
Daily Ooo's: Thursday September 1


The Loopy-O
Well ladies, here we go. The last few days of summer vacation. *sighs* Why does it always go so fast? The weather here has been absolutely beautiful, but we are still waiting to hear if the lake will be open. *fingers crossed that it is*
I know in the grand scheme of things it is not a big deal but man, i was so bored yesterday. I spent most of my afternoon cleaning up branches and acorns in the yard. Not really fun like weeding and planting and all that- but necessary.

But the awesome news it that the O is going to be hopping this month! Designers and Collab kits and challenges- Oh my!!!

Any lurkers out there, be sure to say hi so we can identify you when you get swept up in the madness :whoo:

Temptation on Thursday
If the lake isn't open, I have half a mind to go crash it! By the time they call the police to arrest me, I can maybe get in a good half hour of sun and sand. :pound:


lOve the O!
Sigh- I remember longingly the days of summer vacation- when I got the whole summer off- from the time I started school until 9 years ago- sigh- now it is but a memory. My temptation today is to just scrap, however the reality is house cleaning, laundry, bill pay, paperwork, lawn mowing, grocery shopping ( I am out of oatmeal and it is messing with my breakfast), dance practice, treadmill, talk with my bestie who lives hours away and breathe- just breathe! Gotta love a day off from my paying job.


The Loopy-O
personals from yesterday:

Twizzle/Chris -- I hear ya- I am seeing Christmas decorations and all in the stores already. Now, that's just crazy!

Hugs to you nana- hope that each day is a better day! :kiss:

Sally's back! That is my hope too- that once the kids get back in school, I'll have more of a routine down and get more accomplished than I have been. Its been so good to see ya scrapping again.

Hi meg!!!

Clara- I am doing the happy dance that you are out of that house too. Hope that you and the Addie Paddie feel better! I never heard of this Mushroom place, it is just a local/NC type deal?

Hugs to everyone!


The Loopy-O
Happy breathing Laurie!!!
And seriously, how crazy that when we were kids, it seemed like summer lasted forever. Now- ya blink, and the whole dang YEAR is gone!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning ladies!!!!!

Well I just dropped Savannah and Sharon at the airport...they will be in Fla for a week!!

I was getting my hair done today, but due to some other circumstances that is not possible now....but it's okay....I can just reschedule!!!

Loving all the new challenges this month!!!! FANSTASTIC!!!! Hope everyone checks them out!!!!

I have a ton of work to do today so I will be closing up this laptop when I am finished here and get to it!!!!!

I hope you all have a fabulous day!!!!

:hug: :kiss:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Ladies... Had fun scrapping and chatting with the girls last night! It was good to have company while I scrapped!! Off to work and running late again. But have to say hi to my "O" family! Will try to do personals later today, I have a hair appt. at 4oclock and then home to make supper, so it might not happen. But know that I love ya all and hope everyone has a wonderful day!! :wave:


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!!

I'm feeling better-ish but poor Addie is not so much. So right now she is laying on the couch watching Strawberry Shortcake. It makes me want to eat some strawberry shortcake. LOL!! She is feeling better but is all sweet all snuggled on the couch. She never lays for this long. It is melancholy I guess. I need to go snuggle.

Chris - The Mellow Mushroom is new here in Fayetteville but it is all over the place apparently. They have a stupid beer club where you get this card to keep track of the beers you've tried and when you try all 80 beers they offer you get 15% off all future beers. It is only stupid because I can see Derek doing it in record time. Blah!! Check it out:http://mellowmushroom.com/ I was looking up the locations and they are all over the country but pretty random which states they are in. I say go for it on the lake. Plus if you get arrested and spend a day in jail you don't have to figure out dinner. That reminds me of a Goofy cartoon where he can't get any rest or relaxation and ends up in the end going to jail when he finally gets some rest. It was kinda funny.

Laurie - I hope you get everything done. I know what you mean about throwing your breakfast off. I hope you got oatmeal. :) Enjoy your day off.

Linda - I'm sure you'll get your hair done soon enough. I hope your day today goes smoothly whatever you have planned.

Trudy - It was so much fun to see you last night. Have fun getting your hair done.


...loves her some "O"
in the middle of grammar with my wild child. She's reading her lesson...so fun! :)

Anyway, I'll make this quick as I'm supposed to be asking her questions here in a minute...

Loved scrapping last night! can't wait until next week to partake again! so fun!!! I actually scrapped three of last month's challenges. Now on to this month! yike!!! :)

oops...my turn to do grammar! love you all!!


Well-Known Member
Afternoon ladies! I had a blast last night! It was so fun to chat with you all and get some scrapping time in, too!

Iain's surgery starts in 15 minutes so I won't be on much longer. Just wanted to stop in!
Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Praying for you guys Terra!!!!

Another quick drop by for me, for now that is. Lots to get done today in very little time... Jeff made arrangements for us to have pizza with some friends without running it by me first. Oh well, it'll be fun :)

I hope everyone has a great day today!!!


Well-Known Member
The surgery was a success... But she's really been through the ringer. They said she did really well but that pain management would be an issue. But overall good news!