
Daily Ooo's Tuesday Jan 20


The Loopy-O
Oh I am feeling so ...hopeful and happy today.
I know that many of us do not see eye to eye on politics, so I won;t get into all that much of it.
But today is Inauguration Day, and I am so hopeful that this is a new start for our country. Regardless of how you feel about the 43rd administration, the country is not in its healthiest, most positive state.
I am truly hopeful that with this Inauguration, hope and pride and service to our country will be renewed and restored.
Most of you know I have been a huge Obama supporter and I am not going to hide that, but even more so, I am a huge supporter of the United States. And I am so hopeful that we can make this country greater then ever.

*steps of soapbox waving American flag*

And that's all she is gonna say about that (for now LOL)

How was everyone's weekends? I have decided that a 3 day weekend should be mandatory. I really need that third day off, don't you?

Yesterday, I cleaned up the house a bit more, then we played a few more rounds of Raving Rabbids. Totally cracking up! After we pooped ourselves out from that, we watched afew more Fringe episodes, to prep for tonight's new season opener!
Who else here is a Fringe fan? My fam adores Walter :lol:
And good news! I might be getting my new tires today! Yay!!! That is just so exciting. Next job is to get the paperwork filled out so that we can buy out the darn thing.

Joslyn, I hope that this week is much calmer for you!

Lori, my son had a bottom and top pallate (Sp?) expander in a couple of years ago, and he felt really "odd" for a few days too. His hardest thing was eating- all of the food kept getting caught in it. Hope your ds gets through the beginniing stages of this easily.

ME- are you getting excited? WIsh I lived near ya, I would come join you on the couch to watch!

Linda P! LOL No I doubt we'd come home with homeless people :D Maybe I'll try to find the list of things that the shelter needs, pick some of it up (bleach, towels, food etc) and we can drop it off one day this week.

Feel better Tali!!

Clara, Gentle hugs to Ethan. And thank goodness you were so on top of the break. Hope the appt goes well. And I looove what you wrote about the country-- sometimes it is so hard to see all of the good, but you nailed it!
Oh- I rate two ears up (get it, rabbits, ears LOL) for Raving Rabbids... as long as you don't mind lots of bathroom humor.

Mikkel- got your newsletter this morning-- looks great! And Good luck!!

Hey Kelly! See, my dh is on the other side of the spectrum where he doesn't get that money in our house is limited- thus we cannot spend on anything much other than groceries. ... :p

Hi Kat! *throws snowball at you to join in the fun*

Hi Sara!!

And that is it for now.... gotta get the car warming!

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
good morning! I went out shopping last night and bought a new outfit and pair of boots... it was so nice to get out by myself... I was thinking my Rascal Flatts concert was this weekend, but it's actually next weekend....

Will got up in the middle of the night throwing up, so he's home from school today... he's still sleeping which is good for him... he only threw up once so I hope he doesn't have the stomach bug as bad as he had it last time... Gabe's going to keep all the kids while I take Piper to her checkup... I have to register her for school next month so we turned her yearly checkup into a kindergarten checkup so it'll take a little longer this morning... Other than that, there's not much going on around here... I'm all dressed and such to go out, but it's cold and snowy so I can't wait to come home and put on my comfy lounge clothes and just hang out!

Chris - I really wish I could be as enthusiastic about Obama as you... I unfortunately can't agree with the direction he has proposed to take our country throughout the course of his campaign... I can only hope and pray that it turns out alright in the end...

Hope everyone has a great day!

Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Well as an aussie I can't really comment on US politics so I won't except to say that history has been made with the election of Barack Obama no matter which way you look at it. The entire world is in difficult times no matter where we live and let's hope the leaders of our countries do right by it's people and therefore right by the world.

As we're still on school holidays till the 2nd of Feb here downunder we are pretty much in holiday mode. Today I took my girls Grace and Stephanie to see the Twilight movie and absolutely loved it. I couldn't get the books at xmas time as everyone had sold out but I am hoping to pick them up asap so us girls can read them all and of course wait for #2 to come out.

At the moment it's actually 12:10am Wednesday morning and I am trying to scrap a LO for BellaScraps MagazineTM and it's coming along well. Just need to add the finishing touches and voila. Yes this is my time to be creative after having some leave from all things creative due to some pretty heavy and serious family issues so while I'm able I am.

It's hot here and we are in the midst of summer......yukkkkk and I so dislike 40+ degree (celcius) days and hideous hot nights where you can't sleep due to the heat and everything just feels wet.....lol! ;)

Oh and Chris on that mandatory 3 day weekend...I'm in girl I'm in!!! :) :)


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Total excitement in the air here in the DC area although I wish I was downtown on the mall with everyone else. The front page of the paper today (Washington Post) is a keeper for sure! We went out for breakfast this am, and at the diner, everyone was watching on the tv. Some friends are down there so I cannot wait to see their pictures. I am glued to the tv here.

Waving hi to everyone!


...loves her some "O"
Morning, everyone!!!

Well, as a good American should, I woke up and got my kids up out of bed and plopped them in front of the TV...yep, Fox News for me. I have to say that I'm having a hard time watching without crying!! And I did not vote for Obama, but the magnitude of this is incredible!! (I think my kids think I'm a looney!! but they've seen me cry at commercials all the time, so it's only par for the course!!!) I am loving seeing all the of the pomp and circumstance and to hear all of the history. It's also really fun since Cora was just in DC in an empty mall!!! she can't get over how many people are there!!!

btw, I'm sooo glad I'm warm in my 65 degree weather here in Houston and not in that 18 degree weather in DC!!! yikes!!

Here's the line I love the most...other countries have never seen such a peaceful exchange of power as we are seeing right now. Even with how different the views are between parties, it has been the best exchange of power in our history. (per fox and nbc news) There have been no coups, no assassinations, nothing violent about this takeover...a very gracious pass of power! I'm so proud of our country.

okay...on to our day...well, we'll be here in front of the tv for a while. I still have to do our lesson plans for the week, so the longer we watch tv, the longer I haev to get it together!! heehee...

ChrisC, sooooo glad you are having fun with Rayman Rabbids....it's one of our faves, too!! we love dancing to Celebration!! :) have a wonderful hopeful day, darling!!!!

Sandra, hope Will feels better when he wakes up!! and your little Piper is growing up!! kindergarten...whew!!! have a great day, hun!

ChrisT, ohhhhhh I still have to do my BellaScraps LOs for February!! You are ahead of me!! Sounds like you had a great day today!!!! and enjoy your vacation!!!!

Okay, one last word of today's happenings...you guys know that I am a Christian and believe very strongly that God is the one who puts the leaders in their positions of leadership. I also believe very strongly in prayer! So I ask that you please join me in praying for grace and mercy on our 44th president. He's going to need those prayers...running this country is a very large responsibility! I can't imagine the pressure he must feel, along with elation! Just keep him, his wife, his girlies, and this nation in your hearts and prayers!! thanks!!!

Hugs to all of you! love you all!!


...loves her some "O"
ohhh Mary Ellen, I was hoping you were snuggled up in your warm house!!! everyone looks excited and COLD in DC!! heehee!!! hugs, hun!!


Well-Known Member
I know today will go down in history, but my heart is heavy. My husband is a manager and will be laying off two great people tomorrow. So the celebration is not in me right now. I will be praying for these two families.

My son is doing better, nothing like mashed potatoes and pudding for dinner. But he went to school today (even though I told him he could stay home if he wanted). I was proud of his maturity in saying that he wanted to go.

Have a great day everyone!

Thanks faerywings - I am with you on the 3 day weekend!

sandracvrt sorry to hear about Will being sick, hope it passes quickly

Wow Chris until Feb 2nd? I would need some sanity pills

Hi mei, I bet it is crazy there.

Cellomom, as a fellow Christian I too believe we are called to pray for our leaders.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Chris - It's Inauguration Day! I attended the 2nd inauguration of George W. Bush four years ago today. Now, I'm not huge into politics, but it was the opportunity of a lifetime to be there and participate in a historic event. We are watching the inaugural events in all of my classes today. No matter who you voted for, or on which side of the "aisle" your chair resides. Barak Obama will be my president today and I will support him just as I have those who have come before him. It's a hard enough job without the support of the people you represent!

Ok, I'm done.....

Other than that, I'm reading book three in the Twilight series and loving it! I think there should be more than four books!

Sandra - I LOVE Rascal Flatts, they are my absolute favorite band. I'll be there with you in spirit!

ChrisT - wish we were still on holiday here! We actually just got a new student from down under. She's not impressed with being in school when she's used to being on break!

ME - enjoy the day in DC. Looks like the weather is at least decent. I remember in 05 the city got about 6 inches of snow the day before and it was cold standing in it for hours!

Sally - I'm praying with you!

LoriK - glad to hear your son is feeling better
To everyone else - have a wonderful day!


Active Member
i have also been watching avidly on teh TV here in the UK, a monumental event, that I will always remember :)


always chatty at the O!!
Well, I am a bit later than usual today. I had to take Ethan in to see the orthopedics doctor. They are only going to have him in a cast for 4 weeks. He said that 6yo kids heal erally quick. They'll take x-rays and see how it is healing up in 2 weeks. We went to the store on t he way to school and got him some markers so that kids could sign his cast and I gave them directly to the teacher when we got there. I am very sad that he is not supposed to participate in Taekwondo for a couple of weeks. We might have to figure out something he can do. He's supposed to test in February for his first belt. We'll see how it goes I guess.

So, today is an exciting day. The first day of a new president. I did not vote for this president and if we were in the same room I'm sure we wold have some major discussions on how he thinks he is going to run this country. BUT...being prior military and being married to a soldier I have it ingrained into my head that the president is in fact the Commander in Chief. Period! So, even though he was not my first choice, he was chosen by the majority of the country so I respect our governmental process and am ready to support our new president. I will also be praying for our new leaders that they have wisdom to lead this country the best that they can. I wish I could have stayed home to watch the inauguration but it was not possible. The state workers were allowed to miss work and get paid for it today. A little crazy...but like Obama says, it is time for change. **chanting** "USA USA USA..."

So, another little thing...my sister is a social worker for DSHS (dept. of social and health svcs) and a year or two ago she was given a horrible case about a boy that was starved almost to death byhis parents. It was a high profile case and had a lot of media attention. It was a sad story that ended up with a good outcome. But now there is a lawyer that is representing this kid and is trying to file a lawsuit against the state because the ball got dropped by a previous social worker prior to my sister getting the case. Anyway, this lawyer had a big thing on TV last night thrashing the state for the mistakes that were made and making it seem like the whole department is bad when just one person and their leadership was negligent. It just sucks.

So...that was a bit random. Sorry. So, what's going on with all of you...

Chris - I will stand right next to you waving my own flag!! We sound like we are on opposite sides of the fence but we have the same goals for our country. Yay!! That game does look so funny. I'm married to an Army guy...you really think bathroom humor effects us?? No way!! It looks great. I wish it were Easter already.

Sandra - poor Will. Lots of ginger ale and crackers sent your way.

ChrisT - your weather definately doesn't sound any better than ours. I hate muggy weather. Yuck.

ME - enjoy your day off getting to watch the amazing event.

Sally - We will all be praying for our country and its leaders together. That is great that you are able to share this event with your kids. Mine are still too young to really get it. I could try with Ethan but he likes to ask really weird random questions that have nothing to do with what we are talking about. It happens a lot when we read the bible together too.

Lori - that is horrible that you have to know the stress and pain of the layoffs that are going on around the country. Hopefully things start to improve soon. Your boy sounds great. That is awesome that he decided on his own to go to school.

LindaP - enjoy book 3. I really liked that one the best. I would have been okay if it had ended there.

Anna - that is so great that people in the UK understand how big of a deal this is in our history.

Have a fantastic day everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! It's been a few days for me since I checked in. I think y'all know I'm trying to get off of caffeine cause my neurologist thinks it's contributing to my migraines? Well, Saturday marked my 3rd day with none, I had a bit of a headache all day but Sunday morning at 1:30 I woke up with a full blown migraine and if that doc had been around I'd have killed him . I ended up taking 2 Excedrin Migraine(good old caffeine tabs LOL), which helped and went back to sleep.

So much for cold turkey! I'm down to 1 pepsi a day, I'm also making pitchers of tea at home with 1bag regular and 2 bags decaf. I apparently have a bad caffeine addiction.

Chris-I would loooove a 3 day weekend especially if one day was Monday, I hate Mondays. I'm glad to hear that maybe your car issue is working out!

Sandra-your concert sounds fun! I hope Will gets to feeling better soon. Aren't you sick of this awful cold weather?

ChrisT-Hi there, don't think we've 'met' :) yet! Isn't Twilight awesome, I loved the books and the movie.

Mary Ellen-I'm glad you stayed in to watch on tv and didn't stand outside and freeze!

Sally-oooh 65 degrees, I'd give my eyeteeth LOL, my hands get soooo cold in here on my computer, my room is the coldest in the house I think.

LoriK-Sorry to hear about your tough time, I can't imagine how hard that would be for your DH, I could never be a boss :(. I'm glad your little man is feeling better.

Hi LindaP! Hi Annalouise!

Clara-I'm sure Ethan will heal quickly, I'll pray for him.

To everyone who drops in, hi there, hope you are having a great week so far! Hugs all around :).