
Daily Ooo's Thursday September 24


The Loopy-O
Yay-- I am back!! My evil twin (you know that awful crabby, cranky one) is gone!!!:D
Now if I only knew how yo make her stay away. Chocolate only seems to make her disappear temporarily.

I got a lot done yesterday and I know that helps me feel better mentally. Too much done actually. I was supposed to go to Caitlyn's Back to School night and I couldn't. I cleaned for my client (who I just remembered, never paid me. Sometimes if she doesn't have cash, she'll drop it off at night, but she didn't, hmmm...), then when I got home, I decided to clean out my car. It is all vacuumed and shiny and smells good (no tomatoes Linda W!). Then I decided to keep on going- I did some yard work, started to clean up sticks and acorns.... I got in the shower at 4 and then could barely move. Cait was ok with my not going but she blackmailed me with a choc. bar. (smart girl)

Linda S-- oooooh, how was your massage??? I could seriously use one of those too- Hope it was just heavenly!

Dawn-- you have a gorgeous smile- no clown make-up please! Clowns are creepy! Hope you had a great day too.

ME- serenity! yes! I used to use that as one of my affirmations. "I am calm and serene." Uuuhhhh, it doesn't always work, its more like "I am crazy and kooky" :p Yup, that one works.
My hair- OMG-- I don't even know! Its been in a pony tail since I got it done!!

Linda W- Seriously- how awful are those dust storm pics. Thanks for your good thoughts about me and stress....
IKWYM- I don't like to hold other people's newborns. Freaks me out even tho I had 2 of my own LOL

Sally- You have 4 kids- you are supposed to yell :lol:
Loved your Ricardo Montoblan quotes- Smiles, its rich Corinthian leather ...

Andrea-- wowza!!!! Love the new avi and hairdo!! hawt mama!!!!!!!
(keep an eye on that heartburn... I am not letting you get sick, ya hear???!!)

Uh oh Ona- if I had to leave the task of dusting to my dh, it wouldn't get done. Hope YMG is better than mine with cleaning LOL
Have a fab trip!!!!

Dawn- enema!!! got things passing on the mind still?? :lol:

Dianne- yay! You made it on over to the Daily Ooo's! We are a bit of a wacky bunch, as you can see, but this thread will always make you smile. (and don't drink while reading b/c you never know what's going to be said)
*shudders* I am have serious 13 yo drama with my DS and I don't know how I am going to make it either. Good luck- and if you ever need to vent, this is a great place to do it.

Oh and the serenity now is from Seinfeld? I had no clue---(obviously LOL) I couldn't ever get into that show. Everyone else would be cracking up, and I would sit there, like huh? What is so funny about that. :)

To everyone else who pops in, hey there!!!! *waving hi and blowing kisses*

Temptation on Thursday:
to go get a massage so I can be a rag doll like Linda! sounds so nice


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. Quick drive-by this morning from me.

Glad to hear that you are feeling upbeat today Chris. And, still this morning, (doing my best James Brown impression)
"I feel good, like I knew that I would...So good, so good..."

I'm off to get in the shower. Have a wonderful day all! See you tonight!


The Loopy-O
... again.... I got poop on the brain- all I can think of is the Senekot commercial ROTF!

OK , I guess that is my signal to get off the computer and go scoop the litter boxes

(faery potty humor day #2)


Well-Known Member
Hey Chickies! My Tivo is about to explode - I loaded it up with new shows this week - don't kno if I am ever going to watch it all!

Do any of you tweet? I am starting to use my Twitter more and was looking for more scrapping buddies to follow. I'm mei74 (lol) over there too.

Hi Chris and Linda and everyone else who stops in today.

Have a rockin Thursday!


Well-Known Member
Okay....Chris is right...don't drink while you read the dailies...you will be cleaning your screen everytime!!! I am laughing so hard at you Chris....tomatos....potty humor....LMAO!!!!!

Okay...my yardsale is officially cancelled this weekend...rain is a good possiblility for tom and definate for Sat....so I am pushing it up a week!!

Today...I am off to take MIL to the eye DR....and get my car inspected....I know that most of you don't have this...but in VA you have to get your car inspected for safety (lights, brakes, muffler, horn, windows etc...) once a year...and pay $15 to get it done, although, I get mine for free where I used to work at the dealership...perk of buying a car there!!

Ok...I think I need start a book "The adventures of Parenting in the life of my Daughter"....another funny story....Yesterday she was coming to meet me at Walmart, so we could run over to the mall together, and she got in a hurry with Savannah, she started spitting up, she was cleaning her up and didn't get outside to the bus in time, and they didn't let Cameran off the bus. SHE FREAKED OUT!!!!!! She called the school...I will spare you the whole 30 minutes of trauma...but they called the driver on the radio and she met Sharon and she got him picked up...he was fine...a little scared, but fine!!! I told her....heheheehehee as a good Nana would....he deserves a REALLY good prize for this blunder!!!! ~~winking~~ So we ended up in the Disney store, and he got the $25 Buzz Army tank he had been wanting to go with his Army men!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

Gosh...I love my kids!!!! and my grandkids!!!!!!

Okay....I will get back for personals a little later today...I have to get ready to go get MIL....plus...Chic-Fil-A has a biscuit and sweet tea waiting for me!!!! and later....Starbucks has a Pumpkin spice latte waiting for me!! Woot!!! and expensive day out for me!!!!!

((((HUGS))))) to you all!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh my, I must remember the "No Drinking" policy while being here. lol I'm bad about drinking my morning coffee while catching up on things!

I am stopping by quickly as well. It's barely 8 a.m., everyone is off at school now and my little one is still asleep. Even though I am terribly tempted to crawl back into my warm, snuggly bed and go back to sleep (my night owl habits this week are finally catching up to me!), I have a project calling my name from my mudroom....(that's where my scrap room is BTW lol). I started the cover to may art journal for Sally's Gratitude Challenge and now that ideas for it are working their way around in my head, I can't do much of anything else until I get it out onto paper. Does that make any sense or should I drink more coffee before trying to post in the morning? lol

Anyway, I'll check in later. I'm hoping that today goes well for my over-worked DH and that he can get home early tonight, because we have our first church couples who-ha at a nice restaurant tonight and I'd really like to go!


Well-Known Member
good morning! I'm home for the 3rd day... Matthew has been running a fever since Tuesday... anywhere from 100.7 to 102.4 - it looks like just a virus and they said the fever should only last about 3 days... the strep test was negative yesterday, and the culture is negative this morning although they will read it again at 48 hours... so I'm just hanging out at home...

hope everyone is doing well... sorry I've been absentee so much lately... i just don't seem to have time for anything!

Have a great day!

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
hello!!! atraight to personals today.

starting with chris. u are always keeping urself busy. u put my lazy butt to shame thats for sure. i am happy u are in good spirits.

hello lindaS!! have a great day.

hi mei!!! i am not a tweeter. i have thought of joing just to tweet cute stuff my kids do to my blog.

lindaw-mmm pumpkin spice laytte. one of the best parts of fall. i already had one last week. now i want another.

dianne- thanks for the remonder about the gratitude prompts. i have been a lazy scrapper lately.

sandra- heres hope stuff clears up soon. being sick is yucky.

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
my turn:

well i am gonna clean this house like mad. it is so disorganized. once again i fell offf the babyfly bandwagon. help i need someone to hold me accountable. HELP!!!

Mr Potts better go to work today I am tired of looking at him. Does anyone know how long it takes to recover from a hernia. He did not need surgery they pushed it back in. I swear he is milking this thing for all its worth. Its been since last Friday. Right now he is getting comfy on the couch but I am gonna make him throw some trash and I want him to get the kids from school b4 he goes to work. Seriously I have babies and I am ready to go for a walk and take a shower as soon as my baby is taken away for bath and all that. Of course the nurses never let me.:p


...loves her some "O"
i just love this thread!!! :) but alas, i'm going to have to be quick...i have a history lecture to do...i did hear cora in the shower about 10 mins ago, so i may be okay for a sec...LOL!!!

just hanging at the home today...I have youth and government carpool tonight, but otherwise, just gonna scrap and journal and have a BLAST today!!

ohh and Nana Linda, you made me want to drop everything and go to Chick-Fil-A...I may do that tonight cause in houston, from 5-6pm you can get a free sandwich with no purchase necessary!! woot!!!

i'll be back for personals, i promise!! I'm about 500 away from my posting goal!! I gottta get a move on it! !:)


Well-Known Member
GOod morning!! Its not yet noon so I can still say that ;). Took little man for his 4 month check up and our pedi proclaimed him a happy chunk. 17lbs10oz and just as happy as can be. All three kids got shots today Chase his regular vacs and the girls got flu shots, because of all the goobers I am exposed to in the ED I try to cover the kids with vacs. As a reward for shots I took them to Starbucks for some hot coco :).

We have picked TONS of tomatoes in the last two days and I need to get to canning. We had a very late harvest this year and I hope we can get more before it frosts. Then I am going to reward myself with some scrap time. I have some major catching up to do!!!

Hugs O's. I am off to get the two girls down for naps!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Ugh!! Stupid computer. It keeps going back for some reason. It did it to me yesterday and now today. Grrr!! Well, I just wanted to stop by and say hi and share good news about my neighbor. She got custody of her grandkids. That is good news and sad news. All my neighbor really wants is her daughter to be healthy and happy but her daughter doesn't want to be healthy so until that time this will have to be good enough I guess. I am really happy for them though. I am so thankful to know that the system really can work to keep children safe. I know it can...my sister is s ocial worker but I've always known in theory and now I have actually seen it happen. This is only temporary and the hearing for a permanent placement will be in two weeks so my neighbor still has a lot of work to do but it is looking good. So, I just wanted to share that with you guys. Thanks all of you for saying how nice it is for me to help them. I only hope that if one day I am struggling I have people to help me. I never think about it being nice I just tend to see a need and step in. It seems natural to me and it is always so frustrating when other people don't and it is hard for me to realize that it isn't natural for everybody.

Anyway, I'll be back later.


Well-Known Member
Hello my sweet girly-Os! Sorry I've been AWOL today...ooooh the irony of it all....myself and most of work has gotten hit with a tummy bug!!!!! LMBO!!!!! Mine hit today 20 min after lunch....I started feeling nauseous while in with a patient....3 of us were sent home today. ugh.