
Daily Ooo's Tuesday April 21


The Loopy-O
April 21? Wow..... just too fast ladies....
But guess what? I slept good again last night! Wow! Again I woke up, several times, kept telling myself that I will fall back asleep quickly, and I did. I guess I didn't give my brain a chance to whack out! Gary is sleeping a bit better too- the last 2 nights he got in about 4-5 hours. Whew!

Have you ladies had a chance to checkout our Guest Designer Spotlight?
Our FIRST Guest Designer SL!!! Laurie Ann from Heaven's Gate Designs! 4/20-4/26
What a great challenge! And I was able to scrap a page for it.... ahhh feels so good to scrap again!

Not much going on here today- food shopping, working at home. I have to vote for the school budget. Its like I am going to push the Yes button to pass it, but I know it going to make my taxes go up. But they are going up whether the budget passes or not, and the kids' need education improvements. The state of NJ just isn't helping enough and the schools seem to be the first to suffer.

Sally- OT in a way- but out of curiosity, if you homeschool, do you get exemption for paying school taxes? I know it varies by state- like in NJ school taxes are built into state and local taxes. And in other states, it is a separate tax..... just curious...

Good morning Joslyn! When is your class all finished? Hope for your sake it is soon. We want to see that sweet boy!

Sandra- we are having the rainy April here too but I think it is going to stick around all week :( You are a cleaning machine girl!!

Dawn, I hope everyhting works out- my goodness, what a jerk that lady was. Is there nay way you canhave your doctor vouch for you?I know it sounds childish, but maybe having medical documentation in your file can help. If it is any consolation, Gary went through this before he went out on disability and he worked for his dad. In some ways that was even harder on him. Unless you are living with that pain, you have no idea how it feels. Yeah, just pretend?
And what do they gain by suspending you? That only means you are out of the office even *more*!!! Gah!
Sorry- I am just so upset for you!!

krisitn- oh lucky you getting to play in the dirt all weekend LOL Great find onthe wisteria! It always amazes me how expensive forsythia is to buy-- it gorws like crazy- all you need is a friend who can grab some of the baby shoots and you have your own plant for free.
I used to buy a lot of perrenials when I had money to spend LOL Now I am all about the barter system with friends and family. And a lot of thinning and moving around, works out perfect! And free!

Linda P! I have a plant question for you-- I hope you see this. I think my rhodadendhron is dying. I have this gorgeous rhod. It "came with the house. About 8 years ago, Gary decided he didn't like it and cut it off at the base :cry: It came back and is now at its original height- about 4-5 feet. It was fine all winter, and early spring, but now all of the leaves are turning brown, curling up and falling. I am getting the buds- lots of them- but the rest of the plant is slowly going brown. We have had lots of rain, so it isn't that.
Any ideas??

Its Playscape Day!!!! woo hoo!!! Hope it doesn't raintoday Kelly- but even if it does, you should take Nico out anyway. ;) Whats a little rain and mud? He's washable!

Alicia! Great news on designing!!!! Bad news on the snow!!!!

Tali- Hugs to you and the kids- hope everyone is feeling lots better now. *fingers crossed* for a smooth sailing week. Roller derby sounds like fun! To watch that is-- not toplay! Unless I knew how to skate and was about 18 with flexible bones LOL

Clara - so osrry to hear about your sis. Some people are codependant and she sounds like she has it bad. I hope that you two get back on track.

Sally- How awful for your family with cancer :( I hope that she is able to get the care that she needs. My friend has two nephews with Duschene's and she has put on several benefits and has been very successful. I hope that her's is too. Have fun playing and singing! You will lift everyone's spirits!

Hugs Sara!!!

Hope you had a good night Lia! See ya!!

Tip On Tuesday:
For Earth Day tomorrow here is a link on how to save gas:

Poke around- lots of good green living advice :)


Well-Known Member
Good morning! It is a lovely day here!!! It's a cool start but it is bright and sunny! A great day to be off work LOL.

Chris-My doctor wrote up a note for my file but apparently it didn't do any good, this was my PCP who of course works in our office. I guess my next step is to get my neuro to write one. But it's clear it won't matter. They aren't very caring apparently.

I am sooooo happy you and Gary got some sleep again!!!!

To all who stop in Happy Tuesday and have a great day!

I will check back in later :).


Well-Known Member
good morning! I'm waiting for Gabe to get out of the shower so I can grab one... I really HATED having to get up early on my birthday... I've got to work on the house some... I said small does, and I didn't do as much yesterday as I could have... I was lazy... I did get the family room cleaned up some and the couch cover washed, I just have to put the cover back on... today I'll work some more on straightening up in the family room and vacuuming... then later I'll work on the kitchen... I'm not going to work too hard on my birthday LOL

Later Gabe is taking me out for dinner and a movie... we'll go The Movie Tavern where your dinner is served while watching the movie... we're going to see State of Play with Ben Affleck and Russell Crowe... my friends next door are watching the kids :)

Chris - I just have so much to do... I admit I hate house-cleaning and don't pick up enough every day... but I have to get the family cleaned before Thursday night... I borrowed my mom's steam cleaner to do at least the family room, but will probably do the playroom and the edge of the dining room (Matthew poured out chocolate syrup) too... LOL

hi Dawn...

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
well ladies I'm soooo sore it isn't even funny today! Between my weekend of gardening and the 7 miles I walked last night...I think every muscle in my body is screaming at me!! LOL I have a super busy day today so not gonna be around much....I didn't get much free time last night either but I did get a page done for Laurie Ann's Challenge! :):) Catch everyone later!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies....anyone up for some Coffee....made a pot especially for us all!

It's been awhile since I coud hit the Ooo's! Life has been so crazy in my corner of the world :)

Hi Chris!!!!!! *waves*

Dawn - sorry to hear that they are giving you trouble ((hugs)). I am so fed up with doctors offices right now.

Sandra- Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Enjoy your time out tonight!

Kristen - Ohhh I love to garden. Were you weeding out or adding anything new? 7 Miles WOW..that's fabulous!

Today my day is going to another doctor...(Yeah)....to have my little evaluated for surgery and I have to say even with recommendations from both his doctors etc. It is just so hard how do you know if you are picking the right doctor? Kwim? *sigh*

Have a fabulous one ladies!

Tip For Tuesday!: If you live near a Dunkin Donuts...today is Iced coffee day and the are selling their mediums $.50 a cup :)


Well-Known Member
Mornin' ladies! :)

Kat - I so wish I lived near a Dunkin' Donuts! I am craving donuts right now. And cheap iced coffees ... Man! Road trip anyone? :)

Dawn - I can't tell you how disgusted I am with your employer. It makes me sick. I had a lot of troubler with my boss when I was working, with migraines. He just didn't get it. I was actually doing some reading last night about migraines (for myself) and am a little tempted to try one of the clinical trials. They have a lot of need for women that aren't having any more children - don't have the ability to get pregnant. Anyway, big hugs. How did you find out about your meningioma (I'm sure I didn't spell that right). My doc has been trying to get me to get a CT scan or MRI but I have been balking as our insurance kinda sucks.

Ok. Chris. :) More good sleep at your house? Amazing and YAY!!!!!! Good luck voting and shopping. :)

Sandra - Happy Birthday! Your night sounds like a blast!

Kat - What does he need surgery for, if you don't mind my asking? I'm getting nervous about Ella's ears. She had tubes for 2 1/2 years, had them taken out, and has had 2 ear infections since getting them out 5 months ago. I'm worried she's going to need them to be put back in. Hugs and keep us updated! Good luck today!

Kristen - Rest up busy lady!


...loves her some "O"
morning, everyone!! I'm sooo totally procrastinating...we have the maids coming around 2pm and there are two rooms that have totally thrown up because of spring cleaning. So i need to get on the ball and sort, sort, sort! ugh! :)

anyway, i want to wish everyone a happy, gorgeous day! I wish you were all here in this beautiful 68 degree weather. We have been sleeping with our windows open because of the cool breezes...and our bedroom is in the back of the house (first floor) and opens out onto the pool which has this gorgeous waterfall...so all night we hear running water...it's wonderful "white noise" to sleep by. well, until the garbage trucks came early this morning...heehee!!! but our garbage is gone, right???? LOL!!!

happy birthday sandra!! hugs! enjoy your night out!!

chris, yes, we still pay our school taxes which are in our property taxes. I can't tell you how many times I've told Mr Gorgeous in the last few weeks that we need to elect someone who can stop the financial bleeding in this house!! LOL!!! ie...stop the money that is not going to my children...or if I could have some of that money to pay for MY books, that would totally be fine. I could whine for HOURS about this issue, but I won't bore y'all...we choose to homeschool knowing all of the ramifications, so we pay with good spirits...:)

Dawn, I am also appalled at your boss..ugh!!! listen, you just enjoy the rest of the week, darling! this is your time to rest and relax!! :) hugs, doll!!

Kristin, you go and run to the massage therapist!! :) you deserve it, hun!! 7 miles...wow! you're my hero!

Kat, hugs, hugs and more hugs to you and your pookie!! keep us posted, darling!! :) (btw, thanks for the pounce the other day!!) gald to see you in the dailies!! :)

Tali, if I could send you a Dunkin' Donut, I sooo totally would...(hmmmm...wonder if they have that on facebook! heehee!) have a wonderful day, dear!! :)

hugs and LOVE to everyone else that comes by! ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi Tali

No don't mind at all...am so freaked out I never thought to put it down *LOL* He has humongous Adenoids that is affecting his sleeping so they have to come out.

Today the surgeon is seeing us and going to eval him to see if he also needs tonsils out? Seems that they don't just take everything out at once anymore. I am just so nervous...my baby having surgery ya know?

Oh no...poor Ella! Ear infections are the worst. I hope they don't have to put the tubes back! (((hugs)))

Thanks bunches!! I will stop back after the we see the doc and let you know how we made out!


Well-Known Member
Oh girl, I don't blame you at all. surgery is scary business, and when it is your kid it is even scarier. And, I think that this age is harder, too - they are old enough to know something is going on but maybe don't quite understand what it really is. Do keep us updated. I'm thinking lots of good thoughts. :)


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies!

Today is a good day. The sun is shining and although it caught me off guard with it's brightness and my sinus headaches I got some new medicine this morning that seems to be helping somewhat. She did suggest that they may in fact be migraines rather than sinus headaches and that we should look into that once I get my allergy testing done. Totally different treatment. She also told me not to take any ibuprofen. Hmmmm...not sure how that will work but we'll see. Of course they didn't have any samples of Singulair in the dosage I would need so they gave me chewables. Yuck, but if it helps...

Today I would love to put a blanket out in the grass and lay in the sunshine and take a nap. If only. That would be so nice though. It is supposed to get up to 75 or something like that. I am so excited. Of course tomorrow it will probably rain. We had a mini summer last year so it would be nice to actually have summer this year. Springtime is so gorgeous here. The sky is so blue and everything is so green. I love it. We have gone to the park a lot. I even braved taking 6 kids to the park. i came across some Mormon missionaries along the way who started talking to me. I always talk to them but it was kinda funny because they wanted to stop and talk. I looked at them and said...if you want to talk, fine but I have 6 kids trying to get to the park so you'd better walk and talk. So they did. They wanted me to tour their church, which I didn't want to do having been in several of their churches before. They are the same as most other churches...a santuary, a gym and classrooms. A church is just a building...sometimes a very cool building, as I saw in Europe, but nonetheless...you know. They are always so sweet though and I love to hear about where they are from. But playing at the park was fun. we played Simon...I mean Clara...says. Addie was too cute. She can play the game as well as anyone else as long as she isn't Simon. She doesn't get that part as well because she doesn't ever say "Simon Says." It was fun though. I love having a decent park in walking distance from our house. If only they would put a cross walk in we'd be set.

So what's going on with all of you...

Chris - yay for another night of sleep. I am going to really have to look into that book. I was telling my dh about it last night and he seemed interested. Isn't it unfortunate about the schools? they are doing all the budget cuts and layoffs and still need more money and upgrades. It is so frustrating.

Dawn - your situation is just infuriating. You would think that since you are seen there they would understand. I think you should start wearing sunglasses to work and just not talk to anybody when a migraine hits. How ridiculous of them. You should go into x-ray. We work in dimly lit areas most of the time. I hope you get something figured out. Enjoy your days off though. I hope you get to have gorgeous days off while your supervisor has to look at the sunshine through a window. i would not complain if I were to be sent home today. It is gorgeous out.

Kristin - i don't know how you get everything done that you get done. Did you find a way to make your days longer??

Kat - Poor little boy. Surgery is scray and you definately have a right to be scraed about it. Just find a doctor that you trust and go with that. It seems weird that they wouldn't just automatically take the tonsils out too. They are right there. I had the opposite and they took my adenoids with my tonsils. I was 17 when I had it done and it sucked but they bounce back real quick when they are little. He'll be okay. You'll be okay.

Tali - Dunkin Donuts is the coolest. I haven't seen one around here in so long. I did see one in the craziest place though...the train station in Rome or was it Florence. And yet I have no idea where a local one is. Crazy.

Sally - I would love to have the sounds of a waterfall to sleep to. How cool. And yes...if I had to choose between early morning garbage trucks and the smell of old garbage...totally the trucks.

Everyone else...Have a fantastic day. If you have no sunshine I'll send you some. :)


always chatty at the O!!
Ooooh, so I have to share this with you...I work in a clinic with 3 providers...A doctor, a nurse practitioner and a Physicians assistant. I have zero issues with the nurse practitioner or the doctor. They are both just fine but the PA seems to have a bit of a God complex which is so frustrating. I got a little note today from her because I put that a patient had pain radiating doen their leg from their back. The patient told me this and so I passed it on to the radiologists. Part of my job is to make sure the radiologists have as much information as possible, along with making sure I am taking the correct x-rays. If you only knew how often doctors order their x-rays incorrectly...wrong sides, not enough views, etc. So part of my job is to evaluate what was ordered compared to what is needed. Most providers understand that they are not the all knowing of specialties and accept commentation as necessary. But this PA thinks (or at least acts like) she knows everything and how dare I question her. So I wrote her a note telling her it was my job and to call my boss about it if she would like. We'll see what happens. Grrrr!!


Well-Known Member
I'm back to vent. Sorry.

I have Keratoconus - an eye disease where the cornea thins and cones. I was diagnosed in February. It is so confusing. They have no way of knowing how bad it will get in each person - I might need a cornea transplant, or I may stay at this stage forever.

Anyway, I was just at the doc in February. The main problem with KC is that because the cornea changes shape, your contacts don't fit well, your vision gets a lot worse, night driving is hard, you get headaches, dizziness, etc.

My doc got me new contacts in February and they worked great until last week. now, my left eye (the one with KC) is blurry. Really blurry. My contacts don't fit right - don't stay in well, and is hard to put in that eye. I have been having more headaches. I hate to call my doc and go back in just in case I'm crazy, plus my eye insurance only covers 2 appointments each year.

Ugh. I don't know if I should deal with it or go in. I don't want to be a pest. I hate this.


always chatty at the O!!
Tali - I don't think wanting to be able to see makes you a pest. Not even a little bit. I'm sorry your insurance plan doesn't cover well. Have you checked to see if treatment for this can be considered medical?

Okay...my turn to vent AGAIN!!!!! So that stupid lady called my boss and even though he agrees with me I have to just deal with her being stupid. I am so frustrated with the whole thing right now that I feel like a little kid and want to throw myself on the floor throwing a fit. I just don't understand why people like this become medical professionals. her bedside manner is atrocious and she treats her assistants like garbage. I don't get it. All medical professionals should be at least somewhat caring and want the best for the patient. I don't understand why arrogance and ego should get in the way of this. I am just so mad about it. Now I have the drive back to work to get this out of my system. I came home to get my purse and meet a friend for lunch. I


Well-Known Member
Ok, so someone needs to kick me for not being around the forum for a few days...but I do have a good excuse for the weekend. We went to Great Wolf Lodge!!!!! It was so awesome!! We went last Aug, but it was so much more fun this time because the kids are a little bigger and since they had been there before it was a little familiar.

I had crazy mojo last night and did 3 LOs including one for the designer spotlight and I'm REALLY proud how it turned out!! Go check out the gallery if you haven't yet...lots of amazing scraplifts going on!

It's almost time to leave work so I better get off here, maybe I'll get a chance to get back on tonight and give some personal lovin' ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow such a long day - 5 hours at the doctors....I am soooooo tired! Well he has humongous tonsils and adenoids...so they both have to come out. He also has fluid on both ears so they will be draining them as well if at time of surgery it's still there. They had no other openings....except....on his BIRTHDAY! I know can you believe it. I was like...come on... So for his birthday this year my son is having surgery. :( I feel terrible about it.

Clara...Wow...I don't see what you did that is so wrong? Our radiologists always ask every patient that goes through what their symptoms are and why they are there versus what the doctor writes. (((hugs))) I am so confused...as to how additional info was questioning anything? I mean did she write for an arm and it was a leg??? Silly - total power play! I would actual go in and talk to your boss about it. Just say...it's a contradiction...are you not supposed to do this at all? Or just because this one has an issue with it?

Tali - You are not a pest....and it's best to go and get it checked out in case there is something else going on. (((hugs))) Maybe something new came out since you have been last.


Well-Known Member
Happy Tuesday evening my favorite peeps!!!

Today was a pretty good day :). I'm trying to ignore that I'm ending it with a migraine, . I caved in and took 2 Excedrin and am drinking a full strength Pepsi hehehe.

I got up and scrapped a little, then went back to bed! It was awesome to sleep in :). Then Amanda made us lunch and we watched Nights in Rodanthe which she got me for my b-day, we had seen it before but still cried :), such a wonderful movie (hate to say it but I like the movie in this case better than the book, probably cause I love Richard Gere and Diane Lane).

Then, DH found out that he can take off tomorrow so we can leave for our trip a day earlier! We have decided to go to the Smoky Mtns again which is about 6 hrs from us, on our bike, weather is supposed to be fairly nice. Just hope my head/neck cooperates, but even so I will have fun and drink plenty of beer .

On the work front after I got over the initial shock yesterday and was still in evil boss lady's office I said "well, this is actually pretty cool, maybe John and I can leave for our trip earlier". She actually looked pissed off that I wasn't crying or mad. I'm still ticked off but handling it ok. God has it all mapped out and all I can do is what I can do and pray bunches :).

I'll do personals in next post!!


Well-Known Member
Me again, Margaret! Yup, back sooo soon LOL. Ok, I'm a little giddy even with headache from H E double hockey sticks but that's just how I am ;), drives people nuts!

Kat-just think how good this will be for the little guy...he will have less sore throats/strep and he won't have to have his tonsils out as an adult which really stinks! AND get him some yummy ice cream cake for his b-day!!! yummy!!! Seriously, though, I hope the little guy feels better and you make it through without being too much of a bundle of nerves :). Been there, done that, well, not on their b-days but.....!

Jen-so glad to see you back! Can't wait to see some pics from your weekend away! Happy you all had a good time :).

Clara-(((hugs))) You know how it is there always has to be a bad apple that tries to spoil a great workplace. You know you didn't do anything wrong, your boss knows you didn't do anything wrong, that's the main thing, the evil PA even knows you didn't, she's just on a power trip! It'll probably come back to bite her in the butt one day, and if/when it does she will most likely try to pin it on someone else. Argh, people like that just drive me nuts! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with her. She'll get hers one day though. She must be a very unhappy person, I'll pray for her :). Regarding your headaches, I have actually been wondering if they might be at least partly migrainous, some of mine start out with the runny nose, watery eye thing but I found out from my neuro that that can precede some migraines. Still, though I use my nasal spray which helps a bit. I'll be praying hard for you, sweetie :).

Tali-man, you are a pest if I ever saw one! You silly woman :). That's just like a big-hearted person to worry about being a pest when something isn't working. I'm sure your eye doc would be happy to help you and not at all think you're a pest. I do understand what you mean though, I always feel a little like that about my headaches when the things they try don't work. You get those pretty peepers corrected and keep us updated!

Sally-your bedroom sounds like Heaven! I could soooo sleep with the water noise :), well I'd have to get rid of the garbage trucks we don't have those here! I hear you on the Spring cleaning and taxes I could do without both of those LOL.

Sandra-Happy B-day again!

Kristin-hope you get some rest now and again! You're wearing me out! LOL

I'll try to pop in tomorrow morning before we leave, got to get up and pack our saddle bags but don't think we are leaving until 10 or 11. Should be back here Sat afternoon hopefully. Man, I'm gonna miss everybody!!!
Thank you everyone for being here, love you guys!


Well-Known Member
Sara-Hey there!! Just saw you underneath those papers ;).

Chris-I hope you and YMG get another good night's sleep!

Alicia-I think I missed you earlier, Hi!