
Daily Ooo's Tuesday, December 22


The Loopy-O
Happy Tuesday! Guess who is running late again?


I have a boat load of stuff to do, no energy and/or motivation. But-- I am in a good moood!!! Woo hooooo!!!

(mark that on your calendars- its a good day in history!)

I promise promise to come back for personals, but I have to cross things off of my To-Do list that it longer than I am tall! (ahem... make that short)

Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy I did not want to get up this morning!!!!!

I could have slept on for another couple of hours.....

We are headed out with the kids today to see some of the Christmas stuff....and SANTA........ I am hoping to clean this evening...and then the next couple of days just do some cooking!!

Okay...C-man is all over me!! I need to get off here...he wants me to PLAY!!! at 7 am!!!!!!!!!! child wants to play 24 hrs a day!!!!!!!!!
aaaaghhhhh! I spoke too soon!

Gary just re-sprained his ankle, and the dog has diarrhea!

(guess that is better than the other way around....maybe?....)
good morning, everyone! I am not at work today since Piper got the stomach bug Matthew had over the weekend... we were up until 12:30 this morning... she's finally stopped being sick and no more bathroom issues at this point so luckily it only lasts about 24 hours... so hopefully no one else gets it or Christmas might not be so much fun LOL...

I'm still finishing up last minute shopping... we definitely waited too long to do it, but money has been tight... I have to finish my mom's and get something for Gabe... that about covers it! We did most of it online and the rest should be here today... my biggest nightmare of course was the Zhu Zhu pet, but I did manage to get one which is what Piper really wanted... accessories will have to be a birthday thing...

Okay... well I have stuff I want to do to today, so I guess I better hop to it!

Chris - sorry about Gary's ankle... make a mixture of hot water, vinegar and 2 aspirin... soak a brown paper bag in the mixture after the aspirin dissolves and wrap his ankle with it... it really helps!

have a great day everyone!

today we are taking the girls to chuck e cheese.

it will be their's and dh's first time EVER.

this should be fun!
Hi everybody! Quinn is here and we are having so much fun! The girls are so happy to see their big brother, especially Atha. She just idolizes him. I always feel so bad for her when he has to go back to school.

Also, check this out. We were leaving home to go drop off the car at Walmart to get it serviced, this is my Toyota I'm giving him to take back to Kansas, and my neighbors told me they would do it for parts only. How awesome is that? So he's out there learning a little something about his new car. Thank God for great neighbors, right?

Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say hey!

Chris, got the package, and the shea butter is great! It is a little hard in the package, but melts beautifully into Gen's skin, and smells delicious!

Okay, I'm going out there to see what's up..

Happy holidays, if I don't get back before Christmas!

Hi O's I've been a baking fool today! Sugar cookies, fudge, bread pudding...yummy! Its been nice because Chase has been playing well on his own rather than needing to be attched to the hip. We are going to a caroling party tonight Gunar used to go every year as a child and I think my girls will love it. I hope its not too cold to be out.

Well I must go and figure out something to feed the family other than the sugar filled goodness I've been making today ;).
hey my sweet O fam!! Sorry I'm so late getting in here today...we have had a whirlwind day. Emma and I went shopping this morning. I still have nothing for mr gorgeous, emma and quentin...well, i have a little something for quentin, but that's it...my other two girlies are soooooo easy to buy for!! :) anyway, tomorrow, I'll be shopping like crazy again! But I'll have cora with me, so it'll be a bit easier, probably!

We also had to do the whole deep cleaning thing in our 3600 sq ft house! OMGosh!!!! Because mr Gorgeous has been traveling, we've been lax at scrubbing! so today was hard!! I cleaned out one whole kitchen cabinet, though and cleaned out our medicine box - lots of expired meds that we wouldnt ever take. So I have a couple of shelves to put stuff on! yay! and a BIG box of giveaway dish stuff. Feels sooo good!!

I also posted my fun freebie today. Don't forget to go on over and get your quilty freebie! (shameless pimping, i know!!!)

I have to finish a digi book for my bff, a 12x12 paper scrapbook for my mil, and maybe a mini quilt for my mom. I haven't decided yet!! heehee!!!

and tomorrow we are going to one of my dear friends' mil's assisted living homes to sing to them (or with them??). Just our family...the 6 of us. I'm soooo excited about this. When Cora started with Honor Society this year, I realized how much I would have loved to do service projects with my fam, so we decided (I decided...hehheh!) that we as a family needed to do a service project every month. That seems to me to be what is missing in this country nowadays!! People caring about other people!! It's kinda hard when we get into our busy schedules and just barely hanging on ourselves, but I'm really praying that this is God's way of showing others His love and caring. So to start with, we've been doing kinda easy stuff...Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, and then this month we are singing for our dear friend and her home. Next month we are going to explore this web site where you can invest $25 to help a person in a third world country to start a new business. I have it in my favorites...I'll share when we get to that!! I also love the Samaritan's Purse web site where you can buy a sheep for someone in a needy area in honor of someone else!! :) We may do that in Feb, since I LOVE SHEEP!!! LOL!!! Aren't i goofy????

anyway, I better go and finish my kitchen scrubbiing!! Changing the laundry and folding too!! yikes!! We are being so good this christmas!! Please pray that I get my shopping done!!!!!! LOL!!

LOVE you guys!!
Hello!! So, I have been a bit remiss lately. Kinda my own fault. I should have taken care of my sinuses over a month ago when I saw the doctor but I didn't like the antibiotics he gave me and I didn't take them. That is horrible, I know this. So, I got really sick and straight out crashed yesterday. I thought I had the flu. Sunday night it hit me like a ton of bricks. I went to go and visit a friend of mine who had a ruptured ovarian cyst (the 10th one this year poor girl - not good for a recovering drug addict who is actually doing pretty good considering. she said as long as they don't give her vicodan she does okay.) I was on my way home when my head started hurting and I stopped to get some food and wasn't really feeling it. So I headed home but didn't drink my drink and didn't eat my food. I got home and felt like I had a fever but when I took my temp had nothing but kept getting chills then sweats like I had a fever. then I couldn't fall asleep. I didn't even want to get on t he computer but looked at some stuff online for a minute. then dh got home and i texted him to come up stairs and help me get warm because i had the chills, so he got me some blankets from the dryer and got me warm and i slept crappy on and off througout the night. The next day I woke up and was not feeling like going to work. So, I called in and got an appt at my office for first thing in the morning and did a lot of sleeping. i slept in the waiting room, in the exam room. saw my nurse practitioner who said i has a horrible sinus infection and got me some antibiotics that i would take and then doubled them. then i slept on the way home, then when derek went into the drug store, then when i got home for 5 hours, woke up and took a shower, called ethan home from the neighbors and made him dry my hair, then went back to bed. i tried to explain to him that i was training him to be a good husband and dad but he didn';t really care. my hair only got mostly dried, which was better than not dried at all. he was still pretty nice about it and tried pretty hard. although then i sent him back to the neighbors with smoothie stuff and told him to please ask her to make me some and they could have the rest and he just gave it to her and left out the please please make me some part, leaving me at home starving. she is awesome and totally would have made me some. very sad. So, I slept all day yesterday and then all night last night. Hopefully I will be all better by Christmas. My head feels a bit better but now my throat hurts.

This week my husband is on a total sham schedule at work. He is working from about 2-5:30 m-w every week. How lame is that? I can't believe how pitiful that schedule is. I am totally jealous. I wish I could have a schedule like that, but that would mean I was in the military and that just wouldn't work for me.

So...66 days until cruising. Whoohoo!! I just got something in my inbox today saying that my flights changed again on my return flight, which really irritates me but what can I do?? I'll figure that part out later. It went from 1 connection to 2 connections. Not thrilled about that. But who cares. I'm cruising. Whoohoo!!