
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, November 7


The Loopy-O
Happy Thursday!
Yes, I am late getting this thread started. I didn't actually get to sleep late today, but at least I didn't have to get right out of bed. I want to try to cut back on the of the sleep meds that I take so I only took a half of one pill instead of a whole pill, and it didn't work out so well. I think I slept pretty good until about 1am, then it was tossing and turning until 4 am, then it was straight up awake. I listened to a podcast about the Kennedy Assassination for a while, which was interesting.

BTW-- if anyone is up before me-- please feel free to start this thread. It doesn't "belong" to me, but to all of us. :)

Yesterday was another one of those days....smh....Did a lot but seems like nothing really got done. Then Scott's car is leaking oil. Thankfully we noticed it beofre he drove down to his GF's because he would have never made it. Gary drove him down since I was already in the middle of cooking dinner which was one of those long-prep ones he wouldn't be able to do. But it was good b/c he got to see Scott's gf's mom who has been wanting him to check out some of her husband's tools and wood (he passed away a few years ago).

So today it is off to bring Scott's car to the shop and hope it is nothing major. Then bring Cait to her boyfriend who is not her boyfriend. They both like each other, they are inseperable, he has asked her out countless times, but she is freaked out by the words boyfriend-girlfriend. The last two boys she went out with, she is the one that broke up with them and she doesn't want to do that to this one, but she is freaked out by the alternative of never breaking up with him. So they are in this state of limbo. The joys of teenagers!!!!

What good stuff are you up to today?

Ugh, I have to post this before I lose it. Catzilla is all over me.....

GOOd mOrning!
Hilarious teen stories there Chris...and scary too! But funny and scary are kinda melded with teens I am beginning to realize!
Laurie! Staying close to home is on my to do list also!
Today is my Whitley (7 today) birthday! They are already up and giggling in their rooms. Birthdays are a bit huge here! Presents and cupcakes for breakfast. Then the dreaded McDonalds for dinner (I look at it as, I'm not cooking)
We have been battling our internet company, so a new company is coming today to install their equipment and the other is going away! WooT.
Happy day to all ya'll and the pod cast on Kennedy? Chris, I would love a link if possible. I was born 2 days after the assignation and have a weird curiosity to the event.
Morning, girlies!!! I'm trying to wake up a bit earlier each day so I'll have a little bit of time to do some more stuff like posting in the Os!!! yay!! So far, I'm only up about 30 minutes earlier than usual, but each little bit helps! LOL!!!

Today is my super busy day!! I'm hoping to finish an apron for an online tutorial (for Monday) and then I'm off to Weight Watchers around 10am...then back to pick up the kids for their outside classes today. And work for me!! I hope to get some handwork done during work today!! (stitching on the apron by hand! SOooo fun!!!)

Hope everyone has a FABULOUS Thursday!! Anyone off to see THor2 or Enders Game tonight????

Love you all!!! ♥♥♥
Good morning ladies!! Yesterday was insane in the OR plus I had that meeting so no visit from me. :( But today is a chill day so I have plenty of time to visit. It has been an interesting week. Fayetteville puts on a "Heroes Homecoming" each year. We are home to one of the largest units in the Army, the 82nd Airborne Brigade, and so a lot of stuff happens here because we have had so many soldiers and history come out of this post. So, the point of the Heroes Homecoming is really cool. Back in the days of Vietnam and Korea the soldiers came home to a lot of ugliness and if they were lucky just simply no real homecoming at all. These days they could go to Kuwait (a resort of a deployment) and get a huge homecoming. So some people got together and put together this event each year and we are on year 3. I believe last year was focused on Vietnam and this year is Korea. Well, I hired a girl to do some marketing for me and get me set up at events and she set this one up for me and I am sooooo excited to be a part of it. The business opportunity is fantastic but to be a part of something like this is just cool...UNFORTUNATELY...I am going to Seattle Saturday morning so won't be able to truly be a part of it. AND I have to get everything set up while working all week also. So, it is going to be interesting to say the least. There are 3 events we will be a part of over the weekend. Tomorrow evening I will work with my husband and kids for a candlelight vigil at the Airborne Museum and Veterans park where everything is taking place. I'm excited to be able to do that as a family. I keep trying to think of something my family can do for the vets but I've got nothing. I wanted my husband and another friend who is in the Air Force to wear their uniforms and be friendly to the customers, especially those wearing Veterans garb...but it is borderline illegal. I just want to show my thanks to them but using the uniform in anyway to profit a business is against the military rules. I just want to do it to show appreciation but I know my husband isn't all about wearing his uniform outside of work...EVER. Such a brat. I guess on Sunday there is a meet and greet with the stars of MASH. On top of getting ready for that the refrigerator in the stand broke. It's gonna be a giant pain to get a new one...but it'll get figured out.

Soooo....I got a tattoo last night. The guy didn't finish it because it go late so it looks kinda lame at the moment but I can see what it's going to be. There's white on it and by the time he got to the white my arm was so swollen and raw it wouldn't take ink any more so we'll be redoing it and adding to it in a few weeks after I get back from WA. It's a Native American thing representing how the Nez Perce tribe began. It's kinda cool. It'll be cooler when it's done.

I had the meeting with Ethan's teachers and it went really well. I found out that not all the teachers have any issues with Ethan. It sounds like a lot of it is very situational and dependant on who he is sitting by. We found out that an IEP is not really an option for him because his grades aren't affected by his ADHD but that a 504 would be a good option...at least for now. While one teacher was brushing it off...another teacher said it would be good to have in place as a legal back up in case Ethan is unable to advocate for himself. We all agreed that him advocating for himself and his own needs was the best initial step but if that doesn't work having something set up would be good. The VP basically said she would be willing to sign off on whatever we needed. One of my big things is that I think he needs to be able to use his Kindle, but the school doesn't want to be liable. I told them I am more than willing to sign a waiver for that...but he needs an easy thing for him to go to when he has all his work done so that he isn't causing trouble. I also found out that when things get taken care of in the classroom most of the teachers don't want to contact the parents because they don't want them to get in trouble at home also because it was taken care of in the classroom. We need that though because we can't talk to Ethan about it or help come up with alternatives if we don't know what is going on. They seemed understanding of that and hopefully we will see some progress with him making better choices and trying to change situations when he knows they are not good for him. So...overall...it went really well. Fingers crossed and prayers said that it went as well as I think it did.

Chris - oh the teenage drama. We have started the silly girl drama with Addie with the fit throwing and feet stomping that I am sure I perfected as a teenager...but she's 6. What in the world?? That boyfriend/non-boyfriend stuff cracks me up. I remember coming up with some crazy logic and reasons for stuff as a teenager.

Laurie - you enjoy your day in. I hope cleaning doesn't take too long so that you have lots of play time. :)

Anne - the things we do for our kids on their birthday. I love the cupcakes and presents for breakfast. I may just have to do that. Good luck with the internet. I hate dealing with that stuff.

Sally - I think you should open an early morning business. Nothing has made me a morning person like that has. LOL!! Good luck with the busy day. That's awesome about WW. My sister has lost 54 lbs on WW. She took a little break but is back on track and rocking it. I'm sure you'll rock it too.
good late morning - had an early phone call with my sister. She just got back from Argentina so it was good to hear all about her trip. She went to Modesto where they produce the Argentina wine Melbec and she is now in love with this wine! My girlfriends here love it too. Also had to go down and pay my taxes. I started to walk but then the rain started so I ended up having to drive. OH well we need the rain here in NJ. Yesterday was good as my son went out and raked leaves and went to the grocery store for me. I made a super simple sausage noodle with cream sauce that was spicy. My son and DH both went back for seconds.

Chris teenagers are tough. But so worth it to help them through these growing pains!

Clara so glad your your meeting went well with the teachers. While it is good to have your son learn to advocate for himself I found as a parent you still need to be in close contact with the teachers. Those welcome home parties for the soldiers is fantastic. I know when my son arrived back at Camp Lejeune they had welcomes and we always went. So much better than what happened to those coming home from Vietnam and Korea. Thanks for being involved I know it must mean a lot to them.

Anne have fun with cupcakes for breakfast and MacDonalds

Have a great day all!
Morning everyone... blowing and :rain: here again today, but I did manage to get my walk in yesterday before the downpour. I actually had to wear mittens while I walked yesterday, it was chilly!

Chris - I too had another one of those days where you think you are getting lots done, but really not so much!! I did manage to get another calendar page done and really have to get one more done today. I am almost finished and cutting it close before my brother and sister-in-law leave for Australia! So I have not been able to work on any other pages :mmph: Now I am starting to worry about what to get everyone for Christmas!!! :fear:

Laurie - It's a stay home all day for me today too!! Love it!! :amen:

Anne - Hope your birthday celebrations go well, love the idea of cupcakes for breakfast!! McDonalds though not so much :puke:

Sally - A busy but happy day for you today!! I would love to go see Enders Game !! Especially if its at the iMax theatre in 3D!! Hope you get your apron all stitched up!! Enjoy your day!

Clara - Loved your latest Novel!!! :becky: How great that you have time to catch up with us here while at work! The Hero's Homecoming sounds like a wonderful idea!! Especially for those poor souls that spent time in Korea and Vietnam!! Such a shame how they were treated when they came back!! Thanks for being involved, it really is a great thing!! Glad that you meeting at the school went well, its so important that you as a parent are involved with your child's education!! I hope things go well for your son because of it!

Nancy - Pass your recipe along to the rest of us please!! It sounds yummy!! My hubby loves the Melbec wines also!! I am a white wine fan myself. Hope your :rain: doesn't last too long!

Ok off to make some Oatmeal for breakfast this morning, its an Oatmeal kind of day with the wind blowing and the rain hitting the windows. Enjoy your Thursday everyone!! :wave:
Hi again! I am taking a quick break and thought I would pop back in. I am in the process of packing away Halloween decorations, at least all of the ones inside. Outside is going to have to stay a bit longer since it is raining.

Anne-- scary and funny melded together is a PERFECT description of the teen years! The podcast was an interview with Oliver Stone Oliver Stone on 50th Anniversary of JFK Assassination & the Untold History of the United States
Enjoy (ewww!) McDonald's!

Good for you Sally!! Hope you day is fab!

Clara- please hugs some vets for me.Good luck with that fantastic Heroes Homecoming!

Hi Nancy! Hope you have a great day too- hope it isn;t raining by you like it is here.

Good evening ladies! Just a quick check in from me. I worked from home today. The kids were off of school so I decided to stay home with them. I'm amazed at how much more I accomplished than I do at work. :-)

Glad to see all of you doing so well here. Things are pretty good here too. I haven't scrapped in months. :-( But maybe someday! May take a look at the gallery for some inspiration!

And Chris, while others can start the Daily O's...you ARE the Daily O's!
Just got home from work and I have missed the O today :( I've gotten so used to checking in and I can't from work which made me sad today! Now I'm chilling but need to get some work done.....don't wanna! :p