
Daily Ooo's: Thursday September 15


The Loopy-O
Oooh I am feeling a bit of Brain Mush today. before i type anything else, I need a refill of coffee. As long as I am up, does anyone need a cup? :tea:

Ahhhhhhh. That is so much better. Do I live for coffee or is it coffee to live? Don't know, don't care!

I am amazed that September is already have over. OTOH, I like October better than Sept cuz I love Halloween. OTOtherH, I do not want to give up the warm weather. We we at 85* yesterday. When I was working in the yard, I had sweat rolling down my nose. LOL Today, we are going to drop to 60's. brr!

off to work at MIL's today. Her friend from FL is coming over, so I'll get to meet her finally. She and this woman have been friends since MMG and her DS we little kids. They grew up together before they moved to FL. I have heard about them for a long time, so it will be a treat to meet her.

Any fun plans for you today?

I am very tempted to sit at my desk and drink coffee and make the kids walk to the bus stop this am.

For those who don't know, my bus stop is 1/4 mile away and we have bears in the neighborhood that like to roam around at 6:45 am... which is the time they have to be on the bus. Between that and the fact that I like to know that they are physically ON the bus, it makes it easier for me to take them.

But still-- I'd rather be home, drinking coffee ha!!


lOve the O!
tempted to crawl back in bed- except I was in bed and asleep at 9:30- never even had the tv on last night, and did not wake up till 5am- wow. So finishing up my daily routines and thursday day off routines then headed to - dentist- bleck- doctor- your weight is up and what is going on with your foot? Errands- take scrap metal for cash- never done this so we shall see, new wiper blades, maybe Christopher & Banks and Bath & Body, Chipotle for lunch (never done this either) Hair appt- just a trim, Kohls (30% off- a girl has to shop), Hobby Lobby- some aroma therapy candles for the kitchen- back home- put my feet up and SCRAP! Now you know why I am tempted to go back to bed.

Maureen- MMG means my mr gorgeous!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
This time of year is CA-RAZY around here. We've got to get birthday party planning as I've got one on the 1st and one on the 4th, though that party will be on the 8th and one on the 14th...I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Speaking of exhausted, sorry for being MIA this week. I can't seem to get my life on a regular track and so I am sticking my head in the sand instead...I need to sit down and write up all that I need to do and then start DOING it.

Laurie - your day sounds insane. I would not trade it. at all.

Chris, take your camera and go to the bus, bear pictures - cool! :D

and now I'm off to finish lunch and start picking things up so I can well, DO something productive...?! WML!


Katherine B

Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone! I am up early on day ONE of SIX days off in a row from work (not a vacation . . . just got lucky). It is sooOOoo needed and I'm sooOOoo looking forward to it. My plan is to get all of my around the house work done right away and then . . . PLAY the rest of the time. Now, if I can just break away from the forums and get started . . . ;D ;D


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chris the coffee hit the spot.....up at 4am today, and not quite awake. This week has been exhausting because I've been given additional duties at work. I come home too tired to do anything but be a couch potato.

Amber - Ha ha to the camera comment.
Laurie - sounds like you have a full day planned and some me time.
Chris - I agree with Amber take your camera, gotta get a shot of those bears.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the coffee, Chris! today looks like a day to pull down the shades and work indoors. raining. high of 50-something. yuk. here we go. the quick descent into crappy weather. i can't stand it!!! :smow:

gonna move the furniture back where it belongs in one of the rooms i (finally) finished painting, pay some bills, do some laundry. (i love to thrown in some laundry. it makes me feel like i'm actually ACCOMPLISHING something....) i'm going to try to get some housecleaning done. not looking forward to THAT, but, hey. it's time.

have a great day. hope the sun is shining where you are!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies.....

Well...it's been very very crazy to say the least around here!!! Today is a bit more settled....due mostly to we all slept very well last night and there are no cranky pants around today :lalala:

The good news around here is that Traci is really working so hard!!! She is completely understanding "why" I did what I did and she WANTS to change and make a good life for her and her babies!!! She has been in crisis counseling for two weeks now and it has helped her so much!!! She and I talk everyday now and they are very good and productive talks!!!

Besides this....I need to get planning for my 2nd annual halloween party for my grandkids!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Last year was such a success I can't wait to do it again....given my situation this year...it may be a little more difficult....but I will get it done!!! I am thinking I will dress up myself this year!!! Can't decide between "Wicked Witch of the West" or "Glenda the Good Witch" :decision: HEHEHE!!!!!

:tea: Cheers to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOTS OF LOVE TO EVERYONE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Give me strength! (cf last night's post) the two workman installing a shade on a bathroom skylight are here and have been quibbling and complaining since 8am. Yes, that is two hours. I'm leaving them now to go use one of my 50% off Michaels coupons. I'm sure I need something!

Why I am still bitching? because my studio is next to the bathroom.

I hope all your days are happy albeit cooler. Maureen


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Ladies!! Thanks for the coffee Chris, I really needed a second cup this morning! I hate that it is now dark outside when we get up to go to work yuk!! My feet hurt, my knees hurt and my back hurt (I know, stop complaining!!:drama:) But I can't take standing for 8hrs a day anymore. I've told them I am not doing this next week, so we will see what the schedule looks like, if its the same as this week, then I am going to really :boom:.

Chris - Where I grew up there were lots of bears and still are that come into town, its about 25miles from where I now live and there are no bears here. Don't know why? We have a problem with Cougars on the Island (I don't mean the 2 legged ones either) LOL. They are becoming quite brave and taking little dogs and even ponies, lots of people have been attacked and one little 2 yr old was even attacked while his parents were right there with him. (He is ok thank goodness).

Laurie - you are one busy lady today, good luck with your Dr. appt!!

Maureen - Hope the arguing stops today!! How many guys does it take to install a light???

Phylis - don't hurt your back moving furniture today! Glad that you are finally finished painting Hooray!!

Nana Linda - So happy for you that your daughter is doing well with counselling !! You must be so much happier!! Wishing you all good things today!!

Well gotta go to work, hopefully I won't have to start screaming at anyone about my hrs!! Have a great Thursday!!

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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Sorry if I missed you Frani, Catherine and Amber... Its only that I was doing this so quickly to get out the door. Hope you have a wonderful day too!!


...loves her some "O"
Hugs to everyone today!!

I got my apron melee done late late last night and I'm hitting the ground running today!! Cora's Worldview Star Wars watching marathon is today and I get to watch the second two episodes with them!! But I've got to get some embroidery work together so I'm not sitting with idle hands!! :)

Hugs to everyone!! Sounds like everyone is doing great!! It's soooo wonderful to have everyone posting in the Os!! It's wonderful to be back!! (Thanks for not kicking me off the island, my darling dearest friends!!)

btw, if you want to win a custom apron made by my non-idle hands, check out my blog today!!

love you all!!


Well-Known Member
...and INSTEAD, what did i do?? no furniture-moving. no laundry or housecleaning.

i made a page. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
good morning....
so whats up with me

got my new glasses yesterday....my eyes are still adjusting to the change...lol always hate the transition week from the old pair to the new pair....

ummm well the kids flooded the toilet yeterday...into my basement...we were not able to get it unclogged....so yeah dh is gonna work on that tonight! thank good ness we have 2 other bathrooms LOL

today is my cleaning day....so far i went through my storage bowls and got rid of a lot of lids...am i the only one who find i have more lids than bowls??? LOL i bought some new ones today...cause some i trash...cause either they had holes or i left food in them too long and i was afraid to open them LOL...got my dishes done...bills paid....

i found some chai tea that i can make at home that i actually LIKE!!!! weeeeee i have tried many but nothing every tasted right....this is real close to what starbucks chai tea tastes like its really good its called pacific chai


lOve the O!
Doctors done and she did not give me grief over my weight gain. Now waiting for foot xray. Most likely arthritis flareup.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I made it in here but I could smell Chris's coffee..
Thanks Chris!!

How nice to see a bunch of new faces. Welcome to the O'family everyone!!


Well-Known Member
It's 6.20 pm here in the UK, so a bit late for a good morning cuppa! Just back from work so I'm catching up on what's going on with you girls today before I take myself off to curl up on the sofa and feel sorry for myself - raspy voice which sounds very husky and a bit sexy but is the result of a throat that feels like I'm swallowing broken glass! :( hurts!!! Hopefully dear husband will pamper and spoil me when he gets home... and maybe I'll get to choose what we watch on TV... only fair I think given the circumstances!! :)



Well-Known Member
Only fair Fiona, only fair. That sexy chick voice if fun for about an hour...then the novelty wears off pretty fast! Hot tea with lemon and honey and perhaps a shot of the stuff scotland is famous for..and I don't mean haggis!

The house it quiet now, my bathroom retractable skylight shade/blind is installed, natch just as the weather cools down, the living room ceiling is painted (a 12x12 room) and I think I'm gonna read and enjoy the peace. 2 men, 2 jobs - 5 hours. I won't make a sexist remark, but I'll think one. kwim?


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon!!! I'm soooo tired! and I have a stye on my eye and it hurts! :(

Chris - Dinner with "The Graces" was lovely! Two of the three used to folk dance together when I was VERY young and the restaurant was a favorite of their fold dance group so it was fun to listen to their stories about that... I fell out of my chair... oh so humiliating... I leaned over to put the wine list on another table (none of them drink) and the chair fell straight out from underneath me... Now my bottom is sore, too... LOL... But better me than them!

My property manager just called to cancel the yearly inspection (they are postponing it to some other day, they just don't know which yet) so I feel like I have more time to get things done that I want to... yay! Plus I'll be able to get in some much needed design time! I can't believe September is halfway over already!!!


Well-Known Member
It is actually Friday morning here in NZ 8.00am to be precise. So I don't know how I will fit in being so many hours ahead of everyone else but I will give it a go. I have four of my five kids home from school, so it is going to be an interesting day. A personal mission is to find a case with a light for my newly purchased Kindle and I have some work to do on my family tree. The rest of the day we go with the flow and play it by ear.


always chatty at the O!!
Hopping in real quick while Addie us finishing dance class. My momma is here visiting. Yay!! We're trying to figure out what to do this weekend. Alright...less time than I thought. I'll try checking in tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Ofamily, I miss you <3

I don't get the chance to get on my computer, like, ever so I thought since I was on here I would stop by and say hello.

There is so much going on if I posted it all you guys would be reading one of those ridiculous drama novels.

Just know that I have not forgotten you all and I miss you all so much!!