Her party is on Saturday. :)

Other news. I had the twins evaluated yesterday. They are 18 months and not speaking any words yet. In all other categories they are perfect, but they fall into 'the area of concern' with speech. It is hard to hear. I know they were 2 months early, and are twins, and are boys (all excuses that would be easy to make for them) but I want them to get on track and not fall behind. So, we get another eval in a few weeks and then see if they qualify for speech therapy. It is hard to think of my boys getting therapy ... but I know it will be best for them. Kind of a funky day yesterday b/c of the eval results.

Chris - WOOOOOOOT for insurance girl!!!! What a load off your mind! And, I have SO done that with my contacts!!! Once I thought I lost one out of my eye, so I put another one in. Well, my eye hurt like ever and I went looking in it and found that the first contact (the one I thought I'd lost) was just crammed up under my eyelid, so I had 2 contacts in there!!! Jeeeeesh! ;)

DD - Good morning and thanks for the YUM tea!! Feel better!!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Good morning O girlies ;)

Happy Birthday ELLA!! :) WOOT 4 .... ;)

Ok ... so ladies ... I know you have all been waiting for the spotlights to return .. I have some info for y'all here .... https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showpost.php?p=127456&postcount=34!! :) The wait is not quite over yet .. but there is now an end in sight or a beginning so to speak :)

Today, I'm hoping above all hope that no more fevers spike in my household. OMG yesterday was a LONG LONG LONG day. Mya and Keisha have been sick, Olivia has been sick, Lacey is sick, Danielle is just starting .... Peter and I are also starting!! Good Lord ... it's a sickie house!! LOL!! Mya and Keisha have had the worst of it though with extreme fevers ... the both hovered between 103-106 yesterday, with Mya spiking at one point to 107. UGH!! Scary stuff ... but they both seem to be holding their own today!! So thank God for small miracles!! :)

We are busy here getting ready for dance competition season, Lacey's exams just finished yesterday, soccer practices, work etc!! :) But I'm here loving each of you!! :)

Have a terrific Tuesday all!!


Well-Known Member
Wow Krista - how scary!!!! Your poor sick girlies! And now you and Peter! Get well soon girl!!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Thanks Tali .... ;) And girl ... the boys have speech therapy is a good thing sweetie ... I know it's tough ... but it's a positive step!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

It's snowing here! This will be a quick one. Schools are closed, but I'm at work. :( Hope you all have a great Tuesday.

Happy BDAY, Ella!!

Love to you all!!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning all!! I am staying home from work today since I just feel like poo!!! It is snowing here this morning here too but there are no school delays. It is hard to tell how the rest of the roads are because in my neighborhood they are always colder and therefore worse than the main roads. The bus was only a couple of minutes late. This morning I actually drove the next door neighbor girls and E to the bus stop 1 block away so they didn't have to wait for the bus in the cold. PLus some of the kids at the bus stop are a bit mean and I don't trust them with snow balls.

So, I am off to bed to get some rest. I think I will watch Fringe for a little bit and then sleep away.

Chris - yay on the health insurance. Having had a period of time where I had no insurance I can understand that stress. I'm glad it was figured out.

Sandra - I'll be praying for your dad's surgery today. Try and get some rest today so that you are ready for tomorrow.

Everyone else...Hi!! Have a wonderful day!!


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon O's. The sun is out again before our big snow expected tonight. The girls went to their Oma's this morning for some fun play time and I took advantage and went to the grocery store all alone...it was BLISS :). I am going to try and catch a nap so I can make it through work tonight.

I just have to share this, Kalin asked me today if we could go to the park and play outside. I told her no honey we can't go to the park until the snow is all gone. So, next thing I know she is blowing as hard as she can nose mouth everything. I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was blowing away the snow...oh if only!!!!!!!!!!

Chris~ I have a nice little volleyball belly :). I'll get a picture soon, I need a 6mo LO anyway, I've tried to do them at 3,6 &9months with all my pregnancies. So happy to hear about the health ins....I can't even imagine what would happen without insulin...well I can but DKA isn't fun!!!\

Tali~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Ella!!!! Sorry to hear about the boys and speech. One of my now adult friends is a twin and he and his brother didn't speak until they were older because they had "twin talk". Sending some prayers to the big man for you.

Krista~ UGGG no fun with those fevers!!! Poor family, I hope you all feel better soon.

Waving HI to everyone else, I am off to try and catch my nap while I can!!!


Well-Known Member
It seems I get here later each day! It's Tuesday in my world. I have to work a basketball game tonight so after school I'll run into town and pick up flowers from one of the wholesalers for my floriculture class tomorrow. A mom of a former student works at the wholesaler and she boxes up the things that are too old for them to sell to retailers then I use them with my class. Cheap! Love that! It will make for some rushing around and a long day for me today, but we'll get to play in class for a couple of days! That is always fun!
Not much else here
Chris - I have so done that with my contacts! The third book is called Eclipse.
Tali - hope the boys turn out ok. Glad you are getting them seen now instead of waiting any longer
ME - wish we didn't have school today :0
Sandra - hope you have a mellow day today!
Clara - feel better!
Krista - WOW - hope all the temps start going down at your house and everyone gets to feeling better soon!
Have a great day everyone!


...loves her some "O"
Hey kids!! I'm exhausted...I spent the morning at my church...led worship for a pastor's conference. It was sooo wonderful...but i'm am tired, tired, tired!!! I'm taking a BIG breather this afternoon so I can go back to our banquet tonight. Thanks for all your healthy thoughts and prayers...they are working!!

Tali, I just wanted to say, darling, that I totally know how you feel!!! when they told me Lillian needed therapy (starting at 3 months), i was okay with it, given her birth story...but later, when they said she was officially diagnosed with cerebral palsy, I almost died!! We had such a good neonatologist who explained to me that even though she did have some gross motor skills issues, her mental abilities were age appropriate, so the diagnosis was really so the insurance would pay for the therapy she needed. It really helped me put it all in perspective. Yes, she needed therapy...for her good!!

And just to add a bit more, my son had a terrible lisp and when he was 5ish, we went ahead and took him to a speech therapist, who is now my sister-in-law! We look fondly at those times of her being his therapist!! heehee

and it's soo much fun to say things like...after therapy...and ...when I take you to therapy!! and so forth...aren't I a hoot?????

just know I've been there, doll!!! :)

I'm waving to everyone else...love you all!!stay healthy and warm!!


Well-Known Member
Chris, I <3 <3 <3 rayman rabbids!! We have all three and they are the most fun ever, especially when my cousins come over!! we love dancing to celebration and smoke on the water haha!! I also love the movie theater telephone game :D. The 3rd one is fun too, but you kinda have to play it a little to get into it :D love 'em!


Well-Known Member
Quickie drop in, our power has been off and on all day. We live at the edge of woods with tall pines on 3 sides...well, we have one on our back porch now, barely missed our roof...and one at the end of the house that hit our elec pole. It only broke the anchor though so for now it's ok. Problem is the trees up and down the wire from the road back to the house. It sounds like gunfire here, trees breaking and falling all day and night, isn't that a scary sound?! I'm so scared one will fall on our cars or house.

Stay safe and warm everyone! Hugs :)


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!! Just a quick hello. I've been lurking alot. I really am swamped and overwhelmed right now, but some major things are due in the next week and a half, so I'll be better after that.

Dawn - We had that kind of storm here some years back and it was crazy. Call a tree guy and get on the waiting list asap. =)

Well - I'm off to get some projects done. Talk to you all later!